The Effect of Caffeine Consumption on Teenager’s Mental Health in Bangkok, Thailand

Nowadays, caffeinated drinks play a significant role not only for adults but also for teenagers. Some teenagers believe that it will help them with their school tasks, such as exams, projects, and more. Many research projects have also claimed that caffeine can help people become more energized and less tired [10]. Along with mental health, indicating that it is important, it is vital to maintain good mental health since it can make a huge impact on our daily lives [7]. We are curious about the relationship between caffeine consumption and teenagers’ mental health. So we decided to conduct a survey on teenagers ages 13-18. The data was collected online using Google Form and by sending questionnaires about the effect of caffeine consumption on teenager’s mental health in Bangkok, Thailand. We have gathered a total of 150 responses from students in grades between 7 and 12 mostly from Bangkok. Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS) version 29 was used for data analysis. The results have shown that there is a slight significant effect of caffeinated drinks on teenager’s mental health, which involves the times of the day teenagers prefer to drink caffeinated drinks (p-value = 0.001). Despite the consumption period,  the types of caffeinated drinks teenagers prefer (p-value = 0.163) and the participant’s grade level (p-value = 0.448) may have also affected adolescents too. Moreover, the result of this research came out that caffeinated drinks have nearly no effect on teenager’s mental health, but they do have an effect specifically on the period of time that the teenagers consume caffeinated drinks. From our data, we can conclude that caffeinated drinks, especially tea, will significantly affect teenagers’ mental health if consumed after lunch (afternoon). This research will help raise awareness on the effect of caffeinated drinks on teenagers ages 13-18 on their mental health and also provides us with more information for further research.

Exploring and Designing Employee Training and Development Programs for SMEs in Jabodetabek and Bandung

This study gives a general overview of the training and development programs available to SMEs in Bandung and Jabodetabek (Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi). The problem that SMEs in Jabodetabek (Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi) and Bandung is a lack of productivity and abilities, as well as resource limitations that make the business undergo difficult times. To assure the reliability and validity of the research, a qualitative methodology is employed. To gain insight into their perceptions, experiences, and expectations regarding training and development programs, the researcher determines to conduct interviews with business owners, managers, and employees. There are suggestions and feedback from respondents regarding how to enhance training, started with available resources, time constraints, and the diverse learning preferences of the owner and employee to ensure maximum effectiveness. By implementing this type of training, SME employees can increase their skills and knowledge, boost their productivity, and ultimately contribute to the development and competitiveness of their business. Additionally, this research provides more valuable insights and strategies for SME training and development programs.

Will Merger of PT Angkasa Pura I and PT Angkasa Pura II Maximise The Value of Shareholders?

The government’s program of restructuring state-owned enterprises continues to this day. From 2016 to March 2022, the number of SOE continuously decrease. In March 2022, the number of SOEs only 41 companies. The number of SOEs has reduced by 52.87% from the previous year. The plan will continue in 2023 by cutting 41 companies to 30 companies and operating in 12 clusters. PT Angkasa Pura I and PT Angkasa Pura II are the following plans for restructuring state-owned enterprises. The merger of the two companies is expected to provide synergy opportunities in operational efficiency. The results showed synergy between PT Angkasa Pura I and PT Angkasa Pura II. Based on calculations using the Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) method, the company value of PT Angkasa Pura I is IDR 4,169,267 and the company value of PT Angkasa Pura II is IDR 9,784,469 with a total combined company value of IDR 13,953,736. While the value of the two companies when synergizing is IDR 25,051,653. The synergy value obtained for both companies is IDR 11,097,917.

By determining the premium value of 40% – 60%, the premium value reaches IDR 1,667,707 – IDR 2,501,560. Therefore, within this premium value range, the purchase price is IDR 5,836,974 – IDR 6,670,827. The merger between PT Angkasa Pura I and PT Angkasa Pura II can potentially maximize shareholder value in the IDR 4,427,090 – IDR 5,260,943 range.

Analysis using Discounted Cash Flow for the two companies proves that there is a synergy resulting from the proposed merger between PT Angkasa Pura I and PT Angkasa Pura II.

