Do Firms Change the Working Capital Management Policy During The Covid-19 Pandemic? Case of Transportation & Logistics and Healthcare Industries in Indonesia

This study explores the crucial role of working capital management in balancing profitability and risk for companies. Economic conditions and sector-specific fluctuations in GDP influence working capital decisions. The transportation and logistics industry faced challenges with reduced demand, while the healthcare industry dealt with increased demand and longer payment collection periods during the pandemic. Using panel data regression on healthcare and transportation companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2017 to 2021, the study examines the impact of working capital management on profitability. Findings show significant correlations between working capital components and company profitability in both sectors. Specifically, before the pandemic, Days Sales Outstanding (DSO) positively affected Return on Assets (ROA), while Working Capital Financing Policy (WCFP) had a negative impact. During the pandemic, DSO and Working Capital Investment Policy (WCIP) positively influenced ROA in the transportation sector, while WCFP negatively affected it. In the healthcare sector during the pandemic, both DSO and Days Inventory Outstanding (DIO) positively affected ROA. For Net Profit Margin (NPM), the significance of working capital variables changed during the pandemic in the transportation sector, with DSO negatively impacting NPM, while WCIP and WCFP had a positive effect. In the healthcare sector during the pandemic, WCIP positively correlated with NPM, while WCFP had a negative correlation. Effective working capital management is essential for companies to navigate economic fluctuations and ensure uninterrupted operations.

Proposed Marketing Strategy to Increase Sales of Djakarta Transport Jaya

PT Djakarta Transport Jaya faced profit problems five years ago, one of which was the lack of knowledge about the right marketing strategy and limited access to a wide marketing platform. The author conducts quantitative research through surveys and in-depth interviews with new potential market segments that can help PT Djakarta Transport Jaya increase sales in the B2B market. The author also analyzes the factors that can influence the buying interest of new market candidates of PT Djakarta Transport Jaya. The results of this research are expected to be a solution for PT Djakarta Transport Jaya in increasing profits through the implementation of appropriate marketing strategies and optimization of access to extensive marketing platforms. Thus, PT Djakarta Transport Jaya can reach new potential markets and increase its competitiveness in the B2B market. The analysis was conducted internally using: Segmenting, targeting and positioning, Marketing mix, VRIO Framework and Business Model Canvas, as well as external analysis consisting of Porter 5 forces, PESTEL analysis, Competitor analysis and Consumer analysis. The results of the author’s research, PT Djakarta Transport Jaya can emphasize a wide reach to remote areas by upholding the speed and security of shipments on social media platforms. Using social media marketing such as the use of IG ADS, FB ADS and TikTok to reach new consumers by highlighting the completeness of the fleet. Focus on a sophisticated tracking system and service activities carried out by SDM Djakarta transport jaya. Strengthening social media content with interesting topics such as technological innovations such as IoT which is used to monitor the performance and punctuality of vehicle trips to increase customer satisfaction and lastly Keeping prices competitive with competitors in order to attract new customers and retain old customers.

Cytotoxic Test of Ethanol Extract of Bintaro Fruit and Peel (Cerbera odollam Gaertn.) against Artemia salina Leach Larvae

Bintaro (Cerbera odollam Gaertn). Plants belonging to the Apocynaceae family have properties such as antifungal, insecticide, antioxidant and antitumor. Bintaro fruit contains alkaloids, flavonoids, terpenoids, tannins and saponins. Bintaro plants are poisonous because they contain alkaloid group compounds which are toxic. This study aims to obtain data and information regarding the toxicity ratio of bintaro rind and bintaro fruit (Cerbera odollam Gaertn.) to Artemia salina Leach larvae by determining the value of Lethal Concentration 50 (LC50). This type of research was experimental with quantitative methods, using Artemia salina Leach larvae. Each extract was divided into 4 concentration groups. In the ethanol extract of bintaro fruit peel, namely at concentrations of 500, 1000, 1500 and 2500 ppm. Meanwhile, bintaro fruit extract at concentrations of 1000, 1500, 2000 and 2500 ppm, each of which was carried out 3 replications with 10 larvae. Data analysis using probit analysis showed that the ethanol extract of bintaro fruit peel (Cerbera odollam Gaertn.) had LC50 = 701.455 μg/mL which was categorized as toxic. Meanwhile, the ethanol extract of bintaro fruit (Cerbera odollam Gaertn.) has LC50 = 1199.5 μg/mL which is categorized as nontoxic.

