Business Strategy to Increase Sales Performance: Case Study of a Mineral Water Product in Indonesia

Currently, people in Indonesia are starting to become aware of consuming proper drinking water so the demand for proper drinking water increases every year. This is an opportunity for Club mineral water to meet market demand. Club’s drinking water brand has started to gain public attention, as shown by the Club’s brand being included in the category of five bottled drinking water based on consumer choice according to Indonesia’s Top Brand data. Even so, the Club has the lowest market share percentage when compared to its four competitors. Furthermore, looking at the internal sales performance of the Indofood CBP’s group, sales of the beverage division were smaller than other divisions. This shows that the Club needs to analyze its strategy to improve its sales performance so the company can become a leader in its market. This study further analyzes how the company runs its business from an external and internal perspective. This study uses external analysis such as PESTEL analysis, Porter’s five forces, consumer analysis, and competitor analysis. Moreover, there are also internal analyses such as analysis of the company’s core competencies, resource-based analysis, and VRIO. Then a further analysis was conducted by using a SWOT analysis to determine the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to the Club’s mineral water products. This study uses qualitative and quantitative methods using a survey of Club mineral water customers. The researcher also analyzed the position of the Club’s mineral water compared to its business competitors in terms of sales, followers on Instagram social media, frequencies of Instagram posting, and how competitors use digital media. After that, the TOWS matrix will help the Club’s mineral water develop its business and sales. The recommendations given include that the company should know its core competencies to develop, makes product innovations that are different from its competitors, improve the way product promotions are delivered, and optimizes digital media as a sales tool. Strategy implementation in the form of a Gantt chart is made based on these recommendations so that PT ICBP Club could implement it properly.

The Effect of the Quality of Human Resources, Financial Management Accountability, and Accounting Information Systems on the Quality of Financial Reports in the Simeuleu District

The paper aimed to analyze whether the quality of accountability of financial management accountability and accounting information systems significantly impacts the quality of financial statements of education programs in high schools in Simeulue Regency. Our data collection with the help of a questionnaire to the school principal then our data analyzes using IBM SPSS 23 statistics. A series of analyses of this study shows an increase in the quality of human resources accountability of financial governance, and the ease of accounting information systems significantly impact the quality of the financial statements High School Education in Simeulue Regency. Thus, partial statistical tests can be concluded that Ha1, Ha2, and Ha3 are entirely accepted.

Assessing the Performance of Islamic Banks Using the Sharia Conformity and Profitability (SCNP) Model and the Sharia Maqashid Index (SMI) in Islamic Commercial Banks in Indonesia for the 2012-2020 Period

This study aims to explain the method of analyzing the Islamic banks performance using the Sharia Maqashid Index and Sharia Conformity and Profitability methods. The research method used to analyze is descriptive quantitative, while the sample that been conducted to the research are financial statements of 6 Islamic commercial banks in Indonesia. The research results show that, using the Sharia Maqashid Index, Islamic banks in the research sample show unsatisfactory performance, because of the three work indicators, only the mashlahah performance indicator is optimally fulfilled. Meanwhile, using the Sharia Conformity Index method, five out of six Islamic banks are in quadrant 3 (Upper Right Quadrant).

Developing Policy Instruments to Reduce Inequality of Land Ownership

This research is motivated by the inequality of land ownership and policies regarding restrictions on land ownership. However, existing policies have not been able to resolve the problem of inequality in land ownership. The study was conducted using a qualitative approach with a perspective theoretical instrument policy. Primary data was obtained from observation during three months of study fields and interviews with a profound amount of key informants, the head of Government, the village chief, local peasants/local people, and communities. Research results show that the instrument policy of land that is used is not using a practical instrument such as land value reference, added value capturing, and land taxation. Land value reference, added value capturing, and land taxation can be used to reduce land inequality in Bandung Regency. Land value reference will create land market transparency, added value capturing will reduce the appearance of land speculators, and land taxation will effectively deter the person ruling the land. Instruments policy of land practically contributes to reducing idle lands, increasing the growth of the economy, creating field jobs, adding state income, reducing inequality in the economy, and improving the well-being of people.

The Current State of Epidemiological Aspects and Medical and Social Significance of the Problem of Cholelithiasis and its Complications

In terms of prevalence, frequency of surgical intervention and economic losses, cholelithiasis belongs to one of the most costly areas of world health care and occupies one of the leading positions in the structure of morbidity. Many authors have proven the leading risk factors for cholelithiasis. However, to this day, there are often difficulties in the timely differential diagnosis of cholelithiasis and breast syndrome. The use of modern highly sensitive research methods does not exclude diagnostic errors that occur in 10–42% of cases.

To date, to help surgeons, further study of this problem is required, because they are aimed at improving the results of surgical treatment of this group of patients.

