The Use of Marketing Mix and Business Model Canvas to Improve Sales Performance in MSME (Case Study: Waroeng 17)

MSMEs has declared to be one of the most crucial pillars in Indonesia’s economic. The pandemic that abruptly hit the economic in 2020, has resulted in the vastly growing number of MSME. One area that has the biggest number of MSMEs is Bogor Regency, West Java. Although the businesses has created many job opportunities for people, the intensity of the market rivalry and low entrants barrier has made numbers of them decrease in the sales performance. Waroeng 17 is one of the MSMEs that suffers from decreasing sales performance in Bogor Regency, West Java. The business sales performance is categorized to unstable while it has potential in growing for the future. This research aims to analyze the environmental elements that affect Waroeng 17’s sales performance and translate it to strategies that would improve the sales performance. The methodology this research used is qualitative method by collecting data through interviews and observation. Secondary data used in this research is obtained through books, journals, news, and other reliable resources. For the environmental analysis, this research utilized the Porter’s 5 Forces and  Customer Analysis to get insights from external environment. Furthermore, this research used VRIO analysis to define the business’ competitive advantage. The data collected then summarized using SWOT analysis and formulated in the TOWS Matrix, Marketing Mix (4P’s), and Business Model Canvas. The result of the research is there are four strategies from the marketing mix’s framework regarding the improvement of products, price, place, and promotion to improve the sales performance. The conclusion is the Waroeng 17 need to optimize the social media platforms as marketing tools and increase their sales. Waroeng 17 are also recommended to partner with delivery services such as GoJek, Shopee, and Grab. The technology utilization and transfer knowledge are also necessary in the business process especially in the financial and operational activities.

Pocket Book as a Media of Health Education to Improve Healthy Behavior in Street Teenagers

Background: Street teenagers generally spend the day on the road, so they are vulnerable to health and psychological disorders. In fact, it is often identified as a community that pays less attention to healthy living behavior. One of the interventions carried out is by carrying out health promotions for street youth. The use of pocket book media can improve practice in the prevention of health problems.

Objective: This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of pocket books as a medium of health education to improve healthy behavior in an effort to prevent health problems of street teenagers.

Methods: This research is a quasi-experimental research with pre-test and post-test with one group design. The sampling technique was purposive sampling as many as 60 street teenagers. The research was conducted from July-October 2021 on street teenagers who are under the guidance of the Tabayun halfway house (Bogor Regency), the Bina Insan Mandiri halfway house (Depok City) and the Cinta Anak Negri halfway house (Bekasi City). The influence variable in the intervention group is pocket book media, while the affected variable is the behavior of street teenagers towards the prevention of adolescent health problems which includes the knowledge, attitudes, and skills or actions of street teenagers towards the prevention of health problems. The data collection instrument in this study used a questionnaire to measure the behavior of street teenagers. Data analysis was carried out using the paired sample test.

Result: Health education with pocket book media can increase knowledge (p=0.000), attitude (p=0.000) and skills (p=0.000) of street teenagers in health prevention.

Conclusion: pocket books are effective as an educational media in improving the health behavior of street teenagers.

Pork Satay Menu Creation as Culinary Tourism Baha Tourism Village, Badung, Bali, Indonesia

Analysis of the food menu offered periodically to tourists, it is hoped that the manager of the pork satay restaurant will be able to get optimal profits that can be used for business development in the future. Based on the background of the problem, the purpose of this study is to determine the process of making the types of pork satay offered by restaurant managers, and as a marketing strategy for pork satay menus in increasing food sales in the Baha tourist village area, Badung Regency, Bali. This research formulates a marketing strategy which is then elaborated with various marketing programs. Data were collected using observation, interviews, literature study, and then by using the marketing mix) namely 1) Products such as sweet pork satay, spicy pork satay; 2) Price where each menu has its price; 3) Place, namely by using direct distribution; 4) Promotion such as the installation of restaurant name signs, personal selling, sales promotion, and publicity. Then the analysis is carried out using the engineering menu. The technique of determining the informants using purposive sampling. This research will find out the menu offered by restaurant managers in the Baha tourist village area, Badung Regency, Bali, there are 4 menus (53.77%) of pork satay classified as a star, meaning that it is popular and profitable, 2 menus (46.23%) are classified as a plow horse, meaning popular but less profitable. Based on the results of the discussion, it can be suggested that restaurant managers in the Baha Tourism Village area should further improve the quality of food and beverages to get maximum profit.

