The Memory of Asian-African Conference as a Public Diplomacy

This paper aims to explain the process of public diplomacy carried out by the Museum of the Asian-African Conference. This r paper focuses on the role of museums as actors of public diplomacy that can help countries fulfill their national interests. This paper also explains what activities have been carried out by the museum to fulfill its role as an actor in Indonesian public diplomacy. The Museum of the Asian-African Conference itself is a historical museum that holds important memories about the Asian-African Conference. This study used qualitative paper methods. The data sources used in this study consist of two types, namely primary data sources such as data resulting from observations and interviews at the research location, while the secondary data itself is data obtained through literature study from articles related to the Museum of the Asian-African Conference such as books, journals, and electronic news. The data analysis process from this study includes five stages, namely data collection, data sorting, re-collection, data interpretation, and the conclusion. The results of this paper is about the museum’s successes in carrying out Indonesian public diplomacy through events that organized by the museum. These activities also create opportunities for the Indonesian government to use them as a key for foreign policy making process.

Business Model Innovation Strategy for Creative Industry in Indonesia

Indonesia’s creative economy sector has been a promising GDP source based on its steadily increasing performance since 2010. Around 70% of the businesses in this sector are said to be Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). Just like any other business, MSMEs also faces challenges not only from internal but also an external factor, hence it is crucial for an MSME’s survival to have resilience in facing problems and uncertainties. One way to assure a business’ resilience is by developing a competitive advantage that could be achieved with a good business model that can develop according to the internal and external situation through periodical evaluation and innovation. stellar/coronae as one of the MSMEs in the creative industry also faces challenges in the form of the appearance of a lot of new entrants and competitors, causing the current market they are operating in to turn into a red ocean. By using the blue ocean strategy, stellar/coronae looks for opportunities in creating a new market instead of competing in the existing red ocean by outperforming the competitors. This strategy of business model innovation is commenced with an external analysis of the business model environment to see possible opportunities and threats, followed by an internal analysis of the strength, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats evaluation of the current business model. The result of these two explorations is then combined using the four actions-framework to see what could be eliminated, reduced, raised, and created from the existing business model. The end product will be in the form of a business model where stellar/coronae not competing with the red ocean any longer but providing a new value proposition in the blue ocean.

Main Characteristics of the Raw Material Used for Obtaining Materials for the Restoration of Historical Monuments

This article used modern methods of physical and chemical analysis to study the properties of raw materials. In our studies, the chemical, mineralogical composition, physical and mechanical properties of ancient Khiva’s used historical monuments, ceramic bricks, and masonry mortars were studied. After studying these properties, we selected new formulations to develop alternative materials. We have studied the possibilities of using modifying additives, as a result of which an identical brick will be obtained in terms of color characteristics. During the research, the chemical, mineralogical and granulometric compositions of historical bricks, masonry mortars, and clay raw materials were determined, and their ceramic–technological and thermophysical properties were studied. The chemical composition of raw materials was studied by X–ray phase studies using non–traditional modern physical and chemical methods, the mineralogical composition of raw materials was determined by scanning (scanning) microscopy, and the granulometric composition of raw materials was determined by the dry method and sedimentation analysis. The raw materials for the development of materials for the restoration of architectural monuments were the loess–like rocks of the Suzanlinskoye deposit, waste from sugar production – defecation formed at the JV JSC “Khorezm Shakar” and amorphous silica. Loess–like rocks are predominantly light brown or gray in color, consisting of minerals that form a complex structure. According to the data obtained, a comprehensive study of loess–like rocks is of great scientific and practical importance, since more than 70% of the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan is made up of loess–like and loess–like rocks.

Study of the Genetic Formation of New Formations during the Hardening of Pozzolanic Cement with a High Content of Ash and Slag Waste of Dry Selection

The results of physical and chemical studies of the processes of hydration and structure formation during hardening of pozzolanic cements containing dry–selection ash and slag waste from the Angren TPP as an active mineral additive are presented. It has been established that, despite the replacement of up to 50% of the clinker part, the experimental cements acquire high hydraulic activity, which ensures their grade 400–500, which is facilitated by the presence of active silica, alumina and low–basic calcium silicates in the composition of the additive, which in the process of chemical interaction with hydration products clinker minerals are involved in the formation of a dense microstructure of the cement composite.

Taxonomic Notes on an Endemic Variety of Portulaca oleracea [Portulacaceae] Found in India is suppose to Promote as Separate Species Portulaca linearifolia

Santapau & Hennery reported  four species of Portulaca found in all over India namely P. oleracea, P. pilosa, P. quadrifida and P. wightiana, among these P. oleracea and P. pilosa further divided in  variety and sub species or race by Sivarajan & Manilal and Geesink respectively. In the present investigation author has experienced that P. oleracea var. linearifloia proposed by Sivarajan & Manilal has adequate amount of different characters right now from habit, morphology, shape and size of leaf, shape of operculum and seed testa characteristics hence, assumed to promote the variety as a separate species under name Portulaca linearifolia (Sivarajan & Manilal) Dheeren Panwar com. nov., rather than the variety of type species.

