Job Cat Egory Prioritization and Selection in PT.MAI 88 Using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)

PT. MAI 88, one of the government company divisions in the Pekanbaru City which operates in the fields of Public Works, Spatial Planning, Housing, Settlement Areas and Land. PT.MAI 88 experienced difficulties, namely that material resources were not allocated properly. With the main aim of prioritizing the procurement of goods for road and bridge construction maintenance, this research focuses on one of the uses of Multicriteria Decision Making (MCDM), namely the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) to determine the ranking of each construction goods procurement job. The AHP method itself has been discussed with stakeholders involved in the project. It has four categories and thirteen subcategories that have been determined and lead to 12 job alternatives. The results of the AHP show that the criteria with the highest weight starts from Urgency followed by Public Satisfaction, Quality, and Cost Management. Then for the Sub criteria with the highest weight, namely Reports from local public, followed by Traffic Management, Long-term Durability and Reliability, Compliance with specifications and Standards, Labor Cost, Public Safety, Rent Construction Equipment, Resources Availability, Material Cost, Public Engagement and Communication, Stakeholder Expectations, Ease of Installation and Integration, and finally Subcontractor Cost. The alternatives with the highest weight are Procurement of Road Signs, Procurement of “Urugan Pilihan”, Procurement of Base A Stones, Procurement of Base B Stones, Procurement of Several Construction Equipment, Procurement of Asphalt Concrete Binder Course, Procurement of Non-subsidized diesel fuel , Procurement of Dump Truck, Procurement of Binder Absorbent layer, Procurement of material for Culvert Channels and Boxes, Procurement of Construction Retaining Wall, Procurement of Cementation Work.

Analyzing the Financial Efficiency and Stability of FMCG Companies in Indonesia: A Study of Inventory Turnover and Debt-to-Equity Ratios

Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) companies tend to have rapid shelf turnover. It is identical with financial measurement on its inventory turnover rate. This is because FMCG companies typically have their inventory stored in warehouses in order to fulfill their customers’ fast demands of their products. Hence; when a company has a low inventory turnover; it means that their products are not selling as fast as they should; affecting their inventory management efficiency as well as their expenses. Where a company has successfully balanced their inventory management, a manageable debt-to-equity ratio is also good to avoid excessive financial risk for the company. Company’s solvability depends on how liquid is the company and how well they could pay off its debt; this also relates to how they finance their company which is where the calculation of D/E ratio is useful. This determines whether the company uses equity to finance their operations or instead rely on debt to finance their operational expenses. The result of analysis have shown that companies with high inventory turnover ratio like PT Buyung Poetra Sembada Tbk, PT Tigaraksa Satria Tbk, and PT Akasha Wira International Tbk with a positive net income and high inventory turnover rate tend to have stable and low numbers of D/E ratio while 64.37% of companies in Indonesia still have ITR that is way below nationwide average. A high inventory turnover translates to faster cash flow, allowing these companies to repay debt more quickly and maintain a low D/E ratio. This research will be designed qualitatively by using the quantitative numbers given from companies publicly posted financial statements and annual reports with complementary knowledge from secondary data derived from the company’s website and other resources including reputable journals, mass media, and online articles. Research will then begin with a preliminary analysis to obtain listed FMCG companies in Indonesia, then curate them based on their current inventory and D/E Ratio. Comparison of the companies’ financial performance is done by using their data from the year end 2022; the data obtained will then be calculated to produce numbers of inventory turnover ratio, D/E ratio, and ROA ratio to be able to draw the conclusion from the numbers produced. Three companies with the highest and lowest number of inventory turnover ratio and D/E ratio are then picked along with analyzing their financial statements to determine the companies’ net income. Additional list of some of the biggest FMCG companies in Indonesia is also included in order to be able to see the overall strategy of performance of a company who had been long in the industry. Through the analysis, the correlation of inventory turnover and D/E ratio within the company indeed impact financial performance stability of the company in a way that a lower D/E which means that they will have less financial risk and more stability. Companies can be benefitted to be able to stay stable in the market facing the volatile economic conditions and industry downturns; lower D/E can also mean more flexibility for future investment. Lenders will more likely to lend more money when indeed to the companies who have lower D/E ratio compared to other companies with higher D/E. A high ITR and low DER can make a company  more agile, reduce the burden of interest payments, which eventually will make it easier for the company to invest in profitable opportunities, and lead to  higher ROA.

The Influence of Technological Literacy, Education, and Employment on Poverty in Kalimantan

Poverty is a condition in which individuals or groups lack sufficient resources to meet their basic needs. It is a fundamental issue that can affect the economic growth rate of a region. This study aims to analyze the influence of labor force absorption, percentage of computer users, telecommunications consumption, and education level on the number of poor people in the provinces of Kalimantan Island from 2018 to 2022 using panel data regression analysis. The results from the selected Fixed Effects model indicate that telecommunications consumption has a positive impact on the number of poor people, while the education level has a negative impact on the number of poor people. However, labor force absorption and the percentage of computer users do not significantly influence the number of poor people. Based on the research findings, it is hoped that the government can create an extensive telecommunications network. The expectation is that communication facilities and infrastructure will be widely available, leading to reduced telecommunications expenses for the population, allowing them to allocate their money towards daily essential needs. Additionally, adequate communication facilities are expected to aid the teaching and learning process in Kalimantan Island, as the improvement in educational quality has proven to decrease the poverty rate during the research period.


