Hibiscus Sabdariffa as Nuclear Stain for Cytological Buccal and Cervical Smear

Introduction: Sudan is one of the biggest countries that produces and exports hibiscus Sabdariffa in Africa. The possibility of HS staining cytological specimens is not well explored. Therefore, the present study aimed to evaluate the staining quality of Hibiscus Sabdariffa on cytological buccal and cervical smear as a cheap viable nuclear stain alternative to hematoxylin.

Methods: This study was an experimental descriptive study conducted at Alfajr College for Science and Technology from (June to September 2022). A total of 30 smears, 15 buccal smears collected from students and 15 cervical smears were retrieved from Alfajr’s histopathology lab.

Results: All (30) slides showed good staining quality with 20% concentration Hibiscus Sabdariffa water extract when mordanted with Iron, and acidified with acetic acid.

Conclusion: Hibiscus Sabdariffa is good as nuclear staining for a buccal and cervical pap smear and can replace hematoxylin by adjustment of concentration, time and pH.

Designing Performance Appraisal Using Balanced Scorecard Methods for PT Talenta Indonesia Raya

The Balanced Scorecard concept is a comprehensive instrument that requires each organizational unit to modify its actions in order to meet goals while establishing a company plan. (Benková, Gallo, Balogová, & Nemec, 2020) . Individual business units in organizations must identify their metrics in order to connect the four BSC key views. These views include the financial perspective, customer perspective, the internal process perspective, the learning and growth perspective.The primary goal of the Balanced Scorecard idea is to ensure that the firm is managed in the future rather than in the past in order to ensure its long-term survival. The goal of this study is provide an overview of the existing situation, determine the suitable solution, and to design the suitable Performance Management System (PMS) for PT Talenta Indonesia Raya. In this study, the PMS was created using the Balanced Scorecard method where the company’s objectives and assessments are carried out not only from one perspective but from four different perspectives in order to create organizational balance; namely Financial Perspective, Customer Perspective, Internal Process Perspective, and Learning and Growth Perspective. This study using primary and secondary data, which is the survey conducted on 46 employee of Talenta Indonesia and the interview for 3 employees. The overall performance of the company is sufficient, but it is still below the company’s expectations and still has many rooms for improvement. This value is obtained from the results of 60% (Need Development) on the Financial Perspective, 81.33% (Fair) on the Customer Perspective, 87% (Good) on the Intermal Business Process Perspective, and 96.67% (Excellent) on Learning and Growth Perspectives.

Determination of Physico-Chemical Parameters of St. Nicholas River, Bayelsa State, Niger Delta, Nigeria

The Physicochemical parameters of St. Nicholas River were determined from October, 2020 to September, 2021. Three sampling stations were identified and used throughout the duration of the studies. They were Meinmokiri, Ebierewo-bugo and Egeinkiri sampling stations. The physicochemical parameters were measured in situ with Mercury in Glass Thermometer for Temperature, Hand held Digital Salinometer for  (Model AR8012) for Salinity, pH meter (Model PH-009(1)) for pH, Digital conductivity tester (Model AR8011) for Conductivity, TDS meter (Model AR8012) for Total Dissolved Solid, Digital Water Velocity meter (Model PF LV550) for Water Velocity, Secchi Disk for Transparency, Digital Depth Founder (Model SD-5) for Water Depth and Dissolved Oxygen Meter (Model OM-51-10) for Dissolved Oxygen. The mean values of the Physicochemical parameters of water at the three sampling stations are temperature; 29.98±0.550C, Dissolved Oxygen DO; 11.89±0.33mg/L, Biochemical Oxygen Demand BOD; 2.06±0.26 mg/L, Salinity; 16.80±2.06 PPT, Conductivity; 27.54±3.03µS/cm, Total Dissolved Solids TDS; 9.44±0.50mg/L, pH; 7.41±0.14, Water Depth; 0.58±0.06m, Transparency; 27.27±0.03cm and Water Velocity; 54.79±5.71m3/s. These physicochemical parameters values are comparable with other water bodies in the Niger Delta indicating contaminated waters. The contamination was caused by anthropogenic activities in terms of parameters assessed, therefore mitigation should be put in place for biodiversity conservation and sustainability of the ecosystem.

