Principal’s Transformational Leadership in Education Era 4.0: A Literature Review

This article aims to find out how the principal’s transformational leadership style improves teacher performance in the 4.0 education era. This study uses a literature review method by examining national and international journal articles on Google Scholar. The results of the literature review show that the principal’s leadership style has a significant influence on teacher performance. The influence of the principal’s transformational leadership in improving teacher performance in the 4.0 education era can be indicated from the following indicators: 1) principals foster self-confidence, motivation and high expectations to achieve a vision of the future together, 2) principals set an example in school attendance , 3) principals become inspiration for school members in improving competence, self-development, and performance, 4) principals become leaders who provide knowledge and ways of thinking in finding information technology-based learning development strategies.

Does Implementing Trade Facilitation Improve Social Welfare? In Case of ASEAN

In recent years, the members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) have been concentrating on increasing trade facilitation (TF) goals. Ineffective commitment to TF can have a variety of detrimental consequences on a country’s welfare. The impact of three TF metrics on social well being in ASEAN countries is investigated in this study. The analysis shows that improvements in institutions, market efficiency, and infrastructure will enhance employment, school enrollment, and life expectancy using the System Generalized Method of Moments (SGMM) estimator with data gathered between 2000 and 2021. This progress even contributes to a reduction in the country’s annual traffic incidents. As a result, TF is a critical tool for improving a country’s social welfare.

Green Energy Development in Russian Regions

The analysis of the development of “green energy” in the regions of Russia is one of the pressing modern scientific issues. This article describes the general situation with carbon dioxide emissions in the atmosphere in the world and in Russia. It is shown that the Russian Federation is one of the world leaders in the volume of carbon dioxide emissions. Global and Russian trends in the development of renewable energy sources are considered. The spatial unevenness in the development of renewable energy sources in the regions of the Russian Federation is characterized. An econometric model is proposed, which investigates the influence of the production process (through such factors as gross regional product and electricity consumption) as well as the development of renewable energy sources on carbon dioxide emissions in Russian regions. The results show that gross regional product and regional electricity consumption have positive impact on increasing carbon dioxide emission while the increase of renewable energy sources has a negative impact on increasing carbon dioxide emission. At the present stage, Russian regions can face a number of problems and constraints of social and economic nature that may hinder the development of a “green economy”.

Principal Managerial Skills in Implementing School-Based Management: A Literature Review

This study aimed to describe principals’ managerial skills in the development of School-Based Management (SBM). The method used in this study was a literature review. The results and discussion of the study, namely the principal’s managerial skills, include; Technical skills (technical abilities), human skills (human relations abilities), and conceptual skills (conceptual abilities), which are implemented in school-based management with components of curriculum management and teaching programs, education staff, student affairs, finance, educational facilities and infrastructure, management of school and community relations, and special services for institutions. The indicators for the success of School-Based Management (SBM) include support from school principals and teachers, sufficient financial resources, clear commitments, responsibilities, skills, and qualifications of school officials, appropriate plans, obligations, and accountability.

Multicultural Islamic Education in Encouraging Spirit of the Elderly

This study aims to reveal Multicultural Islamic Education in encouraging the spirit of the elderly in terms of enthusiasm and optimism, the power to fight frustration and group spirit through the existence of Multicultural Islamic Education. This qualitative research with a phenomenological approach was conducted at Griya Werdha Surabaya-Indonesia. The data were collected using in-depth interviews, observations and documents involving seven Muslim elderly people and three representatives of the leadership taken purposively.
The results of this study indicate that it has an impact on three aspects of the spirit of the elderly. In the aspect of enthusiasm and optimism, the elderly have a deeper spiritual closeness to God which has a positive impact on the elderly to have good behavior towards fellow elderly in their daily lives. In the aspect of strength against frustration, the elderly no longer blame themselves or those around them for the conditions that befell them. For the aspect of the spirit of the elderly to group, the elderly are encouraged to interact with one another and live a harmonious life in their daily lives.

