Potential Biomarkers for Diagnosis and Prognosis of Acute Myeloid Leukemia

For many years, cancer has affected the global population from an economic, social and political point of view and, in most cases, it is a malignant tumor with serious consequences for patients. The objective of this study is to answer the potential biomarkers for the diagnosis and prognosis of acute myeloid leukemia. Therefore, this is an exploratory, descriptive bibliographic study with a qualitative approach. The data were collected from a bibliometric survey carried out during a study of scientific production on the proposed topic from 2013 to 2023. After searching for articles, 210 articles were found on the PubMed platform, and no results were found for the key suggested by word in other databases. Among the 210 articles, 28 articles were selected for review. In this way, we seek to analyze which biomarkers have been addressed in the last 10 years in the scientific literature, thus aiming to demonstrate possible targets for new research. We divide our research into genes that are promising biomarkers for diagnosis and/or prognosis and the role of miRNAs as biomarkers.

The Influencing Factors Firm Value with CSR as a Moderation Variable: A Study of Energy Companies Listed on the IDX in the Period 2014-2022

The value of a company reflects how investors assess the company. This research aims to analyze the influence of profitability (ROA), leverage (DER), firm size, and asset turnover (TATO) as factors that influence firm value (Tobin’s Q) and uses CSR disclosure as a moderating variable. This research uses a population of energy sector companies listed on the IDX in 2014–2022, which was selected according to criteria, resulting in a research sample of 28 companies with a total of 224 observations. The type of data used is secondary data, and the hypothesis testing used is panel data regression analysis with multiple linear regression tests and interaction moderation tests with the help of R-Studio software. The research results show that profitability has a positive effect on firm value, while leverage, firm size, and asset turnover do not affect firm value. CSR disclosure is unable to moderate profitability, leverage, firm size, and asset turnover based on firm value.

Analysis of the Probability of Financial Distress as a Moderating Variable that Influences Stock Returns in Coal Companies (2018-2022)

This research was conducted to examine and analyze the influence of operating activity cash flow, investing activity cash flow, financing activity cash flow, liquidity, and total asset turnover as independent variables on stock returns as the dependent variable, along with the ability of probability financial distress to moderate the relationship between the independent variable and the variable dependent. The research method in this research is quantitative research with panel data regression analysis using the EViews application. The research object in this study is coal companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the 2018-2022 period. The sampling technique used purposive sampling and found 130 observations. The research results show that operating activity cash flow has a positive effect on stock returns. Meanwhile, investing activity cash flow, financing activity cash flow, liquidity, and total asset turnover have no effect on stock returns. The probability of financial distress is unable to moderate the relationship between operating activity cash flow, investing activity cash flow, financing activity cash flow, liquidity, and total asset turnover with stock returns.

Democratic Leadership Style and Corporate Performance in Selected Food and Beverages Manufacturing Companies in South-West Nigeria

Leadership plays a prominent role in contributing to the effectiveness of organisations carrying out business in competitive environments. Democratic leadership encourages collaborative decision making in organisations involving superior and subordinates. However, an organisational environment characterised by poor management and planning hinders successful application of democratic leadership. This study investigated how democratic leadership style affected the performance of selected food and beverages manufacturing companies in South-West, Nigeria based on a review of extant literature that indicated the need for more studies in this regard.

The study was conducted based on a survey research design. The questionnaire was used for data collection. Slovin’s formula was used for obtaining the sample size while stratified sampling technique was the basis for classifying the employees into levels – top management, middle management, and low-level workers. Simple random sampling was adopted in collecting data from each level. The predictor and outcome variables were measured on a four-point Likert scale that ranged from strongly disagree, 1, to strongly agree, 4.

The results of the study indicated that democratic leadership produced positive effect (β = .422, t = 8.663, p < 0.05) on corporate performance. The implied potential to boost the sales of the studied companies. However, the value of the coefficient of determination, .167, indicated the need for improving planning activities as a means of enhancing the potential of achieving increases in corporate performance through variation in democratic leadership style.

It was indicated in the conclusion of the study that it was necessary for future research to incorporate more leadership styles into the model of this study. This would enable the companies to determine the potential contribution of individual leadership styles to corporate performance as well as their collective contribution.

Proposed Marketing Strategy for PT Safaat

Indonesia has strong economic growth, driven by a large and growing consumer market, provides significant opportunities for companies in the fuel transportation sector to access a growing middle class and increasing consumer purchasing power. However, the fuel transportation industry is faced with various challenges, including regulatory issues, safety and technological advances. Despite its success as one of the largest fuel transportation services companies in South Sumatra, PT Safaat faces challenges in reaching new customers and retaining existing customers in a highly competitive market. With the increasing number of players in the fuel transportation industry, PT Safaat needs to find effective ways to differentiate itself from its competitors and promote its services to a wider audience. The object of research in this final assignment is the condition of the fuel industry market in Indonesia which is currently being followed by PT Safaat. A contextual framework for appropriate marketing strategies for companies is needed to address these issues.

This final project research uses internal and external environmental analysis to find company business solutions. Internal analysis uses Resource Analysis, Capability Analysis, Value Chain Analysis, STP Analysis and Marketing Mix. External analysis uses PEST analysis, Porter’s Five Forces Analysis, Competitor Analysis, and Consumer Analysis. SWOT analysis is carried out to analyze the company Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats and through TOWS Analysis to obtain marketing strategy development from this research.