A Study on Behavioural Bias & Investment Decision from Perspective of Indonesia’s Cryptocurrency Investors

Cryptocurrency, an innovative asset class that is widely adopted by investors around the world. Indonesia is no exception to this, increasing the investor adoption up to 12 million investors in 2022. This number is very significant compared to Indonesia stock market investors that is only around 7 million investors. Various literatures have covered cryptocurrency in terms of pricing strategy and technicalities, so this paper extends the understanding of cryptocurrency dynamics from a behavioral finance perspective that is still less developed in Indonesia. This paper aims to explore the relationship between financial literacy, behavioral bias as well as its implication on the investment decision making process and investment performance from the perspective of investors based on Indonesia’s cryptocurrency investors at online communities. This paper used Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to predict the relation between variables. Our results show that financial literacy has an impact on each behavioral bias. While the behavioral biases that investigate in this study have different result in term of impact on decision-making process and the investment performance. Overconfidence, herding and anchoring are the biases that significantly influence invertor’s decision making in scope of cryptocurrency market in Indonesia. This study outcome may help investors understand and increase the awareness of investor’s investment behavior and decision-making process, and parallel to that the regulators and other stakeholders may use the insight to improve investor’s protection.

The Impact of Biotechnology Product Innovation and Corporate Strategy in Medium-Scale Seaweed Industry Companies on the Company Business Growth (Case Study: Ocean Fresh CV)

A product innovation approach that can have a positive impact on both the environment and consumers is biotechnology. Seaweed, a material obtained from the sea, offers a lot of potential. Future prospects for several industries include the use of seaweed product innovation employing a biotechnology method. This research is based on business issues and how to maximize existing potential. This research aims to study the performance of the corporate strategy and the development of product innovation in a biotechnology-based company, namely Ocean Fresh CV. Data collection was carried out by means of semi-structured interviews with the directors of the company and analyzed by evaluating internal factors and discussing using the Balanced Scorecard approach. This study shows that the Company’s Strategy and Product Innovation carried out at Ocean Fresh CV have positively impacted business growth so far. The results of this analysis will be made in the form of a Matrix Scenario Planning to be able to provide business solutions that can be implemented by companies for future business growth.

Predicting Customer Satisfaction through Sentiment Analysis on Online Review

User-generated content, such as user reviews, posts, tags, ratings, and opinions on the internet, can be used as a business indicator if collected and appropriately analyzed. One of the examples is predicting customer satisfaction through implementing big data analytics on online reviews. In analyzing the user-generated content to predict customer satisfaction, the author implements machine learning approach using the Sentiment Analysis method. Five-fold cross-validation was performed to train the classification model. The training was performed with a combination of tokenization methods: term frequency-inverse document frequency (tf-idf) and bag-of-words; n-gram types: unigram, bigram, trigram, and combination of unigram, bigram, and trigram; and machine learning algorithms: linear support vector classification (LinearSVC) and multinomial naïve bayes (MultinomialNB). The result was then evaluated using classification performance metrics such as precision, recall, F1 measure, and AUC score.

The result shows that the tf-idf vectorizer performs similarly to the bag-of-words method. A similar result was also observed for machine learning algorithm selection. Both MultinomialNB and LinearSVC produce the same performance. Low-level n-grams (such as unigrams and bigrams) tended to have higher precision, recall, F1 measure, and AUC score than high-order n-grams (such as trigrams). The best results were achieved by combining unigrams, bigrams, and trigrams, resulting in an average performance score of 0.94 for all measurements. From the result and analysis, the author finds that predicting customer satisfaction using text and sentiment analysis methods on user-generated content is possible. The model’s performance in this experiment is decent, with high precision, recall, F1, and AUC score.

