Behavior of Educational Organizations in Education for Sustainable Development

This article deals with a literature review of internalizing Education of Sustainable Development (ESD) in Indonesia. The approach used in this research is a qualitative approach with a comparative descriptive method. Sustainable development is not only a way to overcome environmental crises, but also social and economic crises experienced in various parts of the world. One form of education that can have a major impact on development is Education for Sustainable. Development (ESD). Education for Sustainable Development enables every human being to acquire the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values needed to shape a sustainable future. The implementation of ESD in each school has various variations according to the school’s perception. The condition of the school background is correlated with efforts to implement ESD practices. The supporting factor for the implementation of ESD in elementary schools is if the school has a good concept and implementation related to aspects of school policy, school strategy, conception of implementing components and commitment to implementing activities. The inhibiting factor for the implementation of ESD in elementary schools is if the school does not have good policies and strategies related to ESD development and a low level of awareness regarding the conception and commitment to implementing ESD-based activities.

Formulation and Evaluation of Ranitidine Hydrochloride Loaded Floating Microspheres for the Treatment of Gastric Ulcer

The study was aimed to prepare gastro retentive floating microsphere of Ranitidine Hydrochloride by Ionotropic Gelation technique and solvent evaporation technique by using the different carriers’ ratios (Carbopol 934, Chitosan, and sodium alginate). Both natural and synthetic polymers have been used to prepare floating microspheres and evaluated the relevant parameters. There was no drug and carrier interactions assessed from FTIR. Depending upon the ratio, the percentage yield was found between 58.33% to 90.38%. in all formulations. The surface morphology of microspheres was characterized by SEM and it was discrete, spherical in shape with rough outer surface and showed free flowing properties. The mean particle size of microspheres significantly increases with increasing polymer concentration and the range between 99.92±1.221 to 168.23±1.963 µm. Among all the formulations, RF3 showed high drug entrapment efficiency (87.52%). The percentage in-vitro buoyancy of the floating microspheres was in the range of 66.92% to 81.52%. The in-vitro drug release study revealed that RF3, RF6 and RF9 Formulations having 89.97%,92.91%,93.68% drug released at the end of dissolution studies respectively. It could be concluded that the developed floating microsphere of Ranitidine Hydrochloride can be used for prolonged release in stomach. Therefore improving the bioavailability and patient compliance.

Effect of Compensation, Work Motivation and Work Discipline on Employee Performance of Zulu Alpha Papa Company

Representative execution is a determinant of the advancement or decay of an organization, worker execution is impacted by a few variables including remuneration factors, inspiration factors, and work discipline factors, from these components we can see the organization’s usefulness, since representative execution will be straightforwardly corresponding to organization efficiency, on the off chance that representative execution expands, organization usefulness additionally increments, despite what might be expected assuming worker execution diminishes, organization efficiency likewise diminishes. The reason for this examination was to decide how the impact of pay, inspiration, and work discipline on worker execution at PT. Zulu Alpha Papa. This examination strategy utilizing subjective techniques with the number of tests utilized in this investigation were 120 respondents who were disseminated haphazardly to representatives of the PT. Zap head office. Inspecting strategy utilizing soaked example while information examination utilizing way investigation procedure (Path Model) which is upheld by Smart PLS programming variant 3.0. Because of this examination, the outcomes showed that there was a positive and huge impact among pay and worker execution, there was a positive and huge impact of inspiration on representative execution, there was a positive and huge impact of work discipline on worker execution, remuneration, inspiration, work discipline at the same time had a positive impact and important to worker execution.

The Implementation of Learning Management in the Covid-19 Period in Junior High Schools in Indonesia: A Literature Review

Learning management during the Covid-19 period is important, because it will be able to reduce student boredom in online learning. In addition, by implementing appropriate learning management, it will also be able to help students and teachers to adapt quickly to Covid-19 situation. This study aimed to discover and search for some possible ways on how to implement learning management in Junior High Schools during the Covid-19 period. The method used in this study was literature review with a qualitative research concept. The results of the study indicated that the implementation of learning management during the Covid-19 period in Junior High School was carried out by three ways, namely 1) providing social support for students to complete their school work, 2) teachers carry out learning management by reforming learning methods, and 3) good communication management between teachers and students using a platform or application that was in accordance with the material at school.

