Relationship between Premature Birth and Asphyxia in Newborn Babies

This study is to see whether relationship between babies born prematurely with the incidence of asphyxia. Premature birth refers to a newborn born alive before the third trimester of pregnancy and weighing less than 2500 grams. Asphyxia can occur immediately after birth because the placenta in the fetus is very important for oxygenation, nutrition, and waste disposal so that disturbances in umbilical and placental  blood  flow  almost  always  cause asphyxia. Asphyxia  is  a condition  in  which newborns cannot breathe regularly and spontaneously. Asphyxia occurs due to the inability of the baby’s respiratory organs to carry out their functions. The data were collected through questionnaire distributed to 20 respondents in Surabaya, Indonesia. The results of this study showed that there is a relationship between babies born prematurely with the incidence of asphyxia. Babies born with a gestational age of less than 37 weeks will experience organ immaturity, especially in the lungs which causes spontaneous breathing failure in the early minutes of birth. The lungs are formed and undergo a gradual maturation process.

Management Behaviour Testing: Relationship of Non-Performing Loan and Operational Efficiency Ratio in the Indonesia Banking Sector

This paper aims to build on previous research conducted by Berger and DeYoung (1997) on management behavior in the context of the Indonesian banking industry in 4 different ownership cluster by looking the nexus of NPL ratio and bank operational efficiency which specifically proxied by the non-interest expense/non-interest income in the Indonesian banking industry. This paper is the first to look at the management behavior framework in the Indonesian banking system using the approach of operational efficiency, to the best of the author’s knowledge. This study also aims to give useful insights for regulators in order for them to recognize the real challenges in the banking industry, which might help Indonesia’s banking growth. All datasets were gathered from the Indonesia Banking Statistic Reports, which were collected in quarterly basis from January 2010 to September 2021. The OLS estimation in the granger causality approach were focusing on examining the first two hypotheses: the bad management and bad luck hypotheses. According to the findings, authors found that each of bank cluster in the Indonesian Banking System behaved differently regarding the association between the problem loans and operational efficiency and found sensitive to the lags included in the model. In summary, the bad management, skimping and bad luck hypotheses were found in separately in the 4 different bank cluster models. These findings might bring insights to regulators to act differently towards the different bank cluster in order to create precise regulations that are relevant and in accordance with the current behaviour.

Total Productive Maintenance Analysis on Printing Machine (A Case Study in an Indonesian Flexible Packaging Manufacturer)

PT XYZ is one of Indonesia’s major flexible packaging manufacturer companies. The company suffers losses from the increase in printing machine breakdown from 1.65% in 2019 to 2.52% in 2021. This paper aims to reduce the breakdown duration in 2022 by identifying and solving the root cause by implementing one of the alternative solutions. The primary data are collected via a series of interviews and from the company’s manufacturing reports. Using Current Reality Tree (CRT) the root cause was identified as a lack of regular maintenance evaluation and improvement. The study proposes three alternative solutions: Planned Maintenance (PM), Autonomous Maintenance (AM), and condition-based maintenance using IoT sensors. In determining the preferred alternative, the study uses Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) with five criteria: OEE improvement, human capital improvement, Capex required, Opex required, and ease of implementation. Align with the AHP result, the company agreed to implement Planned Maintenance (PM). After the first two months of implementation, the average year-to-date breakdown in 2022 was reduced to 2.29%.

A Descriptive Study to Assess the Impact of Online Teaching on Perception of Parents among School Going Students in Education and Health During Covid-19

Introduction: Online teaching has widely promoted during COVID-19 pandemic to continue education among students. The study explores the Parents perception that the critical implication of e-learning in improving the nature of students “learning is making them synchronized or lined up with present day students. The aim of the study was to evaluate the parents perception of online teaching among school going students in education and health during COVID-19 pandemic.

Materials and methods: cross sectional study was carried out with 75 samples that met the inclusion criteria were selected using convenience sampling technique. Questionnaires was used to collect the data among participants which contains demographic variables, education and health regarding online teaching during COVID-19.

Result: The findings of the study reveals that there is significantly association with the level of parents perception on online teaching among school going students in education during COVID-19 at p<0.05 with selected demographic variables, and there is no significant association with the level of parents perception on online teaching among school going students in health during COVID-19.

Conclusion: findings of the present study reveals that, the parents perception had a moderately favorable attitude towards online teaching among school going students. The result of this study may be utilized as a baseline for planning awareness campaigns in the future.

White-rumped Vulture’s Distribution in Relation to the Landscape Factors in Arunachal Pradesh, India

Avian distribution over the globe is normally influenced by many environmental factors including landscape factors. The present study was undertaken to evaluate the influence of landscape factors like elevation, vegetation, and land covers on occurrence of White-rumped Vultures in Arunachal Pradesh. The occurrence and abundance data were obtained following road count and point count methods from 2016 to 2020. The digital elevation model and normalized difference vegetation index data were obtained from the USGS database. The land-use land-cover data was obtained from the ESRI database. To evaluate the correlation between the WRV distribution and prevailing landscape factors spearman ranked correlation was used. Our correlation analysis showed highly negative correlation between elevation and WRV distribution (rs = -0.77, n=53, p <0.0001), moderately negative correlation between NDVI11 and WRV distribution (rs = -0.57, n=53, p <0.0001), moderately negative correlation between NDVI02 and WRV (rs = -0.56, n=53, p <0.0001), and moderately negative correlation between NDVI06 and WRV distribution (rs = -0.62, n=53, p <0.0001). In case of land-use land-covers, WRV was found most abundant in shrubs/ scrubs followed by croplands, barren areas, areas with trees, built areas, grasslands, and areas with waterbody. According to the present study, WRVs prefer habitats with lower elevation, lower NDVI values, and open areas with scattered vegetation, particularly trees. These findings provide more insight into the habitat requirements of WRV, which is significant information for conservation of WRV.

