VRIO Analysis in the Commercialization of the Traditional Music Industry

Art is one of the elements of human culture in general which is an expression of the creativity of the culture itself. Culture-based creativity is a reflection or uniqueness of a nation’s identity. However, in the current era of globalization, traditional arts are increasingly being abandoned by the public. Based on the data released by jabarprov.go.id about West Java arts’ status state that there are several traditional arts that are almost extinct and there will be an increasing number of traditional arts that follow extinction. One of the reasons is that the current generation is more interested in popular music than traditional music or in other words they are not sufficiently concerned about their own culture. This is also because many think that traditional art is outdated. Not only experiencing extinction, several Indonesian traditional arts have also been claimed by other countries. Quoting from kompas.com (2010) in his article entitled “Angklung Will Become a World Cultural Heritage” which also discussed where angklung as a traditional art from Indonesia was claimed by another country which infuriated the Indonesian people, and after the debate between Indonesia and Malaysia. Angklung then was registered as an Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) of Indonesia at UNESCO in November 2010. In order to actively participate in preserving and maintaining the existence of angklung in society, RagamLaras came up with an innovation for angklung, where the RagamLaras angklung has 15 scales that can play both pentatonic and diatonic notes in one angklung ensemble. It is hoped that it can provide a new presentation for the performing arts of angklung and open space for creativity for traditional artists, as well as spreading the public awareness, especially the younger generation, to get to know and preserve the nation’s culture better.

Online Quality of Services of Ship Procurement License at Kesyhbandaran Utama Tanjung Perak Surabaya Office

One of the efforts to create optimal services quickly and cheaply is by providing information technology for integrated  exchange of data and information. Tanjung Perak Surabaya Main Harbormaster Office implements an online service system in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia PM Number 154 of 2015 concerning Online Syahbandar Approval Letter Services, including the service of Ship Motion Approval Letters at the Port. The government through the Ministry of Transportation developed Inaportnet, which is an internet-based electronic single service system. The Inportnet concept is applied as a ship service system in terms of ports in the activities of arrival and departure of ships as well as plans for loading and unloading activities that can be carried out effectively and efficiently. The purpose of this research is to describe and analyze the Quality of Service for Ship Motion Permit Online at the Tanjung Perak Surabaya Main Harbormaster Office using the theory of electronic service quality by Ribbink et. al (2004). This research method is descriptive research with a qualitative approach, data collection is done by interview, observation, and documentation techniques. The results obtained are then collected, reduced, presented, and conclusions are drawn.

The results of this study indicate that the Quality of Service for Ship Motion Permits Online at the Tanjung Perak Surabaya Main Harbormaster Office shows that service quality is not optimal. It is said that it is not optimal because there are dimensions that do not meet the needs of service users, namely: there is no complaints and suggestions menu in the Inaportnet application, there is no data correction menu if an error occurs in the data input process so that service users have to process data input repeatedly, of course impede the work of shipping agents, especially in the process of applying for ship operating permits online.

Proposed B2B Marketing Strategy to Increase Sales of Jenderal Kopi

Jenderal Kopi is one of the restaurants in Bandung that focuses on Indonesian coffee. After the pandemic subsided, based on data from the official website of the West Java local government, there was a phenomenon with the emergence of new restaurants/cafes and coffee shops in Bandung, which posed a threat to Jenderal Kopi. Based on internal data and information from management, Jenderal Kopi is also facing problems related to sales and the number of guests, which are stagnant and tend to decline in 2022 compared to 2021, when the Covid-19 pandemic was at its peak. After conducting an in-depth interview with one of the owners of Jenderal Kopi, Jenderal Kopi has a significant asset that can be utilized, namely the Probatone 25 kg roasting machine. Probatone is a market leader in the coffee machine industry. This sophisticated machine has met industry standards and can do large quantities of production, and has advantages compared to other brands of coffee roasting machines. In this paper, the author conducts qualitative research by conducting preliminary surveys and in-depth interviews with various parties as a new potential market segment for Jenderal Kopi to accomplish sales with a Business to Business (B2B) mechanism because previously, Jenderal Kopi only did Business to Consumer (B2C) sales. The author also analyzes the factors that influence the buying interest of the potential new market for Jenderal Kopi. The analysis was conducted internally using: Segmenting, targeting and positioning, Marketing mix, VRIO Framework and Business Model Canvas, and external analysis consisting of Porter 5 forces, PESTEL analysis, Competitor analysis and Consumer analysis. As a result of the author’s research, Jenderal Kopi still has a potential market in the B2B sector and needs from several business sectors to fulfill roasted beans in their operations/activities: hotels, restaurants/cafes/coffee shops, and political parties. In the end, after discussing again with one of the owners of Jenderal Kopi, the new segment chosen for the B2B market was the hotel industry with consideration of the large and sustainable number of orders. In conclusion, Jenderal Kopi needs to take several steps and adjustments for marketing its new sales mechanism as a solution to get additional sales by maximizing the use of existing assets. With these other sales, it is expected that Jenderal Kopi can continue to compete with new entrants in the same industry.

