A Questionnaire Based Study to Evaluate the Prevalence of Mental Stress among Undergraduates in an Engineering College in South Gujarat, India

Background: In the last few years, there has been an increase in mental stress and consequently mental illness and suicide rates worldwide. Young adults entering college are one of the most vulnerable population due to the major transition from teenage to adulthood. This study evaluates the prevalence of mental stress among the engineering college students.

Materials and methods: This was a cross-sectional, questionnaire-based survey conducted in an engineering college after obtaining approval from the institutional ethical board and the Dean of the college. The questionnaire was distributed online via Google form links using a non-probability sampling approach. The questionnaire contained two parts – first part contained questions regarding the demographic details of the students and the second part contained ten multiple-choice questions to assess the mental health of students. The questions were inspired from the questionnaires available online from previous studies on similar topics as well as by patient health questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) which is used for screening and diagnosing individuals with anxiety, stress and depression. Descriptive statistics was used to analyze and report results.

Results: A total of 246 completely filled questionnaires were evaluated. The age range of study population was from 17 to 26 years with mean age being 20.85 ± 3.16 years. 61.79% were male. Approximately half of the study population showed some symptoms of mental stress and depression such as little interest in doing things, difficulty sleeping or concentrating, change in eating habits and being fidgety or slow. 48.78% students felt bad about themselves and 19.51% had thoughts of self-harm several days a week. Majority of the students believed that mental health awareness programs will be beneficial for their psychological well-being.

Conclusion: The prevalence of stress among the engineering college students was quite high. Various measures such as awareness, counseling, and mentorship program, as well as reducing their academic burden may help them to cope with stress in a better way.

Project Performance Analysis in Hydrant and Plumbing. Case Study: Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing Facility

Karya Sejuk Mandiri is a general contractor company primarily engaged in Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing (MEP) which is currently working on Plumbing and Hydrant work with a work value of Rp586,000,000 with an estimated completion time of 7 months.

From the budget aspect data, this project is projected to experience a cost overrun of Rp82,099,035 and an additional 23 weeks of working time. This condition can get worse if PT. Karya Sejuk Mandiri did not take corrective action for the losses incurred.

The study begins by analyzing the level of work performance as an initial reference that the job is in trouble. Using the Current Reality Tree (CRT), this study finds two root causes of problems that cause work to experience cost overruns and delays. Three alternative options are given for each root cause of the problem and then selected using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) to get the best course of action.

This research concludes by providing two corrective actions and also a plan for their implementation during the work. Thus, it is hoped that there will be an increase in the level of performance so that the project can be completed properly.

A Potential Application of Microbial Pigment: An Alternative to Synthetic Dye & Colourants

Dye pollution is becoming more and more of a worry for the environment. Dye removal from the environment is necessary because dye disposal in water resources has detrimental aesthetic and health implications. A well-known technology for all fibers, textiles, and apparel in the wet processing of textiles is the textile printing branch. When printing, colors are applied to specific areas of the fabric rather than the entire piece. Since the Stone Age, natural colorants derived from ores, insects, plants, and animals have been employed. Despite having a dangerous impact on people, animals, and the environment, synthetic dyes, which replaced natural pigments in the middle of the 19th century, continue to dominate the market to the fullest extent. Bacterial pigments provide intriguing alternatives to synthetic pigments for a variety of uses because they degrade more quickly and are more environmentally friendly. A few bacterial pigments can currently be produced by the industry for use in food, medicine, cosmetics, and textiles. The key technological problem is the extraction of bacterial pigments in reasonably pure and concentrated forms. Due to the growing consumer desire for more natural products, there has been an increasing tendency in recent decades to replace synthetic colorants with natural pigments. In many aspects of daily life, including food production, the textile and paper industries, agricultural practices and research, and water science and technology, natural pigments and synthetic colors are widely employed. Natural pigments exhibit advantageous biological properties as antioxidants and anticancer agents in addition to their capability to boost the marketability of items.

Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programmed on Knowledge Regarding Chikangunya among BSC Nursing Students at Nootan College of Nursing, Visnagar

“Small bite, Big, Threat”- by who 2014

Chikangunya is a viral disease that could take over chronic symptoms. It has no specific treatment or vaccine to date to evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching programme of knowledge reading Chikangunya among BSC nursing students at Nootan College of nursing, visnagar. The analysis of data was done by statistics the study identified that 40% had poor level of knowledge, 33.33% had average level of knowledge and 26.67% had adequate knowledge in the Post – Test. The study result presents that Pre- Test Mean value is 13.67 and SD is 6.55. Post- Test Mean value is 16.96 and SD 5.78. The Mean difference is 3.290. The calculated ‘T’ value is 2.069. Which is higher than the table value 1.69. The study conducted  that level of knowledge regarding Chikangunya among BSC nursing  students found to be increased after structured teaching programme and Post – Test among BSC Nursing student at Nootan college of nursing , Visnagar.

