The Analysis of the Implementation of Research-Based Learning with STEM Approach to Improving the Students’ Metaliteracy in Solving the Resolving Strong Dominating Set Problem on traffic CCTV placement

Metaliteracy is urgently needed in the digital era, however, is still not widely owned by students. This metaliteracy requires high-level thinking skills to process various problems with various media sources, as well as it requires a collaborative environment. To achieve a good metaliteracy equipped with a higher thinking skill, we will implement research-based learning with a STEM approach in the learning process. This study uses a mixed-method by combining qualitative and quantitative methods. The subject of this study is the students of mathematics education as the candidates for teachers. They are grouped into two classes, namely, experiment class and control class. We used an independent sample t-test to determine the significant difference in the students’ metaliteracy between the experiment class and the control class under the implementation of the research-based learning model with the STEM approach to resolve the strong domination problem. Before testing the significant difference, we tested the homogeneity. The test results on the pre-test items showed that the significance score is 0.747 > 0.05, meaning the two classes are homogeneous. The independent sample t-test showed that the score is 0.020 < 0.05, which indicates that the difference between the two classes is significant. It implies that implementing the research-based learning materials with a STEM approach affects the students’ metaliteracy improvements.

Proposed Marketing Strategy to Increase Awareness of Linkaja’s Benefits

The e-wallet industry in Indonesia is growing, with these developments creating intense competition. LinkAja is one of the e-wallet in Indonesia which was launched in 2019. LinkAja is initiated by BUMN (State-owned enterprises) and HIMBARA (State-owned bank association). LinkAja’s total awareness is quite high compared to its competitors, but just some customer regularly uses it. It is clear that although consumers are aware of the LinkAja brand, they are unfamiliar of its benefits. The purpose of this study is to propose a suitable marketing strategy to increase awareness of LinkAja’s benefit which is expected to increase the initiation of increasing the number of active users. Researchers use qualitative and quantitative methodologies in conducting research. Data collection is done by conducting interviews with LinkAja employees, distributing questionnaires to customers, and also collecting other supporting data. External and internal analysis was carried out to map the SWOT analysis. The tools used to perform external analysis are PEST (Political, Economic, Social, Technological) analysis, Porter’s Five Forces, and customer analysis. While the tools used to perform internal analysis are STP (Segmenting, Targeting, Positioning) analysis and marketing mix. The proposed new marketing strategy is carried out using the TOWS matrix derived from the SWOT analysis. There are eight new marketing strategies classified into marketing mix variables that represent, product, price, place, and promotion. Some of the marketing strategies are optimizing LinkAja as a solution for the transformation of conventional payments into digital payments, creating promotions in the form of free transfer fees and top-up fees, expanding to marketplace as a digital payment method, and highlighting LinkAja competitive advantage and product value to win market competition.

Increasing Company’s Profitability through Achieving Crude Distillation Unit Production Target at PT. XXYZ, Indonesia

PT XXYZ is an oil and gas industry company that is a downstream company, namely a company that processes crude oil into various products that are ready to be transferred to the market. Oil and gas companies, especially PT XXYZ, are certainly faced with various challenges that need to be faced related to future business continuity, in the form of the challenge of substituting fossil sources with environmentally friendly energy followed by rapid technological developments. PT XXYZ is also faced with the challenge of always being able to respond to changes in demand in the market and able to maximize the production until distributing it to customers. PT XXYZ has a problem in CDU production which is not achieving the monthly production target. The company has loss 103.5 million barrels of products that can be produced which is equal to losing 8 million USD. The production monthly target is determined based on STS documents. Several factors that can affect production are quality of materials, quantity, unplanned shutdown/slowdown, operational limitation, and low intake. Based on the root cause analysis using the Ishikawa Diagram method, it is concluded that the main problem that may be solved by PT XXYZ is related to the supply activities and material readiness. Inventory management at PT XXYZ not implementing a policy to be able to control stock and avoid losses in inventory. PT XXYZ experienced stockout on various materials and the safety stock level tends to be stagnant and all materials have the same safety stock value. By carrying out inventory management using the Q-model, the company has a standard and policy for each crude oil material, so as to reduce the risk of stockout and hopefully will maximize the needs of CDU production. PT XXYZ gains more profits by saving 56.4 million USD in inventory cost and able to achieve the production target with 95% of service level.

