The Analysis of Organizational Culture for Improving Corporate Performance at PT. XYZ Discreet

PT. XYZ Discreet is a subsidiary of a State-Owned Enterprise (BUMN) in the manufacturing sector which was founded in 1983. PT. XYZ Discreet contributes to defense & security needs and various industrial products that help in other fields such as transportation and commercial explosives. Organizational culture is essential in determining the success of achieving company goals. Therefore, every company must know what type of culture they are running and what kind of culture is preferred at PT. XYZ Discreet has yet to assess the current and preferred corporate culture. As is well known, BUMN companies and subsidiaries have a new corporate culture, BUMN AKHLAK. Based on an assessment conducted by ACT Consulting, the value of implementing AKHLAK BUMN at PT. XYZ Discreet is not maximized or gets a C value (37.7). The purpose of this study is to provide recommendations for the preferred corporate culture based on survey results. The research methodology used is quantitative data by distributing questionnaires using the Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI) to employees of PT. XYZ Discrete. The survey results show that at PT. XYZ Discreet has a current culture Hierarchy culture, but the survey results also state that employees prefer Clan culture as their corporate culture. In other words, they support the culture with kinship, openness, loyalty, mutual trust, and agreement in every activity. From the results of research that has been done at PT. XYZ Discreet, this cultural transformation can be assisted by a bottom-up approach; leaders should have more understanding of employees, the transformation of leadership style, and forming the agent of change for corporate culture. These things aim to improve internal capabilities at PT. XYZ Discreet.

Proposed Business Strategy to Gain a Competitive Advantage for Construction Consultant Company

 PT Hirfi Studio is a construction consulting company that has experienced a decrease in profitability. To address this issue and improve the company’s performance, the management team needs to create a clear business strategy. This will involve setting goals and objectives, analyzing the internal and external environment of the company, and identifying the resources and capabilities needed to achieve these goals. The business strategy should also consider the company’s target market and competition, and outline actions that will give it a competitive advantage. To resolve its profitability issues, PT Hirfi Studio has decided to adopt an integrated cost leadership strategy, which involves using corporate, business, and functional strategies together to lower costs and improve efficiency while still providing high-quality products and services to customers. To implement this strategy successfully, PT Hirfi Studio will need to align its strategies with its overall goals and objectives. Through this integrated approach, the company aims to achieve long-term success, improve profitability, and gain a competitive advantage.

Proposed Marketing Strategy for Increasing Batik Danar Hadi Purchase Intention among Gen Y and Z

Batik is Indonesian heritage that remains popular and have special place in Indonesia’s fashion industry. Indonesian people nowadays especially generation Y and Z use batik only on certain occasions because most of them still have the impression that batik is old-fashioned and only can be used in certain events. Batik Danar Hadi is one of pioneers for batik brand in Indonesia, their products can be worn daily which not only used for formal or important occasions. This study aims to examines how ad informativeness, ad persuasiveness, and brand awareness variables will influence purchase intention on Batik Danar Hadi with generation Y and Z as the objects. After analysing the result, Researcher proposed marketing strategy to Batik Danar Hadi according to the research results. Researchers have distributed questionnaires to assess the variables of ad informativeness, ad persuasiveness, brand awareness and purchase intentions. The results of the survey were 426 respondents, 350 respondents filled in completely, 25 respondents were dropped due to invalid data (including inverse, standard deviation, and outliers), leaving 325 respondents who met the criteria. Before distributing the research questionnaires, the researcher had carried out a small sample measurement of 30 people to get suggestions, input, and comments from respondents if there were statements that could not be understood. In this study, instrument testing was carried out with reliability and validity tests, model testing, and hypothesis testing using the SmartPLS3 test tool. The researcher developed the solutions as a solution for the business issue in a form of marketing strategy. The results of this study indicate that ad informativeness and ad persuasiveness have a positive and significant effect on brand awareness, while brand awareness has a positive and significant effect on purchase intention.

