The Relationship between Market Orientation, Innovation and Business Performance of Hotel and Restaurant Businesses in Ho Chi Minh City: The Moderating Role of Business Environment

The study was conducted to examine the relationship between market orientation, innovation, and business performance through the role of regulation of business environment. By the quantitative research method combined with the qualitative research method, structural equation modelling (SEM) is performed with a sample size of 503 observations, the participants are the leaders of the hotel, restaurant in Ho Chi Minh City. The results show that there is a positive relationship between market orientation, innovation, and business performance of hotel – restaurant businesses. The business environment plays a role in regulating market orientation, innovation, and business outcomes. Through the regulatory role, the business environment factor plays a role in increasing the business performance of hotel – restaurant businesses. The results have brought practical significance to hotel – restaurant businesses. Managers needs to focus on market orientation, and innovation to improve business results. In addition, before the fluctuations of the business environment, restaurant – hotel businesses need to take advantage and grasp to adjust the appropriate market orientation and innovation strategies to contribute to improving business results. Finally, some limitations are also mentioned in this study.

Preventive Maintenance with Block Replacement on the Thermo Circulating Dryer machine to Minimize Downtime

This research was conducted in the raw material testing laboratory of PT. ABC is a textile company. This study aims to minimize downtime on the thermo-circulation dryer. This tool serves to dry samples of raw materials or fabrics that are tested in the PT. ABC. The method used is preventive maintenance with block replacement. The results of the calculation of the Thermo Circulation Dryer Inspection Schedule obtained comparative results, namely, In the initial condition the inspection frequency is 1 time per year with a downtime value of 0.391 days. Meanwhile, the result of the proposal is that 1.29 times a year inspection is carried out with an expectation of 0.303 days of downtime or 2.11 hours less. The results of the proposed preventive maintenance schedule for the Circulating Thermo Dryer are 1.29 times per 365 days or the equivalent of 2 times for one year.

The Effect of Nanogold-Nanosilver Injection on Increasing the Immunity of Community Affected by Covid-19

This study aims to determine the best concentration of Nanogold and the effect of Nanogold-Nanosilver injection on increasing the immune system of people affected by Covid-19. The method used is quantitative and quantitative descriptive by observing the progress of giving injections once a month (May – November 2021) regarding the complaints experienced. The best concentration of Nanogold for injection observed on the antioxidant activity and λ maximum stability of Nanogold solution 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 ppm after synthesis and after being stored for 7 days using UV-Vis Spectrophotometry instruments. Produce antioxidant activity 44,21%; 47,88%; 51,37%; 52,32%; 56,16%; 61,57%, with an IC50 of 14 ppm and a λ maximum stability of 5 – 20 ppm is stable; 25 – 30 ppm shifted by 0,50 nm. So, the best concentration of Nanogold was 20 ppm which was then characterized using the TEM instrument, resulting in an average size of 22,67 nm. A mixture of Nanogold-Nanosilver was injected into the respondents and obtained interview data after each injection. Respondents acknowledged that there was a significant difference, as evidenced by the percentage of development of body condition getting better. Thus, Nanogold and Nanosilver materials can increase immunity during the Covid-19 pandemic.

The Bibliometric Analysis on The Worldwide Agricultural Financing Literature: The Mapping and Direction

The financial support plays a role in the most stage of agricultural sector. There are many literatures in this field, unfortunately, none of these maps in order to give the direction for the impactful future studies. This study quantitatively analyses 224 articles on Agricultural Financing literature during ten years period. Our selected papers were gained from the indexed-Scopus database that represented by English-language articles. Using a bibliometric approach, we investigate the field’s performance and evolution of the agricultural financing literature. A significant increase in the number of publications was seen in the last period of our observation. We find the most frequent author is Turvey, CG who comes from the most relevant country. We noted that the leader of author and country are not necessarily the impactful one. However, the Agricultural Finance Review occurs as the most frequent and impactful journal. We offer future research directions on agricultural financing, rice/maize, productivity, sustainability and smallholder farmer. This study gives the information that there is a rarely occurrence of Indonesian as the country’s contributor. Therefore, there is a great opportunity for Indonesian scholars to bring a novel from Indonesia’s agricultural wisdom. We encourage Indonesian Scholars to enhance the quantity and quality publications.

Analysis of Management of Impacted Urethral Stone in Children

Introduction: Urolithiasis is still intriguing due to its mysterious and complex nature, although being known to mankind from before the Christian era.

Objectives: The main objective of the study is to analyse the management of impacted urethral stone in children.

Material and methods: This cross sectional study was conducted in Foundation University Islamabad during 2020 to 2021. The data were collected from 100 patients. The age range was 1 month to 5 years.The definite history of the multitude of patients were accumulated and 24 hour urine test was gathered from every patient and sent for PH, explicit gravity, Creatinine, uric corrosive, calcium, phosphate, oxalate, citrate and magnesium.

Results: The data were collected from 100 patients with the mean age 38 ± 9.01 months. There were 35 male and 65 female patients who were selected this investigation. The primary introducing grievance was amble torment on the influenced side for example in 79.0% patients, trailed by hematuria and consuming micturation.

Conclusions: Urethral stone is an important cause of acute retention of urine in children. Anterior urethra is more frequent site of obstruction.