Epidemiological Characteristics of Risk Factors of Preurolitiasis and Urolitiasis in Farmers’ Population

The farmer population was isolated by the absolute selection, in the climatic conditions of the Fergana Valley (2551). Of these, 2478 (men – 1270 and women – 1208) were fully examined. Participation in the study was 96.6 percent. The prevalence of common risk factors in a farmer population using epidemiological, survey, biochemical, and instrumental methods are characterized by high rates and have gender–age characteristics. Risk factors vary sharply with age and increase. Farmers have developed inconsistent epidemiological conditions predisposing them to pre–urolithiasis and urolithiasis, and hence their correction leads to success in primary and secondary prevention.

Proposed New Product Feature Development of Video Communication Platform in PT. XYZ Using Six Sigma DMADV

Over time, technology has developed quite rapidly. The development of technology is also motivated by the Covid19 pandemic. One of the things affected by the pandemic is the face-to-face habit which is starting to be replaced by using video communication platforms. As a company engaged in the digital industry in Indonesia, PT. XYZ needs to be adaptive in accordance with the values held within the organization. This is done by providing a video communication platform that can help the Indonesian people. Not only providing, but organizations also need to adjust whether the products offered are in accordance with the wishes and needs of users. find out what factors influence the number of clients who register and what product features are desired by the user. Problem analysis is carried out using the Six Sigma DMADV method, which is a method in developing new products or processes within an organization. After identifying the problem and analyzing the root cause of the problem, it was found that so far there has been no clear document guide related to the products offered, causing confusion for all teams, especially the developer team and design team. There must be some guides or documents, and new products that are in accordance with the wishes and needs of stakeholders. It was found that customer desire can be answered by developing new products, such as: Automization Quality Assurance and Dashboard Admin. In developing the product, the organization needs to ensure 3 things for this plan to be successful. 3 things that need to be considered are: cycle time, resource capabilities, and the costs required to develop the product.

Knowledge-Based Performance Management Framework for Small Public Health Facility: A Case Study of Clinic T in City B, Indonesia

The healthcare service system in Indonesia is divided into two levels, first-level healthcare services, and advanced-level healthcare services. One of the first-level healthcare services is the small public health facility or clinics. The healthcare system in Indonesia requires patients to seek treatment at a first-level health care system first and prohibits seeking treatment at an advanced-level healthcare system unless emergency or necessary. However, research on the performance management system for clinics is still very minimal. This research is intended to design a performance management framework using Clinic T in City B, Indonesia, as a case study. The flow of research methodology in this study is started with problem identification, continued with framework selection analysis. The selected framework in this study is the Knowledge-Based Performance Management System (KBPMS). Performance framework for Clinic T and the performance indicators are presented, along with the linkage between performance variables and one of the simple ways to show the clinic’s performance for easier evaluation. The proposed framework is expected to be suitable for other clinics in Indonesia and can be used as a foundation for other clinics in designing their own performance management framework.

The Indonesian Government’s Efforts in Overcoming the Negative Consequences of Rent Bank Practices in Giving Credit to Customer

The competition in the banking industry is tighter, as well as the existence of rent banks. Financial institutions are segmented into formal and informal financial institutions. Informal financial institutions are prevalent in rural communities and among small entrepreneurs. This study focuses on disclosing the strategy of Indonesian banks in responding to the existence of rent banks. The research method used is empirical legal research. The data obtained were analyzed using deductive methods, namely processing data from primary and secondary data sets. The study results indicate that Rent Bank is a financial institution that serves as a temporary buffer for families with a weak economy even though the interest charged is very high. In responding, there is a need for stimulation and assistance for efforts to revitalize and strengthen traditions that reduce poverty and problems arising from the existence of rent banks. One way is to carry out cultural management that is inherently community and government assistance to traditions and traditional institutions that can reduce poverty.

