The Relationships between Digital Culture and Human Capital Readiness in Era 4.0 towards Employee Performance in PT XYZ (SOE in Indonesia)

Industry 4.0, as defined by the disruptive innovation phenomenon, focuses on digital economic patterns, artificial intelligence, big data, and robotics. The Indonesian Ministry of Industry pushed aggressively for the development of “Industry 4.0.” PT XYZ is a technologically literate company, which indicates that their workplace is shaped and influenced by digital tools and technologies. PT XYZ has three big technology-based projects in the works. The 105MT Sumbagsel, LRT Jabodebek, and Kereta Cepat Jakarta-Bandung are the three strategic plans. Presidential Regulation (Perpres) No. 98 of 2015 on the Acceleration of Integrated Light Rail Transit in the Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, and Bekasi Areas, which controls the development of transportation services to assist national growth, sparked the LRT Jabodebek project. Under Presidential Decree 93 of 2021, the government designated PT XYZ as the leader of the SOEs consortium for the KCJB project. PT XYZ has established digital cultures and executed human capital digital readiness in their organizations to assist their employees in doing work, acquiring information, and communicating. While employees must perform effectively with all of these new technologies, the implementation of digital culture in PT XYZ is generally excellent but not perfect. Some staff are still unfamiliar with digitization and are finding it tough to adapt. To address the challenges of the 4.0 Industry, the relationship between digital culture, human capital digital readiness and employee performance in PT XYZ should be examined. It’s also because an ideal digital culture and human capital digital readiness can improve employee performance. This study employed quantitative methods and data processing by SPSS 27. According to the data, there is a favourable and statistically significant association between digital culture, human capital digital readiness, and employee performance.

A Comprehensive Overview of Aphasia: Historical Evolution and Language Teaching Strategies for Educators

This article aims to provide educators with a comprehensive understanding of aphasia, a complex language disorder caused by brain damage. It highlights the history of aphasia, from its early recognition to the pivotal milestones that have been achieved, and the impact of historical studies on modern neuroanatomy and neuropsychology. In addition to providing a historical overview, the article also presents effective language teaching strategies that can be used to enhance language fluency, articulation, and prosody in students with aphasia. These strategies include tailored approaches for specific aphasia subtypes, enabling educators to support students’ academic achievements and communication skills effectively.

The Influence of TikTok Hosts on Customer Trust and Engagement in the Live Streaming Shop for Men’s Grooming Products

This study examines the factors that influence trust and customer engagement during live streaming shop sessions on TikTok, with a particular focus on men’s grooming products. The study tested five variables, which are visual appearance, host approach (promotion and humor), interaction (review the product and consultation), trust in host, and customer engagement, with a survey of 319 respondents and analyzed with PLS-SEM method. The study found that visual appearance, host approach by promotion, and interaction with consultation have a positive relationship with trust in the host, while host approach by humor and interaction with review the products are rejected. Trust in the host has a positive relationship with customer engagement. The results provide insights for the hosts of men’s grooming products on TikTok live streaming shops, highlighting the importance of visual appearance, promotion, and consultation in building trust with viewers. Humor should be used with caution, as they can negatively impact trust, and reviewing products is just a mandatory for host and could not build trust based on it. Lastly, the interaction through consultation is particularly effective in building trust. Thus, this trust factor is increasing, the customer engagement will build in the TikTok live streaming session.

Analysis of the Government’s Role for Promoting The Green Industrial Park Development in Indonesia

This paper aims to analyze and describe the role of the government in seeking the development of green industrial park in North Kalimantan. This paper uses a qualitative research method with a descriptive approach. primary and secondary data sources are obtained through literature study, observation, and interviews. Based on the results of the research, it can be said that the government has carried out its duties quite effectively, both in the preparation and implementation stages of development, as evidenced by the development of the industrial area which has developed quite rapidly. Nevertheless, the development of green industrial estates in North Kalimantan still has several problems and obstacles that need to be resolved, especially related to land expansion plans, and supporting infrastructure for industrial estates. In conclusion, the development of green industrial estates in North Kalimantan is the largest green industrial estate development project in the world that will have a major impact on the Indonesian economic sector, but the development of these green industrial estates still needs special attention from the government to deal with several unresolved issues.

