Unveiling Psychological Perspectives on Aging Minds and Cancer: A Review

In geriatric oncology, the intersection of aging complexities and cancer care intricacies shapes the journey of elderly individuals facing cancer. This review explores emotional, cognitive, and social dynamics influencing their experiences and care.

Following a cancer diagnosis, older adults navigate a spectrum of emotions—from shock to resilience—crucial in shaping coping strategies and treatment decisions. The toll of cancer treatments, compounded by age-related vulnerabilities, underscores the need for tailored care plans that account for social and familial dynamics.

Cognitive functions undergo shifts influenced by aging and treatments, emphasizing the importance of understanding these changes in decision-making processes. Caregiver-patient relationships emerge as pivotal, impacting cognitive well-being and necessitating interventions supporting both parties.

Psychological interventions, from counselling to mindfulness practices, offer avenues for comprehensive care. Integrating these interventions into multidisciplinary care fosters resilience and enriches survivorship experiences among elderly cancer patients.

This review advocates a personalized approach in geriatric oncology, emphasizing tailored interventions and comprehensive care strategies that honour individual experiences. Future research directions focus on exploring emotional resilience, cognitive adaptability, and intervention outcomes to enhance care for elderly individuals navigating cancer’s challenges.

In conclusion, geriatric oncology demands personalized, multidisciplinary care strategies that integrate psychological support and acknowledge the complexities of aging. This integration marks a transformative shift towards holistic care, paving the way for tailored and effective interventions supporting elderly patients throughout their cancer journey.

The Influence of Good Corporate Governance Mechanisms on Earnings Management with Corporate Social Responsibility as a Moderation Variable in Manufacturing Companies on the Indonesian Stock Exchange

This research aims to determine the effect of good corporate governance mechanisms on earnings management with corporate social responsibility as a moderating variable in food and beverage subsector manufacturing companies on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. This research is quantitative research with a causal nature and data collection techniques obtained through annual reports of food and beverage subsector companies listed on the IDX for the 2018-2022 period. The population in this study were 26 food and beverage subsector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI). The non-probability sampling technique in this research is saturated sampling (census). The analysis techniques used are panel data regression techniques and moderated regression analysis. The research results show that independent commissioners have no effect on earnings management. The audit committee has no effect on earnings management. Institutional ownership has a negative and significant effect on earnings management. Managerial ownership has no effect on earnings management. Corporate social responsibility is unable to moderate the influence of independent commissioners on earnings management.

Penta Helix Partnership Program to Increased Waste Management Based on SDG Target 11.6 “Handling the City Waste” in Coblong District Bandung City

Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs) are one of national and global efforts to maintain and create a clean and safe environment. However, the increasing amount of waste, especially in the city of Bandung, means that this criterion is broken. The community’s daily waste production is still high, causing waste to continue to pile up. Ironically, with the population of Bandung City being quite large and dense, especially in Coblong District, the TPA around Bandung City is no longer able to accommodate waste from Bandung City. As a result, the rubbish was simply abandoned on the side of the road. However, this waste problem is not the responsibility of just one party. This waste problem is a problem that requires cooperation from various parties called Penta Helix consisting of Academics, Business, Community, Government and Media. This research was conducted using explanatory qualitative research methods. With the aim of finding out how Penta Helix collaborates in realizing waste management in realizing the SDG 11.6 target in Coblong District through analysis from five points of view of the Penta Helix pillars. Because in dealing with this problem, multi-party cooperation is needed so that its implementation can be realized well and the impact given is more comprehensive and maximum. The result is that the collaboration between Penta Helix pillars is still not synergistic and the efforts shown, especially by the Government, are still not serious. Like waste that has been sorted and mixed again at the landfill, existing regulations are still minimally enforced and the human resources involved still do not meet the standards they should be. Then, the basic problem experienced by all the pillars in Penta Helix is the lack of community ability in sorting and managing waste from the household.

