Investigation of Impact of Phosphate Fertilizer Applied to Paddy Fields on Water Quality of Nearby Reservoirs

Phosphorous (P) is an essential element to plant growth and development necessitating P fertilizer applications for agricultural crops for better yields.  Paddy, the main food crop of Sri Lankans is a fertilizer intensive crop where phosphorus nutrition is achieved via triple super phosphate applications. Since water circulating system of paddy fields are connected to other water bodies this soluble P can contaminate the nearby waterbodies. To detect the extent of P fertilizer leaching from paddy fields, a lysimeter experiment was carried out in the Low Country Intermediate zone, Sri Lanka for four consecutive growing seasons from 2015 to 2016. Paddy fields under two management practices; control run-off and continual run-off conditions were selected for the study. The farmers practice the Department of Agriculture recommended fertilizer application schedules. Lysimeters were placed in a Randomized Complete Block Design with triplicates at  upper and lower ends of the gradient of the each site. Water samples were collected below the root zone, at a depth of 30 cm, irrigated, run-off, nearby water reservoirs and analyzed for water soluble of phosphate. The highest concentration of total phosphate in leached water (0.88 mg/L) did not exceed the drinking water standard threshold level of 2 mg/L of Phosphate. The quantified leached total Phosphate amount for controlled run-off condition and continual run-off condition were 0.49 ± 0.10 kg/ha and 0.46 ± 0.04 kg/ha, respectively without statistically significant differences. It represented 2% of the applied P fertilizer content of both sites.  This indicates that paddy cultivation under both the conditions does not pose a threat to water quality of the nearby water bodies if the farmers adhere closely to the Department of Agriculture recommended fertilizer schedules.

Current Situation on the Management of Educating Body Safety Skills for Children Aged 5-6 Years Old at Preschools in Hanoi

This article focuses on providing an analysis of the current situation of educating body safety skills for 5-6-year-old children at preschools in Hanoi. The research results demonstrate that, despite variations in the assessment from administrators and teachers, the management of educating body safety skills for 5-6-year-old children at preschools is, on the whole, being carried out to a satisfactory level. Nonetheless, the research findings indicate that the implementation of management content in this domain still lacks periodic comparison, contrast, review, supplementation, and adjustment of educational programs. Additionally, the criteria for evaluating the quality of educational methods, managing and assessing the teaching practices of body safety skills for 5-6-year-old children, and the collection of feedback from parents regarding the practice of physical safety in the family and society are not at an optimal level. These research results are essential for the key management subjects involved in the implementation of body safety education activities for 5-6-year-old children at preschools. They offer an empirical basis for identifying suitable and effective management measures to enhance the quality of body safety education for 5-6-year-old children at preschools in Hanoi during the current phase.


Government Internal Control System and Quality of Financial Statements in West Aceh Regency, Indonesia

The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of the Government’s Internal Control System (SPIP) on the quality of presentation of Financial Statements in West Aceh Regency. The sample in this study were employees at the Regional Financial Management Agency (BPKD) of West Aceh Regency, totaling 25 respondents. The data used in this study were obtained by distributing questionnaires. The data analysis used in this study was simple linear regression analysis using SPSS 25. The results showed that the government’s internal control system affected the quality of the presentation of financial statements at BPKD of West Aceh Regency. The better the internal control system implemented by the authorized apparatus, the better the quality of the presentation of financial reports and government accountability in budget management.

Life Expectancy and Life Years Lost After HIV or AIDS Diagnosis: A Retrospective Cohort Study

The AIDS pandemic on average took a life every minute in 2021 despite effective HIV treatment and tools to prevent, detect, and treat opportunistic infections. The objective of this study was to estimate the average life expectancy and life years lost (LYL) in people diagnosed with HIV or AIDS in Puerto Rico from 2000-2020. The epidemiological design was a retrospective cohort study of 24,143 people diagnosed with HIV or AIDS and received services under the Eligible Metropolitan Area (EMA) of San Juan, Puerto Rico. The population with a diagnosis of HIV or AIDS was described using socioeconomic characteristics with frequencies and proportions by category. We estimated the LYL by matching the expected residual lifetime for someone diagnosed with the disease with the life expectancy of the general population at that specific age as the null model. Average years of life lost (LYL) is a measure that reflects expected earlier death as a result of a condition. The number of LYL is dependent on the year of onset of the condition. In general, the earlier the onset of HIV or AIDS results in a larger impact of LYL. For individuals diagnosed at the age of 30 with AIDS the LYL is approximately 35.5 years, whereas for an individual where the onset is at age 70 years, being diagnosed with HIV or AIDS results in approximately 2.7 years lost. In our study, we found a greater number of LYL in patients diagnosed with AIDS in this population compared to those diagnosed with HIV. This study confirms the dramatic impact of HIV and AIDS on the lifespan of individuals and how the age of onset of the conditions impacts LYL.

Incubator and Accelerator Startup Program on Startup Performance (Study Case in Indigo Telkom Indonesia)

The rise of technology-based startups in Indonesia, which has led to an increase in the number of startups and failures due to their inability to grow and generate profits. Business incubators and accelerators are seen as an alternative solution to aid startups in overcoming their challenges. Indigo, an Incubator and Accelerator Program for digital startups owned by PT Telkom Indonesia, offers a complete program to support Indonesia’s digital startup ecosystem. This study aims to determine how respondents perceive the variables of Infrastructure, Management Support, Training & Development, Financial Support, Network, Synergy, and Startup Performance so that they can improve the program that is considered insufficient. In addition, this study also aims to determine the effect between the variables of Infrastructure, Management Support, Training & Development, Financial Support, Network, Synergy on Startup Performance. The research method used in this research is descriptive quantitative method with saturated sample sampling technique and the analysis technique used is descriptive analysis and mulativariate SEM PLS.