Developing Marketing Strategy Initiatives to Enhance Customer Acquisition and Customer Retention for MedTech Startup (Case Study: Riliv)

In response to increased consumption, the MedTech market in Indonesia, which includes applications for mental health services, has experienced phenomenal growth. However, customer acquisition and retention have emerged as significant obstacles for businesses such as Riliv, a prominent mental health service application. This study seeks to identify the factors that influence and improve Riliv user acquisition and retention among non-users, current users, and former users. A quantitative research strategy employing descriptive statistics and a non-probability sample of 200 respondents were utilized. To capture data, the Likert scale questionnaire was distributed online. The research included both internal and external analyses (STP, 7Ps of the marketing mix, and VRIO) as well as PESTEL, Porter’s Five Forces, competitor, and customer analyses. The SWOT and TOWS analyses were then conducted. The findings highlight the importance of effective promotional activities, competitive pricing, and superior product quality and service in attracting and retaining Riliv users. Increasing brand recognition, enhancing product attributes, and ensuring service quality have been identified as crucial factors positively influencing consumer acquisition and retention. Riliv can implement strategic marketing initiatives such as targeted advertising, influencer collaborations, refined messaging, content marketing, personalized experiences, trial periods, referral programs, and continuous engagement in order to overcome these obstacles. By adopting these strategies, Riliv can position itself as a dependable online mental health services provider and accomplish sustainable growth in the highly competitive MedTech industry.

Promoting Inclusiveness for Organic Rice Value Chain in Bumdesa Mukti Saluyu

Organic agriculture promotion could be a potential approach for eliminating fertilizer subsidies in Indonesia. Indonesia is the world’s third-largest producer of rice, and rice is a staple meal for most of the population. The Kanem Farmers Group operates 12,5 hectares of organic land for growing organic rice in the Sumedang Regency.  The operations of BUMDesa Mukti Saluyu are founded on the concept of social entrepreneurship to boost the potential of villages. The main concern of BUMDesa Mukti Saluyu is the insufficient potential of organic rice in Cikurubuk Village, which necessitates strategic planning to establish a competitive advantage and organizational capacities for participating in the organic rice value chain while maintaining its vision of improving the economic well-being in the farmer society.  The study employs both qualitative and quantitative methodologies. In the investigation of the outcomes produced from the in-depth interview, the qualitative data analysis method will employ the Interactive model developed by Miles and Huberman. The quantitative analysis makes use of technical abilities and value-added evaluation. Based on the analysis, promoting inclusivity is key to developing a competitive advantage for BUMDesa Mukti Saluyu. Recognizing the significance of collaboration with multiple stakeholders, BUMDesa Mukti Saluyu must conduct an integration of stakeholders involved in the organic rice value chain. Farmers, agribusiness companies, processors, distributors, and consumers play vital roles. The enabling environment, encompassing policies, standards, and investments, influence sustainable production practices and market access. The current integrated model provides a comprehensive framework to increase smallholder farmers’ participation in the organic rice value chain through project delineation and policy interventions.

Proposed Relationship Marketing Strategy for Used Car Dealer

Indonesia has been one of Southeast Asia’s largest used car markets. Approximately 2.5-3 million used cars are sold annually. The increased competition in the automotive industry has heightened the emphasis on improving customer relationships. ABC Showroom (pseudonym) is a local used car dealer in Bukittinggi currently facing unsatisfactory sales performance and lacking relationship marketing strategy. The aim of this research is to formulate the relationship marketing strategy for ABC Showroom and find out whether the strategy differs amongst its customer persona.

