Process Business And External Environment In Mattering Service Quality: The Moderator of Knowledge Management

This quantitative study investigates the connections between knowledge management, business processes, and service quality. The study examines how corporate procedures directly affect service quality and how the outside environment affects it. It also looks into how knowledge management affects business processes and customer service quality. A sample of the medical industry in Tangerang City, Indonesia, received surveys, and 12 complete replies were examined. The results show that while the external environment significantly affects service quality, business practices do not directly influence it. The relationship between business processes and service quality is moderated by knowledge management, underscoring the significance of efficiently utilising organisational knowledge resources. These results point to the necessity of a comprehensive service quality improvement strategy that considers outside variables and employs efficient knowledge management techniques. Future research should overcome drawbacks like sample biases and explore these correlations using a variety of approaches and larger samples.

Analysis of Quality and Implementation of Sharia Financial Services Based on Financial Technology in Indonesia

Technology development is increasing, marked by the increasing internet use in society. In addition, with technological advances, now many people shop for their needs through marketplaces. This study aims to describe the implementation of Fintech in Indonesia as a process of facing the digital era and quickly capturing opportunities in developing product market share. The type of research that researchers use is field research with qualitative descriptive methods. This research shows that technology services can make it easier for customers to carry out various transactions. It is proven by the number of users of the data sharia service feature who activate the service. From several acknowledgments of customers who use the data Sharia peer-to-peer lending feature, they feel accommodating with it without the sin of usury—the implementation of Sharia financial services carried out by corporate follows Islamic principles and achieves to make it easier for customers.

Proposed Marketing Strategy Based on Customer Value Using CLV Model (Case Study of Natione Tech)

This research focuses on customer engagement strategies for technology companies to become industry leaders. It emphasizes the importance of leveraging profitable customers through Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) analysis, segmentation and targeted marketing. By analyzing real data from Natione Tech, the study identified three key factors: current value, potential value, and customer loyalty. Based on this analysis, 57 customers are categorized into high, medium, and low-profit segments, each requiring tailored marketing approaches. The strategies include personalized communication, cross-selling, exceptional customer service for high-profit customers; flexibility, trust-building, and direct assistance for medium-profit customers; and competitive pricing, loyalty programs, and targeted campaigns for low-profit customers. These strategies empower companies to excel in the customer engagement platform market and strengthen their position as technology leaders.

Investment Portfolio Optimization in Indonesia (Study On: Lq-45 Stock Index, Government Bond, United States Dollar, Gold and Bitcoin)

In forming their portfolios, investors should analyze the risk and return of each investment instrument. This is aimed at preventing investors from speculating and gambling with their investments. Conducting an investment portfolio optimization study on LQ-45 stock index, government bond, USD, gold, and Bitcoin can provide valuable insights due to unique market characteristics in Indonesia. This research analyzes the formation of investment instruments over the last 60 months, specifically from January 2018 to December 2022. The research method used in this study is quantitative research aimed at selecting several investment instruments for a portfolio in Indonesia. The portfolio aims to minimize risk and maximize return using the Markowitz method, also known as the optimal portfolio. To fulfill the objectives of this research, data on the prices of each instrument are required. An optimal portfolio can be obtained by combining two instruments: 18% bitcoin and 82% gold. This optimal portfolio can achieve an expected return of 1.29% with a risk level of 5.15%. Considering a risk-free rate of 0.375%, this portfolio forms a slope of 0.1775, which is the largest slope formed between the combination of risk-free instruments and risky portfolios. Investors should allocate their funds more wisely, considering not only the highest return but also the associated risk. High returns often come with high risks, so investors need to assess the risk-return trade-off before making investment decisions.

The Contribution of Tourism to the Economic Growth of a Country

Tourism has economic effects as well as political and social effects, but its economic effects are more than social and political effects. Tourism is closely related to the economic growth and development of countries and creates better job opportunities and an increase in income. Therefore, tourism is a significant cause of economic development, the economic value of which increases with each passing day. It can make a positive change in the economic and social situation of the countries. The results of the research indicate that, along with increasing the income of developing countries, the development of tourism has also created suitable activities, and while reducing the level of poverty, it has prevented the immigration of young people and attracted foreign investment. The findings of the research show that one out of every nine working people in the world is engaged in tourism-related matters.

Enhancing Car Showroom Profitability through K-Means Clustering for Customer Segmentation

Indonesia is known to be one of Southeast Asia’s largest markets for used cars. Used car showrooms in Indonesia are numerous and varied, some focus on one car brand, some focus on the lower middle class, some focus on the upper middle class, and some provide all types of cars. One of them is PQR Showroom, Even though PQR Showroom was able to generate such a great amount of sales, the profits generated by the PQR showroom are not proportional to the amount of capital invested.

To increase the profit, we proposed the solution using descriptive analytics and prescriptive analytics using K-Means. We also carry out simulations by comparing sales in existing years with the results of the descriptive and prescriptive analytics that have been made for the expected profit.

The results show that the simulation comparison with the data we have obtained from descriptive and prescriptive analysis gives the best-expected profit compared to the initial sales results at the PQR Showroom.

It shows that the data using descriptive and K-Means is great than before. The fastest cars that have been sold is LCGC and the most wanted car is MPY Toyota Avanza and the best profit that can generate is SUV Toyota Fortuner.