Proposed Customer Acquisition Strategy for Mobile Banking Application

Digital technology has produced numerous benefits and simplified workers. Nonetheless, this exponential growth in digital technology has increased competition, significantly impacting the finance industry. This significant development in banking presented a vast opportunity that had to be carefully analysed and managed, resulting in intense competition among digital banking products such as mobile banking services, which have helped macro, micro, and small enterprises in Indonesia gain access to more convenient financial services. A regional bank owned one of Indonesia’s provinces, launched a successful mobile banking app with revolutionary features that made transaction easier. The bank updated their mobile app in 2022 as part of their ongoing implementation change from a focus on products to one on customers. In response to user feedback, the new version enhances consumer experience in terms of UI UX and other factors. However, once a market-leading application ranked among the top 10 digital banking products in Indonesia, the mobile banking is presently experiencing a decline in the number of app activations and is being replaced by competitors. Additionally, the bank has difficulty measuring the mobile banking’s digital marketing campaigns. Beginning with an internal and external analysis, a customer acquisition strategy was proposed for mobile banking services product utilizing the RACE planning framework and a digital marketing implementation strategy.

Proposed Project Management Maturity: A Study Case of Incinerator Project Delivery in Indonesia

An Indonesian waste treatment plant manufacturer company experienced several issues related to delivery project of the product Incinerator. The issues occurred mainly resulted in the project delay and cost overruns, which potentially impacted negatively to the project success. A company performance of running project can be measured in the form of Project Management Maturity analysis, it is can be interpreted as an organization’s capability to manage projects successfully utilizing a standardized practice that has been improved and enhanced through time. The objectives of this research are to identify the root causes of the business issue, assessing the project management maturity of the company, formulate the proposed solutions, and developing the implementation plan.

The assessment of the maturity level is done based on the PMBOK project management knowledge area that relevant to the business issue, namely Project Risk Management, Project Schedule Management, Project Resource Management, and Project Communications Management. The data analysis of this research involves gap analysis and root cause analysis. An analysis that related to the gaps between the existing condition and the next maturity level is conducted to identify the areas of improvement the company need to address. Furthermore, the root cause analysis is conducted to determine the root causes of the business issues.

The result of the data analysis is then utilized to formulate the proposed solution for improvement and the implementation plan. The proposed solutions in this research are to develop a proper risk management practices and documentation, implement scope management, development of project scheduling, and improvement of project team management regarding the development of resource management and communications management.

A Comparison of Indonesian and Dutch Generation-Z Preference Shift from Global Fashion Brands to Locals after Covid-19 Pandemic

The covid-19 pandemic which outbroke four years ago has shifted how people live, work, and shop. Governments restrictions have made people develop new habits that can be done from home. Fashion industry as one of the most influential industries in Indonesia, as well as something that was always being traded offline, becomes one of the impacted areas. The less bodily experience of fashion online shopping and more cost-conscious consumers made this industry experienced a dip especially in 2019 and 2020. However, preliminary findings suggest that this condition benefits local fashion businesses which have been operating online since before this problem emerged. Therefore, this study is conducted to investigate the post-covid-19 pandemic preferences of generation-Z consumers regarding local and global fashion brands, focusing on a cross-cultural comparison between Indonesia and the Netherlands. The research aims to understand the factors influencing Generation-Z’s fashion brand preferences and explore potential differences between the two countries. This study is done using quantitative method with online questionnaires tool distributed to a sample of generation-Z consumers from two universities in Indonesia and Netherlands. Then, the data is processed using partial least square-structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM).

Results show that generation-Z of both countries prefer local fashion brands compared to global ones. The difference between the two countries is Indonesian participants emphasize the importance of brands interactivity, while the impact of it to Dutch participants is less significant. The study’s implications highlight the evolving Generation-Z consumer behavior after the pandemic especially the shift of preference to local fashion brands. Understanding these preferences can assist fashion business owners and marketing teams in tailoring their strategies to cater the current needs and values of Generation-Z consumers. Furthermore, the cross-cultural comparison sheds light for fashion business owners who are planning to expand their markets to developed countries with similar characteristics as Netherlands.