Internal analysis and external analysis are conducted to formulate the strategy. The internal analysis consists of marketing mix (7P) and STP analysis. The external analysis includes PEST analysis and competitor analysis. A quantitative approach using a survey is carried out to collect information on target market preferences regarding the proposed relationship marketing strategy, specifically personal selling, personalization, and after-sale service. The total of respondents obtained in this research is 240 respondents. The Two-step clustering analysis is conducted to build the customer persona of ABC Showroom. Analysis continued by conducting the Kruskal-Wallis test to find out if the proposed strategies differ amongst customer persona.

Based on the result of the Kruskal-Wallis test, the proposed strategies do not differ amongst customer persona. Findings on internal analysis and external analysis are summarized with a SWOT matrix. Then the TOWS matrix is used to assist the author in formulating the relationship marketing strategy while tailoring it with the survey result. The relationship marketing strategies proposed includes improving salesperson performance by providing target and uniform, providing remarkable test drive experience, providing proactive and caring customer service, providing personalized offers and car products, and providing after-sales services such as warranty, repair, and maintenance service, car ownership transfer and vehicle plate transfer assistance, and car tax payment assistance.

Determinants of Musculoskeletal Disorders Complaints in Songket Weaving Processers

Songket weaving artisans is a job that needs special attention because the process still uses traditional high-risk looms. The initial survey showed that 9 out of 10 artisans experienced muscle and skeletal complaints, known as Musculoskeletal Disorders. This study aims to determine the relationship between individual characteristics and occupational factors with MSD complaints in Pandai Sikek songket weaving artisans. This research is a quantitative study with a cross-sectional design. Conducted from December 2021 – June 2022 to 77 respondents. The sampling technique uses simple random sampling. Data processing uses univariate and bivariate analysis with a chi-square test with an α value of 5%. The results showed that 53.2% of songket weaving artisans experienced moderate risk MSDs complaints, 64.9% of artisans were classified as lack of exercise, 36% of artisans were classified as having BMI abnormal, 24.7% of artisans were classified as having risky working duration, and 76.6% of artisans’ working posture is classified as high risk. The results of the bivariate analysis showed that the variables associated with MSD complaints were age (p=0.000), years of service (p=0.000), exercise habits (p=0.020), BMI (p=0.012), duration of work (p=0.001), and work posture (p=0.028). There is a relationship between age, years of service, sports habits, BMI, duration of work, and work posture with MSDs complaints. Artisans are expected to stretch before, during, and after work. Nagari is expected to reach out to artisans regarding applying K3 when weaving.


Analysis of Social Support, Customer Review Quality, Social Commerce Trust on E-Commerce Satisfaction Study Tokopedia in Indonesia

This study aims to determine how social support, customer review quality, social commerce trust, and e-commerce satisfaction are at Tokopedia Indonesia. The authors choose Tokopedia because Tokopedia is an e-commerce from Indonesia and is influential not only in Indonesia but in Southeast Asia. Tokopedia also supports Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises and individuals to develop their businesses by marketing their products online with the Government and other parties.

The method used for this research is quantitative. It was then analyzed using the PLS technique, factor analysis, and hypothesis testing. The unit of analysis in this study is the consumer from Tokopedia.

The data support hypothesis H1 that social support has a positive effect on social commerce trust, H2 supports the hypothesis that customer review quality has a positive influence on social commerce trust, as well as H3 supports the idea that social commerce trust has a positive effect on e-commerce satisfaction.

Numbered Heads Together based on Contextual Teaching and Learning to Improve Students’ Reading Comprehension

This research aims to find out the significance difference in the reading comprehension of students taught through original NHT and through modified NHT based on CTL. This is a quasi-experimental research design that conducts a quantitative method. The subjects of this research are two classes of SMPN 30 Bandar Lampung in. Furthermore, the researcher collected the data using reading test in form of multiple choices. Then, the researcher analyzed using independent sample t-test. The finding shows that there is a significant difference between experimental and control class with the significant level 0.015. Hence, this suggests that teaching reading using modified NHT based on CTL can improve students reading comprehension achievement.