Assessment of Average Correction of Cobb’s Angle Post Instrumentation in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis in Lenknee Type 1 Curve

Introduction: Preferred instrumentation for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) remains controversial. Surgical correction is classically indicated for progressive curves more than 40° in the skeletally immature patient.

Aims and objectives: The basic aim of the study is to analyse the average correction of Cobb’s angle post instrumentation in adolescent ideopathic scoliosis in lenknee type 1 curve.

Material and methods: This descriptive study was conducted in Services hospital, Lahore during 2020 to 2021. This study was done with the approval of ethical committee of hospital. There are 27 patients that were included in this study. The age range for the selected patients was 14-20 years from which 15 female and 12 male. The total duration of the study was 2 years.

Results: The data was collected from 27 patients.  In three patients with Lenke type 1 curve, the apex of curve was the disc at T8/9 or the vertebral body at T9. The mean coronal Cobb angle of the main thoracic curve was 43.7° and the Cobb angles of the compensatory curves on thoracolumbar or lumbar region were less than 20°. On scoliometer measurement of the rib hump averaged 18.5°. On the lateral bending film the mean Cobb angle of main thoracic curve was corrected to 15.7°.

Conclusion: It is concluded that patients with Lenke 1 increasing the cost density of instrumentation does not translate into improving the Cobb angle of the uninstrumented spine and does not change any of the cosmetic parameters measured on clinical patient photographs.

Value Creation and Value Capture: Analysis of Apple Company

Apple Inc. is a global technology business headquartered in Cupertino, California. It is a leader in consumer devices, software, and internet services. Their success has been attributed to a variety of factors. One of them is the way Apple has created and captured values. The case study uses the 30 “elements of value” framework from Almquist, Senior, & Bloch (2016)’s outstanding paper “The Elements of Value: Measuring and Delivering What Consumers Really Want” to analyze the values that Apple has created and captured. Each element will be investigated on three components: “use value”, “exchange value”, and “value capture”. The results show that in the case of Apple, the most disguising values come from two products/services: (i) iPhone, and (ii) Apple App Store.

Design and Implementation of Integrated approach for Smart Rural Development

Human culture is creating with fast energy and accomplished different triumphs for improving its occupation. Human progress is an observer for different changes identified with its development through various impetuses like mechanical development, science, and so forth. Today’s technology has demonstrated its potential in different divisions of development in urban and rural landscapes. Urban territories appear to increasingly slant to acknowledge and embrace Information and communication technology because of points of interest of proficiency and better framework when contrasted with rural regions. Because of such appropriate circumstances of urban landscapes great measure of accomplishment of this technology is noticeable as shrewd urban areas and better vocations of living people. Be that as it may, the issues, outcomes, and openings in urban zones are diverse for powerful usage of Information and Communication Technology for practical development of rural masses. The current research article talks about rural development in the creating scene for the Upliftment of work of the rural masses and to take a ‘Look-ahead’ at logical developments and advances that may be powerful throughout the following 10 – 20 years. The driving inspiration driving the idea on “Brilliant Village” is that the technology should go about as an impetus for development, empowering instruction, and neighborhood business openings, improving wellbeing and government assistance, upgrading law-based commitment and by and large improvement of rural town occupants. The “Smart Village” idea intends to understand its objective through giving policymakers shrewd, base up examinations of the difficulties of town development.

A Comparative Study of Two-Sample Tests for High-Dimensional Covariance Matrices

The equality of covariance matrices is an essential assumption in means and discriminant analyses for high-dimensional data. The performance of tests for covariance matrices may vary substantially depending on the covariance structure, so using inappropriate methods to verify the assumption will result in worse performance. The purpose of this study is to assess and compare the performance of three tests for two-sample high-dimensional covariance matrices: Schott’s (2007), Srivastava and Yanagihara’s (2010), and Li and Chen’s (2012) under various covariance structures. A simulation study was conducted when the covariance structures were spherical, compound symmetric, block-diagonal, and first-order autoregressive with homogenous variances. The results show that Li and Chen’s test outperforms the others with a sample size of at least 10 under particular covariance structures. When the number of variables is increased with a fixed sample size, Li and Chen’s test still performs well, whereas Schott’s performance deteriorates. Some recommendations for selecting appropriate tests are also provided in this paper.

Chicken Manure and KCL Effect on Growth and Yield of Sweet Corn in Ultisol

Cultivation of sweet corn in Ultisols faces problems due to the poor quality of the soil. As a result, it is necessary to improve soil fertility through fertilization. Chicken manure can improve the fertility of Ultisol. However, it is a prolonged-release fertilizer, so it should be applied in conjunction with readily available fertilizers to plants, such as KCl. This study aimed to determine the effect of the dose of chicken manure and KCl on the growth and yield of sweet corn. The study was carried out between April and June 2019 in Medan Baru, Kandang Limun Village, Bengkulu, Indonesia. The experiment was arranged in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with two factors. The first factor was the dose of chicken manure (20% moisture content), consisting of 3 levels, namely 0, 10, and 20 tons/ha. The second factor was the dose of KCl, which consists of 3 levels, namely 100, 150, and 200 kg/ha. The result indicated no interaction effect of chicken manure and KCl on sweet corn growth and yield. Likewise, sweet corn growth was affected by chicken manure. At a 10 t/ha dose, chicken manure increased plant height, shoot fresh and shoot dry weight. A 150 kg/ha of KCl resulted in higher plant height, shoot fresh weight, and unhusked cob weight than a 100 kg/ha.