High-quality Development Effectiveness of Provincial Regions in China: Data-driven Evaluation and Spatio-temporal Characteristics

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Menstruation and Sex Hormones in Covid-19: Effects in Women of Child-Bearing Age

Numerous studies have examined the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on women’s mental health and menstrual cycles. However, most of these studies only included outpatients with COVID-19, whereas information on hospitalised women is minimal. ACE 2 is essential for the SAR-CoV2 virus to enter human cells and the human ovary. Since it stimulates steroid secretion, aids in follicle development and oocyte growth, influences ovulation, and maintains the corpus luteum, it stimulates steroid secretion and aids in follicle development and oocyte growth. Hospitalised female COVID-19 patients exhibit menstrual changes and heightened symptoms of mental health disorders. Length of isolation was the most influential factor in overall menstrual changes and mental health in female COVID-19 hospitalised patients. Infection with COVID-19 may affect the menstrual cycle in females. Further prospective research is required to confirm these findings and determine the duration of these menstrual irregularities.

Gene Variants and Epigenetics That Lead to Gender Dysphoria

These days, the rate of gender dysphoria among transgender individuals has increased drastically. Gender dysphoria is a significant issue affecting every aspect of individuals’ daily activities. It induces significant stress and might eventually cause an impairment. Historically, the etiology of gender dysphoria solely focused on the anatomical aspect, mentioning that men’s and women’s brains are distinct. However, it is now believed to be multifactorial, and emerging researchers are trying to shed light on both brain structures and genes that might contribute to gender dysphoria. To explore the possible etiologies of gender dysphoria, this paper reviews the evidence of how epigenetics contributes to gender dysphoria. The basis includes the role of sex-determining genes, anatomical differences among various populations, epigenetics, and mutation of the RYR3 gene. Epigenetics focuses solely on CpGs methylation. Thus far, these mechanisms could not wholly explain the exact mechanism causing gender dysphoria; therefore, additional research is required to disclose this information. Ultimately, understanding the mechanism of gender dysphoria will promote a better quality of life for individuals experiencing gender dysphoria.

Study of the Processes in Swelling of Expanded Clay Masses Based On Raw Materials of Uzbekistan

The article investigates the possibilities of obtaining high–quality expanded clay based on the clay of the Gurlen deposit of the Republic of Uzbekistan, with additives from local oil and fat combines – gossypol pitch and local dune sand of Tuprakkala massif. It is determined that the addition of gossypol pitch to the raw mixture within the specified limits significantly increases the swelling of the mass. It was also determined that the addition of dune sand to the mass (together with gossypol pitch) in moderate quantities contributes to an increase in mechanical strength and lengthening of the swelling interval of experimental expanded clay samples.

Transformation of Public Transport Based on Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) and Implementation of Buy the Service (BTS) Scheme in A Metropolitan City of Sarbagita, Bali

The level of congestion in Indonesia’s big cities, including Denpasar, is already so severe. This is inseparable from the phenomenon where most people in Indonesia now have a car transportation system that is growing rapidly. Furthermore, the city is characterized by high car dependence and a low and steadily declining public transport profile. The Indonesian government seeks to transform the public transportation industry so that drivers want to change to public transportation through the implementation of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) and most recently, in 2020 the government through the Ministry of Transportation launched the “Buy the Service” program or known as BTS which has been implemented in Indonesia. 5 big cities, namely: Palembang, Solo, Medan, Yogyakarta, and Denpasar. Then followed by Bandung, Makassar, Banjarmasin, Surabaya, and Banyumas in 2021. However, there is an indication that the interest of private car users to switch to using public transportation is very small. The study is intended to evaluate of service or transit improvement. Identify different categories of impacts and how to measure them, discuss the best way to evaluate public transport and identify common mistakes that distort results as well as discuss the travel impacts of changes to the transit system (BRT) and incentives (BTS). The results of this study are expected to explain ways to optimize transit benefits by increasing system efficiency, increasing passengers and creating more transit-oriented land use patterns.