A Review Study on Ocular Posterior Segments & Neuro-Ophthalmic Manifestations Associated with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Infection and its Management Options

To describe the various types of ocular posterior segment and neuro-ophthalmic manifestation associated with Human Immuno-deficiency virus (HIV) infection. And also describe the management or preventive measures associated with it. In all cases of ocular disease due to HIV, there is only one reason i.e. immune system.
A Descriptive study was done to review the articles available on PubMed, Google Scholar, Medline, Publon, Orcid, Healthstar, Science Open, Cochrane Library, Paperity and others related to the ocular complications associated with HIV infections. Peer-reviewed articles/ studies were referred to ascertain the available screening tests, preventive measures, hygiene, neuro-ophthalmic manifestation and management options for HIV patients. Some authors suggest that ocular posterior segment & neuro-ophthalmic manifestation due to HIV infection is not recovered, but few authors suggest that it can be recovered with the help of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) in combination with some preventive measures and hygiene.
The Eye-care professional’s responsibility is to spread awareness about the complications related to the eye and their management or preventive measures. Ocular complications are very diverse and relatively frequent in the case of HIV infection. Commonly it is associated with a concurrent diagnosis of depression, anxiety, panic, attack and psychiatric disorders, etc. There are various management or preventive measures like regular eye examinations, follow-up of the HIV patients, following the preventive measures strategies, taking therapy properly, preventing to spread of the infection, etc.

Design Thinking for New Product Development (Leradia Case Study)

The development of a new product is an important thing to do for developing a business, moreover in the fashion business industry. New product development can determine how an organization brings off its succession, such as in sales and profit. The new product development can bring 50% sales and 40% of profits for an organization. The new product development needs to be done to fulfill the customer’s needs and wants and complete their demand for a product. As a new business, Leradia as a modest fashion business from Indonesia has not generated a unique perspective from customers and has not understood the Leradia persona as well as their pain and gain. Thus, in order to avoid the failure of a new business, connect with customers, and compete in the market, Leradia aims to understand Leradia customer pain and gain and get to know what kind of development. Qualitative methods are used by interviewing six of Leradia’s most loyal customers to develop an understanding of Leradia’s customers. Adopted the study methodology of design thinking there are five stages to proceed with the data gathered; Empathizing, Defining, Ideate, Prototype, and Test. Starting from analyzing the customer persona until the proposed product development and testing the proposed solution to the customer to get the customer feedback and point of view.

Integrated Nutrient Management in Bottle gourd [Lagenaria siceraria (Mol) Standl.] variety Kashi Ganga under Malwa condition of Madhya Pradesh

The present experiment “Integrated Nutrient Management in Bottle gourd [Lagenaria siceraria (Mol) Standl.] variety Kashi Ganga under Malwa condition of Madhya Pradesh” was carried out during Kharif season of 2019 -2020 at the Horticulture Experimental Field, College of Agriculture, RVSKVV, Indore (M.P.). The objective of the trial is to study efficacy of soil amendment on growth, yield and quality traits. The experiment consist of 15 treatments and three replication under randomized block design. The treatment T10 (50% NPK+25% Vermicompost +25% Compost) was found significantly superior as compared to other of treatments in following characters like vine length(cm), length of internode /vine (cm), no of primary branches. Treatment T0 (No application of INM control) observed minimum as compares to other of treatments. The treatment T10 (50%NPK+25%Vermicompost+25%Compost) was found significantly good result in phenological characters like no of node /vine up to first male and female flowers, days to first appearance of male and female flower, Treatment T0 ( No application of INM control) observed minimum as compares to other of treatments. The results regarding the yield parameters like days to first picking , avg. fruit weight at every picking (g) ,fruit length (cm) , fruit diameter (cm) , fruit yield /plot (kg), fruit yield (q/ha) number of seeds per pod, pod yield per plant(g) and pod yield (q/ha) were significantly affected by the application of different combination of integrated nutrient management. The maximum result was noted in treatment T10 (50% NPK + 25% Vermicompost + 25% Compost) However, minimum result was noted in T0 (No application of INM control).