Recent Advances in Ultrasound Assisted Synthesis of 2,4,5-Trisubstituted Imidazoles: A Comparative Study of Effective Catalytic Systems

The imidazole moiety finds itself in a host of compounds having profound biological and medicinal properties. This has led to the quest to develop a cost effective, and desirably greener synthetic route to access this azole. In this review, ultrasonic irradiation assisted syntheses of trisubstitued imidazole derivatives have been discussed which make use of different environment friendly and efficient catalytic systems. They have been found to give excellent yield of product having high purity and with a shorter reaction time and has proved to be a viable alternative to traditional methods.

Stature Estimation from Dimension of Hands and Hand Prints in Dehradun Population

Background: Stature estimation by hand dimension is one of the common parameters in anthropometry but using the handprints for the same and its positive correlation with height of the subject, makes it a more useful parameter for identification of suspects who have left hand prints at the crime scene.[1].

Methodology: A cross-sectional study was carried out on 150 (75 males and 75 females) healthy subjects after taking voluntary informed consent. Stature was measured by stadiometer and hand and hand print dimension were measured by vernier caliper. Data was analysed by Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20.

Results: All parameter’s measurement were higher in male as compared to female subjects and shown range of weak to strong but positive correlation with height. Maximum positive correlation was observed in total population whereas minimum positive correlation was observed in between left hand breadth and left hand print breadth with height in female subjects. All the parameters were shown statistically significant correlation with height as p value was less than 0.05.

Conclusion: The regression models thus formed is able to predict stature would be beneficial in challenges of identification of humans.

Phytomedicinal Potential of “Dimocarpus Longan Lour.” as an Essential Nutraceutical

For many centuries Longan (Dimocarpus longan Lour.) a native plant of Northeastern India, and Southeast Asia has been used for its nutraceutical properties. The phytochemicals constituents include carbohydrates, proteins, polysaccharides, vitamin C, polyphenols, that exhibit innumerable biological properties. It is essential to review the immunomodulatory, antioxidant, and phytomedicinal potential with the aim to provide a comprehensive information for future development of longan as an essential nutraceutical. Longan is in great demand as various food products viz dried pulp, frozen, fresh, and processed as jam, drinks, wine and canned fruit. The key biological activities of longan pericarp are tyrosinase inhibitory, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, anti-glycated, anti-cancer, memory-increasing impact, and other parameters that have a significant contribution to human health.

The Feasibility and Practicality of Learning Multimedia Based on Whiteboard Animation of Momentum and Impulse towards First Grade of Senior High School Student Learning Motivation

Physics is one of highly difficult material study, so student tend to have low study motivation. This research aims to enhance study motivation also describe the feasibility and practicality of using Whiteboard Animation to first grade of senior high school student towards impulse and momentum. Method of this study is Research and Development (R&D) with 4D models (Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate). This research was conducted untill the test of feasibility and practicality of using Whiteboard Animation towards student learning motivation. The result of this study shows that multimedia based on Whiteboard Animation of impulse and momentum material is stated very feasible to use, which is shown an average of 87% (very feasible) by material expert and 84% (very feasible) by media expert. The developed multimedia was attained high response of students on field testing, which is shown an average of 89% (very practical). The result of practicality test based on student response also stated that the developed multimedia is very interesting and potential to enhance the student learning enterest. Thus, multimedia based on Whiteboard Animation of impuls and momentum material is very feasible and practical to enhance student learning motivation.

Treatment Challenges and Prevalence of Antibiotic Resistance Stenotrophomonas maltophilia an Emerging Pathogen Isolated from Leafy Greens and Clinical Samples

Stenotrophomonas maltophilia is a commensal and an emerging pathogen earlier noted in broad-spectrum life-threatening infections among the vulnerable, but more recently as a pathogen in immunocompetent individuals. In the current study, S. maltophilia was identified from 78% of vegetable samples. Bacterial population count ranged from 5.50 × 10-1to 4.3 × 10-4 cfu/g (mean 8.9 × 105 cfu/g, median 7.75 × 103 cfu/g). Based on a cross-sectional study performed during 2015-2016 n=35 and 2016-2017 n=55 S. maltophilia was isolated from clinical samples. The occurrence of S. maltophilia from clinical samples increased during 2016-2017 with a significant value of P=.0008. Out of the total of n=90 S. maltophilia, clinical isolates (35.28%) were from tracheal aspirates, followed by cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) (17.70%), sputum (15.20%), blood (16.82%), and urine (15.0%).  Sample sources were taken from different age groups of patients between 0-75 years. Almost all the isolates > 97% confirmed multiple drug resistance (MDR). Above 95% of the isolates are biofilm formers and the resistance rate increases among the biofilm formers.

