Motivational Young Entrepreneur’s Personal Branding on Instagram: A Modest Crazy Rich Asian

Individuals’ personal branding in social media convey meaning with particular signification. Interpretation of the image could rebuild and strengthen an individual’s public persona. Putri Tanjung, the CEO of a creative business has carried values as a young inspirational entrepreneur through her contribution and influence on society. This study aims to analyze the meaning of motivational content on the @putri_tanjung Instagram account. This paper discusses the signs and meaning of Putri Tanjung’s personal branding using Ferdinand de Saussure semiotics method. The findings show that there is intrinsic meaning in the motivation message presented in the message of each Instagram content selected in this study. The study identified components of personal branding used in the unit analysis which consists of values, skills, and behavior. This paper concludes that despite her family background, she does not represent herself based on the well-known conglomerate family, but as an inspirational individual with a work ethic.

A Literature Review of Undenatured type II collagen (UC-II) in Joint Health and Disease

Undenatured type II collagen (UC-II) is supplementary which is from chicken sternum cartilage. (Lugo, J. P., Saiyed,…,2015) UC-II has undenatured type II collagen componentand. The safety and capability of UC-II in adjusting joint discomfort in Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid arthritis support by previous preclinical and clinical studies. (Lugo, J. P., Saiyed,…,2013) Osteoarthritis (OA) is atrophy joint disease affecting the quality of life of the elderly population. A lot of evidence that nutraceuticals from natural herbs may play essential part in inflammation and joint catastrophe in OA. Moreover, various studies these supplements have been found to be proficient in OA. None of these supplements have reported side effects. However, questions connected to their capability and safety for OA prevention and treatment is quality trials are needed to give absolute answers. (Vaishya, R., Agarwal,…,2018)

Cyto-Genotoxic Evaluation of Frequently Added Food Preservatives on the Root Meristem Cells of Allium Cepa

Food preservatives are unswervingly being used for prolonging the shelf life of food, often to increase the aroma, taste and quality by food packaging industry. These food preservatives are pivotal in protecting food from degradation and deterioration by micro-organisms. Two of the most commonly used food preservatives, viz. sodium nitrite (NaNO2) and Monosodium glutamate (MSG) have been evaluated using root tips of Allium cepa. Cytological studies in plants offer a first-tier bioassay that are sensitive and reliable. Allium cepa is used as an experimental model as it shows chromosomal aberrations and other morphological abnormalities as that of the mammalian systems. Dose and time dependent evaluation of the mitotic damage was done on the root tips of onion (Allium cepa). Mitotic Index (MI) was calculated based on the cytological observation post-treatment with their respected controls. Chromosomal abnormalities like chromosomal bridge and laggard, multipolarity and stickiness in the chromosome was observed in the treated sample.

Quality of Drug Management during the Covid-19 Pandemic at Outpatient Health Center, Kendari City

Covid-19, declared a global pandemic by WHO, has infected 10,242,298 cases in Indonesia. Especially in Southeast Sulawesi, there were 521 cases, with the most in Kendari city. Public health centers are generally the first goal of treatment by the community, so they must be able to manage and utilize their resources effectively and efficiently in breaking the chain of Covid-19 transmission. COVID-19 impacts changes in health services carried out at the Puskesmas, so it is crucial to evaluate the quality of drug management at the puskesmas during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study aims to evaluate the quality of drug management in all outpatient health centers in Kendari City during the COVID-19 pandemic. This research was descriptive and non-experimental with retrospective data collection in all outpatient health centers in Kendari City using the Satibi indicator as a subject with research objects including drug stock cards, LPLPO, RKO, and several other documents. Based on the results, all puskesmas remained active in proposing drugs to FORNAS during the pandemic. However, the percentage value of the suitability of drug items available with FORNAS did not yet meet the standards. The accuracy of planning, the suitability of the number of requests, and the suitability of the number of receipts are not up to standard. Storage according to dosage form, temperature, LASA, and FEFO were following standards, the accuracy of distribution, empty stock items, insufficient stock, safe stock, and the excess stock did not meet standards, and there were still expired or damaged drugs. The suitability of the physical amount of the drug meets the standard, but there are outpatient health centers that do not evaluate drug management periodically during 2020.

Assessing the Quality of Local Government Training on Small Medium Enterprises(SMEs) in the Implementation of Local Economic Development initiatives (LED) in Ghana

Emerging economies are increasingly pressurised to implement local economic development (LED) initiatives as an intervention strategy for sustainability. Prior studies have underscored the significant achievement of first-world countries after embracing LED initiatives such as rapid job creation, poverty reduction, and money generation. This study presents and analyses the quality of MMDAs training on SMEs in implementing local economic development (LED) initiatives in Ghana’s Ga West and Kpando Municipalities. This study adopted a case study research design using a quantitative approach to assess the quality of local government training programmes for SMEs implementing LED in the Ga West and the Kpando Municipalities. Three hundred and thirty-one (331) SMEs were used for the study. The study found that most SMEs have knowledge of business-related training programmes available at the Municipalities and have also benefited from these training programmes. The available training programmes included capacity building, Record/Bookkeeping, Safety/Health and Environmental management training, among others. However, some of these training programmes did not meet the SMEs’ training needs, while others did not know this. Finally, the paper provided recommendations to improve how training policies.

