Spectrum of 25 (OH) D3 Status in Urinary Tract Stone Formers in North-Eastern Nigeria

Many studies, none in northeastern part of Nigeria, investigated the association between serum/plasma vitamin D and nephrolithiasis, with no consistent result, couple with the hot weather (as high as 44oC) in most part of the year in Maiduguri and its surroundings, and assay of vitamin D today is not yet part of evaluation of urinary stone formers in Maiduguri, warrant this study to assess status of vitamin D in urinary tract stone formers in Maiduguri. Patients diagnosed with urinary tract stone disease attending Urology Clinic, University of Maiduguri Teaching Hospital and consented were recruited. The first two who consented were recruited per week for a period of 24 months (1st April 2017 to 31st Match 2019) to cover the seasonal changes in weather for the year. Serum for vitamin D is stored at -20oC for batch analysis. Vitamin D was assayed by ELISA technique (Accu-Bind, 100 North Pointe Drive, Lake Forest, California 92630 USA), other parameters were analyzed weekly using autoanalyzer (Cobas C311, ISN, Roche, Germany). Result indicated 58 (36.2%) of patients had Vitamin D values below the optimal level either having deficiency/insufficiency. Forty-nine (30.6%) showed vitamin D concentration above the optimum level out of which 4 (2.5%) had hypervitaminosis D, while 53 (33.1%) patients had optimal vitamin D values. It showed 17 (10.6%) of patients had hypercalcaemia, however, out of the 114 patients with normocalcaemia, 42 (36.5%) had their values at the upper limit of normal (2.6 mmol/L). It also indicated that though 3 of the hypercalcaemic patients had vitamin D insufficiency, majority (14) are either having optimal level or above optimal vitamin D level. Excessive and prolong exposure to ultraviolet sunlight resulting in raised vitamin D synthesis and action is an important factor associated with urinary tract stone formation in this environment cannot be excluded. The high prevalence of hypercalcaemia in the study cannot be accounted for by raised vitamin D alone, therefore measurement of serum vitamin D (25(OH)D) and PTH in evaluation of urinary tract stone formers in this environment is recommended.

Sustainable Agriculture with Rhizobacteria (PGPR)

In the present scenario, the demand for food and nutrient has increased due to population growth. Ascribable to industrialization and urbanization, a very small area of productivity land is available for maintenance of life process. Agricultural growth depends upon the microbial population present in the soil over the last few years. plant growth promoting rhizobacteria has turned out to be the most efficient tool for sustainable agriculture. PGPR, exert its effect by creating an intracellular and extracellular rhizo environment in search of a carbon source. These are the microbes that are found near or around the roots of the plant. So, the mode of action of PGPR is a new ray of hope for the farmers and the government to maintain the continuous supply of food for the increasing population.PGPR, as a growth booster increases phosphate solubilization, siderophore production, biological nitrogen fixation, and secretion of phytohormones (like indole acetic acid, cytokinin, gibberellin).PGPR is important artillery to control plant pathogens. It is ecofriendly and helps to maintain ecological and economical balance. In the perspective of this, the review widens the scope of the use of PGPR as a green microbial consortium for greater agrobiology and sustenance especially in the areas, wherein paucity of facts on its use, implementation, and alertness of genetically modified organisms has long prevailed.

The Effect of Employee Engagement and Career Development on Employee Performance Mediated By Work Motivation At Large Center for Training and Empowerment of Village Communities, Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration Yogyakarta

The purpose of this study was to examine and analyze the effect of employee engagement and career development on employees mediated by work motivation at training centers and empowerment of rural communities, disadvantaged areas and transmigration in Yogyakarta. This study was applied to 55 respondents who are civil servants at the training and empowerment center for rural communities, disadvantaged areas and transmigration in Yogyakarta. In this study, all samples, namely Civil Servants, were used as respondents, so the sampling technique used was Census. “Tests in this study were carried out using the SmartPLS 3.3.3 software. And the research results are as follows: (1) Employee Engagement has a positive and significant effect on employee performance, (2) Career Development has a positive and significant effect on employee performance.

Effectiveness of Soil Erosion Monitoring Strategies in Kuresoi South, Kenya

Soil erosion is still one of the most important land problems and it is linked to land use and land cover changes. To mitigate against this, there has been an effort to transfer the management of natural resources to local communities especially in the tropics. Many of these initiatives incorporate the development of monitoring systems. Local monitoring systems constitute an almost compulsory component of any program or project dealing with sustainable management of natural resources. The purpose of this study was to assess soil erosion monitoring indicators as effective management tools to be used to help in monitoring change in natural resources within the study area. The study was comprised of a total representative sample population of 68 respondents from Kuresoi south catchment which was achieved using Nassiuma coefficient of variation formulae. The study adopted a descriptive research design. Data and information was collected using questionnaires and interview schedules. Both quantitative and qualitative data was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences and presented in form of charts, tables of frequencies and percentages. The study results revealed the effectiveness of soil erosion monitoring indicators, degree of soil erosion and natural resource management. The study therefore recommends that it is important to introduce capacity building programs to the community and other stakeholders through creation of awareness and training so that they can have knowledge on these factors and thus implement the appropriate mitigation measures.