Proposing Business Growth of PT. DECRA Group Indonesia through Knowledge Management

The informatics industry market has shown promising growth in the post-COVID era, presenting certification companies with lucrative business opportunities. The informatics market’s GDP growth rate ranks fourth among other fastest-growing industries in Indonesia, demonstrating a 7.19% increase from 2022 to 2023. PT. DECRA Group Indonesia, a certification company, have intention to penetrate a new market which is IT Industry. Knowledge plays a crucial role in the certification process, especially ISO auditors are required extensive knowledge across various business types. Therefore, this research focuses on exploring the role of knowledge management in supporting the growth of PT. DECRA Group Indonesia. The study aims to investigate how knowledge management approaches can enable DECRA Group Indonesia to improve their resources and capitalize on the IT market. The data collection method in this research involves gathering qualitative data through interviews with the business owner and HR manager as the primary sources. These interviews aim to gain an in-depth understanding of their perspectives on the company’s business growth. Additionally, secondary data sources such as the company’s website, competence review forms, and lists of employee competencies will be utilized to supplement the research. The analysis employs Goal-Analysis approach using Fishbone Diagram model to identify what key areas in achieving company’s goals. Building upon the analysis, KM Framework Table is constructed based on the People, Process, and Technology for each improvement that need to be made. Then SECI Model, derived from the KM Framework Table, guides the implementation of knowledge management practices, facilitating the conversion of tacit knowledge into explicit knowledge to foster innovation and organizational learning. Furthermore, to ensure successful implementation in SECI model, an Integrated Learning Cycle model is developed, which takes into consideration the communication channels and learning processes that are crucial for the effective knowledge transfer and acquisition. To facilitate the practical implementation of knowledge management strategies, a KM Roadmap is developed by providing a simple-structured approach for DECRA in aligning its people, processes, and technology considerations to support knowledge management initiatives. In conclusion, this research emphasizes the critical role of knowledge management in driving business growth for PT. DECRA Group Indonesia, enabling the company to enhance its internal operations, develop competencies, capitalize IT market successfully, and leverage knowledge as a strategic asset for sustained innovation and competitive advantage.

Proposed Business Strategy for New Healthcare Innovation of Electro-Capacitive Body Stimulation (ECBS) Technology

One of the greatest healthcare challenges in Indonesia is providing an adequate environment and healthcare infrastructure that ensures that people obtain the best treatment that conforms to their expectations, preferences, and needs. Therefore, healthcare technology players have a crucial role in overcoming this challenge and creating a better solution to the system. Electro Capacitive Body Stimulation (ECBS) is a technology that utilizes electric pulses to stimulate the body’s muscles and organs to optimize waste removal and nutrient transport process. As a result, the body will be conducive to physical well-being. For the elderly, who start to experience slowing down in physical ability and degeneration of organ functions, this technology is beneficial to maintain their health condition and prevent future chronic disease. However, the market performance is not live up to the fineness of this technology, even with all its benefits and technological advancement. As a matter of fact, sales have been disappointing by the year since the product is launched to the public. A number of factors contributed to this unsatisfactory sale encompassing internal and external conditions of the company. Through the analysis of internal and external environments as well as primary and secondary data, research is conducted to identify the contributing factors to the unsatisfactory sales and potential value of the technology. Based on the analysis and findings, a SWOT analysis that defines the unsatisfactory business performance factors and potential technology value and the TOWS matrix that bases the business strategy can be described. It includes the diamond model, STP and 7PS marketing, and business model canvas as the proposed solution for the business.

Proposed Marketing Strategies for CNG Product from PT Migas Hilir Jabar

The demand for fuel in Indonesia is currently on the rise due to population growth. Among the fuels experiencing increased demand is CNG (compressed natural gas), which is derived from natural gas. This surge in demand has led to intense competition within the CNG market. PT Migas Hilir Jabar is facing challenges in competing in this market, primarily due to higher product prices compared to competitors and limitations in terms of human and financial resources. At present, PT Migas Hilir Jabar has only one customer, Grand Hotel Preanger. Consequently, it is crucial for the company to analyze the reasons behind potential customers not choosing them as their CNG supplier. The research conducted employs a descriptive qualitative method and involves interviews utilizing the AIDA model. The selection of companies for this study aligns with the target market of PT Migas Hilir Jabar. The gathered data is subjected to various analytical techniques, including 4P marketing analysis, competitor analysis, consumer analysis, PESTEL analysis, SWOT analysis, and TOWS analysis. The research findings underscore the necessity for the company to enhance sales efficiency. Collaborating with strategic partners who can optimize the operationalization of CNG business, ensure the availability of supplies according to customer demand, and build brand awareness for increased recognition.