Post COVID-19 Optimal Capital Structure for Indonesian Retail Company

The COVID-19 pandemic that occurs in the world has a negative impact on the economy and makes various businesses make adjustments to their business. This also has an impact on PT MDS. By the end of 2021, economic conditions have improved and businesses are preparing to re-develop their businesses. PT MDS, which had previously closed several of its outlets, is preparing to reopen 12-15 outlets per year. The opening of new outlets carried out by the company is aimed at developing the business. However, the company also wants its implementation to continue to optimize the company’s efficiency. The way that can be taken in achieving optimization of company efficiency is through an optimal capital structure. To obtain the optimal value of the capital structure, this research conducts a scenario formation based on the company’s historical parameters. From the formation of the scenario, 3 scenarios can be formed, namely best-scenario, base-scenario and worst-scenario. The result of the analysis of the company’s optimal capital structure at base scenario is 85%, higher than the actual at 73.4%. Meanwhile, in best and worst scenario, the company’s optimal capital structure is at a lower and higher than actual condition. To achieve the optimal capital structure, companies need to increase their debt ratio. Using the Aswath Damodaran framework, it was found that the step the company needs to take is to carry out the project of opening 12-15 stores using new long-term debts.

Creating Joyful Experiences for Enhancing Meaningful Learning and Integrating 21st Century Skills

As the twentieth century gives way to the twenty-first, the world is undergoing a profound transformation that may be described as a paradigm shift on a global scale. The way we view student learning has evolved. As a result of this shift in perspective, many countries have revised their curricula to become more learner-centered, incorporating elements of formal, non-formal, and informal instruction. Teaching and learning strategies that emphasize the three types of skills—learning skills, literacy skills, and life skills—are the most effective way to give students a head start on the 21st-century abilities they’ll need to succeed in school and in the workplace. Meaningful learning will result when learners engage in knowledge construction conversation, articulation, collaboration, and reflection. The students learn meaningfully when they are will-fully engaged in a joyful task. Joyful Learning enables the learners to improve their 21stcentury skills as it helps students feel like they’re making progress as they’re studying, which is reassuring for a child. In the present research, the investigator has engaged learners (primary class students) in ‘Classroom shows’ related to subject-oriented presentations. Teacher instructor created a joyful learning environment for the learners to perform in a plethora of activities in the form of role plays, stories, songs, dance, recitation, games, puzzles etc. The Performance of learners was based on the assigned task integrating-communication, collaboration, critical-thinking and creativity skills. All the approaches be it Activity oriented, Experiential learning, Art Integrated learning were showcased. In the process, a student acquires the skills necessary for success in the real world through learning or some other method. The joyful experience leads to better understanding and engagement of learners. The intrinsic force is the joy which makes learning a joyful experience.

Sector Rotation Investment Strategy by Implementing Piotroski F-Score and Markowitz Portfolio Theory for Portfolio Construction: Indonesia Stock Market 2020 to 2022

IHSG or IDX Composite Index crash during 2020 where the index fell 37.5% since beginning of 2020 until mid march to the level points of 3,938, recovered and marking up in 2021 where the index reaching the peak in November to the level points of 6,723, and then consolidating at the year of 2022 where the index move in a ranging movements of up and down within the level points of 6,500 to 7,300. The different cycles of stock market movement are happening because of changes and different economic factors, making investors presented with a different opportunities and risks at the stock market. In order to capitalize these changes at the market, investors need to analyzed their portfolio periodically for evaluation and assessment. These research were conducted to examines what are the best portfolio for each year of 2020, 2021, and 2022 using sector rotation investment strategy by implementing sector comparison analysis and Piotroski F-score for stock screening method, while using Markowitz portfolio optimization theory for portfolio construction.

The Effect of Managing Cognitive Functions in Detecting Criminal Behavior among a Sample of Addicts

The effect of managing cognitive functions in detecting criminal behaviour among a sample of addicts. The study aimed to identify the effect of managing cognitive functions in detecting criminal behaviour among a sample of addicted users and non-users of drugs (heroin). 1.37 The criminal behaviour scale and the Wisconsin Card Sorting and Classification Test were applied to measure cognitive functions.

Assessment of the Forms of Peer Counselling Providing Psychosocial Support for Mental Wellness of Students in Public Boarding Secondary Schools in Kericho County, Kenya

There is a widespread concern among stakeholders and the ministry about the mental wellness of learners in secondary schools. The role of peer counselling in the helping processes of their fellow students cannot be under rated in the modern life for their proper growth and development. The study therefore focused on Assessment of the Forms of Peer Counselling in Providing Psychosocial Support to Students in Public Boarding Secondary Schools in Kericho County, Kenya. The study objective was to explore the forms of peer counselling providing psychosocial support for mental wellness of students in boarding secondary schools. Social Cognitive theory by Albert Bandura and Social Development theory by Lev Vygotsky guided the study. Data was generated from 12 schools, among 398 students and 48 peer counsellors selected by simple random sampling. Additionally, 12 heads of guidance and counselling and principals were included. The study adopted pragmatic paradigm, used mixed method research approach. The data was collected using questionnaires, interview schedules and focus group discussion. The results of the study revealed that the forms of peer counselling in boarding secondary schools use the roles of befriending (74.0%), mediation (72.8%), mentoring (72.8%), tutoring (72.6%) and educators (72.3%) in their helping process. The study concludes that the forms of peer counselling in public boarding secondary schools has a positive influence in providing psychosocial support to the students. The study therefore recommended that schools should use peer counselling for the psychosocial support of the learners. Sensitization of principals, teachers and heads of guidance and counselling on the benefits of Peer counselling on students’ psychosocial support is essential.