The Effect of Supervision and Job Satisfaction on Employee Performance through Organizational Citizenship Behavior at The Body District Region Revenue Labuhan Batu

Human resources are one of the most determining factors for the success or failure of an organization in achieving its goals, both public and private organizations. Every company needs employees who have high performance in achieving goals. To make employees have high performance, companies must pay attention to the expectations and needs of employees in order to make optimal contributions to the company. This study aims to determine whether supervision and job satisfaction affect employee performance through ocb as an intervening variable at the Regional Revenue Agency of Labuhanbatu Regency. The study was conducted on 52 employees using a saturated sampling technique. The data collection technique used was primary data in the form of questionnaires and secondary data obtained through documentation studies. Data analysis techniques used quantitative data processed with the SPSS version 25 program. The results obtained in this study show 1) there is an insignificant effect between supervision on ocb 2) there is an insignificant effect between job satisfaction variables on ocb 3) there is an insignificant effect between monitoring variables on performance, 4) there is a significant effect between job satisfaction variables on performance, 5) there is no significant effect between the ocb variable on performance, 6) the ocb variable can affect monitoring variables on performance, 7) the ocb variable can affect job satisfaction variables on performance.

The Influence of Competence and Training on Performance in the Education Department of Labuh batu District with Motivation as Intervening Variables

Employee performance is a measure of how human resources in a company have played a role or not in the progress of the organization. The potential of well-performing human resources determines the success of the company. To achieve the best performance, of course, it is necessary to have directed management of human resources through various policies that can adjust the common interests of employees and the company. This study aims to determine whether competency and training affect employee performance through motivation as an intervening variable at the Labuhanbatu District Education Office. The study was conducted on 61 employees using a saturated sampling technique. The data collection technique used was primary data in the form of questionnaires and secondary data obtained through documentation studies. The data analysis technique used quantitative data which was processed using the SPSS version 25 program, namely the t test, Sobel test and path analysis. The results obtained in this study show 1) there is a significant influence between competence on motivation, 2) there is a significant effect between training variables on motivation, 3) there is a significant effect between competency variables on performance, 4) there is a significant effect between training variables on performance, 5) there is a significant influence between motivational variables on performance, 6) motivational variables cannot affect competency variables on performance, 7) motivational variables cannot influence training variables on performance.

The Effect of Work Stress and Work Environment on Work Spirit through Discipline Work in the Service of Population and Civil Registration District Labuhan Batu

An organization in carrying out its activities to achieve the desired goals needs good management, especially human resources. Human resources are the main capital in planning, organizing, directing and driving factors that exist within a company. Good human resource management is expected to be able to produce optimal performance for the organization. This study aims to determine whether work stress and work environment affect employee morale through work discipline as an intervening variable at the Labuhanbatu District Education Office . The research was conducted on 36 employees using a saturated sampling technique. The data collection technique used was primary data in the form of questionnaires and secondary data obtained through documentation studies. The data analysis technique used quantitative data which was processed using the SPSS version 25 program, namely the t test, Sobel test and path analysis. The results obtained in this study show 1) there is a significant effect between work stress on work discipline , 2) there is a significant effect between work environment variables on work discipline , 3) there is a significant effect between work stress variables on morale , 4) there is a significant effect between work environment variables on work morale , 5) there is a significant influence between work discipline variables on work morale , 6) work discipline variables cannot influence work stress variables on morale , 7) work discipline variables cannot influence work environment variables on morale.

The Influence of Work and Communication Facilities on Employee Performance at The Education Department of Labuhan Batu with Motivation as an Intervening Variable

Employee performance is an indicator of the successful operation of government institutions in achieving their goals. The emergence of achievement is influenced by several driving factors, both from outside the individual and from within the individual. Employee performance greatly determines the progress of a government agency. The performance of each employee can be measured by looking at the quantity and quality of work that has been done. Performance is a very important thing in an organization’s efforts to achieve goals. This study aims to determine whether work and communication facilities affect employee performance through motivation as an intervening variable at the Labuhanbatu District Education Office. The study was conducted on 61 employees using a saturated sampling technique. The data collection technique used was primary data in the form of questionnaires and secondary data obtained through documentation studies. The data analysis technique used quantitative data which was processed using the SPSS version 25 program, namely the t test, Sobel test and path analysis. The results obtained in this study show 1) there is a significant effect between work facilities on motivation, 2) there is a significant effect between communication variables on motivation, 3) there is a significant effect between work facilities variables on performance, 4) there is a significant effect between communication variables on performance, 5) there is a significant influence between motivational variables on performance, 6) motivational variables can affect work facilities variables on performance, 7) motivational variables can affect communication variables on performance.

