Tax Review of Corporate Income Tax as a Strategy of Tax Management

The purpose of this study is to analyze the application of tax review of corporate income tax as a tax management strategy on PT. X Period 2017-2019. The research method used in this study is qualitative descriptive. The data used in this study was obtained from interviews, observations, document studies and online research. This research was conducted at PT X for the period 2017, 2018 and 2019. The results of research related to the implementation of tax review of corporate income tax is a fiscal correction that is carried out not in accordance with the Tax Law and Tax Regulations that apply in Indonesia. Corporate tax income PT. X in 2017, 2018, 2019 became more paid, underpaid and nil. There is a potential tax shock that can cause companies to be prepared in case of tax checks so that companies must do better tax management.

Identity Construction through Language Use (A Case Study of Jakartanese Personal Pronoun)

Recent studies have reported that the use of language does not merely reflect on the communicative function, but also identifies the social status of the speakers. This research presents an explanation and of these findings in terms of the use of Jakartanese personal pronouns gue by non-Jakartan regarding the construction of social identity seen from the perspective of Social Identity Theory (SIT). Observation was employed to investigate the occurrence of this pronoun in conversations among the participants, and semi-structured interviews are used to find out the underlying motivations. Results show that by using gue, participants undergo the process of social Identity Theory and are able to enact stances, mostly familiarity and ‘coolness’ which becomes a prime aspect for them to construct self-identity.

Sustainable Rust Belt Manufacturing: An Exploration of Emission Rates during the Enforcement Era of the Great Lakes Water Agreement Act (GLWQA)

The Great Lakes as a key global resource provides an abundance of freshwater as well as power for the entire region, but environmental degradation due to industrial discharge into the water supply has depleted the Great Lakes ecosystem.  The Great Lakes Water Agreement Act (GLWQA) is a framework to protect and restore this ecosystem.  It has changed in scope since its inception, and while the regulatory duties of the GLWQA have been noble, less input from Rust Belt industry and more power from the steering committee of the GLWQA have resulted in power struggles among its various stakeholders as deindustrialization has spread across the region.  This study will analyze different eras’ amendments to ascertain changes in water pollution as they relate to production output rates over the past generation in order to analyze the effects of the various rounds of water pollution enforcement versus Rust Belt industrial output compared to other states in the country.

Students’ Perceptions on the Use of Mobile-Assisted Language Learning (MALL) in Learning Pronunciation

The objectives of this research are to analyze the students’ perceptions of the use of Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) in pronunciation learning and to analyze the problems faced by the students regarding the use of the MALL in pronunciation. Additionally, this research was conducted using a mixed method design. The data for this research were taken from 15 students in the English Education Study Program, at Tadulako University. In collecting the data for this research, the researcher used questionnaires and interviews with the students. The questionnaire was in the form of a statement and it included five degrees of answer options. The interview, on the other hand, was in the form of semi-structured and included 10 items. Then, after analyzing the data obtained, it was concluded that the general perception of the students is that the perception of the students on the use of MALL in pronunciation is positive as they perceive that MALL is effective and beneficial for their pronunciation learning. Further, the students explained that there is one major problem they face regarding the use of MALL in pronunciation that deals with internet connectivity. However, as can be inferred from the students’ explanation, there are three more problems that cause difficulties to students. They are the students’ phones performance; the possibility of the students being redirected; and the students’ familiarity with using mobile phones for learning.

Techno-Economic Feasibility of Applying Sugarcane Waxbased Phase Change Material to Lower Photovoltaic Panel Temperature

A reduction in power output from a solar photovoltaic (PV) panel is caused by a high operating temperature resulting mitigating economic benefits. Therefore, phase change material (PCM) situated in the back of a solar panel is used to maintain the surface temperature of the panel close to ambient. This research aimed to improve solar power generation efficiency by selecting a suitable thickness of encapsulated phase change material (EPCM) based on energy efficiency and economic analysis. At the increase of the EPCM layer thickness from 4 mm to 7 mm, the maximum power generation efficiency was improved by 15.86% owing to the EPCM heat storage capacity. The efficiency of solar panels-7 mm layer EPCM module was 6% higher than the PVs without EPCM. Adding an EPCM on the back of a solar panel lasted 16 days under natural conditions. However, a net present value (NPV) over a 25-year project of solar systems with a 7 mm thick EPCM layer is negative while that of solar systems without EPCM is more profitable than that of solar systems with a 4 mm thick EPCM layer. Applying sensitivity analysis to NPV of PV-EPCM modules was studied under changes in material cost of EPCM and power feed-in tariff. The result of sensitivity analysis of PV-7 mm thick EPCM layer shows 40% reduction in material cost of EPCM or 50% increase of energy price contributes to positive profitability.