A Case of Migraine Treated with Homoeopathy

A complex disorder with genetic influences known as migraine causes episodes of moderate-to-severe headaches, most frequently unilateral, and is typically accompanied by nausea, light sensitivity, and other symptoms of a migraine. The Latin word “hemigranea,” which later became part of the Greek language, is the source of the word migraine. Such a term is known as a “migraine” in French. It frequently results in incapacitation and job loss. Attacks from migraines are intricate brain processes that frequently last for several hours to days. 75% of migraine cases are the most common type, which lacks an aura. A 29 year old male arrived at the OPD on 26th OCTOBER 2022, with complaints of Migraine since 1 year. Life situation indicates there is business stress. On asking further about mental and emotional state, he mentioned about his grief about losing his mother and brother 9 years ago. Patient symptoms were analyzed, and prescriptions were made based on the totality of symptoms, i.e., a holistic approach. The medicine prescribed was Nux vom 30C in aqua, which has shown marked improvement. This article describes a detailed case report of a Migraine and the role of homoeopathy in it.

Assessing Taxpayer Behavior Commitment in Mattering Tax Compliance: The Moderating of Tax Ethics

This study aims to determine the effect of affective commitment, normative commitment, and ongoing commitment to tax compliance with tax ethics as a moderating variable. This research is quantitative research using primary data. This study’s population is individual taxpayers registered at KPP Pratama Kosambi, Tangerang City, Indonesia. The sampling technique used convenience sampling, which obtained a sample of 100 respondents—collecting data using a questionnaire/questionnaire method. The measurement scale used is the Likert scale. The data analysis technique used in this research is a quantitative data analysis using statistical methods. The statistical method used is Partial Least Square (PLS). The results of this study indicate that normative commitment has a significant effect on tax compliance, while affective and ongoing commitments do not affect tax compliance. Tax ethics cannot moderate the relationship between affective, normative, and sustainable commitment to tax compliance.

A Financial Feasibility Study to Determine the Best Funding Structure for a Total Renovation Project of the Karebosi Field in Makassar

The objective of this study is to determine the best debt-equity combination to fund the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) project applying the Build-Operate-Transfer (B-O-T) scheme for the total renovation of Karebosi Field in Makassar City, Indonesia. To assess the feasibility of the project, the financial feasibility study methodology is conducted. The study covers an analysis of both external and internal analysis. The external analysis covers the analysis of macroeconomic factors and microeconomic factors utilizing the PESTEL and Porter’s Five Forces framework. The internal analysis is focused on the resources of the project. The SWOT analysis presents the outcomes of both external and internal factors. In addition, the author presents three funding structure scenarios as potential alternatives to fund the project. The funding scenarios consist of three alternatives: scenario 1 of full equity funding, scenario 2 of hybrid funding with a proportion of 50% debt and 50% equity, lastly, scenario 3 of hybrid funding with a proportion of 70% debt and 30% equity. Along with that, the author also considers the operational occupancy scenarios that include worst-case, base-case, and best-case scenarios. The percentages of each of the three scenarios are 40%, 60%, and 80%. Following that, the financial projections are calculated for each scenario, resulting in investment measurements such as Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), and Payback Period. Finally, a risk analysis is performed to assess the sensitivity of the best funding structure and to identify potential risks. Additionally, the evaluation of risk mitigation is added to enhance the overall effectiveness of the best funding structure.

The findings indicate that the project is feasible, and scenario 3 of hybrid funding with the combination of 70% debt and 30% equity is the best funding structure for the project. In addition, the author performs a sensitivity analysis on the best funding scenario, considering ten input variables. Furthermore, the sensitivity analysis indicates that five variables, namely WACC, assumption of operational occupancy per day, interest rate, soccer field rental rate, and the ratio of operating expenses to revenue, significantly impact the net present value (NPV). Strategies to reduce potential risks are effective marketing and operations, managing occupancy rate volatility using backup strategies, developing new revenue streams, and negotiating long-term rate fixes with lenders.

Therefore, future research can explore the dynamic nature of the external factors that influence the Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Net Present Value (NPV), Payback Period, and Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC). Determining the best funding may require ongoing research to assess the effects of market conditions, interest rate fluctuations, and industry-specific factors. Furthermore, explore how input variables like WACC, operational occupancy per day, interest rate, soccer field rental rate, and operating expense ratio to revenue affect NPV.

Propaganda – Term`s Conceptual Delimitations and Evolution

The use of propaganda to achieve political, military, economic or social objectives is a well-known fact. This practice being encountered since the 17th century among actors on the international scene. For the present article, we propose to analyze the conceptual framework of the notion of propaganda. The conceptual delineation of this element is important to ensure that we use the terms clearly and precisely, avoid confusion and misunderstandings and, at the same time, establish the meaning we assign to them.