Determining the Research Capability of the Higher Education Institutions in One Province in the Philippines

This descriptive study aimed to determine the research capability of the private higher education institutions (PHEIs) in one of the provinces in the Philippines.  The inputs were derived from the profile of the schools, their research engagements, and the challenges they encountered in doing research. The survey, interview, and FGD methods were employed to gather data from among the agency heads of the four PHEIs in the province. The findings revealed that these schools are composed of middle-aged, permanent faculty, who are Bachelor’s degree holders and are still new in the service. These schools offer courses that are almost similar and have recorded fluctuating annual enrolment rates. All the PHEIs showed to have a low capability in terms of research generation, let alone paper presentations and publication. Considering that HEIs are expected to do research, these results suggest that these schools should take initiative to enhance the capability of their personnel and eventually their research capability. They may collaborate with other research institutions and seek technical assistance like trainings on research writing or mentorship.

Analysis of Changes in Food and Beverage Sector Stock Prices on the Indonesia Stock Exchange

Stock prices on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), always fluctuate, so it is necessary to analyze any variables that affect stock prices. The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors that affect stock prices, the Food and Beverage Sector on the IDX for the period 2015 to 2019. The analysis method uses correlation, regression, t test, Anova test and multiple linear analysis with several classical assumption tests. The research population was 18 companies and the sample studied was 12 companies and data processing using SPSS Version 22.

The conclusions of the study are (a). Interest rates have no significant effect on stock prices, while firm size and earnings per share value have a significant effect on stock prices. Simultaneously, the three independent variables (Interest rate, company size and Earning per share), have a significant effect on the stock price of Food and Beverages on the Indonesia Stock Exchange.

Application of Pragmatism to Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) in Kenya: An Analysis of Basic Education Curriculum Framework

Globally the world is experiencing rapid changes economically, socially, with new demands setting in. It is therefore necessary for every country to reform education system to remain relevant and functional. Educational philosophies provide ideas that can be applied to make education instrumental. Pragmatism is one of such philosophy which has been used to advance reforms in education. This paper examines the concept of pragmatism in terms of aims, principles and theoretical bases in guiding curriculum reforms. The need for reforms has also been highlighted. The new education system in Kenya (CBC) has been presented in terms of mission and vision and how it relates to the Kenya blue print for economic development- vision 2030. Theoretical underpinnings for CBC have also been presented. Further the paper has related the principles of pragmatism to the CBC through a critical analysis of the Basic Education Curriculum Framework in Kenya to conceptualize how ideas of the philosophy have been reflected in the new curriculum. The paper concludes that, to make education meaning, prior experiences of learners must be exploited and learner engagement must take precedence in the teaching- learning process to develop them as empowered citizens. The philosophy has been applied to a great extent in the new curriculum. To fully actualized the new curriculum, the paper recommends that more funding be provided initiated from the budget making desk to cater for additional facilities, resources and teacher development.

Awareness Regarding First Aid Management of Sports Injury among Primary School Teacher

First aid management of sports injury means during the time of any sports activity injury occur in children that time what type of first aid management is given to resolve the wound or any injury and to prevent complication. So, that the basic knowledge of first aid is required in primary school teacher.

Objective: assess the knowledge regarding first aid management of sports injury among primary school teachers 2. To the effectiveness of health education regarding first aid management of sports injury among primary school teachers 3. To associate the knowledge with selected demographic variable.

Research approach: Quantitative research approach.

Research design: Experimental design

Participation: 40 primary school teacher.

Tool: Questionnaire was used to assess the level of knowledge among primary school teacher.

Results: The comparison of mean and standard deviation of pre – test and post – test level of knowledge regarding management of sports injury among primary school teacher. The mean score was increased from 10.55 to 16 which showed a marked deference of 5.45 respectively and the standard deviation was 0.300 to 0.42 after the administration of health education. ‘T’ test value is 11.94. This value is significant at p < 0.05 level. It indicate the effectiveness of health education on increasing the level of knowledge regarding first aid management of sports injury among primary school teacher. Hence the hypothesis was accepted.

Conclusion: Teachers had increase level of knowledge.

Awareness on Immunization Schedule among Nursing Students

Introduction: Immunization is the process of including the immunity in an individual against an infection organism or agent, through the vaccination. It stimulates immune system (either humeral or cell mediated) to generate specific protection against an infection agent. Vaccine may be prepared from live modified organism, inactivated or killed organism, toxics, or combination of these. The immune system protects an individual against invasion by foreign bodies, specifically microbial agent and their toxoid product.

Design: The analysis of data was done by descriptive and inferential statistics.

Tool: using a simple random sampling technique.

Sample size: The sample size was 45.

Result: That between age and knowledge level 21 to 22 years of students had adequate (100%) knowledge, between source of information and knowledge level family member has adequate (57.14) knowledge, between area of residence and knowledge level are English language had adequate (50%) knowledge, between parents education and knowledge level 12th pass has adequate (44.74%) knowledge, between course of study and knowledge level GNM students had adequate (66.67) knowledge on immunization schedule. The study result show that knowledge score on immunization for average mean is 12.62 and standard deviations is 5.18.

Determinants and Preventive Strategies to Reduce Food Waste in Households

Reduction and better management of food waste affects food security at the household level. Various efforts to increase availability by optimizing production have been carried out but it will be more difficult if it is not accompanied by a reduction in food waste which tends to increase, especially at the consumer level. This study aims to examine how behavior and preventive strategies to reduce food waste in households from various literatures can be used as educational materials or the basis for food waste management programs from households. This Systematic Review study was conducted using the PubMed/Medline, Science Direct, and Google Scholar search databases. Search was limited to articles in peer-reviewed journals, written in English and Indonesian between 2013 and 2022. Publications older than 2013 were not included in compiling the study. After the literature was obtained, then the articles were filtered by title and abstract, including filtering out irrelevant and duplication articles so that there were 13 articles eligible for review. Food loss and waste accounts for > 20% of all food produced, which should still be avoided because reducing food waste can increase food availability for the community. The most widely discussed determinants in the study review are behaviors that include food selection, eating habits and food processing, shopping practices, and waste minimization practices. The potential for reducing food waste can be increased with the most dominant preventive strategies, namely education and socialization, then food management at the individual level, community and government participation.


