Knowledge and Attitudes of Pregnant Women in Preventing Postpartum Depression

Postpartum depression is a harmful depression risk; if not treated properly, it can have bad consequences for both mother and child. Hence, efforts are needed to prevent postpartum depression in pregnant women. This article aims to describe and find out the effect of self-help psychological intervention on the knowledge and attitudes of pregnant women in preventing postpartum depression. This article was quantitative research with a quasi-experimental model. The study population was 155 pregnant women in the Darussalam Public Health Center working area in Aceh Besar, 2021. The sample was 74 respondents, with 37 in the intervention group and 37 in the control group. Data was collected using The Knowledge about Postpartum Depression Questionnaire (KPPD-Q) and Attitudes Toward Postpartum questionnaires. This study found that the self-help psychological intervention significantly affects the knowledge and attitudes of pregnant women (p-value = 0.000 <0.05). Also, there were significant differences in knowledge and attitudes between the intervention. This study concluded that Self-help Psychological interventions could ascend pregnant women's knowledge and attitudes toward preventing postpartum depression. Respondents' age, education level, and gestational age are the driving factors for increasing knowledge and attitudes.

Development of E-Module Based on Problem Based Learning by Using Adobe Flash Professional CS6 on the Material of Human Respiratory and Excretory Systems for Students of Class VIII SMPN 25 Padang

Good results from education must be accompanied by effective learning. Effective learning one of which is influenced by the use of teaching materials. Preliminary investigation data at SMPN 25 Padang show that there is no teaching material in the form of an e-module that can visualize the subject matter as a whole. Based on the results of the questionnaire, it is known that 67.16% of students have difficulty understanding the concepts of the respiratory system and the excretory system. This causes the low learning outcomes for students, so teaching materials are needed that can assist in visualizing the subject matter as a whole. This study aims to produce an e-module based on problem based learning using adobe flash professional CS6 on the material of the human respiratory and excretory systems for students of class VIII that is valid, practical, and effective. This type of research is the Plomp model development research which consists of three phase, namely the initial preliminary research phase, the development or prototyping phase, and the assessment phase. The research subjects are students of class VIII SMPN 25 Padang Academic Year 2021-2022. The research data were obtained from validity, practicality, and effectiveness tests. The validity test data was obtained through a validation sheet by lecturers as validators. Practical test data was obtained from the results of the questionnaire response analysis of teachers and students. Effectiveness test data were obtained from multiple choice question sheets for assessing cognitive competence, observation sheets for assessing affective competence and psychomotor competence, and essay question sheets for assessing students creative thinking skills. The results of validation by validators on the e-module based on problem-based learning show an average value of 86.35% (very valid). The results of the practicality assessment by science teachers showed an average of 90.87% (very practical) and the results of the practicality assessment by students obtained an average value of 89.25% (very practical). The results of the effectiveness test from the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor aspects of students showed that the problem based learning based e-module was very effective and the value of creative thinking skills obtained an average of 74.24 (creative). Thus, it can be concluded that the problem based learning based e-module developed is very valid, very practical, very effective, and can train creative thinking skills.

Comparative Evaluation of Analgesic Effectiveness of Various Anesthelic Drugs in Combination with Dexmedetomidine in Children after Cardiac Surgery

In pediatric practice, for postoperative pain therapy, in addition to analgesia, sedation must also be taken into account in order to prevent the development of delirium and irritation to discomfort. Therefore, the purpose of our work was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of various forms of non–opioid drugs in combination with dexmedetomidine in children with congenital heart defects after cardiac surgery. The study included 60 children aged 2 to 4 years with congenital heart defects operated on for radical corrections of congenital heart defects in conditions of artificial circulation. The patients were divided into 2 groups, identical in anthropometric data. All patients underwent sedation and analgesia with dexmedetomidine, paracetamol and diclofenac. After the conducted examinations and observations, it was concluded that the use of non–opioid analgesics in combination with dexmedetomidine gives good results in the postoperative period, without causing any special complications from organs and systems.

Management Functions in PAUD (Early Children Education)

This article aims to find out how kindergarten management is managed properly, the application of POAK (planning, organizing, actuanting, controlling) functions in PAUD. The literature review is from previous research. This article uses the search and review method, where the review process begins with a search engine, Google Scholar, to search for articles with keywords. The author finds the scope of the articles reviewed is still very limited so that it needs to be followed up related to kindergarten management research. The results of the review show that the creativity of teachers in kindergarten can be realized optimally if they apply good management. Research on this topic is very limited so that further research is needed on the management function for teacher creativity in kindergartens in general. The theoretical benefit of this article is to know the management function for in kindergarten.

Determinants of Bank Credit on the Private Sector in Rwanda

It is widely accepted among economists, policy makers and central bankers that the main objective of macroeconomic policy is to achieve a high and sustained economic growth rate while maintaining a low inflation rate. It is also generally believed that high inflation is detrimental to medium and long-run economic growth. This study thus aims at bridging these gaps in literature by examining empirically the determinants of credit to the private sector based on supply and demand factors over the period 2006Q1-2019Q4 by using ARDL model. This study is to investigate the determinants of CPS using the Autoregressive Distributed Lags model due to its several advantages. Both the demand and supply factors influencing bank credit in a single equation over a longer time period. Finding from the autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) framework reveal that in the long run, banking deposits constitute the major determinants of CPS. A 1 percent increase in banking deposits will result into a 1.3% increase in CPS. Government domestic borrowing has been significant with expected sign but with a low coefficient. If GCCB increase by1%, CPS declined by 0.08% in the long run. This low coefficient may be explained by a low share of government domestic borrowing in total bank assets (8.4%). The study also revealed that, Non-performing loans ratio has been found insignificant in the long run over the period under review. Interest rate spread also explained CPS changes with a low coefficient in the long run. When IS increases by 1 percent CPS declined by 0.02%. The low coefficient of interest rate spread is basically explained by credit constrained borrowers, lack of financial literacy, credit information asymmetry, low bank competition which results into the rigidity in lending rate and maintain the spread relatively high in Rwanda.

