The Role of Genetic Polymorphism in the Pathogenesis of Chronic Venous Insufficiency

Chronic venous diseases (CVD), including varicose veins, are among the most common diseases in developed countries in Europe and the United States and affect one third to one half of the population, especially women. Among many achievements in the knowledge of the pathogenesis of achievements, it should be noted the identification of the role of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) as important mediators of the degenerative process associated with the onset and progression of venous insufficiency. The study included 98 patients aged 20 to 78 years with chronic venous insufficiency, including, in accordance with the CEAP classification, 45 patients with moderate CVI (class C3–C4) and 53 patients with severe CVI (class C5–C6). The results obtained in the course of the study reliably indicate the presence of an association between the carriage of the Arg allele and the Gln/Arg and Arg/Arg genotypes of the Gln279Arg polymorphism in the MMP9 gene with the risk of developing complicated forms of CVI.

Genetic Predictors of Development of Diabetic Foot Syndrome in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus

An increase in the population of patients with diabetes mellitus affects the incidence of diabetic foot syndrome (DFS), as its chronic complication. Among the various types of growth factors that play a role in the development of late complications of diabetes, vascular endothelial growth factor, VEGF, is currently in the focus of attention. The study conducted by the authors was aimed at determining the relationship between the G634C polymorphism of the VEGFA rs2010963 gene and the predisposition to the development of diabetic foot syndrome in patients with diabetes mellitus. We examined 96 patients aged 39 to 76 years with diabetes mellitus complicated by diabetic foot syndrome. Based on the studies, it was determined that the G634C polymorphism in the VEGFA gene (rs2010963) is involved in the formation and development of diabetic foot syndrome in patients with diabetes mellitus.

Proposed Integrated Marketing Strategy to Increase Brand Awareness for PT Karya Seni Hadiprana (Hadiprana Artwork)

PT. Karya Seni Hadiprana (KSH) is a consultant and contractor company that provides artwork in architecture and interior industry. The company provides customize premium artwork products and services that have local content inspired from the rich of Indonesian culture. However they are having decreasing numbers of new customers and revenue streams due to global pandemic of COVID-19. Digitalization in architecture and interior industry also impact the PT KSH compare with other competitor who already utilized digital marketing strategy. The purpose of this study is to find out the reasons of the business issues, due to changing of customer behavior impact from Covid-19 and digitalization in architecture and interior industry. The research method uses qualitative descriptive methods. Qualitative descriptive methods are used to acquire primary data and make observation from in-depth interview with the company executives. The collection data is then to create internal and external analysis. The internal analysis is to gather the information about PT KSH internal conditions with Marketing Mix, Business Model Canvas and VRIO analysis, while the external analysis is used to evaluate the external factor of architecture and interior industry as well as customer behavior. Furthermore, after internal and external analysis was conducted, the researchers used SWOT analysis and find the weakness of the company, which lack of digital marketing strategy. Based on the analysis, researchers presented new integrated marketing strategy by optimizing digital marketing and improve marketing knowledge in order to increase awareness of products and services of PT Karya Seni Hadiprana.

Effect of Phosphate Solubilizing Fungi from Rhizosphere soil of Medicinal plants on Growth and Phosphate uptake in Raphanus sativus

This field experiment deals with the isolation and evaluation of phosphate solubilizing fungi of a total of 9 isolates isolated from 10 rhizosphere soil of medicinal plants by serial dilution method using Pikovaskaya’s medium. After screening, 3 fungi were selected and evaluated, PSF 7 (Talaromyces sp.) showed good results in phosphate solubilization including solubilization index (3.08), reduced pH (3.2 from initial pH 6.8), titrable acidity (38.08), and phosphate present in culture broth (25µg/ml). The radish seeds showed 88% germination and growth, yield parameters include, plant height – 20.9cm, 40.8cm, and 71.5cm at 15 days, 30 days, and harvest respectively, several leaves at 9, 13, and 17 at 15 days, 30days and harvest respectively, root length (24.5cm), the weight of biomass (fresh weight -152 and dry weight – 15.7) and yield of root vegetable weight (39g). The maximum plant phosphorus uptake was recorded as 0.371% and the maximum P (Kg/ha) available in the rhizosphere soil was recorded as 344.29 Kg/ha. Due to the observation of good results in phosphate solubilization, they improve the growth and yield of radish. The selected PSF were recommended as phosphate bio inoculums in the agricultural field to improve plant growth and yield in radish and to maintain soil fertility.