Proposed Improvement of Logistic Operations to Increase Service Level Agreement (SLA)

In the digital era, e-Commerce or online shopping is a big breakthrough in the world of buying and selling services on the Internet, the success of e-Commerce is inseparable from the success of its shipping services or logistics partners. The level of customer satisfaction must be balanced with the delivery performance since the customer buys until the item received. SEI is a company engaged in delivering package. SEI is one of the delivery services which provide the delivery service end to end from the First mile to the Last mile. Thus, SEI should be able to control the performance of their shipment from pick up until successfully delivered to the customer. The most significant volume of SEI comes from the marketplace (e-Commerce) or sellers. Therefore, the customer satisfaction level also determines the shipping company’s performance or they called service level agreement (SLA). SEI recorded to have untargeted SLA within this current 3 months. This research aims to find the problems and the suitable solutions of the shipping company operations that affect service level agreement scored. The methodology used for this research is both qualitative and quantitative data. Data collection is primarily based on an interview with the internal stakeholder of the company to find the root causes of the problem. The root cause analysis evaluation is done by interviewing several stakeholders about the performance and quality of the shipping company. The secondary data comes from historical data from SEI used to know the current and previous performances. The historical data has been taken during 2022. The output of the root cause analysis illustrated in the Cause-Effect

Diagram or usually called Fishbone Diagram. After find the root causes, the suitable solutions for this SLA’s problem proposed by DMAIC method. DMAIC is part of Six Sigma method, one of the quality management tools that aimed to manage quality improvement activities throughout an organization/company.

Analysis of Characteristics of Coronary Artery Stenosis Based on the Comorbidities in Coronary Heart Disease Patients Undergoing Coronary Angiography

Background: Comorbid diseases are a risk factor for atherosclerosis in coronary heart disease (CHD). Atherosclerosis causes the narrowing of the coronary arteries so that the heart muscles lack blood supply. Diagnostic coronary angiography is an invasive medical examination performed to determine the presence of coronary artery stenosis and to show the location and the number of coronary artery stenosis.

Objective: This study aimed to analyze the characteristics of coronary artery stenosis based on comorbidities of patients with CHD undergoing coronary angiography.

Methods: This analytical study was conducted using a cross-sectional design of 105 patients with CHD undergoing coronary angiographyat the catheterization laboratory at Bahteramas Hospital, Southeast Sulawesi, from January 1 to December 31, 2021.Statistical testing used Chi-squaretests with 95% confidence interval and significance set as p<0.05.

Results: Most of the respondents were over 45 years old as many as 87 (82.9%), and most are male as many as 72 (68.6%). The category of the highest number of stenosis was less than two stenosis, namely 70 patients (66.7%) with the most common location as the  Left Anterior Descending. The comorbidities category included a history of dyslipidemia in 41 people (39.0%), history of diabetes mellitus (DM) in 28 people (26.7%), and history of hypertension in 75 people (71.4%).The bivariate analysis showed a history of DM was associated with coronary artery stenosis (p-value = 0.007) with an Odds Ratio of 3.111.

Conclusions: Patients with DM have 3.111 times greater possibility of developing stenosis of the coronary arteries.WC:246

Pregnant Women’s Satisfaction with Antenatal Care (ANC) Services at Puriala Public Health Center, Konawe District

Background: Quality health services are Public health Center that can provide satisfaction for every user of health services in accordance with the level of satisfaction of the average population, the implementation of which is in accordance with established professional standards and ethical codes. Fulfilling customer expectations for satisfactory quality of health services is one of the biggest challenges in providing health services. This study aims to determine the factors related to the level of satisfaction of pregnant women with Antenatal Care (ANC) services at the Puriala Public Health Center, Konawe Regency, in 2022.