Application of Immunological Control for Prognosis the Productivity of Karakul Sheep

The article provides recommendations on the use of immunological methods and criteria for assessing the level of natural resistance, in order to select animals with high natural resistance. Karakul sheep of the sur (brown) color having a concentration of common immune proteins of serum blood (CIPSB) with a quantitative method of 32–50 mg/ml and a semi–quantitative method of 1.1–2.0 conventional units, cellular immunity according to the skin reaction (delayed hypersensitivity reaction DHR) of 7.0–9.0 mm are classified as highly resistant; with CIPSB 18–31 mg/ml and 0.71–1.0 conv. units, DHR on a skin test of 5–6 mm to medium–resistant and respectively CIPSB of 13–17 mg/ml and 0.4–0.66 conv. units, DHR on a skin test of 3–4 mm and lower to a low–resistant group of animals. The indexes of common immune proteins of serum blood of 8–12 mg/ml and less according to the quantitative method and 0.25–0.45 conv. units according to the indicator method, T–cell activity according to the skin test of 1.0–2.0 mm characterize the immunodeficiency condition.

Studies have shown that the productivity of karakul sheep with a high level of natural resistance was higher than that of low–resistant ones. Karakul lambs with medium and high level of immunological reactivity quickly regained body weight after the stress factors of the weaning period, were better fed and weighed 33.6±0.45 and 34.5±0.35 kg at 8 months of age, the gain during the pasture fattening period was 8.2 ± 0.16 and 8.4± 0.11 kg, respectively, the average daily weight gain 91.1 g and 93.3 g, while animals with low immune reactivity weighed 30.3 ± 0.46 kg, where the gain over the entire period of pasture fattening was 6.7 ± 0.12 kg with an average daily gain of 74.4 g.

Body weight of lambs which suffered immunodeficiency conditions in various colostral–milk periods was 28.1 ± 0.75 kg, weight gain 6.2 kg ± 0.08 kg and average daily weight gain 68.8 g. The meat productivity (slaughter weight) of lambs with medium and high immune reactivity was 2.03 kg and 2.71 kg or 14.03 % and 17.9 % higher than in lambs with low natural resistance, and 3.24 kg and 3.92 kg or 22.4 % and 25.9 % higher compared to lambs which had immunodeficiency syndromes.


A Survey on the Perceived Impact of the COVID 19 Pandemic on Dental Undergraduate Students in the North Gujarat Region, India

Aim: This study aimed to assess and compare the perceived impact of covid 19 pandemic on dental undergraduate students in the north Gujarat region.

Objective: To assess & compare the percentage difference in impact of covid 19 on dental undergraduate students based on their academic year.

Material and method: This questionnaire study utilized a validated 28 questions survey. The questionnaire distributed to 200 dental undergraduate students. The questions were divided into categories : demographic and academic information, study career, knowledge about covid 19 infection, risk perception and psychological reactions. The survey was administered through online google form and all the responses kept confidential. The impact of covid 19 on students were recorded.

Result: The questionnaire was completed by 160 students (80%). Responses were from all the academic years in which majority of respondents were interns. Most of the students experienced difficulties in clinical training during and post COVID-19 emergency due to lack of patients’ OPD and reduced training hours. For over half of them online teaching could  replace traditional face-to-face lessons. The negative impact on the study career was particularly high by interns. The level of concern of contracting COVID-19 during clinical activities were higher among students. Most of the students showed symptoms related to high to moderate levels of fear and anxiety. Conclusion: The data showed that the students perceived the COVID-19 pandemic as a negative impact on their study career and their future practice with higher impact on interns compared to other years. Most of the students showed  high to moderate levels of fear and anxiety related to effect of pandemic on their study career. This data could help universities to implement communication modalities to reduce students’ fear and anxiety.

Proposed Stress Management Strategies to Accelerate Organizational Change at Greeneration Foundation: A Change Management Approach

Nowadays, climate change and other forms of environmental degradation area among defining challenges at present. Moreover, these several things are not only experienced in Indonesia, as well as other countries experiencing the same problem. To overcome the existing problems, of course, there needs to be joint synergies from all elements of society and the government to answer them. Greeneration Foundation (GF) as a a member of Indonesian Philanthropy aims to advance philanthropy and contribute to the goals of social justice and sustainable development in Indonesia. In 2022, the Greeneration Foundation is rearranging and consolidating its business foundations, product research and development, and business ideas based on funding sources coming from the individuals themselves. Furthermore, this changing of organization foundations doesn’t mean it doesn’t cause problems for the employee at Greeneration Foundation. Meanwhile, in undergoing these changes not all individual organizations are able to adapt or cope with the changes made, so of course there are impacts felt by individuals such as tension or stress. Therefore, the authors conducted research related to the correlation of work stress and organizational changes carried out by the Greeneration Foundation to serve as evaluation material for the Greeneration Foundation. This research was conducted on Greeneration Foundation employees with the aim of knowing the correlation between work stress and organizational changes faced by employees at Greeneration Foundation. In this study the authors collected data using a questionnaire with a total sample of 30 respondents and used a type of sample that is saturated sample. The data analysis technique used is quantitative analysis with the linear regression method using the help of the IBM SPSS Statistics program. Based on the results of the research conducted, it shows a level of work stress of 59.0% and organizational change of 68.0% which is in a fairly high category. Based on the following results, work stress and organizational change have a positive and significant correlation with a correlation value of 63.9%. Based on this research, the high level of work stress certainly has the potential to become even higher if proper management is not carried out, especially in the individual and organizational aspects. So that the Greeneration Foundation needs to manage the stress level of employees in order to accelerate organizational changes.