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Situation in Thailand

Coronavirus in 2019, also known as COVID-19, is SARS-CoV-2, is spreading across the globe. Most of our work focuses on situation and statistics of coronavirus cases 2019 in Thailand. This article focuses on beginning of disease and spreading around the world and in Thailand. As many as 11 strains of the coronavirus 2019 mutation, causing the cumulative number of infections to increase and even with the invention and development of vaccines. To prevent disease comes out a variety of vaccines. But the number of infections and deaths continues to rise. Therefore, government disease prevention measures should be followed and self-protection should be appropriate. To prevent the number of infections and deaths from increasing again.

Appropriate Taxes and Covid-19 Tax Insentives do Affect Purchasing Power of New Car?

This research based on increasing vehicle sales in South Tangerang Indonesia. The sample in this study was determined based on purposive sampling. The type of data used using primary data. The analysis used is multiple linear regression analysis. Regression testing shows that value added tax, sales tax on luxury goods, motor vehicle tax progressive rates and tax incentives have a simultaneous effect on consumer purchasing power. Partially, the value added tax and sales tax on luxury goods have no effect, while the progressive rate motor vehicle tax and tax incentives have an effect on consumer purchasing power. The influence of the two dependent independent variables on the variable as much as 27.8%, this needs to be added variables in further research.

Public Governance in Handling the COVID-19 Pandemic Based on Village Funds in Indonesia

The COVID-19 pandemic that has hit the world and has lasted since the beginning of 2019 has not yet ended. This health problem causes a fairly high increase in mortality. In dealing with the outbreak, Indonesia has mobilized all its policy resource capabilities by focusing on cooperation between the government and the community. Public governance is a manifestation of the collaboration between policymakers and community institutions. At the village government level, the handling of COVID-19 is carried out by village officials, village institutions, community leaders, and medical and security forces. Thus, this study aims to examine the concept of public governance by paying attention to indicators of accountability, transparency, and cooperation in handling the COVID-19 pandemic. The research location was conducted in Karangrau Village, Sokaraja District, Banyumas Regency. In the analysis, this study uses an interactive qualitative method that relies on information extracted from informants from both community village officials, security forces, and medical personnel. The results of the study show that the program implementers have carried out activities well by using indicators of accountability, transparency, and cooperation. This study recommends that the accountability of policymakers be maintained, the level of transparency needs to be increased and cooperation between the community and village officials needs to be carried out intensively.

Proposed Marketing Strategy to Increase Digital Smart Poultry Market Readiness in West Java

Coronavirus diseases (COVID-19) have been impacted to the decrease in poultry product demand in Indonesia which leads to cause oversupply and declining in this industry margin. As one of the companies that promote digital transformation in Indonesia, Indonesian ICT company develops a new subsector in its digital agricultural platform to solve the problem. This company created Minimum Viable Product (MVP) to develop its current digital platform in subsector poultry (digital smart poultry). It consisted of several features such as funding, partnership, and B2B/B2C marketplace. After planning the MVP, the problem is mainly focused on determining the market readiness for smart poultry digital platform and how to create the most suitable marketing strategy to enter the market. They also had not specified the target segment to sell the products yet. This research is aimed to explore more whether the poultry farmers need the smart poultry digital platform to solve the problem, the market readiness, and formulate the marketing strategy and implementation plan for the smart poultry digital platform that targeted on poultry farmers.
To validate the issue in the poultry industry, the authors conduct a preliminary survey by interviewing poultry farmers in West Java. Next, to gain in-depth insight into the product necessities and market readiness, the author did an environmental analysis (internal and external) as the base to formulate the SWOT-TOWS analysis. The internal analysis that has been used for this research consists of Business Model Canvas (BMC) and VRIO analysis. The author used PESTEL, Porter’s Five Forces, competitor, and consumer’s analysis for the external analysis. According to the analysis, the poultry farmers as the targeted consumers are considered ready and necessary to use the product. After formulating SWOT-TOWS based on the environment analysis, the author used QSPM analysis to determine the most suitable business and marketing strategy to be implemented. The author proposed several strategies and implementation plans that consisted of 1) Increase the smart poultry digital platform capabilities (especially in IoT to help solve the poultry farmers’ problem). Optimize digitalization for business development and marketing (SO2), 2) Optimize the service marketing (ST1), and 3) Maximize the use of integrated marketing strategy to maximize promotion (WT3).

New Normal Education: Impact to Parents in Southern Palawan, Philippines

This study aimed to identify the impact of new normal education to parents in Southern Palawan. There were 144 parent-respondents in this study. This study investigated the advantage/s of new normal education to parents, the challenges they encountered, and the solutions they employed to surpass it. Most of the parents were females, with an average of 3 to 4 children, minimum wage earners, and graduates of high school. Frequency distribution, mean, percentage were the statistical tools used. Most of the parents stated that because of the new normal education, students learned independently. Most of the parents were challenged by the absence or poor internet connection. In order for them to cope up with the challenges, most of them disciplined the students at home.