Prepare and Standardize the Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Scale/Tool regarding Covid-19

Since the first case was diagnosed in 2019 and global outbreak started in 2020, the corona virus disease 2019 (Covid-19) has become one of the world’s most critical health problems. Covid-19 was first detected in December 2019 in Wuhan, China. Corona virus rapidly spread in crowed area. Paschim Medinipur district is over populated place, therefore it may control with the help of adequate knowledge, positive attitude and to avoid risky practice regarding Covid-19. Therefore, the present study mainly focuses on the construction and standardization of a usable scale/ tool that will help the researcher to know about the knowledge, attitude, and practice (KAP) regarding Covid-19 of undergraduate college students. Education system of India was fully affected for last two years due to Covid-19 pandemic. Total education system was converted as a novel teaching and learning approaches- as digital online learning or virtual classroom during this pandemic phase. This study conducted on fifty undergraduate students, who has been participated for item analysis and sixty undergraduate students was considered for reliability test for this study from different colleges of Paschim Medinipur district. Researcher has generated the items of questionnaire/scale based on the review of literature related to Covid-19 and finally addition or alteration by the experts was done. This questionnaire/scale was divided into three sections i.e. knowledge, attitude and practice section/portion. Knowledge and attitude sections are divided into five and four dimensions respectively. Likert type summative three point rating scale was used in this scale. After construction of scales/tool researcher analysed the items based on discrimination index and difficulty value and Pearson’s product-moment coefficient of correlation (r) was used for the reliability of the scale/tool. Initially, the scale was prepared with the help of 32 knowledge items, 23 items related to attitude and 12 items related to practice. Finally, after item analysis, it was found that in the knowledge section 19 items were accepted out of 32 items, in attitude section 19 items were accepted out of 23 items and in practice section 11 items were retained out of 12 items. The test – retest method was applied for reliability test and Pearson’s Product Moment method was used to determine the correlation between two tests of this scale. The coefficient of correlation (r) of the scale was found as 0.89, 0.83 and 0.78 of knowledge, attitude and practice section respectively, which is highly significant. The present study describes how to construct a standardized tool to assess knowledge, attitude, and practice regarding Covid-19 that has a good items and significant reliability.

Analysis of Students’ Examination Post Covid-19 Results and Pre Covid-19 Results: Case Study of the International University of Management

Within the COVID-19 move to online instruction, numerous educator teachers have looked for out video conference innovations (such as zoom) pointing to reproduce conventional classrooms online. At confront esteem, synchronous video shows up to offer more prompt replicability of existing face to face synchronous teaching. However, moving academically from one medium to another is not continuously a smooth move. The COVID-19 situation has constrained pressing moves, and without satisfactory openings to plan for a modern medium, a few teaches have struggled. Higher instruction (HE) has seen a developing drift towards online study. Be that as it may, educating is profoundly associated to one’s beliefs, values, and commitments and to connections with understudies. A change in the mode of instruction and instructional method has the potential to disrupt these profound and individual associations giving rise to an emotional reaction.  In later times, unsettling influences, such as pandemics, common calamities, and social distress have put colleges in unsteady circumstances, influencing instructive forms. The length of unsteady circumstances is unusual and can be weeks or a long time. In spite of these disturbances, colleges have to be proceed to satisfy their mission to teach youthful individuals. In arrange to examine the relocation to online learning beneath the COVID-19 widespread and look at understudy and workforce recognitions and lessons learned, a writing think about on flexible organizations and scholastic progression and a case study of the International University of Management.


Proposed Marketing Strategy to Increase Brand Awareness of TMO

The car population in Indonesia is increasing every year with an average of 4.8% in the last five years. The contribution of car population is dominated by passenger cars with a contribution of 74.5% when compared to commercial cars, so that this causes the lubricant industry for cars, especially passenger cars, is still survive and still one of the promising industries when viewed from the needs of the society. PT Toyota-Astra Motor (PT TAM), is a car trading company headquartered in North Jakarta, Indonesia. PT TAM sees an opportunity for this business by making special car lubricant products for the Toyota brand, namely TMO or Toyota Motor Oil. In Indonesia, the Toyota car brand is still the market leader with a market share of 33.3%. But unfortunately, there are still few people who know the TMO brand. This is reflected through a questionnaire that has been distributed by the authors to 255 respondents, and only 30% know the TMO brand. For this reason, the author is interested in researching more about proposed marketing strategies to increase brand awareness of TMO products. To be able to find out the right strategy, the author analyses the SWOT, STP, and also the marketing mix of TMO products. Then the author compiled a questionnaire that can provide market conditions related to TMO awareness, customer behaviour when buying engine oil products, customer behaviour when changing oil products, and customer priorities. After conducting an analysis through a questionnaire distributed to 255 respondents and interviews with speakers from PT TAM, namely the marketing team, product development team, and pricing team, the author describes the SWOT analysis, describe the STP proposal, and marketing strategy based on the AIDA framework. AIDA stands for attention, interest, desire, and action. The author designed a marketing strategy based on the AIDA framework.