Proposed Solutions Regarding Work Overload for the Marketing Division of PT. Persib Bandung Bermartabat

Football is a sport that is very popular in every level of Indonesian society. Indonesia is known as a country with a very large number of soccer fans. Indonesia has the fourth largest population in the world with 265 million people, and according to Nielsen Sport, 77% of Indonesia’s population has an interest in football. This fact makes Indonesia the country with the third largest number of football fans. The Indonesian soccer market is huge, and soccer is a big business opportunity in Indonesia. PT Persib Bandung Bermatabat oversees the Persib Bandung football club which is one of the Indonesian teams. PT. Persib Bandung Bermartabat located at Graha Persib Floor 3 Jalan Sulanjana No 17 Bandung. In managing a company, of course, requires human resources who have high ability to help achieve company goals. In addition, to be able to form a good performing club, of course, you must have a healthy management ecosystem as well. This study uses a mixed method qualitative and quantitative research model. In quantitative research, the authors distribute questionnaires in the form of g-forms to marketing department employees using the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Task Load Index (NASA – TLX) method to measure the workload experienced by employees. In the qualitative method the author conducted interviews with observations of the organizational structure and job descriptions of employees in the marketing department of PT. Persib Bandung Bermartabat using Semi- Structural Interviews. In finding the root of the problem the author uses CRT (Current Reality Tree). The results of this study are the organizational structure and job descriptions that are made based on benchmark results with 3 football club management. The author proposes a new organizational structure and job descriptions which in the end can be adapted to the needs of the marketing division of PT. Persib Bandung Bermartabat to be able to help realize strategic initiatives and solve problems experienced.

Risk Assessment Study of Domestic Wastewater Pollution in North Kolaka Regency: Geographic Information System Approach

Background: The community in North Kolaka Regency already has an open system of household waste water disposal, but there are still many found in a damaged, cracked and even perforated condition. In addition, there are also those who make the channel not watertight by digging the soil in the form of a ditch. They also still use a stool that is not tight on one side. The purpose of this study was to determine the risk index of domestic wastewater pollution.

Method: This type of research is quantitative research with geographic information systems approach. Data was collected by survey method using questionnaires and observation sheets. The sample in this study was 5,320. Data analysis using equal interval on Quantum GIS application version 3.26.0.

Result: In the parameters of the safe suspect tank, most of the 5,320 respondents (99%) have an unsafe suspect septic tank, while 1% have a safe suspect tank. For the parameters of pollution due to the disposal of the contents of the septic tank, most of the 5,320 respondents (99.8%) are not safe against contamination of the contents of the septic tank, while 0.2% is classified as safe. And for the parameters of pollution due to waste water discharge channels from 5,320 respondents, most (73%) are classified as unsafe and the remaining 27% are classified as safe.

Conclusion: North Kolaka Regency 4 Districts with a risk index value are included in the moderate risk category, namely Tolala, Porehu, Central Pakue, and North Pakue Districts. 6 Districts are included in the high risk category, namely Batu Putih, Ngapa, Tiwu, Lasusua, Ranteangin, and Wawo Districts. While the other 5 sub-districts are in the very high category, namely Pakue, Watunohu, Kodeoha, Katoi, and Lambai sub-districts.

Self-Care Behavior of Type 2 Diabetes Patients with Symptoms of Peripheral Neuropathy during the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Study

Purpose: This study aims to explore the experiences and perceptions of type 2 diabetes patients with symptoms of Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy (DPN) in managing their self-care behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Methods: Qualitative research with a descriptive phenomenological approach reveals diabetes self-care behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic. Individual interviews were conducted at the participants’ homes with a semi-structured interview guide on twelve type 2 diabetes patients. All interviews were transcribed verbatim and analyzed using thematic content analysis.

Results: A total of five themes were identified from the interview analysis, namely: 1) Perception of diabetes self-management; 2) Efforts to control blood sugar; 3) Barriers to blood sugar control; 4) Perceived disturbance; 5) Social support. Since its emergence, the Covid-19 pandemic has become a new obstacle in controlling blood glucose in diabetic patients. In addition to the covid-19 pandemic, negative spiritual coping, low self-motivation, and perceived physical effects are inhibiting factors for blood glucose control in type 2 diabetes patients with symptoms of DPN.

Conclusions: Obstacles in efforts to control blood glucose in type 2 diabetes patients with symptoms of DPN include physical, psychological, social, and spiritual aspects. The suggestion in this study is that during the COVID-19 pandemic, it is necessary to adjust and modify diabetes self-management for patients with DPN symptoms. The interventions provided should not only focus on the physical aspect but also need holistic attention to the psychosocial and spiritual aspects simultaneously by involving family participation in the management of the patient’s diabetes.