Developing a New Marketing Approach to Enhance Brand Awareness: Case Study of an E-commerce Enabler Company in Indonesia

LSHOP, a SaaS startup company that was introduced as a direct-to-consumer (D2C) e-commerce enabler. With LSHOP’s D2C strategy, MSMEs can benefit from technological solutions without the involvement of a third party. Building awareness is crucial for a new brand, particularly a startup company with an existence of less than five years, or even less than a year if it is computed since they conducted the rebranding, to concentrate on its position and remain in the sector. According to observations and conversations with LSHOP’s marketing manager, there are still a lot of people who are unaware of the SaaS company, which is beneficial for MSMEs as one of their business channels, LSHOP. The frameworks of Porter’s Five Analysis, Marketing Mix, SWOT, Competitor Analysis, and Customer Analysis are used in this study to examine business issues. Data and information were gathered from a variety of sources, including observation, employee interviews, questionnaire distribution employing sampling, and questionnaire distribution. According to the survey, LSHOP’s underuse of marketing channels and customers’ lack of familiarity with the SaaS sector were to blame for the lack of brand awareness. The author suggests a marketing approach based on the 5A Framework to address the issues, namely how to raise brand awareness. The tactics employed for stage 5A of spreading awareness of LSHOP vary depending on the level. At the Aware stage, businesses can work with influencers, put up billboards and banners in MSMEs’ common areas, and introduce a distinctive catchphrase. The strategy that can be used in the Appeal stage is to produce engaging content regarding the brand’s features or industry-related data. Additionally, to make it easier for customers to understand the information, viral or unique promotions are required. The business should implement a plan to build a community network utilizing Facebook and regularly produce content using short videos on TikTok during the Ask stage. Additionally, in the Act stage, launching internal events, working with the government, running promotional campaigns, and having live chats with customer care are all highly beneficial for LSHOP’s new approach. Finally, LSHOP can strengthen relationships with consumers at the Advocate stage by developing referral and loyalty programs that offer rewards to customers.

Social Media Affects Emotional and Cognitive Status

Social media has played a significant role in people’s lives and can be helpful to them in a variety of ways. However, if misused, social media can also be problematic. Social media impacts how kids establish their identities because it gives them access to a platform that may also cause them to feel anxious, insecure, and depressed since they work so hard to maintain their online reputations. Allowing young people to use social media can lead to issues such as cyberbullying, sexting and Facebook suffering. Teenagers may turn to drugs and alcohol as a coping mechanism if they are unsure how to handle the problems. Teenagers can experience benefits and risks from using the internet, so physician services must cooperate with adolescents and their families to support the benefits that young people get from using social media while also assisting them in developing preventative and coping mechanisms to deal with any potential risks.

Proposed Marketing Initiative to Increase Brand Awareness and Purchase Conversion Case Study Brand: Ajoy Biscuit Stick

One of the brand portfolios that is expected to grow to support Claygo’s commercial expansion in Indonesia especially in the biscuit category is Ajoy. According to the 2020–2021 results, Ajoy is dealing with significant business issues, such as unmet sales targets that are negatively related to category growth. Ajoy’s penetration rate is likewise still very low, at less than 1%, with a trialist base of just 0.6 to 0.8 percent. This study uses a quantitative approach with the type of descriptive research. The approach to obtain the data is done with the survey by utilizing online questionnaires. Ajoy brand awareness is relatively poor, primarily due to the advertisement’s low share of voice. Low purchase conversion results from low awareness, which is also a result of a number of barriers, including product knowledge, price, and physical and mental availability. Due to Ajoy’s higher pricing but unable to establish a solid judgment regarding the price point, the premium positioning it seeks to establish is not well received by the target market. This study will help Ajoy to identify its low brand awareness trigger and low purchase conversion (from aware to ever purchase metric) trigger, as well as develop the brand message corresponding to Ajoy’s premium positioning and define the integrated marketing communication initiatives to deliver the brand message to Ajoy’s  prime prospect.

Proposed Marketing Strategy for Pt. Kereta API Indonesia (Persero) to Increase the Number of Passengers

PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) or known as KAI is a State-Owned Enterprise in Indonesia with the obligation of organizing transportation that prioritizes passenger comfort, safety, and security. KAI is the only train transportation service in Indonesia, so it has a strong advantage over other modes of transportation. However, the Covid 19 pandemic has a great impact on KAI which resulted in a significant decrease in the number of passengers in KAI operating areas in Bandung in 2020-2022.

Therefore, the purpose of this study is to analyze internally and externally what factors influence the decline in passengers on KAI, and what strategies are appropriate for KAI to implement in order to increase the number of passengers in the future. The internal analysis uses 3 tools, namely STP analysis, 7P analysis, and VRIO analysis, which is intended to determine the strengths and weaknesses of KAI. External analysis is carried out using 4 tools, namely PESTEL, Porter’s 5 Forces, competitor analysis, and customer analysis aimed at knowing the external opportunities and threats being faced by KAI. The findings from the internal and external analysis are used to analyze the SWOT. In the SWOT analysis, it was found that KAI has 3 weaknesses and 4 threats being faced. Then the TOWS Matrix is used to formulate the right proposed strategy for KAI in overcoming existing weaknesses and threats. There are 12 alternative strategies from the results of the TOWS analysis which are then grouped into 4 categories, namely ST strategy, WT strategy, SO strategy, and WO strategy. In these 4 categories, QSPM analysis is used to calculate the greatest weight value for each strategy based on the expert judgment from the KAI. The chosen strategy is the ST strategy which has 3 strategies, namely Implementing Social Marketing that shows the benefits of using KAI for the society & environment, Improving the quality of the services to increase value, and Attractive promotions only available for new members. It is hoped that the selected recommendation strategy can be implemented properly by KAI so that it can reach a wider range of consumers in order to increase the number of passengers

Developing Positioning For BNI as an International Bank (Focusing on Trade Finance Transactions)

Following the direction from the Minister of SOEs to be an international bank, BNI revised one of its missions to strengthen international services to support the needs from our global business partner. BNI keeps making changes and improvements to be an international bank. Nevertheless, BNI is still in the second rank of the market share in international transactions. This thesis aims to develop a strong position for BNI as an international bank, focusing on trade finance transactions, as it’s the biggest contributor in terms of revenue in the international division.