Knowledge and Attitude of Dental Practitioners about Professional Indemnity Insurance in Davangere District: A Cross Sectional Survey

Background: It is essential that dentists should have an adequate knowledge of professional Indemnity insurance to safeguard themselves.

Aim: To assess the knowledge and attitude of dental practitioners about professional     indemnity insurance (PII) in Davangere district.

Materials and methods: A descriptive cross-sectional questionnaire study was conducted involving data collection from 101 dental practitioners in Davangere district at their respective clinics using a pretested, validated, investigator‑administered closed‑ended 10 items questionnaire. Statistical significance was set at P < 0.05. IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, version 21 (IBM Corp., Armonk, N.Y., USA) was used for statistical analysis. Descriptive statistics were generated in terms of percentages and chi square test was used to compare the responses across groups.

Results: The mean age of participants was 41.4±8.1 years. Majority of the participants were females (51.5%) and qualified with a masters degree (70.3%). Majority did not have a professional indemnity insurance (PII) (69.3%) as they were unaware of it (51.5%). Many (56.4%) were informed about PII by their professional colleagues. Around 51.5% felt that it was not mandatory to have a PII. Around 83.2% maintained patient records and around 76.2% paid compensation to their patients for negligent dental practice.

Conclusion: Majority of dental practioners in Davanagere district did not have Professional Indemnity Insurance as many were unaware about it.

Integrated Nutrient Management in Bottle gourd [Lagenariasiceraria (Mol) Standl.] Variety Kashi Ganga on the Plant Disease Incidence, TSS and Economics under Malwa condition of Madhya Pradesh

The investigation entitled, “Integrated Nutrient Management in Bottle gourd [Lagenariasiceraria (Mol) Standl.]  Variety Kashi Ganga on the Plant Disease Incidence,TSS and Economics  under Malwa condition of Madhya Pradesh”  was conducted during the Kharif season of the year 2019-20 in the Department of Horticulture, College of Agriculture, Indore (M.P.). The experiment conducted in randomized block design and replicated thrice. There were 15 treatments T0  No application of INM( Control), T8 50%NPK+50%Biofertilizer,T9 50%NPK+50%Humic acid, T10 50 % NPK+25% Vermicompost+25% Compost, T11 50% NPK+50% Vermicompost +Biofertilizer,T1250% NPK +25% Humic acid, T1350% NPK + 16.6% Vermicompost +16.6%Compost+16.6%Humicacid,T14 50% NPK+ 16.6% Vermicompost+ 16.6% Compost +16.6% Humic acid+ Biofertilizer. From the outcome, it can be concluded that the applied of different treatment combination of integrated nutrient management at proved to be effectively   minimizes the disease and insect incidence of bottle gourd. The data on the treatment in T10 (50%NPK+ 25%Vermicompost+25%Compost)(23.50 pest and 21.67 disease) was found most effective in minimum the red pumpkin beetle population and powdery mildew in the bottle gourd.. The similar treatment produced highest B:C(4.53). Bottle gourd fruit produce under integrated nutrient management exhibited significant differences on total soluble solids. TSS in fruits was range from 5.50 to 2.50 0 Brix.

Integrative Negotiation Framework Case Study: “RUMAH DINAS TNI-AD-SBSN 2021 Project in CIRACAS”

WIKA WG KSO is a joint company between PT. WIKA and PT. WEGE, which is engaged in the construction sector, is a temporary limited liability company that was deliberately built to complete the TNI-AD RUMDIS project which is located in 36 areas in Indonesia. One of the project areas is in Ciracas, East Jakarta, which was chosen by the author as the research subject. The location of the research project is in a residential area, so the construction process is carried out in the same place as the community’s activity and mobility area, which in turn raises several issues and criticisms.

The purpose of this research is to analyze the problem solving conducted by PT. WIKA WG KSO, the process taken, until the results obtained from solving problems that have been carried out, as well as to identify alternative methods that can be carried out by PT. WIKA WG KSO to get the best results. The author proposes the interactive negotiation method as a recommendation to achieve a win-win solution that is fair for both parties.

Based on the research that has been done, the authors conclude that there are several methods of integrative negotiation that can be carried out by PT. WIKA WG KSO to achieve a fair and profitable end result for PT. WIKA WG KSO and local residents affected by the TNI-AD RUMDIS development project.