Detection of COVID-19 using Modified VGG Architectures

COVID-19 has created havoc in the world. This paper aims to study and understand the performance of modified VGG-16 and VGG-19 architectures in detecting COVID-19 using the concept of transfer learning. The algorithm has been validated using a private dataset with normal and COVID-19 positive chest X-ray images.

COVID-19 has created havoc in the world. This paper aims to study and understand the performance of modified VGG-16 and VGG-19 architectures in detecting COVID-19 using the concept of transfer learning. The algorithm has been validated using a private dataset with normal and COVID-19 positive chest X-ray images.

Endocrine Disorders and Hormonal Therapy for Adolescent Acne

Acne vulgaris is a worldwide disease which is mostly found in teenagers. This has a crucial impact on their life’s quality, particularly when endocrine disorders have been implicated. Current consideration regarding antibiotic stewardship, failing with antibiotic utilization, and the improvement of antibiotic-resistant Propionibacterium acnes, there are many treatment alternatives for pimple therapy have been acknowledged. A following analysis investigates hormonal treatments for the therapy of acne vulgaris.

Proposed Augmented Reality (Instagram Filter Try-On) as Promotion Strategy to Increase Brand Awareness for Start-Up Business (Case Study on Small and Medium Enterprise Fashion Brand Boboya Wear)

Boboya Wear is a local fashion brand that specializes in women’s fashion that offers daily wear that has unique embroidery accents on each product and has a variety of colors. The main issue of Boboya Wear is bad product sales and tend to be unstable, so that it becomes an issue for Boboya Wear. The purpose of this research is to find out solutions to solve company problems.

One of the problems faced by Boboya Wear is that the product is not relevant to what consumers want or the trend regarding the product has out of trend. Resulting in fluctuating sales and a small variety of products so that consumer choices are low and this caused by bad production timeline and inconsistent promotion strategies. To analyze more deeply the researchers used primary data by distributing questionnaires to analyze consumers and used secondary data from Boboya Wear Instagram and Shopee Insight. Researchers used Ishikawa fishbone diagrams to find out more about the problems faced by Boboya Wear.

After analyzing the internal and external situation of Boboya Wear using 4Ps marketing mix, SWOT, STP, five forces porter, competitor analysis, and customer analysis. The solution is to implement AR Instagram filter try-on as promotion strategy and develop new products and packaging, collaborate with influencers using AR try-on, create bundling promo, and educate the audience about AR try-on technology. The AR try-on technology used is Instagram filter because the installation cost is cheaper and easier.

The results of the questionnaire from total 100 respondents agreed that the implementation of AR Try-on could help them in choosing the product they wanted and create shopping experience more pleasant and fun. The business implementation plan that will be carried out is by optimizing the implementation of AR try-on, making new products and packaging and implementing AR try-on.

An Analytical Study of the Relation between Smoking and Allergy in Sinonasal Polyposis

Introduction: Nasal polyposis (NP) is a disease in which abnormal hyperplastic inflammatory lesions originate from the sinus and paranasal sinus mucosa.

Objectives of the study: The main objective of the study is to find the relation between smoking and allergy in sinonasal polyposis. Material and methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in Sharif medical and dental college, Lahore during 2020 to 2021. The data was collected from both genders. The sample size for this study was 50 (smokers and nonsmokers), ad those patients which was suffering from nose allergy was selected for this study.

Result: The data was collected from 50 patients, out of which 22 were smokers and 28 were nin-smokers. The mean age for smokers was 46.4 ± 5.3 years and 42.5 ± 5.4 for non-smokers. There were 14 (69.1%) male and 8 (30.9%) females in smokers group and 16 (57%) males and 12 (42.85%) females in non-smokers group. The mean duration of sinonasal polyposis for smokers group was 2.3 ± 2.8 years and for non-smokers was 2.5 ± 1.3 years.

Conclusion: It is concluded that tobacco smoke may significantly affect in patients with sinonasal polyposis. Consequently, careful evaluation and management of smokers should be performed.

Comparison of Diagnostic Accuracy of CT scan and USG in Right Upper Quadrant Pain: A Review Analysis

Purpose: Acute right upper quadrant (RUQ) pain is a common presenting symptom in emergency departments and outpatient medical practices, and is most commonly attributable to biliary and hepatic pathology. The main objective of the study is to systematically analyse the comparison of diagnostic accuracy of ultrasound and computed tomography in right upper quadrant pain.

Material and methods: This study was conducted using a systematic search on Google scholar, Pubmed and Web of science published until 20th June 2020. The cited references of retrieved articles and previous reviews were also manually checked to identify any additional eligible studies with indexed search terms for cholecystitis, US, cholescintigraphy, CT, and MR imaging.

Results: After excluding duplicates and articles that did not meet the inclusion criteria, we obtained 30 articles with full-texts which were read for further evaluation, where another 60 were excluded as irrelevant. Overall, we included 30 articles that directly match on the inclusion criteria.

Conclusion: It is concluded that RUQ pain were not as good as sensitivities reported in prior studies. CT was statistically significantly better for the diagnosis of RUQ pain than US, most likely because of an unclear clinical picture, the patient population, and a high proportion of poor-quality US examinations. However, US is still our first test of choice if RUQ pain is suspected clinically, whereas CT is performed when the clinical picture is unclear.