Circular Business Strategy of Early Stage Fashion Brand in Indonesia

Business with a purpose has become a very popular thing lately. The intended goal is not just profit but what impact a business can have on society. This was agreed collectively at the world level by the UN by implementing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 17 sub-values. This has an impact on shifting the mindset of consumers who are more concerned with the environment and sustainable business and this has occurred in the fashion industry, both global and local brands. The market value for sustainable fashion is increasing, global brands are adopting campaigns and competing to make circular products, local brands are also joining in with various approaches to adopting sustainable fashion. This is of course an opportunity for businesses on a micro scale or for brands in the early stage. GNDT as a local fashion brand in Indonesia that presents clothing solutions for obese or plus size men has implemented inclusivity in clothing, in line with existing trends and opportunities, business transformation must be carried out to make it more circular. With limited resources and a small business scale, GNDT must determine what approaches and strategies are most effective in turning their business into a more circular one and how to implement it. Value hills are used as a framework for this research in carrying out the stages of business transformation and adoption of a circular business strategy. Focusing on three stages, namely pre-use, use and post-use, businesses are expected to be able to map their business model position on the value hill to be able to identify the initial position of their business (uphill), how to optimize the products they sell (tophill) and how far what is the possibility that the product can be returned after use. Furthermore, businesses can identify gaps and opportunities in value hills and determine what strategic options are fit that can be carried out at this time in accordance with the resources they have. This research was conducted qualitatively using observation and brainstorming methods with business owners. The results of the business model assessment and placement on value hills indicate that GNDT must implement a circular strategy at each stage. At the uphill stage, circular design is determined as the most effective strategy, followed by a product as a service strategy for the tophill phase and upcycling for the downhill phase. All of this is wrapped up in a fundamental network organization strategy where GNDT must prepare internal organizations and potential collaboration with partners to realize this strategy.

Profit Optimization and Production of Maesa Cake and Bakery Shops with Linear Programming-Simplex Method

The need for cake as a complementary food at various events causes the demand to increase. This increase has an impact on the production level that will be produced with the aim of increasing profits. The production process is related to the allocation of the right raw materials to be efficient, so that maximum profits will be obtained. This study aims to analyze the maximum profit of the Maesa Cake and Bakery Shop, Permata Legenda Branch. There are two types of products sold in this shop, namely Banana Bolu (X1) and Banana Bolen (X2). The research method used is linear programming which is solved by the simplex method and the use of the POM For Windows application. The data obtained is observational data by meeting the shop owner directly to be interviewed. The process of calculating the simplex method is carried out using Ms. Excel with several completion steps, starting from creating a simplex table, entering the coefficients of the objective function and constraints, looking for key columns, key rows, and key numbers, until the last step is achieving positive coefficients generated in the objective function row. The final result obtained is the process of the iterations carried out. Apart from using Ms. Excel, researchers also use the POM for Windows application. Use both software to find the maximum profit to be achieved. So it is found that the maximum profit that can be obtained in one day by the Maesa Cake and Bakery Branch of Permata Legenda is IDR 270,000.00; by producing 5 units of Banana Bolu and 50 units of Banana Bolen.

Proposed Business Strategy to Increase Profitability in Food & Beverage Industry (Case Study: Pt Ganesha Abaditama)

Indonesia’s retail industry is one of the most promising due to its large population and rising purchasing power from middle-class individuals and millennials with increased spending habits. Food and beverages are part of Indonesia’s retail industry. Ganesha, a manufacturer, and supplier of packaged spices has seen sales decline in the last two years. Outperforming supermarket competitors to increase sales requires a new business strategy to gain competitive advantages. This study uses the AFI framework to design a new business strategy. Porter’s Five Forces, customer, and consumer analysis are used for external business analysis. Resource-based view analysis, core competencies gap analysis, and VRIO analysis are used to analyze the internal business environment. Interviews, questionnaires, and observation provided primary data. Websites, books, articles, and journals provided secondary data. The two data sets are combined for the SWOT analysis, and the TWOS matrix is used to develop strategies. Results show that underpricing rivals and increasing product value will increase market share. Innovating the supply chain, production, and technology helps lower selling prices. Innovating existing products, packaging, and variations helps add product value. However, product innovation requires more market research to determine consumer interest.

Tax Management Strategy in Dealing with Corporate Income Tax Audit

The purpose of this study is to analyze the strategy, implementation, and evaluation of tax management in facing corporate income tax audits at PT.ABC. The research method used in this study is descriptive qualitative. The data used in this study were obtained from interviews, observations, document reviews and online research. This research was conducted at PT.ABC for year 2020. The results of the research related to the implementation of tax management strategies in facing tax audits in 2020 are that PT.ABC only carries out tax management strategies in the form of tax compliance and has not conducted a tax review. Meanwhile, the implementation of the tax management strategy in the form of tax compliance shows that PT.ABC is still less compliant in carrying out its tax obligations. As well as the results of evaluating the implementation of PT.ABC’s tax management in facing a tax audit, namely showing the potential for tax surprises with a significant value which has the potential to become a tax authority finding in a tax audit.