Business Strategy for PT Pelita Air Service to Increase Revenue

PT Pelita Air Service (PT PAS) is a subsidiary of PT Pertamina (Persero) which established in 1970 and focuses on air charter services as its core business. PT PAS has long years of experience in operating diverse types of fixed wing and rotary wing aircrafts with well proven safety record and high compliance. In the last six years, PT PAS has encountered problem of a downward trend in air charter revenue. The research analyses the external and internal environment of PT PAS air charter business. The external analysis is conducted using PESTEL Framework, Five Forces Model, Customer Analysis, and Competitor Analysis. The internal analysis is conducted using Resource Based View Model, Value Chain Analysis, STP Model, Marketing Mix 7P, and Business Model Canvas. Interviews are conducted to several participants from its customers and management. To examine PT PAS condition, SWOT Analysis has been used to evaluate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Root Cause Analysis has been performed to discover the true cause of the problem. Based on the result of the examination, strategies are formulated using Strategy Diamond Model and proposed to PT PAS with implementation plan.

Testing the Role of Socioeconomic Levels and Government Policies in Spreading Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in ASEAN

Although there has been an enormous scientific attempt to understand the transmission of COVID‐19, there are many knowledge gaps yet to be filled. This study aims to investigate the role of socioeconomic level and government response in the spread of COVID-19. The socioeconomic level is represented by gross domestic product, population density, and multidimensional poverty index. Meanwhile, government policies are characterized by a stringency index, and the incidence rate represents the spread of COVID. Using a sample of 10 ASEAN countries, from March 28, 2020, to July 30, 2021, the results show a positive relationship between socioeconomic level and the incidence rate of COVID-19 in communities, meaning socioeconomic factors are the determinant of the incidence rate of COVID-19. In addition, there is a significant negative relationship between the stringency index and the incidence rate, revealing that the more stringent policy was, the less COVID spread.

Impact of CPNS Latsar on Changes in Behavioral Attitudes of Latsar Participants for the 4th Kerinci District in 2021

Basic Training (Latsar) for Prospective Civil Servants is important to prepare civil servants who have integrity, professionalism, neutrality, independence, and are free from political interference, as well as the ability to provide good public services to the community. For this reason, this study aims to see the impact of the CPNS Latsar on the attitudes and behavior of Latsar Batch 4 Kerinci Regency participants in 2021 which is measured through the basic values ​​of civil servants (ANEKA). The research method used is a mixed research method, namely qualitative and quantitative. The subjects of the study were CPNS Latsar participants who were appointed to 4 Kerinci districts in 2021 with 181 participants and the head of the Latsar work unit within the Kerinci district. Instruments of data collection were done through interview guide sheets, observation sheets, questionnaire sheets, and test sheets for CPNS Latsar participants. Quantitative data collection techniques were carried out through pretest and posttest activities. Furthermore, qualitative data was collected through open questionnaires and interviews with the leaders of the Latsar participants after they returned to their respective work environments. Quantitative analysis was carried out by analyzing before and after the implementation of Basic Training (Latsar) through the independent simple t test method. Meanwhile, qualitative data analysis was carried out through triangulation which consisted of data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. To see how much influence Latsar activities have on changes in participants’ attitudes and behavior, the N-gain test is carried out. The findings of the study indicate that there is a significant effect on the implementation of CPNS Basic Training (Latsar) on the attitudes and behavior of Latsar 4 Kerinci Regency participants in 2021. This is confirmed by the t-test values ​​for the 5 ANEKA values ​​variables which show scores below 0, 05. CPNS Latsar activities have a good impact on the potential, attitudes, and behavior of civil servant organizations or agencies.