Materials and Research Methods for Post-Burn Cicatricial Deformities of the Torso

The work is based on the results of surgical treatment of 206 patients with post–burn defects, cicatricial deformities of the soft tissues of the body, operated on in the department of reconstructive surgery of the multidisciplinary medical center of the Andijan region from 2015 to 2022. Data were collected at initial and follow–up visits, when patients were called to the clinic for follow–up examinations, and examined using POSAS questionnaires. After the operation, the degree of functional recovery and the aesthetic effect were studied. According to the options for plastic surgery of cicatricial deformities, all patients were divided into two groups. The main group included 105 patients who underwent improved plasty options, the comparison group included 101 patients who underwent traditional plasty methods.

Clinical studies were carried out in accordance with generally accepted standards, and the comparison group and the main group of patients were completely representative both in terms of the structure and nature of burn defects, and in terms of the main indicators of body homeostasis upon admission to the hospital. This contributed to the maximum reliability of further study results when significant differences were found after the use of improved surgical tactics and new plastic methods.

A Brief Review of Healthcare System Transformation Directions

The health care systems globally are undergoing constant changes and redesign processes within the framework of increasing patient expectations and increasingly challenging objectives related to the health of populations, cost reduction and improvement of health care quality. New approaches of healthcare reimbursement and payment are being implemented with the aim to contain costs. In parallel, there are relentless efforts to improve the quality of care through the reorganization of the healthcare team, increasingly relying on evidence, putting the patients at the centre of care, and greater participation of the patients in the process of healthcare. Overcoming the fragmentation of health systems is a major challenge for most countries of the world.  In this light, healthcare system innovation and transformation, in order to meet the expectations of the patients, healthcare professionals and other stakeholders involved is of critical importance. System thinking offers an opportunity for healthcare professionals and experts of health system administration, management and strategic planning to fine-tune the health system so that it can fulfil its aspirations.

Perfume Influencers Impact on Customers’ Purchase Decision of HMNS Perfumery

Nowadays, due to the fast growth of social media, the number of people using social media increases day-by-day. Influencer is one marketing strategy that has been used by marketers to strengthen brands’ reputations. Hence, the use of digital platforms as a marketing channel has increased. Influencer marketing has been observed whereby well-known social media users are employed by brands to promote their products. However, the problem in the perfume industry’s marketing is that it differs from other things in that its function and utility can be proved and seen easily, whereas it does not apply in the perfume industry.  Fragrance is considered to be a personal preference. Online descriptions rarely correspond to what the consumer imagines. Customers will not know how the perfume smells unless they read other people’s reviews on the internet. Therefore, the author wants to delve more into the impact of those people who are known as perfume influencers evaluations on HMNS brand consumer purchase decisions. This study was created to fill this gap. The purpose of this study is to explore the effect of social media influencers on HMNS Perfumery customer’s decision in purchasing perfume. This paper adopted the Ohanian model of source credibility since the authors aim to examine association between SMIs’ perceived attractiveness, trustworthiness, and expertise. For perfume influencer there is also one competence which the author assumes is needed to have, which is storytelling competence. The relationship between brand image and purchasing decision of perfume was then also investigated. The survey method was used as the research method. Online questionnaire was employed to gather primary data from the respondents in Indonesia. A total of 265 sample HMNS Perfumery customers participated in the survey and collected data was analyzed using PLS-SEM analysis with WarpPLS 8.0 software. Trustworthiness and expertise were found to have substantial impacts to increase brand image. Meanwhile, attractiveness and storytelling competence is not significant for the brand image increase. The results also showed that there was a favorable connection between brand image toward perfume influencers and their decisions to purchase fragrances. In addition to highlighting the study’s contributions to theory and practice, this paper also emphasizes those contributions.

Customer Preference Analysis on Attributes of Hybrid Electric Vehicle: A Choice-based Conjoint Approach

Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV) have been introduced on the Indonesian market since the 2000s in an effort to minimize emissions from the country’s automotive industry. Using a conjoint analysis approach, the objective of this study was to determine the most preferred combination of HEV attributes. This study assessed whether a variety of attributes, such as (1) vehicle pricing, (2) driving range, (3) consumption level, (4) emission level, and (5) HEV policies, had the most influence on purchasing decisions. A conjoint analysis and a choice-based survey design were utilized to determine respondents’ preferences for HEV. The results revealed that price was the attribute that influenced respondents’ purchase decisions the most (39,7%), followed by policy (22%), emission (15,9%), consumption (13,7%), and driving range (8,7%) being the least preferred. Automotive companies will benefit from the findings of this study about customer preferences for HEV attributes. Lastly, the findings of this study can be used to research electric vehicles conducted around the world.

Building a Case Study of Cimaragas Village in the Ciamis Regency Using the Village Index

This study investigates the development issues faced by the government in light of the Village Development Index, which measures the degree of village independence based on social, economic, and environmental factors as a map of village development. The research area for examining how the Village Law on village development is being implemented is Cimaragas Village, Cimaragas Subdistrict, and Ciamis Regency. By searching for data sources from the study of literature and related paperwork, this research was carried out in a qualitative descriptive manner. According to the study’s findings, based on the villages’ updated Village Building Index for the years 2018 to 2022, there is an improvement in the status of village independence. When development is carried out in a village in line with the law, but the development objectives are not met and village governance negatively impacts development, this situation is not ideal.