Improving the Effectiveness of Business Banking Loan Processing and Cross-Selling Activity Using Systemic Design Thinking Case Study: Bank Dewangga Indonesia (BDI)

Technology and Digital Transformation have been growing swiftly, and the world seems borderless with the existence of the internet. This is undeniably affecting all of the industries in the world, and the banking industry is a part of it. Currently, the customer prefers to do it whenever and wherever they are, of course with the help of the internet. It also occurred in loan processing. The faster the services and processes, the more loyal the customer is to the bank, and the more profit that the bank will gain. BDI, as one of the State-Owned Companies in Banking, has been trying to transform the business process from a traditional way to a digital bank that can seamlessly accommodate all customer needs. BDI is aware that depending on loan products is not sustainable for the business; once the business in a country falls like it was at the beginning of Covid-19, the company could not avoid the negative impact, the loan quality was declining, and of course, the profit is shrinking compared to previous years. This research aims to identify BDI’s effectiveness in business banking loan processing and cross-selling activity. It will also assess which part of the business systems can be improved or even transformed into new business processes. The business process is quite complex and related to each other; for this qualitative research, the author uses the systemic design thinking method with six main processes: inquiring, framing, formulating, generating, facilitating, and reflecting. The result of the study found that the current business banking loan processing and cross-selling activity is not fully effective and not optimal to support and compete in the market. In the conclusion, author also listed some recommendations to improve the effectiveness of loan processing and cross-selling to lift the company’s profit.

The Effect of Quality, Brand Trust, and Brand Image of Cataflam™ on Patient Loyalty: a case study on K24 Pharmacy Yogyakarta

The success of a business is determined by how high consumer loyalty is to the brand owned by the business. High consumer loyalty is determined by product quality, brand trust, and brand image. Cataflam™ as one of the trademarks of a group of pain relievers belonging to the category of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Currently in almost all pharmacies, Cataflam™ is considered the best selling pain reliever compared to other brands. This study aims to observe the effect of product and packaging quality, brand trust, and brand image of Cataflam™ on patient loyalty at Apotek K24 Yogyakarta. Descriptive research method was carried out with student t-test to see the relationship between variables on patient loyalty. The convergence analysis of the questionnaire was proven by loading factor and AVE value, while the reliability analysis of the questionnaire was proven by Cronbach’s alpha and composite reliability (CR). Descriptive data collected from 100 patients showed that the questionnaire was reliable and converged with a loading factor of 0.773 to 0.959; AVE value 0.657 to 0.832; Composite Reliability (CR) value 0.884 to 0.933; and Cronbach’s alpha value 0.825 to 0.899. The results of the student t-test analysis showed that all p-values were less than 0.05. The conclusion of this study is that the quality, brand trust, and brand image of Cataflam™ as a pain reliever have an effect on patient loyalty.

Pharmacological Review on Purification of Visha Dravyas (Poisonous Plants) According to Ayurveda

Visha possess properties of Vyavayi(Pervading or diffusing action), Vikasi(Dispersed through out the body causes destruction of Ojas and Dhatu Kshaya or depletion of the body tissues, Ushna(Heat), Teekshna(Penetrating), Ruksha(Dry), Sukshma(Minuteness), Ashukar(Quick or immediate action), Vishada(Clearness), Laghu(Light), Avyakta Ras(Taste sometimes palatable and sometimes not palatable or the taste is hidden) and Apaki(Not digestible). It distributes in the whole body immediately first and later undergoes digestion. Hence causes the vitiation of Dosha(VataPittaKapha) and Dhatu(RasaRaktaMamsaMedaAsthiMajjaShukra) and produces the poisonous effects. The drugs which act against and subside poisonous effects on the vitiated Dosha(VataPittaKapha) and Dhatus viz; Rasa(Plasma), Rakta(Blood), Mamsa(Muscle tissue), Meda(Fat), Asthi(Bones), Majja(Bone marrow), Shukra(Semen) are called as Vishaghna Dravyas. Visha has been defined as a substance which is destructive or life threatening and causes Shoka(Sadness). There are many poisonous drugs described in Ayurvedic classics along with their antidotes and their pharmacological actions after purification. Poisonous plants may be categorized under the chemical structure of the toxic constituents, their phylogenetic relationship viz; plants that are poisonous to eat, plants that are poisonous upon contact, plants that produce photo sensitization, and plants that produce airborne allergies conditions in the body. The phytotoxins, comprise a vast range of biologically active chemical substances, such as alkaloids, polypeptides, amines, glycosides, oxalates, resins, toxalbumins. The present review describes the different process of detoxification or purification methods (Sodhana) in Ayurvedic system of medicines. So here an attempt is made to screen the Visha Dravyas(Poisonous plants) and their purification methods in various media along with their Rasa, Guna, Veerya and Vipaka, Prabhava from the various Ayurvedic classical texts along with their pharmacological actions.