Thiamethoxam Induced Oxidative Stress and Histopathological Alterations in Male Patients

Thiamethoxam is one of the second-generation neonicotinoids, a new class of insecticides. The study was designed to investigate the effect of thiamethoxam on fertility in bucks. For this purpose, sixteen male adult male chinchilla rabbits were divided in two groups. Thiamethoxam intoxicated group was treated with thiamethoxam at dose of 250 mg/Kg body weight for 3 months. Semen analysis revealed distinct changes in sperm characteristics including significant decrease in sperm motility (both mass and individual) and sperm count. In addition, significant increase in dead spermatozoa and sperm deformities. Moreover, elevation in testicular concentration of MDA and GST was significant. GSH was significantly decreased. Degeneration and necrosis of spermatogenic cells with intertubular edema and vacuolations in seminiferous tubules were the major observed histopathological changes in the testis of intoxicated animals. In conclusion, thiamethoxam administration for 3 months induced significant decrease in fertility and oxidative stress in the reproductive system of adult male.

Incidence of Urosepsis in Patients Undergoing Flexible Ureteroscopy

Introduction: Urosepsis is a systemic response to and potentially life-threatening sequela of urogenital tract infection.

Objectives: The main objective of the study is to find the incidence of urosepsis in patients undergoing flexible ureteroscopy.

Material and methods: This cross sectional study was conducted in Fatima Jinnah Medical University during June 2021 to January 2022. 241 patients full filling the inclusion criteria was included through the Emergency / OPD of hospital. An informed consent was obtained from patients. Demographic data (Name, age, gender, and stone size) was recorded.

Results: The data was collected from 241 patients. Out of 241 there were 118 males and 123 female patients. There was a significant difference in age between patients who developed sepsis and patients who did not develop sepsis. Patients who developed sepsis also had albumin concentrations <35 g/L, globulin concentrations ≥30 g/L, AGR <1.2, pre-operative fever, WBC count ≥10,000 cells/µL, pre-operative positive UC, positive urine WBC, and positive urine nitrite.

Conclusion: It is concluded that patients with solitary proximal ureteral stones are more likely to have post-fURS sepsis when they have positive pre-operative UC or low pre-operative AGR.


The Role of Profitability in Moderating the Influence of Liquidity and Leverage on Audit Opinion

The auditor issued an audit opinion to determine the risk of uncertainty regarding the condition of the company to continue operating where COVID-19 is spreading rapidly. This research aims to look at the influence of liquidity and leverage on audit opinion in the consumer goods sector listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2020, with profitability as a moderation variable. The research model uses a causal-comparative design and binary logistic regression analysis with secondary data types. 188 consumer goods sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange, in 2020, met the criteria for being the research sample. The results of the study showed that liquidity and leverage simultaneously affect audit opinion. Partially, liquidity has no influence on audit opinion, while leverage partially affects audit opinion. Profitability as moderation is able to strengthen the influence of liquidity on opinions but is not able to moderate the influence of leverage on audit opinions. The limitation in this study is that it only selects the company’s internal factors. Further researchers are expected to consider other free variables such as auditor turnover, and opinions submitted by auditors in the previous period, as well as using other sectors such as the real estate property sector. The leverage factor can be used as reference data for auditors to see how the company is able to maintain the condition of the company to avoid bankruptcy in the pandemic.

Morphometric Characteristics of the Parotid Glands in Immature Rats with Intestinal Dysbacteriosis

It is known that in some infectious diseases of the digestive system, the large salivary glands are also involved in the pathological process. In experimental modeling of dysbiosis in laboratory rats, increased adhesion of opportunistic microorganisms to intestinal epithelial cells was revealed. In connection with the above, the goal was to study the features of the morphological and functional differentiation of the major salivary glands in postnatal ontogenesis, as well as to find out the morphological criteria for their functional activity under the influence of intestinal dysbacteriosis.