Method of Calculation the Load Rates and the Unbalance Rates of the Current of the Phases in the MV/LV Network of the Sales and Service Center Lemba in Kinshasa

In this article, we discuss the calculation of load and current imbalance rates, which is a steady-state study of the distribution network that consists of determining, for each subscriber station, the operating rate of the installed power transformer and the current difference between two phases of the MV/LV distribution station. Knowing the allowable currents of each low-voltage phase of the subscriber substations from the busbars as well as the rated current of the substations transformer, we can calculate, secondly, the average currents and load factors of the substations including the differences between the currents and their unbalance factors in the low-voltage distribution power lines. The mathematical equations of the electrical quantities of the power system facilitate the evaluation of the performance of the power transformer. These equations confirm that the variation in load ratio and current imbalance of three phases are closely related to the current draw of the allowable loads at each phase.

Digital Art in Art Museums in the New Era-Take Queensland Museum of Modern Art as an Example

This paper explores the role of digital art in the Queensland Art Gallery of Modern Art (QAGOMA) in Brisbane, Australia. QAGOMA has been at the forefront of exhibiting and collecting digital art since the early 2000s, and has developed a significant collection of works in this medium. The paper examines the ways in which QAGOMA has embraced digital art, including through its exhibitions, acquisitions, and programming. It also considers the challenges of exhibiting and collecting digital art, such as technological obsolescence, preservation, and the question of authenticity. Through an analysis of key works in the QAGOMA collection, the paper argues that digital art has become an important and valued part of the contemporary art world, and that QAGOMA has played a vital role in promoting and supporting this medium.

User Interface Design for Arm Robot Controller Application using User-Centered Design Method as a Learning Media

Arm Robot Controller is a controller that can be use to controlled wirelessly using Bluetooth based on an android application. Arm Robot Controller is designed as a learning media to help users(student) learn and understand material related to industrial robotic. This arm robot controller born because there is a need to facilitate student that have a large anthusiasm in understand industrial robotic. For that purpose they need a learning media of a controller that they can build with material that available in their surroundings to make it easier to explain on how the principle of controller works. The design method that use in this product are the User-centered Design (UCD) method. The UCD method has 5 stages, namely Plan the Human Centered Process, Specify the Context of Use, Specify User and Organizational Requirements, Produce Design Solutions and Evaluate Design against User Requirements. The design of the User Interface (UI) design follows the UI design principles of User Familiarity, Consistency, Minimal Surprise, Recoverability, and User Guidance. User Interface design uses a web-based designer application, namely MIT App Inventor which is open source. MIT app inventor can make it easier for users because programming uses blocks that are connected to each other. Evaluation of the design results uses the Overall Relative Efficiency method to measure the level of efficiency and error, while the System Usability Scale method is used to measure the level of satisfaction. The evaluation results show an efficiency level of 77.98% with an error rate of 18.6%. While satisfaction score is 79 so that the application can be categorized as acceptable.

Solutions on Service Quality to Improve the Satisfaction of Individual Customers at Ba Ria Vung Tau Electricity Company

The study was carried out to test the theoretical model between service quality components and individual customer satisfaction at Ba Ria Vung Tau Electricity Company. From the obtained results, the study provides managerial implications for leaders to improve service quality in order to increase individual customer satisfaction. The study used qualitative research method combined with quantitative research. Qualitative research method (group discussion) is to adjust and supplement the scale of research concepts. Quantitative research method is to check reliability, allowable value (unidirectionality, uniqueness and convergent value), and test research hypothesis by AMOS-SEM analysis method. Research results show that service quality has a positive relationship with customer satisfaction, including:(β = 0.69; p = 0.000 < 0.01).The research results give meaning to the leaders of Ba Ria Vung Tau Electricity Company in improving service quality in order to increase the satisfaction of individual customers. Finally, some limitations and directions for further research are mentioned.

The Urgency of Digital Citizenship Learning Module for Indonesian Student

Secondary school students have unlimited internet access through technology devices, and they have become part of the virtual citizen. The rise of violence, fraud, digital rape, and the adverse of negative effect of digital socialization gives its own concerns. For these reasons, this study intends to provide a learning module of social guidance to prepare 21 century digital learners to develop awareness towards digital citizenship mindset. The research method uses mixed methods with a qualitative research and development approach when making a module. The stages are named define, design, develop and disseminate. Evaluation used was expert appraisals, audience analysis, and attitude observations. The module is a self-learning material of themes from digital citizenship skills; the curated selves, chatting and red flags, and lastly, hoaxes and fakes, that packed with numerous resources such as video links, article, reflective self-evaluation and interactive scientific resources. The survey conducted resulting that the module is considered effective for learners so they can generate a good social behavior in digital world, a sense of responsibility, increase security, have self-limits on threats and dangers, be confident, and be proficient in using technology in the virtual world. Based on preliminary observations, this study is the first in Indonesia which introduces the concept of digital citizenship through a learning module, ultimately, for secondary school level. Implications for the findings will be on an effort of behavioral changes for learners in secondary school level.