The Causes and Effects of Truancy in Chinyama Litapi Schools of Zambezi District

Education is a touchstone and an essential requirement of human life.  The purpose of this study was to identify causes of truancy, establish effects of truancy and find out ways of improving attendance in schools in Chinyama Litapi area. The study employed a mixed paradigm and descriptive design that sampled seven schools and 80 participates. In order to meet these objectives, the researcher used open ended and closed questionnaires, interviews and observation. The findings revealed that there was high level of truancy among school going children in Chinyama Litapi area that result from personal, home and school factors. The study recommended that, there is need to have a detailed government educational policy on truancy reflecting why, when and how the offenders would be punished. Further it should explain who is to receive stiffer punishment whether the child, parent or the teacher to avoid unnecessary truancy that make many pupils drop school.

Prevalence of Meticillin Resistance Staphylococcus Aureus in Patients with Lower Respiratory Tract Infections

Background: Lower respiratory tract infection (LRTIs) is an emerging and threatening disease of both adults and children.  Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) remains a life threatening pathogens that may colonize the lungs and cause Staphylococcal related lower respiratory tract infection. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence and risk factors associated with MRSA infection among individuals with lower respiratory tract infections in a community setting.

Method: A structured questionnaire consisting of demographic characteristics, antibiotic usage, social life habits were administered to 152 participants, comprising of 80 males and 72 females. The subjects were selected based on non- hospitalization for the past six months. Sputum samples were collected and cultured unto Mannitol Salt agar. The Staphylococcus aureus isolates were sub-cultured unto Chromagar MRSA for MRSA identification. The isolates were subjected to antibiotic susceptibility testing, using disc diffusion method.

Result: The MRSA were highly resistant to Ampiclox (96.2%), Amoxcillin (92.3%), Rifampicin and Streptomycin (80.8%), Norfloxacin (76.9%), Erythromycin and Chroramphenicol (69.2%), and Levofloxacin (65.4%).

Conclusion: This study showed that MRSA is implicated in LRTIs and is brought about by improper therapy and lack of awareness.

Studies of Ag Diffusion Processes into Thin-Film As2s3 Structures Doped With Sn under the Exposure of X-Ray Radiation

The processes of silver diffusion into thin-film structures (As2S3)0,995Sn0,005 under the X-ray radiation were studied. Thin-film layers of silver, about 12 nm thick, were deposited by vacuum thermal evaporation on the (As2S3)0,995Sn0,005 surface. The thin layer structures were irradiated with X-ray radiation in the range of absorbed doses of 0,3-0,6 Gy using the X-ray tube with a copper anode (voltage 45 kV, current 40 mA) as an X-ray source without any filters (the continuous spectrum of X-ray, or “white” spectrum). The possibility of X-ray images recording with their subsequent visualization using the chemical etching in a 5% solution of NaOH is shown.

Hereditary Hemochromatosis: an Inherited Abnormality of Iron Regulation

Hereditary Hemochromatosis (HH) is an autosomal recessive genetic disease characterized by abnormalities in iron regulation, mostly due to mutations in the HFE gene, leading to increased iron absorption due to hepcidin deficiency. The classification of HH is based on the type of mutated gene, which must be distinguished from non-genetic conditions that cause secondary elevations in serum iron levels such as multiple transfusions and increased iron supplementation. Pathophysiological mechanisms of HH include increased absorption of iron in the upper intestine, decreased expression of the iron regulatory hormone hepcidin, altered function of the HFE protein, and tissue damage and fibrogenesis caused by iron overload. The human body is physiologically unable to excrete excess iron load so excess iron in serum will be deposited in various organs, causing organ dysfunction. The clinical manifestations of hemochromatosis vary widely depending on the location of iron deposition in the organ. The classic clinical triad of hemochromatosis is liver cirrhosis, skin pigmentation, and diabetes mellitus. Hemochromatosis can be screened for and diagnosed by examining serum ferritin levels, transferrin saturation, unsaturated iron-binding capacity, total iron-binding capacity, liver biopsy, magnetic resonance imaging, and genetic testing. The main treatment for hemochromatosis at this time is phlebotomy although other therapeutic methods can also be used to help lower iron levels and improve the patient’s clinical course, such as therapy with chelating agents, erythrocytopharesis, and liver transplantation. If hemochromatosis is not treated, the patient can experience progressive liver damage leading to cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma, and complications due to damage to various tissues and organs.

Immediate Results of Surgical Treatment for “Difficult” Duodenal Ulcers

For the period from 2001 to 2020, 1567 patients were operated on for duodenal ulcers (DU) on the basis of the Department of Surgical Diseases and Urology of the Andijan State Medical Institute. At the same time, “difficult” DU was diagnosed in 494 (31.5%) patients. Of these, 364 (73.7%) patients were operated on in a planned manner and 130 (26.3%) – in an emergency. The subject of our study were only 262 patients with “difficult” DU who were admitted to the clinic in a planned manner. At the same time, the control group consisted of 114 (43.5%) patients and the main group – 148 (56.5%) patients.