Proposed Capital Budgeting: Should PT.FST Close its Kelambu Division?

In 2021, the manufacturing industry is Indonesia’s most significant contributor to its Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Within the manufacturing industry, there is a sub-industry called the textile industry. The textile industry in Indonesia is highly fragmented. For instance, there are three niche textile markets: textile for households, textile for clothing, and textile for agriculture. The three segments have different growth of 4%, 7.5%, and 5%, respectively, and this difference in growth rate will create a dilemma for companies. For instance, companies must decide which segment needed to be perused or avoid since each segment will have its opportunities and threats.

PT. FST also faces this dilemma. The differences in each segment’s growth rate are reflected by the company’s sales growth of each product. The sales of plastic products Waring and Benang growth rates are 34% and 52% five years CAGR, respectively. Those are substantial growth compared to the textile products of Kelambu with only 23% five years CAGR. From there, the company’s owner and CEO see a shift in the growth of products sold, from textile products to plastic products. To capture the shifts in demand within the market, he decided to close the Kelambu division to make the company leaner and will be able to focus its resources on the products that will generate revenue the most.

From capital budgeting analysis, the plan of shutting down the Kelambu division will result in a faster payback period of 7.2 years compared to 8 years for the regular cash flow and 8.05 years compared to 8.12 years for the regular cash flow the discounted cash flows. More importantly, it generates a higher NPV of IDR 1,087 bio than IDR 976 bio. In addition, the plan also has a higher Profitability Index and IRR of 6.04 and 25% compared to 5.01 and 22%. From risk analysis, the expected value of the project’s is IDR 1,457 bio, with a probability of NPV less than zero is 8%.

Lastly, this final project contributes to the literature by providing an alternative framework on how to use capital budgeting techniques to compare two expansion plans or closing down divisions within a company. Moreover, other textile industry players, especially SMEs could also refer to this final project if they face a similar dilemma.

Review on Broken-down Resistance to Diseases and Its Management; the Hidden Challenge in Breeding and Production of Banana and Plantains in Developing Countries

Resistant breakdown is the genetic vulnerability that is devastating agriculture breeding and production of banana worldwide, therefore threateningburgeoning population.It takes 15 to 20 years for banana breeding pipeline and other stakeholders to release a cultivar that is fully evaluated to farmers. Disease like fusarium wilt disease (race 1) was reported to wipe away Gros Michel and the Tropical Race 4 (TR4) has wiped away all cultivars which were resistant to race1. Again banana breeding for resistant to sigatoka successively bred and released many hybrids but of recently of these hybrids including FHIA hybrids, Yagambi KM 5, Paka, young Calcutta 4 and T8 has lost their resistant to sigatoka. Due to political and commercial pressures, it is true that most of the released resistant cultivars are from single effective genes. Though durable resistance with a single dominant gene has been a serious challenge to achieve in breeding, this is because of broken-down resistance. This review used online resource to identify some causes of broken resistance in banana and provided some possible solutions to increase durability. Causes of broken resistance includes the practice of monoculture in large area, illegal use of chemicals, multiple infections, evolution of pathogens as the result of recombination, mutations, nature of interaction exhibited by released cultivars, low genetic base in banana, gene flow, through introductions of pathogens and climate change. It is widely accepted that different agronomic practices combined with strategic breeding and release of cultivars can elongate durability of resistant cultivars to pathogens in agricultural system. Through all the literature searched it is being unveiled yet the factors that govern quality and durability of resistance in resistant cultivars. I hereby conclude that breeding for resistance to diseases in banana should go par pursue with other disease management strategies. This is aimed at increasing durability of resistance to diseases in this highly expensive produced banana and plantain hybrids.

Review on the Mutual effects of Conservation Agriculture and Integrated Pest Management on Pest and Disease Control in Agriculture

Crop pests and pathogens have caused a serious significant yield loss of more than 40% in major crops worldwide in recent years. It is projected that many important crop producing countries will be fully saturated with pests and pathogens in next few years. Endevours to control pests using conventional methods have failed to achieve the goals of sustainable yield in agriculture. This is due to negative effects associated with the used modern agriculture inputs to control insect pests and pathogens. The failure to supply enough food to feed the growing population calls for identifying appropriate method that will sustain yield without harming the environment, human and other organisms. This review used online materials to identify the advantages of combined integrated pest management (IPM) and conservation agriculture (CA) in the agricultural crop production. The benefits farmers accrue as the result of combined appropriate IPM and CA management strategies includes; reduced production cost, slower development of resistance to chemicals. Achieving long term pest, pathogens and weeds control, reduce risks due to pesticides or herbicides use, reduction of emergence of cultivar resistant breaking species/isolates/tribes/strains, ultimately improves yield. Others are low labour requirement, increase water conservation, fertility increase and reduced land degradation. The job that is yet to be done is research on appropriate IPM and CA for specific crops is needed. It is concluded that the appropriate solutions will depend on the effective promotion, monitoring and evaluation of changes in farming practices. This calls for stakeholders including researchers, scientists, political class, the government and farmers come together to discuss issues and lay down laws and regulation that will help the implementation of IPM and CA to rescue the world vulnerable community and the environment.