The Impact of Perceived Value and Attitude towards Purchase Intention at Sambel Branding Restaurant

Sambal is a traditional Indonesian spice that has been an essential component of Indonesian cuisine for centuries. Today, it is considered a staple spice in all Indonesian dishes. The popularity of sambal has attracted many new restaurants of varying scales to enter the spicy food market and utilize the “Sambel” brand as their restaurant attraction. Jakarta, which is one of the eight primary cities in Indonesia, ranks fourth with the most restaurant dine-in visits in 2022. As per the data provided by the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), there are 6,780 restaurant units in Indonesia of medium to large scale. Jakarta secures the top spot as the province with the most medium-scale restaurants in Indonesia, with 3,062 units in 2021. Sambel Korek DNO is one of the dining places in Jakarta with the Sambel, the central outlet is located in Sumur Batu Kemayoran. This establishment is the highest contributor to the sales of Sambel Korek DNO as compared to other establishments. The significant consumption levels of Jakartans and their fondness for spicy cuisine drive new entries to launch their street food stalls, small establishments, and restaurants under the Sambel brand, causing an increase in competition. However, the sales of DNO Korek Sambal did not meet the target this year due to a decline in the number of customers dining at this outlet. This could be attributed to low brand awareness, as many other eateries also use the “Sambel” branding. Additionally, customers’ perception of quality may be influenced by the similarity in offerings with other major players in the “Sambel” market, such as Waroeng SS and Sambal Bakar Indonesia. This research wants to analyze whether perceived value and attitude could mediate brand awareness and perceived quality toward purchase intention for potential customers and existing customers. This research is conducted using SPSS and PLS-SEM. Resulting that Attitude has no mediating effects on brand awareness and perceived quality towards purchase intention. However, perceived quality has mediating effects on brand awareness and perceived quality towards attitude, which has a significant influence on purchase intention.

Unveiling Gold Investment Preferences: A Comprehensive Analysis of Factors Shaping Intention to Invest in Gold Installment Plans

This study investigates the determinants influencing Indonesian consumers’ intention to invest in gold installments, examining the intricate dynamics shaped by economic recovery and post-COVID-19 behavioral shifts. Grounded in Kotler and Armstrong’s Model of Buyer Behavior, the research employs Structural Equation Modeling Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS) to test hypotheses derived from an extensive survey. Key findings reveal that price, promotion, and return significantly impact consumer attitudes, subsequently influencing the intention to invest in gold installments. However, security, risk, and ease of mechanism did not emerge as significant determinants. The study’s robust framework is statistically validated through R-squared values, indicating its explanatory power. While contributing valuable insights, the research acknowledges limitations such as a focused demographic and cross-sectional design, suggesting avenues for future research to diversify samples and adopt longitudinal approaches. Qualitative methods and exploration of cultural and regional variations within Indonesia are recommended for a more nuanced understanding. This study provides strategic insights for stakeholders in the gold investment market, emphasizing the need for considerations in pricing, promotion, and perceived returns to align with evolving consumer attitudes.

The Effect of Magnetic Stirring Duration and Ascorbic Acid Concentration on the Yield of Reduced Graphene Oxide Isolated from East Kalimantan Bituminous Coal

East Kalimantan bituminous coal has a carbon composition of 70.24%, indicating a crystal structure of graphite layers. This makes it a viable material for creating reduced graphene oxide (r-GO), which has multiple advantages in various properties and can be employed in numerous technological applications. RGO is obtained by nearly eliminating oxygen functional groups in graphene oxide (GO) through sonication for 3 hours at pH 4. The yield with the lowest value at a 10% concentration of ascorbic acid and 50 minutes of magnetic stirring was selected as optimal. To characterize the resulting product, FTIR was utilized and revealed that O-H (84.21%), C=C (63.04%), and C-O-C (61%) had the highest %T. Technical abbreviations were explained upon first use. Energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX) analysis demonstrated a 90.6% increase in carbon content from 40.159% in GO to 76.554% in r-GO. In parallel, oxygen content decreased from 40,973% in GO to 17.551% in rGO, marking a 57.16% decrease. The morphology of the resulting rGO closely resembled the reference. Additionally, rGO exhibited a C:O ratio of 4.378, surpassing the C:O ratio of GO, which was 1.02. RGO density and pH value were 1.45 g/cm3 and 2, respectively.


