Effect of Corporate Governance on Performance of SACCOs in Rubanda District South Western Uganda

The goal of this study was to evaluate the effect of corporate governance on the performance of SACCOs, in Rukiga District. SACCO governance was a predictor variable and performance of SACCOs was the study’s outcome variables. A cross-sectional survey was the precursor to the study. Quantitative and qualitative analysis were combined with the collection and analysis of data from 109 respondents. Descriptive, bivariate, and multivariate analyses were used in the analysis, which was done on three different levels. Frequency tables were employed to portray the data as descriptive analysis required presentation of a single variable and its characteristics. A Pearson correlation matrix was used to determine the correlations between the predictor factors and the dependent variable at the bivariate level. The modified predictor variables for corporate governance were regressed against the dependent variable at the multivariate level (performance of SACCOs). To fit the data, a linear regression model was employed. Corporate governance (coef. = 0. 532) has a positive influence on the performance of SACCO in Rukiga District, according to research results from the regression model. The key finding of this study is that corporate governance significantly affects SACCOS performance. The study therefore suggests that in order to ensure the sustainability of SACCO performance in Rubanda District, greater emphasis should be placed on implementing corporate governance.

Correlation between Coagulation Profile and Blood group among patients with Ischemic Heart Disease in Khartoum State

Background: Coronary artery disease (CAD), also known as ischemic heart disease (IHD) is a group of diseases that includes stable angina, unstable angina, myocardial infarction, and sudden cardiac death. It’s considered a major public health issue that affects an estimated 1 in 3 adults in the United States. The ABO blood group and coagulation profile exerts a profound influence on hemostasis,

This study was aimed to correlate between ABO grouping & coagulation profile in Ischemic heart disease at Khartoum State.

Methods: This was case and control study conducted during the period from January to May 2021 at Ahmed gasim hospital. Study included hundred (100) sample, fifty (50) Ischemic heart disease (IHD) patients taken as cases and fifty (50) apparently healthy taken as controls. Blood samples were collected for the analysis of prothrombin time (PT), activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) using STart stago semi-automated instruments and for the determining the ABO blood group using direct slide agglutination method. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS version 25.

Results: The results of study showed that the most frequent ABO blood type among all the participants among ischemic and healthy individuals was O. The mean level of APTT in Ischemic Heart Disease (IHD) showed that there was significantly decreased (27.06 ± 3.04) when compared to control group (29.45 ± 3.7) with p. value 0.001. However no significance differences in the mean level of PT between two groups (p value= 0.96).

Its also observed that among all study participants, in blood group A, the PT and aPTT levels were the least, while blood group O had the greatest PT and aPTT values. No association was found between ABO grouping and coagulation profile in ischemic heart disease in case and control group.

Conclusion: This study concluded that O blood group was more frequent among patients with IHD followed by A blood group and least frequent was AB. In addition, there was significant shorter aPTT in Ischemic Heart Disease cases when compared to control group.

No association was found between ABO grouping and coagulation profile in ischemic heart disease in case and control group.

The Use of Augmented Reality to Promote Public Awareness for Deaf Workers

Technological innovations have been specifically built for people who are disabled. The technological development tools were designed to make human work more manageable. Augmented Reality is one of the technologies discussed in this study. This study will focus on solving the problems encountered in the SMEs assisted by Regional Nation Craft Council (Dekranasda) Nusa Tenggara Timur, Café Inklusi (Kopisaa), where disabled workers experience communication problems. Most visitors are not aware of the presence of deaf workers, as well as sign language. This research process uses descriptive qualitative research methods, and Design Thinking as an analysis tool is deemed necessary for the characteristics of the problems that arise. After the analysis, a solution was proposed to help the disabled worker in Café Inklusi (Kopisaa) communicate more effectively using Augmented Reality technology in social media filters. The solution focuses on how AR technology can play a role in helping overcome deaf workers’ communication problems, increase awareness of deaf workers and sign language, and help promote the cafe where they work.

Effect of Computer Technology Adoption on Sales Volume in Selected Supermarkets in Kampala Central Division, Uganda

The study looked at the relationship between sales volume and the deployment of computer technology at a few specific supermarkets in Kampala’s central division. The specific goal was to look at how the use of computer technology affected the amount of sales in supermarkets. The research used a cross-sectional approach. Approaches that combined quantitative and qualitative methods were used. Data was collected from a sample of 80 respondents in 20 supermarkets in the central division of Kampala using questionnaires and interviews. Data were analyzed using descriptive, correlational, and regression techniques. The results suggested that adoption of computer technology boosts grocery sales. Conclusion: Adoption of computer technology improves operational efficiency, according to the respondents’ responses. However, there were a few areas that needed improvement so that efficiency would actually increase. It was advised that the owners of supermarkets purchase and employ improved accounting software, as well as effective monitoring systems and systems that can identify impending expirations and obsolescence and report them early so that action can be taken to prevent losses from expirations.

Project-Based Learning Method in Japanese Language Learning

Learning Japanese at State Polytechnics of Bali and Hasanuddin University has similarities to one of the subjects studied by students, called the Japanese Language for Tourism. It takes students’ critical thinking and attracts students’ interest in this learning. For this lesson, the use of Project-Based Learning is a suitable learning model for students to hone and develop their creativity in introducing Indonesian tourism using Japanese. The aim of this research was to increase the critical thinking and creativity of the students by using the Project-Based Learning method in Japanese for tourism lessons. The design of this research was an analysis study. In this research, the writer wanted to find the use of the Project Based Learning method in Japanese language classes. In this research, the writer used a qualitative method. The inductive process of data analysis started by gathering information through observations, interviews, documentation, and triangulations. The result showed that there are several projects like videos and brochures produced by students in Japanese language classes using the PBL Method as developed by The George Lucas Educational Foundation, such as: (1) Start with the Essential Question; (2) Design a Plan for the Project; (3) Create a Schedule; (4) Monitor the Students and the Progress of the Project; (5) Assess the Outcome; (6) Evaluate the Experience.