Health Technology Assessment: The context, Practices and Challenges- A Mini Review

Health Technology Assessment (HTA) is an important multidisciplinary process for health policymakers and decision-makers to evaluate a range of health technologies, medical devices, and pharmaceuticals to enable the efficiency with finite healthcare budgets. It aids the effectiveness and fairness in decision making. HTA is a mechanism to introduce a value for money in the healthcare system. HTA methods are evolving, and their applications are diverse.  This review introduces fundamental aspects and issues of dynamic concept of HTA.

Evaluation of Nutritional, Phytochemicals, Microbiological and Sensory Properties of Cookies Enriched with Cocoa Bean Shells

: Cocoa bean shells (CBS) are wastes generated by cocoa processing industries despite its high nutritional properties. Production of cookies enriched with CBS in order to evaluate the effects of its addition on the processed snack food was studied. Cookies were prepared with multipurpose flour, butter, sugar, baking powder, salt, milk and varying quantities of CBS (0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10g). The preparation of the cookies was done according to the normal method of cookies production. Nutritional, minerals, phytochemicals, microbiological and sensory evaluations were performed on the processed snack food to determine the contribution of the CBS in enhancement of these properties. Results of chemicals, minerals, phytochemicals and sensory analysis indicates increase in protein, fat, fiber and ash whereas moisture and carbohydrate content decreases as the quantity of the enricher increases. All the parameters determined for minerals and the phytochemicals also increase with increased addition of the CBS. The result of sensory analysis showed that all the samples were rated highly but for the sample with highest addition of CBS which had darker colour and aftertaste due to the deep brown colour of CBS. Microbial examination of the cookies indicated that total bacteria counts were low for all the sample (1.7×102-3.1×103) and no enteric bacteria was detected. The study shows that the cookies enriched with cocoa bean present a profile of mould in different percentages. There is however, an allowance of 1.0×104 cfu/g for yeasts and moulds for baked products to cookies belong.

The Impact of Open Sky on Airlines Theoretical Study: Case of Tunisia

At the level of this article to understand the potential economic effects of an “open skies” agreement, in particular on competition, prices and airline profits. We will try in a first part to determine if consumers will benefit from price reductions following the entry into force of an Open Sky agreement, we will also try to see the effects of “open sky” agreements on competition.


Hull Form Optimization of Fishing Vessels by Adoption of Stern Wedge and Bilge Keel

The most recent ships incorporate a number of significant design enhancements to improve the vessel’s seaworthiness. Bulbous bow, bilge keel, stern wedge, stern tunnel, spray rails, and others are examples. A stern wedge is a small modification of the buttock lines aft of station 19 1/2. The use of this hull design feature on small high-speed planning craft for the purpose of improved powering performance is an accepted naval architectural practice. However, its use on fishing vessels is uncommon. A bilge keel is a marine gear that reduces the tendency for a ship to roll. Hull shape modifications such as bilge keel can potentially increase safety by reducing roll motions. These enhancements have not been adopted or evaluated on fishing vessels, despite the fact that they have been employed on seagoing ships. The installation of bilge keels on fishing vessels was found to have a significant influence on the roll motion of the vessels, boosting their safety and efficiency. When compared to normal trawlers, the installation of bilge keels increased roll period by at least 40% and reduced roll amplitude by 16%.

Spectrophotometric Determination of Cd (II) Heavy Metal by Using Stone Apple Shell as a Low Cost Adsorbent

The toxic element Cadmium (II) was determined by using the widely and easily available shells of fruits of stone apple with a good result. The cadmium is a highly toxic element in a trace amount also, therefore its detection is most important. In the present work the effective and powerful adsorbent properties of shells of waste fruits of stone apple (Aegle marmelos) were thoroughly studied. In this work the determination of Cadmium (II) heavy metals from the solutions of its salt were efficiently carried out. The efficiency of removal of Cd (II) was found to be 85 % at the optimum pH 6.7 and the contact time was 118 min for the toxic metal Cadmium (II). The adsorbent used in the present work was ecofriendly cost effective and easily available and will become the better substitute adsorbent for the removal of heavy metal Cd (II). The different parameters such as contact time, effect of pH, initial concentration of metal ions and amount of adsorbent on the adsorption capacity were studied by using the double beam UV-Visible Spectrophotometer.