The Influence of Situational Leadership, Work Environment, Competence, and Motivation on Employee Job Satisfaction at the National Library of Indonesia

This study aims to determine the effect of situational leadership, work environment, competence, and motivation on employee satisfaction at the National Library. The research population is the National Library employees who work in the Deputy for Library Material Development and Information Services, with a total sample of 195 people. The design of this research is quantitative research with a data analysis method using multiple linear regression. The results of the study state that situational leadership has a positive and significant effect on employee job satisfaction, the work environment has a positive and significant impact on employee job satisfaction, competence has a positive and significant impact on employee job satisfaction, and motivation has a positive and significant impact on employee job satisfaction. Situational leadership, work environment, competence and motivation together have a positive and significant effect on employee job satisfaction.

COVID-19’s Impact on the Shipping Industry: Case Study of the Sanur-Nusa Penida Route, Bali-Indonesia Shipping

The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has triggerred a global health and economic crisis with far-reaching implications for maritime transport and trade. Restrictions imposed in response to the pandemic have caused disruptions affecting ports, shipping, and supply chains. The island of Bali, one of the provinces of Indonesia, is used as a case study of the impact of the pandemic on the local economy in a region that relies on shipping and tourism. The Indonesian government has employed large-scale social restrictions or Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar (PSBB) to regulate and allow people to return to their ‘normal’ activities. The first objective of this paper is to determine the impact of the PSBB on the shipping industry on the Sanur – Nusa Penida route. The second objective is to find out the level of service during the implementation of the PSBB which presents a new normal in continuing the shipping industry and its challenges. The results revealed there was a decrease in the number of passenger motorboats (PM) operating per day by 84.62%, a decrease in PM trips by 86.54%, and a decrease in the number of passengers by 96.05%. Following the satisfaction index, the overall satisfaction index for PM mode users (57.29%) can be defined as quite satisfactory (51%-65%).

Company Overview for 2017-2021: Apple vs Microsoft

The paper is devoted to company analysis and company stock trend analysis for two giants in electronics hardware and software market: Apple Inc. and Microsoft Corp. All data was derived from the companies’ annual reports and some other referenced websites. Analysis has been plotted using Python including and excluding the most recent year due to data availability.

Social Media Addiction Effects on Well-Being among Tertiary School Graders an Empirical Study in Viaskhapatnam

Psychological well-being has become one of the crucial aspects of modern psychology. It has attracted not only psychologists but also medical practitioners in compliance with the mental health, emotions, depression, stress, etc. of the individual’s academic and social life. Right from the existence of behavioral sciences, efforts have been made by researchers of different disciplines to get a deep understanding of the various and different dimensions and correlates of psychological well-being. Social media platforms are an online association site where individuals cooperate to construct, offer and change their thought and remarks concerning any data. Over the past decade, online long distance social networking communication has brought significant changes in the way people communicate and collaborate.

The study aimed to determine the impact of social media’s early health issues such as student depression and anxiety.

A descriptive study was conducted among Tertiary level educated students in Visakhapatnam with a sample of 130 respondents. It included questions on demographical information, the pattern of social networking usage, social relationship, and health effects.

Results: Present study results found that there is a significant association between time spent on social media and the number of social networking apps. There is a positive correlation between Depression feelings with serious active on social networking apps than in real life.

Conclusion: This study concludes that more usage of social networking sites is affecting the Tertiary school student’s well-being such as depression and anxiety.

Cardiovascular Considerations in COVID-19: A Brief Overview

The spread of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) led to a world-shattering pandemic which impacted humanity in a severe manner. Research suggests that coronavirus has multiorgan effects. It has brought together researchers of all fields who are trying to understand the pathophysiology of the disease and define most select treatment strategies. Pre-existing comorbidities such as hypertension, cardiovascular disease (CVD) and diabetes are linked with a higher mortality rate of COVID-19. With its widespread effects and different strains, there is escalating apprehension about the cardiovascular effects of the viral infection, like myocarditis, thrombosis and arrhythmias, and its relation with existing CVD and heart related problems. The cardiovascular manifestations of COVID-19 need to be understood well for cardiologists and other health workers to be able to diagnose and treat them in the upcoming time.

Use of Tactile Diagrams in Learning Science for Visually Impaired Students at Upper Primary Stage

The NCERT textbooks of Science at upper primary stage are available in Braille script not including any graphics, diagrams and activities  as a result, it has been a challenge for student with visual impairment to ‘create in your mind’ the content specified in Braille textbooks. This challenge has been addressed by NCERT, Department of Education in Science & Mathematics (DESM) to overcome such limitations. DESM has taken the initiative of given those tactile books for Science at the upper primary stage. It will smooth the progress of learning science for visually impaired students. NCERT developed tactile book in science in cooperation with Raised line foundation using 3D technology. In this paper, we are discussing about tactile book in science at upper primary stage.