The Effect of Talent Management and Knowledge Management on Employee Performance with Employee Engagement as Mediation Variable in BPJS Yogyakarta Indonesia

This study aims to determine the effect of talent management and knowledge management mediated by employee engagement on employee performance at BPJS Ketenagakerjaan KACAB Yogyakarta. This study used a descriptive quantitative approach, the population in this study were BPJS Ketenagakerjaan KACAB Yogyakarta employees, totaling 42 permanent employees. Researchers determine the number of research samples using non-probability sampling technique. The non-probability sampling technique that the researchers used in this study was saturated or census sampling. The sample used was all employees of the Yogyakarta KACAB Employment BPJS, namely 42 employees. The data used are primary data obtained through questionnaires and interviews. The analytical method used in this study is the Structural Equation Model (SEM) with Partial Least Square (PLS) 4.0. The results of this study indicate that talent management has a positive and significant effect on employee performance, knowledge management has a positive and significant effect on employee performance, talent management has a positive and significant effect on employee performance with employee engagement as the mediating variable, knowledge management has a positive and significant effect on employee performance with employee engagement as a mediating variable.

Integrating Traditional and Digital Marketing Strategy to Improve Customer Acquisition in Medical Device Distribution Company: Case Study of PT. UMI

Digital innovation is the most important and beneficial strategy to address the need for expansion in health systems. But the goal goes much beyond merely updating the infrastructure. From a consumer standpoint, digital innovation must aim to radically alter the health care business model including medical device business. Over the past few years, medical device businesses have received aggressive, record-breaking investment. The Medical Device company also greatly influenced by digitalization phenomenon which requires them to shift to adjust to new consumer behavior in Digital. PT. UMI is one of medical device company in Indonesia that has had an impact of this which has caused a significant decrease in sales in digital transformation era. PT. UMI as B2B business not only consider for digital but also the sales person in traditional marketing as key point to touch and interact with customers. A proposed marketing strategy with integration traditional and digital marketing is needed for this company to remain competitive in the midst of a digital transformation. The purpose of this research is to study PT. UMI’s customer journey in business conditions and then determine the right digital strategy to increase PT. UMI sales and customer acquisition. Primary data collection is done by interviewing from the company side and from the consumer side to find out customer behavior. Based on interviews with PT. UMI’s customers, several customer’s frustration points were identified in PT. UMI’s digital consumer journey: customers want to have flexibility to get information of products before purchasing, because customers need to spend a lot of time to waiting the customer service or sales person to answer the need. Exploration the products before buying it, customers want products with good quality, and customers want the convenience of knowing with the people who have experienced with the products. Through this study, the author reformulates the PT. UMI digital strategy with the 5A consumer journey framework to maximize every consumer touchpoint. The author brings the study to answer two main problems, first to build a customer journey strategy that fits the PT. UMI target market, and second to create recommendations of the best integration for traditional and digital strategy for PT. UMI to make customer journeys in medical device company more engaged and seamless. The recommendation is to create the integration traditional and digital marketing strategy, utilizing customer experience in digital platform. Then, implement Live Chat Features on websites and whatsapp as a proposed digital marketing strategy for PT. UMI.

Determinants of Inclusive Tourism in Borobudur Temple

Inclusive tourism has gained increasing attention as a means to provide accessible and enriching experiences for diverse groups of visitors. This study aims to identify the determinants of inclusive tourism in Borobudur Temple, a renowned Buddhist heritage site in Indonesia, using a mixed-methods approach. The research integrates qualitative and quantitative methods, employing descriptive analysis, a survey with 305 respondents, validity and reliability assessments, as well as confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and exploratory factor analysis (EFA) conducted with SPSS and JASP tools. The qualitative phase involves in-depth interviews and focus group discussions with various stakeholders. Following the qualitative phase, a survey is conducted to quantitatively measure the identified determinants of inclusive tourism. A structured questionnaire is administered to 305 visitors to Borobudur Temple, incorporating Likert-scale items related to the identified themes. Descriptive analysis is used to summarize the responses and provide an overview of visitors’ perceptions of inclusive tourism. The validity is assessed through content validity, ensuring the questionnaire items adequately represent the construct of inclusive tourism. Reliability is evaluated using internal consistency measures, such as Cronbach’s alpha, to examine the consistency and stability of the questionnaire’s items. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) is conducted to test the measurement model and assess the fit between the data and the proposed theoretical framework. Additionally, exploratory factor analysis (EFA) is employed to explore the underlying factor structure of the determinants of inclusive tourism, further refining the measurement model and identifying potential new factors or dimensions Additionally, exploratory factor analysis (EFA) is employed to explore the underlying factor structure of the determinants of inclusive tourism, further refining the measurement model and identifying potential new factors or dimensions.

Accelerating the Digital Transformation in Bank XYZ

In current fast-paced and highly competitive business climate, organizations progressively recognize the necessity of embracing digital transformation. Due to developments in technology and the unprecedented effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the banking sector is one of the sectors that has experienced significant disruptions. Digital transformation has become increasingly crucial for banks to remain competitive, sustain business continuity, and meet shifting customer demands. However, the mere adoption of digital technologies is insufficient. In order to adapt with the digital era, it is essential to assess the effectiveness of digital transformation initiatives. As Bank XYZ started and continued to undergo their digital transformation, the company has measured its digital maturity the prior year and the result leaned toward the “Digital Master” stage. However, there could be indications that the digital transformation has not been implemented optimally. Using the Digital Mastery and the Digital Transformation Compass framework, the research emphasizes the importance of accelerating digital transformation for Bank XYZ through digital maturity and digital transformation evaluation to analyse its digital transformation progress while recognizing areas for improvement.

The result shows that the current digital maturity result display the same trend as the year prior that the company has reached the “Digital Master” stage affected by the current composition of senior executives and the availability of strategic agenda that drives the digital transformation within the company. However, when the digital transformation was analysed further, the transformation progress is still in the moderate level. It can be concluded that that while initiatives have been implemented, there are improvements need to be made with the aim of advancing Bank XYZ’s digital transformation process. This research proposes business solutions that focuses on enhancing synergies withing the organization to accelerate the digital transformation.