Method: This research is an analytic survey research with a cross sectional study approach. The sample of this research is 68 with the sampling technique that is Accidental Sampling. Data analysis techniques with univariate and bivariate using the Chi-Square test.

Results: The results of the Chi-Square statistical test at the 95% confidence level (0.05) showed that p value = 1,000 so that p value = <0.05, bivariate analysis obtained reliability (p value = 0.001), responsiveness (p value = 0.218), empathy (p value = 0.022), assurance (p value = 0.945), and tangibles (p value = 0.006).

Conclusion: There is no relationship between satisfaction of pregnant women with responsiveness and assurance, while there is a relationship between satisfaction of pregnant women with reliability, empathy, and tangibles.

Determinants of Islamic Banking Going Concern: Effect of Musharakah, Murabaha, Ijara and Profitability on Non-Performing Financing

The purposes of this research is to analyze the influence of Musharakah, Murabaha, Ijara and ROA of Non Performing Financing in Islamic Banking in simultaneous and partial . The contribution of this research is to provide feedback to banking management on the company’s policy to be taken in connection with the implementation of bad credit. This study uses the design of causality. Methods of analysis using path analysis. Population used is the Islamic Business Banking in Indonesia. Saturated sampling is the technique that is used as a sampling technique. The unit of analysis is annual financial statement. The results of this study is only partially the three variables are found to significantly affect the Non Performing Financing, they are Murabaha contract, Ijara contract, and Return on Assets. As for Musharakah contract proved to be not significantly affected. Simultaneously the results showed the fourth variable fit or match the data. The findings of this study was that going concern business of the company is very risky. The company’s core business is measured from negative ROA. This means that the company is able to extend credit, but unable to convert the financing to be an advantage. It automatically will threaten the company’s existence.

Stature Estimation from Finger Length by Regression Equation

Background: Estimation of stature from mutilated body parts, as in mass disasters and in many heinous crimes, has always intrigued the Forensic Pathologist and investigating agencies. Every part of human being grows in correlation to each other. Many authors have conducted various studies to find the correlation amongst various body parts and found positive correlation. The present study has correlated the length of all fingers with the stature of the individual.

Methodology: The study was carried out on 150 healthy voluntary subjects (75 male and 75 female) of age 18-25 years. Instruments like Stadiometer and Vernier caliper was used for height and finger length measurements respectively.

Result: Mean values of stature and finger length were larger in males as compared to females. Positive and strong correlation was found between stature and right index finger length in females and left middle finger length in males whereas right and left middle finger length in total subjects showed statistically significant correlation (P-value < 0.05).

Conclusion: The findings of the study can be useful only when an intact finger is examined. As very less information is available related to correlation between finger length and stature of individual, there is need of more research from different geographical locations.

Pedagogical Challenges and Opportunities during Covid-19 Pandemic: Perspectives from the Pre-Service and High School Teachers

This study aimed to determine the pedagogical challenges and opportunities of the Pre-Service and high school teachers in the new normal education.  The sample size was determined using the slovins formula and 13 pre-service teachers, and 26 High School Teachers were the participants. Descriptive and inferential were used. Findings revealed that most of the respondents were 21-26 years old, female, high school teachers, and situated mostly in urban areas. The conduct of online classes was the major challenge faced by both pre-service and high school teachers for they used to conduct classroom teaching for many years. The online teaching-learning modality was successfully implemented to practice teaching as a mission to facilitate students learning through various online strategies during the COVID-19 pandemic. Age, sex, type of respondents, and locality did not show a significant degree of variance in the extent of the pedagogical challenges and opportunities they encountered. The locality has a significant degree of variance in terms of teaching-learning engagement and opportunities for teaching-learning platforms. Hence, seminars and workshops on online pedagogies and online assessment tools strategies to facilitate online teaching more engaging was recommended.

Growth Hack Service Framework for Boleh Dicoba Digital Company Based on Growth Hacking Framework and Value Co-Creation Framework

BDD growth hack service practice is close to Bohnsack and Liesner (2019) and Kohtamäki & Rajala (2016) growth hack framework but lacking in data analysis and testing. The author suggested a new framework that combines the growth hack framework and the value co-creation framework. New operational instructions include value creation agreements and A/B testing based on comparative analysis. BDD should also remind clients about value creation and discuss value in exchange and value in use assignments. The new framework should increase service quality and resource availability of BDD growth hack service.