Proposed Marketing Strategy to Increase Sales of Kudimon Healthy Food

Kudimon Healthy Food is one of the MSMEs in Bandung that focuses on healthy snacks. After the pandemic subsided, based on internal data and information from management, Kudimon Healthy Food also faced problems related to sales 6 months ago. After conducting an in-depth interview with one of the owners of Kudimon Healthy Food, lack of knowledge about proper marketing strategies is one of the main problems faced by Kudimon Healthy Food. This could be due to limited time, resources, or accessibility to the information needed. Lack of access to a wide number of marketing platforms and mediums such as large markets and potential customers. This can be caused by limited capital, knowledge, and/or limited human resources. In this paper, the author conducts quantitative research by conducting preliminary surveys and indepth interviews with various parties as a new potential market segment for Kudimon Healthy Food to achieve sales, Kudimon Healthy Food only conducts Business to Consumer (B2C) sales. The author also analyzes the factors that influence the buying interest of new market candidates Kudimon Healthy Food. The analysis was conducted internally using: Segmenting, targeting and positioning, Marketing mix, VRIO Framework and Business Model Canvas, as well as external analysis consisting of Porter 5 forces, PESTEL analysis, Competitor analysis and Consumer analysis. The results of the author’s research, Kudimon Healthy Food can expand its promotion and increase sales ratings in the market place, create a strong online presence and engage with potential customers, Develop an effective content marketing strategy by creating engaging and informative content for websites and social media platforms, Discounts or incentives can be given to customers who make multiple purchases or refer friends to the brand and offer samples it’s free to customers, in-store or online, which is likely to increase their trust in your product.

The Correlation between Breakfast Consumption and the Probability of Developing Alzheimer’s Disease in Bangkok Population

Alzheimer’s disease, which is the most common form of dementia, is known to be widely prevalent in the worldwide population, including Thailand. The incidence of this illness in Thailand is increasing rapidly and is expected to reach a million by 2030 (Doungkaew & Taneepanichskul, 2014). We are concerned that this rise is caused by the trend during these modern days, where skipping breakfast is becoming more popular due to time constraints. Hence, we conducted a survey research by providing questionnaires to 180 individuals of all ages across Bangkok, asking for their frequency in consuming breakfast per week and their likelihood in having Alzheimer’s. This was done through an online platform, Google Form. To test whether the two aforementioned variables are correlated with one another, Statistical Product and Service Solution (SPSS) program version 29 was used for data analysis. One-Way ANOVA (F-test) was used to determine the significance between age group and the risk of getting Alzheimer’s. The result showed that age is a significant factor which can promote the illness. Age 41 and above tend to have a stronger probability in developing the disease because of the easier spread of a protein called tau-protein, which is involved in causing Alzheimer’s disease (Wegmann et al., 2019). Pearson’s correlation test has shown that there is a negative correlation between the frequency of breakfast consumption and the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. This is likely due to  low blood sugar levels and lack of beneficial nutrients contained in breakfast . In the future, we hope that this research could be beneficial to other people by raising awareness on this particular topic regarding the importance of frequency of breakfast consumption in reducing the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.

Performance Improvement Through Strengthening Spiritual Capital with Trauma Healing Workshops

The purpose of this research is to find a method of strengthening spiritual capital within Social Service employees in border districts, in order to improve their performance. It was found that inner healing due to bitter experiences in the past can be a way of building spiritual capital. As an employee of the Social Service who provides a lot of assistance to victims of violence, competence in dealing with trauma healing is an important thing that can help carry out their duties. In fact, this trauma healing workshop does not only restore the victims who are assisted, but also builds the character of the employees themselves. In this case, the trauma healing workshop is a means of increasing the potential of spiritual capital because it has a positive impact on strengthening performance. The strengthening of this performance is evident from the effectiveness of the assistance both in terms of the timing of the assistance and the results of the assistance to the victims. This research method is a qualitative method with an ethnographic approach. Data obtained from the results of observations, interviews, and literature studies. The time spent on this research was about a year, and interviews were not only conducted with employees but also leaders and the victims of violence they assisted. Thus, this trauma healing workshop can be said as a means of strengthening spiritual capital because it has a positive impact on improving performance. In general, spiritual capital is associated with spiritual values ​​that are instilled and have a positive impact on the organization. However, in this paper it is found that trauma healing workshops can also be a means of building character for employees which ultimately becomes a spiritual capital that strengthens employee performance.

Testing of Desalination Equipment with Condensation Process as a Solution for Islands That Lack Fresh Water

The purpose of this study was to find out: (1) the volume of fresh water produced from the desalination process; (2) the acidity of water produced from seawater desalination equipment using solar energy. Seawater desalination device model uses solar power. The model of the tool is made in the form of a box (Square). At the bottom there is a seawater reservoir and on the bottom side of the desalination equipment there is a desalination freshwater path connected to the freshwater storage container. In the data collection process, the tool is placed in an open area that can be exposed to direct sunlight, data collection starts from seawater sampling, seawater sampling and testing. The seawater that has been taken is then lifted to the research site and put into the seawater storage area. The conclusions that can be drawn from this study are: (1) from the tool that has been tested obtained a tool that can produce fresh water, the first test 18 ml, the second test 14 ml and the third test 23 ml and the acidity of the water is 7% pH or no acidity of water and also this tool can be applied in the tropics; (2) Seawater desalination equipment into fresh water with solar energy that has been made with a box model using glass, at the base of the desalination tool there is a seawater storage pool and on the bottom side of the desalination tool there is a freshwater path.