JCI Correlation with JII and LQ45 on The Indonesia Stock Exchange

Investors who invest want to earn profits from the funds invested in the capital market. This study will see whether Economic Growth, SBI, Dollar Exchange, LQ-45 and JII affect the JCI.

The method of analysis is multiple regression (Multiple Regression Analysis) and the research data is processed using the SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science) program and the research period is from 2010 to 2021.

The conclusion is that Economic Growth, SBI, Dollar Exchange and JII have no significant effect on the JCI, while LQ-45 has a significant effect on the JCI. Simultaneously Economic Growth, SBI, Dollar Exchange, LQ-45 and JII have a significant effect on the JCI for the period 2010 to 2021.

Etiopathogenesis of Calcium–Phosphorus Metabolism in Rabbits

In this article clinical signs, hematological indicators and photo morphological changes in bones of the etiopathogenesis of calcium–phosphorus metabolism in rabbits are described. Low–nutrition, poor–quality feeding of mother rabbits during the estrus period means that the needs of the mother rabbits’ body for vitamins and macro–microelements are not fully met. Disorders of calcium and phosphorus metabolism in rabbits are on average 53,3% during the gestation period and on average 73,3% during the postpartum period. It is accompanied by symptoms such as a decrease in response to external influences, swelling of the skin, a decrease in gloss, strong whitening of the mucous membranes, a decrease in body weight, accompanied by symptoms such as a change in appetite.

Interactive Multimedia Development Using Adobe Flash Cs6 to Improve Critical and Creative Thinking Skills of Class VIII Junior High School Students

Education has a huge impact on the existence of the 21st century. Improving the quality of human resources through education, from primary and secondary education to higher education is the key to being able to follow the development of the Industrial Revolution 4.0. This 21st century learning applies creativity, critical thinking, cooperation, problem solving, communication skills, community skills and character. The education system needs a new movement to apply skills in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0. One of the movements designed by the government is the new literacy movement in the form of digital literacy and technology. Interactive multimedia is a new literacy movement based on digital and technology in learning that can improve students’ critical and creative thinking skills. The purpose of this research is to produce interactive multimedia for the respiratory system and excretory system material in humans that can improve critical and creative thinking skills of VIII grade students of junior high school.

An Aberrant branch of Hypoglossal Nerve-A Rare Anatomical Variation

Introduction: Hypoglossal nerve is formed from the hypoglossal nucleus situated in the medulla oblongata. It leaves the medulla through the anterolateral sulcus. It carries general somatic efferent fibres that means purely motor in nature. Landmark of the nerve is of paramount importance to avoid the damage during neck surgeries. Variations in the extracranial course may lead to the iatrogenic injuries to the important structures related to it. In our case, we found an aberrant branch from the hypoglossal nerve.

Conclusion: Very few cases are reported of an aberrant hypoglossal nerve. Therefore, finding such rare cases is helpful for the surgeon before the operative procedures in the region to prevent serious injuries leading to neurological deficits

The Values of Inclusive Education as a Basis for Building Students Character of Mambaus Sholihin Islamic Boarding School Gresik Indonesia

This study discusses the values of inclusive Education as a base for building students’ characters at the Islamic boarding school of Mamba’us Sholikhin (PPMBS) Gresik Indonesia. The research paradigm of this study use phenomenology and qualitative approach, also using a case study. The data collection techniques use three types of strategies, namely interviews, observation, and documentation. This study found the conclusion that building the values of inclusive education as the basis for building the character of students was carried out by applying the value of tasamuh (tolerance), Al-Infitah (openness), tanawue (diversity) and the value of Islam Rahmatan lil Alamin (peaceful Islam).