Measurement Digital Transformation Capability on Operational Performance (Case Study: Bank BJB)

With the changes in market environments and the development of digital technology, the banking industry urgently needs to develop the capability to adapt to profound changes in strategy and business processes. This study constructed the dimensions of a digital transformation capability that contains threehub factors (sensing, organizing, and restructuring) under the dynamic capability theory. This study collected 100 sets of company data through a survey and investigated the relationships of a company’s strategy orientation, digital transformation capability, and operational performance by using SPSS and SmartPLS. The results show that strategic orientation (Customer Orientation and Technology Orientation) has a positive impact on a digital transformation capability and that digital transformation capability has a positive impact on operational performance. In addition, the digital transformation capability plays a mediating role between strategic orientation and operational performance. Doubtlessly, the company needs, to focus on building their own digital transformation capabilities (Sensing, Organizi,ng and restructuring) to create new business value. A digital transformation capability will encourage company to integrate their business processes and routines through digital technology to achieve a competitive advantage.

A Study to Assess the Level of Stress among Care Givers of Thalassemia Attending Thalassemia Clinics of H.S.K Hospital and Research Centre, Bagalkot

Background: Thalassemia affects approximately 4.4 out of every 10,000 live births throughout the world. This condition causes both males and females to inherit the relevant gene mutations equally because it follows an autosomal pattern of inheritance with no preference for gender. Approximately 5% of the worldwide population has a variation in the alpha or beta part of the hemoglobin molecule, although not all of these are symptomatic and some are known as silent carriers.1

Objective: Find the level of stress among care givers of Thalassemia attending Thalassemia clinics.

Methods: Descriptive survey research design has been adopted with the sample of 50 care givers of thalassemia attending Thalassemia clinics of H.S.K Hospital and Research Centre, Bagalkot. Data were collected using self report method and Hospital’s records. Tools used for data collection were; socio-demographic questionnaire, The Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) to assess the stress among care givers of thalassemia.

Results: Findings related to assessment of level of stress among care givers of thalassemia shows that, highest percent 66 % of care givers were mild stressed, 34 percent of them were have moderate stress. There is a significant association was found between level of stress and sex of care givers (ᵪ2=0.0254; P<0.05).And no significant association was found between level of stress among care givers of thalassemia and their other socio demographic variables.

Conclusion: The overall findings of the study revealed that, care givers thalassemia was had mild and moderate level of stress. There is a significant association was found between level of stress and sex of care givers.

Analysis of the head of Madrasah Leadership Style, Teaching Methods, Teacher Competence, Learning Strategies Towards Student Quality in the Industry 4.0 Era Madrasah Aliyah (MA) Tapin Regency, South Kalimantan

The aim of this research is to analyze and prove the simultaneous and partial influence of the madrasa head’s leadership style, learning methods, teacher competence, learning strategies on student quality in the industrial era 4.0 at Madrasah Aliyah (MA) Tapin Regency. The approach to this research is quantitative research, namely research that focuses on studying objective phenomena to be studied quantitatively. The sample taken in this study used a total sampling technique of 47 people consisting of 3 heads of Madrasah Aliyah in Tapin Regency, 44 certified civil servant teachers. Data collection techniques use questionnaires, documentation, interviews and observation. Validity and reliability tests were carried out on the research instruments. Data were analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis with classical assumption tests. The results of the research show that simultaneously the leadership style of the madrasa head, learning methods, teacher competence, and learning strategies have a significant effect on the quality of students in the industrial era 4.0 at Madrasah Aliyah Tapin Regency. Partially, the leadership style of the madrasa head, teacher competency and learning strategies have no significant influence on the quality of students in the industrial era 4.0 at Madrasah Aliyah Tapin Regency, but learning methods have a significant influence on the quality of students in the industrial era 4.0 at Madrasah Aliyah Tapin Regency.

Mediating Effect of Perceived Organizational Support in Role of Work-Family Conflict and Work Stress Correctional Police Officer at Temanggung Class II B Detention Center

This study examines and analyzes work-family conflict’s influence on work stress for Correctional Police Officers at Temanggung Class II B Detention Center. In addition, this study examines the mediating role of perceived organizational support on the relationship between work-family conflict and work stress. This research is quantitative and designed to test hypotheses. The data in this research is primary data taken from 40 correctional police officers with the criteria of being married. The results of this study indicate that work-family conflict has a significant positive effect on work stress. However, perceived organizational support did not significantly mediate the influence of work-family conflict on the work stress.

The Effect of School Facilities and Work Environment on the Performance of State Madrasah Tsanawiyah Teachers in Tapin District

The aim of this research is to determine the influence of school facilities and infrastructure as well as the work environment on the performance of State Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTsN) teachers in Tapin Regency. This research uses quantitative methods with a correlational research type. The research population was 152 people from five MTsN throughout Tapin Regency, namely MTsN 1 Tapin, MTsN 2 Tapin, MTsN 3 Tapin, MTsN 4 Tapin, MTsN 5 Tapin and MTsN 6 Tapin. The research sample consisted of 70 people. The sampling technique in this research is simple random sampling. The data collection technique uses a questionnaire. Data were analyzed using correlation analysis and multiple regression techniques. The research results show that: (1) School Facilities and Infrastructure have a significant effect on the performance of MTsN teachers in Tapin Regency; (2) The work environment has a significant effect on the performance of MTsN teachers in Tapin Regency; (3) School facilities and infrastructure as well as the work environment simultaneously have a significant influence on the performance of MTsN teachers in Tapin Regency.