Landing Eyes on Unnoticed Disorder: A Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Polycystic Ovary syndrome (PCOS) is an underdiagnosed metabolic and endocrine disorder found in women of reproductive age in which ovaries develop follicles and does not release egg regularly. Its symptoms include menstrual irregularity, polycystic ovaries, hirsutism, infertility, insulin-resistance, impaired glucose tolerance. Currently the exact cause for the PCOS is unknown but research suggest that it may be related to lifestyle changes, environmental traits and genetical factors. Prevalence of PCOS in India ranges from 3.7 %to 22.5%. The syndrome is associated with increased gonadotropin-releasing diagnose PCOS till the date. , Rotterdam diagnostic criteria is highly accepted by the healthcare providers. Weight loss has been a major contributor in the non-pharmacological management of PCOS. Moderate exercise, behavioral therapy and psychological counselling is suggested for affected women. In pharmacological treatment, combined oral contraceptive pills (COCP), metformin, anti-androgen agents, clomiphene citrate, letrozole as fertility inducing agents are used and surgical options are also considered when necessary. In India, PCOS is still underdiagnosed disorder with long term morbidities involved and its time that it should be discussed more openly and treated holistically.

Knowledge, Attitude, And Practice Regarding Use of Face Mask Among Health Care Workers as a Measure of Covid-19 Infection Prevention in Federal Medical Centre, Asaba, Delta State Nigeria

Introduction: Effective use of Face mask is very important to protect healthcare workers (HCWs) against respiratory hazards including COVID-19.Several countries are presently using face masks in their infection control plans, besides, incorrect use and disposal may actually increase the rate of transmission. The purpose of this study was to investigate the knowledge, attitude, and practices of healthcare workers (HCWs) regarding the use of face mask as a measure to COVID-19 infection prevention.

Materials and Methods: This survey was conducted by interviewing 345 HCWs using a questionnaire consisting of the demographic characteristics, questions regarding the knowledge, attitude, and practices of use of face mask. Each correct answer was scored 1 and each incorrect answer scored 0. The total number of questions were 25; 10 for Knowledge, 8 for Practice and 7 for Attitude of heath care workers on the use of face mask. The final aggregate score was calculated and then labeled according to the percentage of correct responses as good >50% and poor < 50% for Knowledge, Practice and Attitude of health care workers on use of face mask. Data were gathered, analyzed using SPSS software version 25.

Results: A total of 345 participants with a mean age of 36.0 years (108 males and 237 females) were    included in the study. The Health care workers were good in Knowledge 324 (93.9%), attitude 250 (72.5%), and practice 282(81.7%) regarding use of face mask. However clinical HCW had good knowledge(X2 = 13.84, P value = 0.001, 95% CI= 0.08-0.51) and attitude(X2= 13.80, p value = 0.0001, 95% CI=0.21-0.6) of use of face mask than Non Clinical HCW when compared with their practice(X2=1.10, p value = 0.30, 95 % CI=0.40-1.35)

Conclusions: Knowledge, attitude of HCWs regarding the use of face masks were found to be adequate. but moderate-to-poor level of practice regarding the use of face mask. HCWs and general public to create awareness regarding the proper use of face mask by utilizing all social media. Provision of user friendly mask by government to the hospitals and at affordable rate to the public in order to improve their level of practice in wearing the masks.