The Environmental Problem of Olive Mill Waste Water in Morocco: Data Analysis and Characterization

This work proposes a comparative study between several provinces in the region of Marrakech Safi concerning the pollution generated by the industrial units of crushing olives, in particular the volume of olive mill wate water (OMWW) and the polluting load. A physicochemical and bacteriological characterization of the OMWW issues from different industrial olive crushing units was also carried out, the result found showed a high polluting power of the OMWW that differs from one unit to another depending on the mode of crushing of the olive, Indeed, the OMWW are very loaded with polyphenols and organic matter. This effluent also has an acidic pH due to the presence of organic acids (phenolic acids, fatty acids). The high electrical conductivity of the OMWW is due to the presence of natural mineral salts and salts used to preserve olives until grinding such as Na+, Cl and Ca2+ …. A physicochemical and bacteriological characterization of some wells downstream of the industrial units have also realized to study the impact of OMWW on ground water quality, it was found that most of the wells downstream of the oil mills concerned are of good quality.

Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth in Africa

Countries need equitable, broad-based economic development if they are to recover from violent conflicts. In Africa, if the state of the economy improves and the benefits of economic growth are widely distributed, the former conflicting parties are more likely to develop a stake in peace and learn to resolve differences through mainstream political negotiations rather than through violence. If the economy falters, the struggle to control scarce resources is likely to remain one of the key strategic goals of continuing warfare in Africa. Today most countries in Africa are opening their borders and doors to foreign investment, since it is considered as an important stimulus to economic growth. This chapter generally interrogates Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth in Africa. It specifically examines the actors in FDI. Secondly, it assesses the factors responsible for FDI in any given country and lastly it evaluates the effects of FDI on Africa.  A descriptive research design enabled secondary data to be collected. The data were analyzed qualitatively. The chapter concludes that FDI on its own is not a panacea for rapid growth and development. Recommendations in relation to FDI in developing countries have also been provided.

Post Traumatic Optic Nerve Decompression in Patients with No Light Perception

Objective: To determine if optic nerve decompression has any efficacy in patients with traumatic optic nerve (TON) damage specifically those patients whose optic nerves have been severely damaged and as a result, they suffer no light perception (NLP).

Material & Methods: A retrospective study for group of 54 patients was observed for a period of between 3 to 12 months from 2020 to January 2021.

Results: 35 patients still had no light perception at end of the study. By the time others were discharged some had gained a level or two of visual acuity but no cases of perfect vision restored were reported.

Conclusion: The methods were relatively useful in reducing discomfort in patients such as significant reduction in swelling but they were not in any way completely responsible for the total recovery of the patients.

Assessment of Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Autistic Individuals by Measuring Plasma Lactate Levels

Introduction: Autistic disorder, Asperger syndrome and pervasive developmental disorder-not otherwise specified comprise a heterogeneous group of neurodevelopmental disorders known as autism spectrum disorders (ASDs). ASDs are behaviorally defined by impairments in communication and social interaction along with restrictive and repetitive behaviors.

Objectives of the study: The main objectives of the study will determine the mitochondrial dysfunction in autistic individuals by measuring plasma lactate levels.

Material and methods: This cross sectional study was conducted in DHQ Hospital Sahiwal. This study will include 200 children aged 7 to 9 years. Randomly selected sampling technique will be used for the data collection. For the purpose of analysis of mitochondrial dysfunctionality we will collect the blood samples of each individual.

Results: The data was collected from 200 children. In this study, blood ammonia, serum lactate, AST, ALT and CK level were higher in 29(90%), 18(80%), 23 (30%), 20(20%) and 14 (40%) subjects of study group.

Conclusion: It is concluded that mitochondrial dysfunction occur in children with autism spectrum disorder children

Cervical Abrasion and Gingival Recession in Dental Polyclinic Patients

Background: The most common dental health problem in Indonesia is dental caries. The prevalence of caries by 92.2% and ages 35-44 years experienced dental health problems, with the DMF-T index of 6.9 meaning the average number of tooth decay was 6 to 7 teeth per person. One effort that can be carried out to prevent caries is to pay attention to the cleanliness of the oral cavity area especially teeth, plaque cleaning every day is by brushing teeth. Inappropriate brushing techniques can lead to the removal of tooth roots by transferring gingival margin bonds to the apical position of the cementoenamel junction which can result in tooth abrasion and gingival recession. The purpose of this study was to determine the cervical abrasion and gingival recession in dental polyclinic patients at the Pertamedika Clinic Office Center.

Method: This study used a descriptive method. The sample of this study was using purposive sampling as many as 54 respondents. The data used are secondary data taken from the patient’s medical record.

Results: The results of cervical abrasion studies showed that 25 people (46.3%) did not have cervical abrasion and 29 people (53.7%) had cervical abrasion. Respondents did not have gingival recession of 26 people (48.1%) and those who had gingival recession were 28 people (51.9%).

Conclusions: Most of the Pertamedika Center Office clinic patients have cases of cervical abrasion and gingival recession.

Cassia tora Linn. – A Pharmacological Review

Cassia tora Linn. is one of the widely  used plants  in ethnic and traditional systems of medicine. A popular species in the genus Cassia, its therapeutic effects on ocular system, integumentary system, hepato pancreatic disorders, gastric system have been documented since centuries and demonstrated through pharmacological experiments. The efficacy of the seeds and leaves may be attributed to presence of anthraquinones glycosides phenolic glycosides, sennosides and flavonoids.  Cassia tora need to evaluated for its unexplored health benefits through new scientific investigations in tackling emerging diseases and life style disorders.