Proposed Marketing Strategy for Fashion and Accessories Brand to Increase Brand Awareness and Sales Performance (Case Study: Carbon is Lyfe)

The world of fashion and accessories is now growing quickly. The presence of digital platforms for conducting marketing and promotion of products also supports this development. The growth of this industry presents Carbon is Lyfe, a local men’s fashion and accessory brand, with a chance to keep growing. However, Carbon is Lyfe encounters several challenges when growing its business, including low brand awareness and incompletely met sales goals. This study aims to analyze the internal and external environment of the Carbon is Lyfe company, identify the variables influencing customer’s brand awareness and purchase intentions for fashion and accessories, and recommend suitable marketing strategies for Carbon is Lyfe. The research method used is qualitative and quantitative methods. Qualitative methods are used to determine the internal condition of the company and are conducted by interviewing the CEO of Carbon is Lyfe. Meanwhile, quantitative methods are used to determine external business conditions, namely customer analysis, by distributing online questionnaires to the target market of Carbon is Lyfe. The questionnaire results were then processed using the PLS-SEM method using the SMART PLS software. After knowing the internal and external conditions of the Carbon is Lyfe business, the author uses a SWOT and TOWS analysis to formulate appropriate strategies to solve existing problems. As a result of this study, the authors propose five marketing strategies that are suitable for internal and external conditions to increase brand awareness and sales performance of Carbon is Lyfe.

RBL-STEM Learning Activity Framework: The Development of Paving Block Decorations Using Local Antimagic Coloring Techniques in Improving Students’ Conjecturing Thinking Skills

The ability of conjecturing thinking skill is very important in the industrial era 4.0. Conjecturing thinking skills are the skills to make strong guesses or predictions on problem solving. This skill is also strongly related to the skill of generalizing from a specific truth to a broad truth. Therefore in this study, the Research-Based Learning model which is integrated with the STEM approach (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) will be applied to solve the STEM problem of paving block decorations. Students are introduced to the application in the form of local antimagic coloring techniques. The next step is how to bring STEM problem solving in learning class, then the developed RBL and STEM tools in learning to improve students’ conjecturing thinking skill. Base on this study, it shows that the problem solving elaborated with four elements of STEM is considered to be a breakthrough in applying RBL-STEM in the classroom to solve the paving block decoration problem.

Students’ Knowledge in Citing Sources at St. Paul University

This study aimed to assess the knowledge level of college students on citing sources at St. Paul University. Citing sources can solidify claims and make a research paper credible. Failing to credit the ideas of others is a form of plagiarism, which was a common problem among students in the past until today. A descriptive quantitative survey method was used in this study wherein one hundred sixty (160) college students at St. Paul University participated in a test comprising a researcher-made questionnaire based on the 7th edition of the American Psychological Association’s (APA) Manual. The findings revealed that the students were proficient in both in-text citations and referencing assessments. Thus, the students have gained learning and knowledge in the activities conducted by the University’s Library and Research departments pertaining on how to correctly cite sources following the APA 7th edition style. It is recommended to library and information science practitioners to sustain initiatives that enhance the students’ knowledge in crediting sources by providing them with series of orientations and training workshops on APA 7th edition. Moreover, collaboration between the library and research offices of educational institutions is encouraged to improve students’ citation and referencing skills. It is anticipated that the outcome of this collaboration will reduce errors on proper citations and rather promote respect to others’ intellectual properties and contribution. Practitioners should also integrate the fundamental concept of crediting sources into classes to ensure that students understand the significance of acknowledging works as they support their own ideas.

Graduate Tracer Study of Bachelor of Secondary Education (BSEd) of St. Paul University Surigao College of Teacher Education 2013-2017

This tracer study aimed to determine the employability and graduates’ rating of their academic program from 2013 to 2017. It is a descriptive-quantitative survey utilizing the modified Commission on Higher Education (CHED) Graduate Tracer Study Questionnaire. Out of 95 Bachelor of Secondary Education (BSEd) graduates from 2013 to 2017, there were 76 who participated. The findings revealed that the graduates of BSEd have high employability, and most of them landed in the profession related to their undergraduate studies. Further, the results also showed that St. Paul University Surigao BSEd program was very effective in terms of quality teaching, student activities engagement, learning environment, and student support services. It signified that indicators were recognized and practiced in the institution to enhance the facilitation of the graduates’ learning experience that is holistically and concretely responsive. This study recommended that the school continuously emphasize effective school leadership, academic program dynamic review, and professional development of the teachers that are pivotal in effective academic program implementation.

