Analysis of the Variables Affecting Chronic Energy Deficiency (CED) in Adolescent Girls: a Systematic Review

Chronic Energy Deficiency (CED) can have a negative impact on health. Individuals who experience CED will have underweight or have low body weight, and their daily productivity will be disrupted due to malnutrition. Chronic Energy Deficiency occurs in Women of Reproductive Age (WRA) so it will have an impact in the future when they will experience the process of pregnancy, and childbirth and the baby’s weight will also be affected. Chronic Energy Deficiency includes being underweight, undernourished, undernutrition, and stunting. Therefore the authors want to analyze the causes that can influence the incidence of chronic energy deficiency in late adolescent girls. The author performs an article search method through electronic databases originating from Google Scholar, PubMed, Science Direct, and the Garuda portal. Journal references used amounted to 18 articles. The results of the search found that food intake behavior of macro and micro substances, nutritional knowledge, nutritional attitudes, beliefs about ideal body image, sociodemographics, socioeconomic factors, family members, knowledge, attitude, and many other causes can influence the occurrence of Chronic Energy Deficiency.

Proposed Design of Service Quality Performance Management System for Indonesian HSR

In some countries, the development of High-Speed Railway (HSR) represents a significant technological advancement which helps modern society’s value of time and various activities. Despite of having complex operational support and significant financial outlays, studies have shown that HSR sector has several growth barriers due to poor punctuality, reliability, pricing, and inconvenient passenger journeys. These brought specific impact on deciding factors whether or not passengers choose the transport option as it affected passenger satisfaction level. Recognizing the global challenge, this paper anticipates the impending Indonesian HSR operation by observing passengers’ relevant service quality attributes. The findings served as the performance management design’s foundation. In order to assist HSR operators to improve passenger experience and satisfaction, this study aims to identify the relevant service quality of Indonesian HSR potential passengers as one of many solutions to eliminate lack of demand problem. Qualitative and quantitative data analysis from in-depth interviews with several Indonesian railway expert and information from prior publication of Asian HSR which was used to carry out external benchmarking, validate results, support design process, and create contextual performance indicators for attributes using Knowledge-Based Performance Management System (KBPMS). This paper produced numbers of service quality performance indicators whose prioritization was arranged in specific order. Five variables are used to measure tangibility attributes’ performance, whereas six variables are used to measure reliability attributes’ performance. Tangibility and reliability were chosen based on Indonesian railway market preference and common success factor of HSR best practices. This performance indicators were specifically developed based on these attributes’ sub-attributes which has been contextualized. In contrast to other countries, Indonesian HSR place a distinctive value on physical facilities as it affects travelling motivation. These new insights would direct Indonesian HSR operators to develop targeted solutions to increase passenger satisfaction and economic benefits.

Strategies for Promoting and Maintaining Peace in Communities as Perceived by Guidance Counsellors

This study determines the Strategies for promoting and maintaining peace in communities as perceived by Guidance Counsellors in Anambra State, Nigeria. The study adopted a descriptive survey design method. One research question guided the study. The sample size for the study is 150 guidance counsellors selected through simple random sampling technique with replacement. Questionnaire on Counsellors perceived strategies for promoting and maintaining peace in communities is used for data collection (QOCPSFPAMPICS).  The reliability co-efficient value of the instrument of 0.80 is established through the use of Split half method of estimation. On the sport method of administration of the instrument on the respondents is used by the researchers for the study to ensure a hundred percent return of the questionnaire. Arithmetic weighted mean which criterion is 2.50 for any item considered as a factor while an item that is below this value is considered not being a factor is used for the data analysis. The findings of the study revealed that use of peace building committees, having equal representations in things of collective interests, working with schools towards reducing deviant behaviours among students, setting measures for preventing gang groups within communities, launching of peace campaigns, use of peace gatherings, setting clear and measurable objectives, preaching peace through Education, having fair and just policies, listening to the voices of people. The study also revealed that use of force and strength is not an acceptable strategy for promoting and maintaining peace within communities. Among other things, the researchers recommended that there will be formation of peace committee whose members should be made to tour into other counties to learn more about peace building. Also, Government should recognize the peace committee members as peace representatives and be paying them salaries for encouragement.