Reclaiming the Land: Conflict and Resistance in Contemporary Peasant Social Movement

This study aims to analyze the dynamics of contemporary peasant social movements, especially related to conflict and resistance in reclaiming the land. The end of the New Order era in the late 1990s in Indonesia provided space for peasants to reclaim the land for their cultivated land. Reclaiming is an effort to act of resistance, carried out by oppressed people to regain their rights such as land, water, and other natural resources, as well as other means of production fairly, to create universal prosperity for the people. This study uses a qualitative method, which was carried out by exploring and understanding the meaning of research problems by collecting data that reflects the views of participants regarding the research problem being studied. Data collection techniques were carried out through literature study, observation, and in-depth interviews with peasant and social movement members and leaders in the three research villages in West Java. The results show that reclaiming is successful when there is a political opportunity and mobilization of political network resources during conflicts and peasant resistance. In addition, the importance of the political network of urban activists and university students is used in resisting the policy regime made by the power holders.

Development of Interactive Multimedia Assisted by Virtual Laboratory for Critical and Creative Thinking Skills in Respiration and Excretion System Materials for Class XI High School Students

The 21st century learning summarizes students’ thinking skills in four competencies, namely critical thinking skills, creative thinking, collaboration, and good communication. Teaching materials in schools should be able to help students in practicing thinking skills. This study aims to produce interactive multimedia assisted by a virtual laboratory for respiratory and excretory system materials in humans that can improve the critical and creative thinking skills of class XI students that are valid, practical, and effective.

This type of research is development research with the Plomp modeldevelopment research which consists of three phases, namely the initial preliminary research phase, the development or prototyping phase, and the assessment phase. The research subjects are students of class XI SMAN 1 Sitiung Academic Year 2021-2022. The instrument in this study is a questionnaire of validity and practicality as well as a matter of effectiveness. The data analysis technique was validity, practicality using a Likert scale scoring and effectiveness using ANOVA using SPSS 21.

The results showed interactive multimedia assisted by a virtual laboratory obtained very valid criteria according to expert review with a value of 81.26%. The practicality of the teacher is very practical with a value of 96.66% and the student response criteria are very practical with a value of 95.71%. The effectiveness test of interactive multimedia assisted by a virtual laboratory is effective because the experimental class shows an increase in critical thinking skills. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the interactive multimedia assisted by a virtual laboratory on the respiratory and excretory system materials developed in humans is valid, practical and effective.

Accessory Slips from Biceps Brachii Distal Tendon – A Case Report

Introduction: Biceps brachii muscle is one of the powerful muscles in the anterior compartment of arm. It is supplied by musculocutaneous nerve.   Normally, the muscle takes origin by two heads: long head and short head. Sometimes it takes origin as supernumerary heads. It inserts on the posterior part of radial tuberosity of radius bone. It maintains the stability of the shoulder joint. It crosses two joints: shoulder and elbow joint.

Case report: In the present study, we found variation in the distal fibres which continued as flexor carpi radialis bilaterally. Several studies have been carried out about the origin of the muscles but few studies found regarding the variations in its insertion. Such finding may help the orthopedic surgeons for arthroscopy and surgical procedures.


Chemicals in Dry Food for Household Pets

Due to the fact that kidney failure is a certainly common disease among pets and the cause of it mostly comes from ingestion, the primary objective of this research is to investigate chemicals in dry foods for pets and its effect. Proper nutrition is required for pets because it can improve the quality as well as the longevity of a pet’s life. Even though dry food usually contains a higher level of protein which helps animals continue to develop their authentic, carnivorous characteristics, there are drawbacks to it such as increasing the risk of constipation along with the extra additives added. Thus, an animal’s diet must be observed and measured carefully for their well-being.

Rare Branching Pattern of Brachial Plexus- A Case Series

Introduction: The musculocutaneous nerve is one of the branches from the lateral cord of brachial plexus. This nerve is solely devoted to the flexor compartment of arm hence it is called as nerve of arm. Numerous studies have been reported about the variations of this nerve but the real prevalence is still unknown, whereas, it may be hypothetical.

Case report: This study shows a rare branching pattern where a thin nerve takes origin from the medial fasciculus of brachial plexus which then pierces the coracobrachialis and lies between the biceps brachii and brachialis. The nerve then pierces the biceps to supply the skin over the lateral surface of forearm. The median nerve took over the muscular branches of musculocutaneous nerve by giving off the branches to both biceps and brachialis.

The Role of Digital Marketing and Online Branding as En Effort to Create Market Opportunities in the Covid-19 Pandemic Period (A Studi Case on Msmes in Bandung)

The purpose of this study is to determine the role of digital marketing; online Branding carried out by MSMEs on Market Opportunities during the Covid 19 Pandemic. The research method used is quantitative research with a questionnaire research instrument distributed to 100 MSMEs in the city of Bandung using simple random sampling technique. The results of this study obtained the role of digital marketing and online branding has an effect on efforts to create market opportunities during the Covid 19 pandemic.

The Effect of Leading Style on the Working Motivation of Officials at the People’s Committee of Ba Ria – Vung Tau Province’s

The People’s Committee of Ba Ria-Vung Tau province has about 1500 staff members working, of which the Office of the Provincial People’s Committee is 100 people, 23 departments under the Provincial People’s Committee are about 1400 people. Over the years, the province’s socio-economic development has developed rapidly and sustainably, achieving many encouraging achievements. However, there are still some issues that are not positive, in which a part comes from a part of the cadres and civil servants. Through the survey of public officials of the Office of the Provincial People’s Committee and 23 departments under the People’s Committee of Ba Ria-Vung Tau province with 26 independent and dependent variables, the author analyzes and evaluates positive and negative impacts of each leadership style to the working motivation of public servants, thereby reaching conclusions and implicating the management of the necessary elements to create the best work motivation for the staff.