Consumer Choice Decision for Airport Taxi at I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport

A taxi service provided by the I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport plays an important role in meeting the transportation needs of travelers, as it provides a convenient and effective means for people to go from the airport to their destination. However, in today’s competitive industry, airport taxi service may find it difficult to attract and retain a growing number of passengers. This research aims to identify strategies that can be used by airport taxi service, where this research will focus on identifying significant attributes that influence passengers’ decisions to use airport taxi services and determine the most effective strategies in an effort to increase the number of passengers. The research analysis was conducted using a discrete choice model approach to determine individual behavior. Multinomial logistic regression (MNL) model was used for the three alternative mode choices observed between Taxi, Minivan, and Grab. The model uses influential attributes such as waiting time, travel time, price, safety, convenience, capacity, and promotion. The research data was obtained quantitatively with data collection techniques using questionnaires with respondents spread across major cities in Indonesia.  Based on the results of the analysis, it shows that the most significant attributes affecting taxi selection are safety, price, convenience, travel time, and capacity.


Financial Performance Analysis and Financial Distress Prediction of Indonesia State-Owned Enterprises in The Construction Industry Listed on IDX Before and During Economic Crisis in the Covid-19 Pandemic Era (Period 2019 – 2021)

The Covid-19 pandemic has brought an immense impact on Indonesia’s economy. Indonesia officially went into recession after the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) announced negative GDP growth for two consecutive quarters, namely in the second quarter (-5.32%) and the third quarter (-3.49%) of 2020. Indonesia’s contracted economy has caused depression in many Indonesian sectors. The results of a survey by BPS in 2020 noted that the construction sector was recorded as one of the sectors that experienced the most decline in revenue, which was 87.94%. This study aims to measure the financial performance and health condition of Indonesian construction SOEs listed on IDX namely ADHI, PTPP, WSKT, and WIKA based on the decree of the Ministry of SOEs no. KEP-100/MBU/2002 as well as the financial distress prediction (bankruptcy potential) by using the Altman Z-Score method for the period 2019 to 2021. The result of the financial health rank level of each company from 2019 to 2021: ADHI (BBB, CCC, and B), PTPP (BBB, B, and BB), WSKT (BB, CC, and B), and WIKA (A, B, and B) respectively. According to the Altman Z-score result, all companies experienced declining in the total Altman Z-score results from 2019 to 2021 and were interpreted as being in a state of financial distress, except for WSKT. This study will complete previous research with a different approach and focus that can give a more equipped view regarding the impact of Covid-19 on the construction industry in Indonesia.

Utilization of Areca Nut Extract on the Control of the Golden Snail Pest (Pomacea canaliculata L), Growth and Production of Rice (Oriza sativa L).

This study aims to determine the effectiveness, the right dose to control the golden snail pest and the impact of its application on rice production. The study was conducted in Teupin Raya Village, Peusangan Siblah Krueng District from September to November 2022. The design used in this study was a non-factorial Randomized Block Design (RBD) with 7 treatments and 3 replications. The factor tested was areca nut extract with the following treatment: P0: Control, P1: Dose of 100 gr/ha P2: Dose of 150gr/ha P3: Dose of 200 gr/ha P4: Dose of 250 gr/ha P5: Dose of 300 gr/ha P6 : Dose of 350 gr/ha. Parameters observed were golden snail mortality, golden snail mortality, attack intensity, plant height (cm), number of tillers, panicle length (cm), and grain weight (g). The results showed that the treatment of various doses of areca extract on mortality, intensity and yield of rice plants had a very significant effect on plant height at 15 and 45 DAP, number of tillers at 15, 30, 45 DAP, panicle length, and grain weight and not significant effect on plant height at the age of 30 HST. The best treatment for the dose of areca extract on the effectiveness, growth and yield of rice plants was obtained in the P6 treatment at a dose of 350 g/plot.