Proposed Improvement of Pertalite Fuel Outbound Logistics Performance to Achieve Pertamina Patra Niaga MS2 Compliance (A Case Study of Bandung City)

PT. Pertamina Patra Niaga was founded in 2004, is a sub-holding of PT. Pertamina which handles Pertamina’s downstream oil and gas processes, especially fuel trading and handling, as well as fleet and depot management. This study took Fuel Terminal Bandung Group – Ujung Berung as a research location which encounter issue related to the not achieved of the MS2 Compliance target in delivery time delay related to the external logistics performance. This research focuses on the delivery of Pertalite fuel in the city of Bandung in the third quarter of 2022.

This study aims to identify the factor that affect the value of MS2 Compliance in Fuel Terminal Bandung Group-Ujung Berung and initiate the improvement initiatives to improve outbound logistic performance for Fuel Terminal Bandung Group – Ujung Berung. The conceptual framework used in this research describes the supply chain design and focuses on outbound logistics in terms of moving the final product to the retailers to achieve responsive supply chain strategy is improving the outbound logistic performance. The equipment that used to carry the delivery are tank trucks. The method used in this study uses a quantitative approach with heuristic methods using a sweep algorithm. Quantitative data were obtained from company data, observations at the company and interviews with departments that related to the company’s logistics. Secondary data analysis using literature and company data.

The analysis was carried out by finding the root of the problem with a fishbone diagram and analysing quantitative data with a sweep algorithm. The analysis is carried out by taking days that have low MS2 Compliance in Quarter III 2022 in one week, where one day has three delivery batch. From the results of the analysis, it was found that there were four main causes, namely method, environment, human, and equipment factors. Then examine by the sweep algorithm analysis which results in more effective route selection and maximizing the use of tank trucks by calculating the travel time for each shipment by considering the allowance time for each shipment.

Factors Influencing Customer Purchase Intention in B2B Telecommunication Industry

Digital transformation has the potential to improve consumers’ lives by providing new opportunities for business firms to create business value. This phenomenon forces the telecommunications industry to become one of the leading industries in digital transformation as the main digitalization mover and to be able to adapt to the changing trends of the digital transformation era. The increasing trend of digitization and consumption of digital media platforms by global and domestic customers has led to a demand for higher bandwidth with high-speed connectivity. This phenomenon creates new business opportunities for the telecommunication industry. With all the developments in the digital era, the telecommunications industry must adapt to achieve new opportunities in transformation and digital ecosystems that are rapidly developing by increasing the economic value and services of more data-oriented companies. This study aims to determine what factors influence customer purchase intention in B2B telecommunication companies, namely the DWS Telkom division under PT Telkom Indonesia, which plays a role and focuses on carrying out wholesale business portfolio management activities. The division’s mission is to provide sustainable value to wholesale customers through digital connectivity solutions, digital platforms, and communications. This research was conducted using qualitative methods by interviewing 7 existing customers of Telkom DWS using question guidelines to determine B2B product purchasing factors. Results from interviews with customers were analyzed using the triangulation method. The results show that the factors influencing purchasing decisions in the B2B industry are product quality, service quality, relationship commitment, trust, customer satisfaction, and loyalty.


Analysing CSR Practice in Regional Development Bank (Bank Pembangunan Daerah) in Indonesia: A case study and proposed solutions

This article discusses about the corporate social responsibility (CSR) of regional development banks (bank pembangunan daerah or BPD) in Indonesia through a case study of a BPD in East Java province. As a company majority-owned by the local provincial government or governments, a BPD is expected to support the regional development agenda and take a role in improving the local economic welfare, including through CSR programmes, besides providing typical financial and banking services. This improves the notability of BPDs’ CSR programmes, as well as forms expectations on the programme. A suitable and improved CSR programme is therefore necessary to allow BPDs to fulfill its role as a supporter of the local development agenda of the government. This article starts by a brief introduction on the topic of CSR and BPDs in Indonesia, literature review, identification of the issues, analysis, and finally concluded with proposed solutions in relations to the case study. The research in this paper is conducted in qualitative method. Data used for research in this paper were obtained through interviews, company reports, and observation during the author’s internship at the company.