Development of A Higher-Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) Instrument to Measure Student’s Critical Thinking Abilities in Class V Elementary School

This research and development aims to produce a feasible and practical Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) instrument to measure students’ critical thinking skills in grade V elementary school mathematics subjects. This research method is development research that refers to the design of Borg & Gall. The research was conduct in class V SDN 3 Sumberejo. Feasibility testing of instruments developed in this study uses expert tests, validity tests, reliability tests, differentiation power tests and difficulty tests. The results of this study showed that an eight-question instrument was obtained, which is suitable for use. The practicality of the instrument, based on the response of educators and learners as practitioners, yielded a very practical assessment. This demonstrates that the developed HOTS instrument is feasible and practical for measuring the critical thinking ability of fifth-grade elementary school students.

Application of Floating Maxim on Implicature in Japanese Language

Cooperative principle is a principle in communication to make speakers and listeners to be coordinative for achieve communication’s aims. In cooperative principle, there are maxims accordance cooperative principle. Speakers must give truth speech, be brief, do not more informative than its required, and make it clear. Sometimes people didn’t contribute in communication, and make utterance float the maxims. This floating maxim creates the implicature. Implicature is one of pragmatic’s scope discussed about conveyed meaning in utterances. Meanwhile pragmatic is a scope of speakers meaning which implicature has truth conditional meaning conveyed by speakers. But, only conversational implicature create by floating maxim. Implicature can be find in every language such as Japanese. It supported by ideology called aimai to make ambiguous speech. As the background, this research is to find floating maxim in implicature in Japanese. Floating maxims by Grice used for theory in this research. The method that used was descriptive analysis. Data source in anime and Japanese drama to find implicature in Japanese. The result of this research is maxim of relation were founded dominant. It according to the aims of communication, and other side speaker has different aims with their partner. Floating of relation maxim used for for showing disinterest, admiration, and sarcasm.

Propose Marketing Strategies of Oasis Siliwangi Sport Hotel to Increase Brand Awareness and Purchase Intention

After the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, there was a rise in tourist visitors from different parts of Indonesia to Bandung, resulting in a direct boost in the occupancy rate of star hotels in the city. Because of this growth, numerous hotels developed, with the majority being 3-star establishments. The Oasis Siliwangi Sport Hotel is a three-star establishment in Bandung, offering a range of facilities and an ideal location. Oasis Siliwangi Sport Hotel in Bandung is now struggling with a lack of brand awareness, resulting in potential customers being unaware of the hotel’s existence and room occupancy rates. Consequently, this has led to a decline in the intention to make reservations. The objective of this study is to determine the variables that influence the level of brand awareness for Oasis Siliwangi Sport Hotel and develop effective marketing strategies to enhance the likelihood of customers choosing to stay at Oasis Siliwangi Sport Hotel. Data collection comes from primary data and secondary data. The primary data collection strategy is quantitative, utilizing a questionnaire for consumer analysis and hypothesis testing. Secondary data will be acquired from national and international scientific journals, previous research, book literature, government reports, and other reliable source of internet sites. The survey was disseminated to 217 potential target market participants with prior experience lodging at the hotel. The gathered data is analyzed using SMART PLS. The research findings indicate that Advertising and Social Media Marketing positively influence Brand Awareness. Furthermore, brand awareness, price, and facilities influence customer’s purchase intention. Based on these findings, several recommendations and strategies are made. These include create exciting bundling package and loyalty program, optimize promotion activities, utilize advertising to reach consumers, and strengthen hotel facility.