Thus, the analysis of the causes of undesirable consequences and the revision of surgical tactics, taking into account the omissions made in patients of the control group and the widespread use of improved methods and techniques of operations, made it possible to reduce the frequency of postoperative complications associated with surgical intervention on the stomach – by 12.6% (from 19 .3 to 6.7%), as well as mortality by 5.4% (from 6.1 to 0.7%). All this allowed us to achieve the desired goal.

Prevention of Iron Deficiency Anaemia in Pre-School Children

The article is devoted to the role of iron, vitamins and minerals in the development of iron deficiency anaemia in children of early and pre-school age. Iron deficiency (ID) is one of the most common nutritional-dependent states in the world, which, according to WHO [1], affects more than 1.5 billion people. Iron deficiency is in the form of iron deficiency anaemia (IDA) [1, 2] in about half of the cases (over 700 million of the world’s population). ID is mostly due to nutritional reasons, but age and socio-economic factors are also important.

Situation of Professional Development via Self-Directed Learning of Social Work Students in Hanoi National University of Education

This article focuses on the current situation of professional development (PD) capacity through self-directed learning (including knowledge, awareness, intervention skills, professional attitudes) of social work students in Hanoi National University of Education (HNUE). To achieve this goal, we conducted a random survey of 135 students by observation methods, and questionnaires. Self-directed learning (SDL) is one effective tool to enhance professional learning (which is a key component of professional development, in addition to professional identity and professional practice) because it oriented a process for students to achieve the desired results. Research results show that students’ awareness, attitudes, and skills of professional development via self-directed learning are weak. Students are not aware of and understand how to develop their profession. The activities they did are just according to their intuition and do not have the necessary skills for PD. This leads to the recommendation for an educational group social work. This suggested group work aims to enhance awareness, attitudes, and skills of professional development through SDL of Social Work students in HNUE by providing knowledge, skills, and the way how to apply them to actual activities, promoting the capacity of the individual.

Radiofrequency Ablation for Lower Limb Pain

Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA) can be used to remove or change unwanted elements. Radiofrequency (RF) has been treating various pain-producing components for over 50 years. However, not all pain syndromes have been treated with it because of understanding or technical limitations. This review paper will focus on how RFA is used to treat lower limb pain for new indications.

Lower Extremity PainPost- surgery pain: herniorrhaphy, cesarean section, appendectomy, Pudendal neuralgia, Recalcitrant neuropathic pelvic pain, Meralgia paresthetica.

Knee Pain Syndromes: Subchondral insufficiency fractures of the knee, Knee osteoarthritis

Ankle Pain Syndromes: Achilles tendinosis, Insertional Achilles tendinosis.

The Role Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) In Building Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Brand Image in Ghana

This study investigates the need for SMEs to practice corporate social responsibility (CSR) in building their brand image in Ghana. The study aims at exploring the role impact of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in building small and medium enterprises (SMEs) brand image in Ghana. Evaluating the role of CSR in building the brand image of SMEs adopted research designs/methods and approached to solicit both secondary and primary data. To identify the perceptions held by SMEs, motives for CSR practices, benefits associated with CSR practices, and the impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on SMEs’ Brand Image, questionnaires and interviews were conducted with SMEs operators and Environmental Protection Agency officials in the Kumasi metropolis. The findings show that SMEs perceived CSR as a means of paying back to society what has been received as profit and also as a means of protecting and improving the quality of the natural environment as well as spending revenue to the state. It was noted that organizations practice Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to project the right corporate image, used as a marketing strategy, and to make employees happy and satisfied Benefits from CSR regarding customer loyalty, gaining goodwill from the community, enhanced government relations, and building client relations was also ascertained. Despite the numerous benefits associated with CSR activities, other challenges were also identified as free giveaway products and the high cost of CSR programs. Some suggestions such as the honest provision of accurate information about the SMEs products, organizing programs to suit students, a regular donation to the societies, and total collaboration between SMEs and their communities were made to promote firms’ image through CSR practices.

Proposed Marketing Strategy to Fight Market Uncertainty for Indonesia Paper Company

The paper industry has faced pressures from the digitalization process and climate change over the past five years. Currently, the war in Europe is adding to the pressure. Companies from the paper industry, such as Indonesia Paper Company, must review their business strategies in facing this global market uncertainty. Using the Scenario Planning approach, this study finds two possible scenarios that companies can prepare for: the economy deteriorates into a world economic crisis, or the economy improves. Both scenarios show significant changes in market segmentation that can impact business and marketing strategies. The company has a Competitive Advantage in the source of raw materials. Therefore, the company can apply the Cost Strategy in facing a crisis. The advantage can also help companies carry out a Focused Differentiation Strategy when the economy improves. When uncertainty is still high, like today, companies can make internal improvements to adapt to rapid technological changes and optimize performance.