The Effect of Financial Technology, Financial Literacy, and Financial Behavior on Investment Decisions in the Capital Market in Investors during the Post-Covid-19 Pandemic

This study aims to examine the effect of financial technology, financial literacy, and financial behavior on an investor’s investment decisions. The sample in this study is someone who has invested in the capital market at least once and lives in the city of Jakarta. The sample was taken using purposive sampling and obtained from 180 respondents. Data analysis uses SmartPLS3 through an outer, inner model, and hypothesis testing. The external and internal models show the results of all valid research instruments, and reliable and appropriate models are used to explain the dependent variable. The results show that financial technology, financial literacy, and financial behavior positively and significantly impact investment decisions.

Social Cognitive Skills and Delinquent Behavior Modification among Students in Secondary Schools in Kenya

The study investigated the relationship between social cognitive skills and delinquent behavior modification among students in secondary schools in Kenya. The Correlational Research design within the Positivist paradigm was adopted.  The accessible population comprised of 3,740 students who had undergone counselling in 26 secondary schools in Rongo sub-county of Kenya. A sample size of 374 counselled students was obtained using both stratified and simple random sampling techniques. The Brief Self-Control Scale, Behavioral Inhibition Scale, Vicarious Experience Scale, Challenging Behaviour Attributions Scale and Behavior Modification Scale were used to collect data. Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was used to investigate the internal consistency of the questionnaires all the sub-scales had internal consistency of 0.701 and 0.759. Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient and regression analysis were used to analyze data. The model was statistically significant [F (4, 339) =16.928, Adjusted R2=.157, sig. <.05], implying it was adequate enough to predict the dependent variable. However, this finding indicates that only 15.7% of the variability in behaviour modification among the secondary school students is explained by social cognitive skills. The school counsellors should use person centered counselling techniques to enhance social cognitive skills among students.

Development of RBL-STEM Learning Tools to Improve Students’ Computational Thinking Skills Solving Rainbow Antimagic Coloring Problems and Their Application to Traffic Flow Problems with Spatial Temporal Graph Neural Network

Computational thinking is thinking process that is needed in formulating problems and solutions, so that these solutions can be effective information processing agents in solving problems. Indicators of computational thinking consist of problem decomposition, algorithmic thinking, pattern recognition, abstraction and generalization. To improve higher-order thinking skills, we apply RBL learning integrated with STEM approach. To improve students’ thinking skills, it is necessary to develop tools that support the success of learning activities. The learning tools that have been developed meet the criteria of valid, practical, and effective. The validity scores obtained by each device are 3.5 for the face-to-face plan, 3.41 for the student worksheet, and 3.56 for the learning outcomes test. The observation result of the learning implementation score was 3.8 with a percentage of 95%. There were 23 students who completed or around 88,46%, percentage of average score of student activities was 94.17%, and as many as 94.47% of students gave a positive response.


Participatory Project Implementation and Sustainability of Government Funded Projects a Case study of Parish Development Model in Kabale District, Uganda

A case study of Parish Development Model in Kabale District was used in the study to explore the impact of participatory project implementation on the sustainability of government-funded projects in Uganda. Sustainability of government funded project was a dependent variable while participatory project implementation was independent variable. A cross-sectional survey was conducted before the research began. We gathered information from 75 respondents, and combined quantitative and qualitative analysis. Descriptive, bivariate, and multivariate methodologies were all used in the analysis, which was carried out on three different levels. Frequency tables were utilized to display the data because the descriptive analysis called for the presentation of just one variable and its characteristics. The bivariate correlations between the dependent variable and the predictor components were examined using a Pearson correlation matrix. The dependent variable was regressed against the revised predictor factors at the multivariate level (sustainability of government project). An analysis of the data was done using a linear regression model. According to the findings of a regression study, participatory project implementation has a favorable impact on the effectiveness of parish development models in Kabale District (coef = -0.890, p-value = 0.000). The fundamental conclusion of this study is that the success of a parish development model project is significantly influenced by the implementation of participatory projects. The study suggests that in order to ensure the sustainability of the parish development model, more emphasis should be placed on adopting participatory project implementation through defining the project implementation team, customer satisfaction, project outputs realization, and project expansion and scale-up.


The Effect of Human Resource Competency and Government Internal Control System on The Quality of Local Government Financial Report with Information Technology as a Moderation Variable in Aceh Government

This study aims to examine the effect of human resource competency and government internal control system on the quality of local goverment financial report with information technology as a moderation variable in Aceh government. The population in this study is the Aceh Civil Service Unit which consists of 46 SKPA. The sampling technique uses non probability sampling with census method. The respondents who became the object of this research who would later answer the questionnaires for each SKPA were Budget Users (PA), Financial Administration Officers (PPK) and Spending Treasurers for each SKPA. The data used is primary data. Data collection techniques were carried out by distributing questionnaires to 138 respondents. Data analysis method used is Moderated Regression Analysis (MRA) with SPSS 25. The result of this research showed that collectively and partially the human resource competency and the government internal control system affect the quality of local government financial report in Aceh Government. Furthermore, information technology moderates the relationship between human resource competency and government internal control system on the quality of regional financial report in Aceh Government.