Risk Identification in Packaging Material Warehouse in PT. Cedefindo using the House of Risk Method

The cosmetic industry in Indonesia continues to experience rapid growth, in line with high consumer demand and the widening cosmetic market. In 2021, based on data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), cosmetics will grow by 9.61%. One of Indonesia’s well-respected cosmetic manufacturing companies is PT. Cedefindo, which is part of the Martha Tilaar Group. Martha Tilaar Group is one of the local pioneers in the Indonesian beauty industry. There are very large numbers and types of packaging in the warehouse of PT. Cedefindo. Due to the wide range of products, there are a number of risks associated. As a result of redesigns and product discontinuation, a lot of unused packaging material has accumulated in the storage facility. Deadstock and unused packaging materials can disrupt the flow in the warehouse, increasing costs and reducing available storage space. Delays in delivering packaging materials to the production line are a further risk that could be triggered by flow disturbances. Given this potential risk, the company must identify potential risks in every packaging material warehouse activity. Currently, PT. Cedefindo has not examined every action in the packaging material warehouse to identify risks. Risk identification is very important because it will enable the company to develop plans to minimize harmful events before they arise, without proper risk identification, no mitigation strategy can be devised. This research was conducted by identifying warehouse activities, mapping them into (SCOR) and identifying risks using House of Risk Phase 1. The first stage of the House of Risk process is the identification of risk events and risk agents. Next, the severity and occurrence levels are measured, and the aggregate risk priority (ARP) value is calculated to determine which risk agents should be prioritized based on the Pareto diagram. There are 18 risk agents and 15 risk events have been identified as a result of this research, 6 risk agents were given the highest priority based on the Pareto diagram, and 2 risk agents were identified as having a high-risk level and being in the red zone, requiring immediate direct action.

Development of Android-Based Interactive Physics Learning Media for Gas Kinetic Theory Materials

This study aims to produce a decent Android-based interactive physics learning media, to know the user’s response to the learning media and to measure the effectiveness of the learning media. This type of research is development research using a 4-D model with 34 students as research subjects. The instruments used in this study were due diligence questionnaires by experts and physics teachers, student response questionnaires and tests. Based on the results of data analysis, the material expert validation was 96% with very feasible criteria, media expert validation was 96% with very feasible criteria and the physics teacher’s assessment was 80% with feasible criteria. Student responses to small group tests with 10 respondents obtained effective (2.8), productive (3), safe (2.9) and satisfied (3) results. Whereas in the large group test with 34 respondents the results were effective (3.12), productive (3.25), safe (3.01) and satisfied (3.17). Based on the calculation of the gain value, learning media is included in the medium category in the effectiveness of increasing students’ conceptual understanding with a value of 0.6.

Midwifery Practice: Botswana Perspective

Midwifery practice is a health service provided to the childbearing families. The discipline aims to ensure best possible well-being of child-bearing women and their families to lower the maternal, perinatal, and neonatal morbidities and mortalities. It has existed as long as human existence. In the old days, the elderly women were key players in the provision of care during pregnancy, labour, childbirth and postpartum. They were no formal training, instead their practices were based on experience and orientation to cultural practice. The history of midwifery is based as follows: 1. Informal and formal training of midwives 2. Regulations of midwifery practice 3. Scope of midwifery practice 4. Successes of midwifery practice. The challenges faced by the midwifery practice were identified as 1. Increasing maternal mortality ratio 2. Shortage of resources.3. Lack of midwifery professional association and 4. Professional restrictions on midwives’ private practice. Implications for midwifery practice: This calls for Paucity of research related to midwifery practice and Review policy for training of midwives.

Herniation from Right Iliac Crest Secondary to Autogenous Bone Grafting: A Rare Case Presentation

Development of Hernia after iliac bone harvesting was described for the first time by Oldfield in 1945. Hernia is one of the complications that patients undergoing iliac crest bone harvesting for grafts may develop, occurance being 5-9%. These hernias usually remain asymptomatic but can present with pain as the most relevant symptom when they occur. Abdominal Ultrasonography or Computed Tomography scan of the abdomen and pelvis can help the surgeon reach a diagnosis by delineating the defect of the iliac crest. The tension-free mesh repair can be performed with a transabdominal, retroperitoneal or laparoscopic approach. Hernia developed through an iliac crest defect following bone graft harvesting is a not only a rare but one of the major complication. Attention should be paid while harvesting bone graft so that this complication can be avoided.