The Effect of Accounting Information System on the Decision-Making Process of Addis Ababa City Electric Utility’s

One of the supporting information systems utilized in performing managerial tasks including planning, organizing, controlling, and decision-making for the better utilization of the resources available is Accounting Information Systems.  The main objective of this study was to determine the effect of Accounting Information Systems on the decision-making process in the case of Addis Ababa City Electric Utility related to inventory management, Internal control system, bill collection (sales,) and financial statements. The researcher used both primary and secondary data and used explanatory research methods. The researcher used a random sampling technique and distribute questionnaires to the Addis Ababa City Electric Utility staff and used Pearson correlation and linear multiple regression to check the relationship and effect between the variables respectively. The finding of this study showed that accounting information systems have a positive and significant effect on inventory management, financial statement, bill collection, and internal control system in the decision-making process. As a result, the researcher came to the conclusion that the accounting information system significantly and favorably influences the decision-making process. For better decision-making, the study recommends businesses employ accounting information systems.

Proposed Gamification Concept to Increase Donor Engagement for Green Fund Digital Philanthropy Platform Case Study: Greeneration Foundation

Humans and the environment are two natural elements that can never be separated. The environment provides all human needs for survival and humans have also used the environment from 2.5 million years ago to this moment. Currently, the environmental damage that is accelerating cannot be separated from human intervention itself, and the solution should also start from human hands as well. One of the solutions that the government can do is to provide a space for cross-stakeholder collaboration such as the community, non-profit organizations, youth communities in Indonesia with the same enthusiasm to present solutions for environmental restoration, it is hoped that this can accelerate solutions to environmental damage. From this problem, the Greeneration Foundation is trying to be present to offer a concrete solution by inviting the public to donate a minimum of Rp. 10,000 for a sustainable environmental solution by adapting technological developments that are implemented on an online Green Fund Digital Philanthropy donation platform. As a new institution that operates as a fundraiser, the Greeneration Foundation has quite a tough challenge to be able to improve aspects of donor involvement so that they can continue to donate to the Green Fund Digital Philanthropy platform.

One way that can be done to increase donor involvement is to implement a gamification scheme on the donation platform, but in its implementation it requires a big commitment from the Greeneration Foundation and must pay attention to the needs of donors. To answer these problems, the methodology used uses a mixed approach (quantitative and qualitative). In-depth interview data is used as qualitative data as an internal consideration for the gamification scheme development process, and survey data is used as quantitative data to illustrate user/donor awareness of the gamification scheme that will be implemented on the donation platform. The results will be calculated using several tools such as the value proportion canvas.

Social Capital; Case of Stakeholder Approach in Cimaragas Village

This article examines the community of Cimaragas Village and the role of stakeholders in efforts to maintain social capital in Chiamis District, Cimaragas District, and Cimaragas Village. The data used in this study are primary and secondary data. The procedures performed were a literature review, in-depth interviews, and FGD (focus group discussion) methods/structured questionnaires. Next, the data analysis model used to test the hypotheses in this study is a prospective analysis approach using the MACTOR analysis tool. The result show converging power of actors that strengthen the process of dealing with COVID19 will strengthen the process of dealing with COVID19 and vice versa.

Implementation Reserve Geocoding on Mobile Application

Reverse geocoding is the conversion of coordinates into an address that allows you to find an address. In this study, the coordinates in question are latitude and longitude points on a mobile device that uses an Android-based operating system. The default feature of Android devices for obtaining latitude and longitude data is Assisted – GPS (Global Positioning System) while the tool for processing latitude and longitude data in order to obtain location and place names from the Assisted – GPS (Global Positioning System) data that has been obtained is the nominal API. .org. the stages of work in the research are making a flow system, designing a system with use case diagrams, designing a database, coding, implementing it on android based and web based. The results of this study are that using Cordova can be an alternative for making Android-based mobile applications without the need for the relatively heavy Android Studio program if it is run on standard or low specification hardware, 2). With this mobile absence application, it is able to make it easier for employees to take attendance when outside the office with information about working or out of town service, 3). With this application it can be a means of facilitating superiors in assessing employee performance, 4). With this application can handle the problem solved.