Feasibility Study for Investment as Agent (Case Study: PT. Tirta Chemoil)

After the financial sector underwent a dramatic transformation in 2020, primarily brought on by the COVID-19 Pandemic, certain areas of the market have recovered while others are still struggling to recover from the financial losses brought on by the pandemic. Despite the drop of sales, and the growth trend was declining. PT. Tirta Chemoil show a good trend of oil sales that shows it is gradually increasing from 2018 which means that oil industry is generating a good revenue to the company. Thus, being told that there is an opportunity to be an agent of brand R, the stakeholder asked me to do the financial feasibility study to see whether their investment are worth it and able to generate a return in 10 years ahead. The research objectives on this study mainly about the feasibility of the company invest in being an agent for the lubricants oil brand. The feasibility study mainly use the indicator on discounted cash flow (DCF) such as net present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR), Profitability Index (PI), and payback period. This feasibility study use sensitivity analysis to see the effect on the change of price and quantity to the generated NPV, also use monte carlo analysis to complete with the simulation analysis. Lubricants industry in Indonesia is growing year to year and projected to generate a constant growth on the next few years. The segmentation is all of the industrial oil, targeting West Java market especially industry that use lubricants as the main component for their machinery, and positioning in a premium grade oil. The generated NPV is Rp 5,394,761,715.48, IRR 46%, PI 5,94, and payback period in 4 years. The conclusion is PT. Tirta Chemoil should take the chance to invest in the new product with lowering the initial investment and Capital expenditure so that the payback period can be faster and it can generate more revenue.

Improving Corporate Shared Value to Reach Competitive Advantage in Banking Industry

This research delves into the integration of Corporate Shared Value (CSV) within the banking industry, focusing on its role in fostering competitive advantage particularly in developing countries, with a certain emphasis on Indonesia. It scrutinizes the strategic implementation and effectiveness of CSV practices, contributes to both social impact and profitability, especially in the context of PT Bank XYZ. The study investigates Bank XYZ’s innovative initiatives, including the ‘Enhance Young MSMEs’ program, aimed at empowering Indonesian MSMEs. This program supports scale up to international market, digital transformation, modern practices, branding enhancement and financial literacy, aligning with Indonesia’s ‘Emas 2045’ vision. The research employs a combination of literature review and qualitative analysis, including interviews with Bank XYZ representative and MSME participants, to understand CSV’s role in banking and its impact on competitive advantage in developing countries.

The Effect of Service Quality and 7P Marketing Mix on Repurchase Intention with Customer Satisfaction as Intervening Variable (Study at Perihal Kopi)

This study investigates the relationship between service quality and 7P marketing mix as key factors in achieving customer satisfaction and repurchase intention. The focus is to measure the extent to which customer satisfaction can influence the desire to repurchase. Service quality and the 7P marketing mix are considered the main predictors of customer satisfaction that can be assessed directly through consumer perceptions. The study method involves analysing customer assessment of various aspects of service quality and 7P marketing mix at Perihal Kopi, Depok. This study was conducted quantitatively by distributing online questionnaires to 237 respondents around JABODETABEK with the main criteria of respondent is individual who has visited Perihal Kopi. Data analysis used are instrument validity and reliability test, hypothesis test, and path analysis using the SmartPLS 4 Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) program. The result of this study indicates all the items of each variable are valid and reliable. Based on the findings, service quality has no significant effect to customer satisfaction and repurchase intention while 7P marketing mix has a significant effect to customer satisfaction and repurchase intention. The results of this study are expected to provide a deep understanding of the Perihal Kopi’s position from the customer’s perspective, allowing the Perihal Kopi to identify the areas that need to be improved. By understanding the factors that affect customer satisfaction, Perihal Kopi can design and implement effective action plans to improve the 7P marketing mix and achieve repurchase intention goals in the future.

The Differences in Treatment Received by the Upper and Lower Classes of the 19th Century British Society Shown in Jane Austen’s Mansfield Park

This study employs Lucien Goldmann’s Genetic Structuralism approach to dissect the treatment disparities experienced by the upper and lower echelons of society within Jane Austen’s “Mansfield Park.” Utilizing textual analysis, the research scrutinizes instances delineating differential treatment, including condescension and exclusion, towards characters belonging to distinct social strata. The findings delineate the prevalent class-based prejudices, revealing the societal dichotomy ingrained within the novel’s narrative. In examining the treatment disparities within Jane Austen’s “Mansfield Park” through Lucien Goldmann’s Genetic Structuralism approach, this study delves into the intricacies of societal divisions and class-based prejudices. Goldmann’s method allows for a nuanced exploration of the upper and lower echelons of society as depicted in the novel, revealing subtle nuances of condescension and exclusion. Through meticulous textual analysis, the research identifies instances that illuminate the societal dichotomy present in the narrative. By applying this theoretical framework, the study not only brings to light the inherent class biases but also contributes to a deeper understanding of the complex interplay between social structures and individual experiences within the world Austen crafted in “Mansfield Park.”

Analysis of the Effect of Third Party Funds, Non-Performing Loans, Loan to Deposit Ratio on Lending Before and After Covid-19 with Profitability as a Moderating Variable in Conventional Banks Listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange for The Period 2017 – 2022

This study aims to analyze the factors that influence lending in banking companies on the Indonesia Stock Exchange, with a focus on third-party funds, non-performing loans, and loan-to-deposit ratios. Profitability is also evaluated as a moderating variable. The research object includes 40 conventional banks of the Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2017 to 2022. The analysis method involved multiple linear regression, moderated regression analysis, and paired sample t-tests. The results show that third-party funds have a significant positive effect on lending. Non-performing loans also affect lending positively although not significantly. Loan to deposit ratio has a positive and significant effect on lending. There is a significant difference in the level of third-party funds and loan-to-deposit ratio before and after the Covid-19 pandemic. However, there is no significant difference in the level of non-performing loans. Profitability does not moderate the effect of variables on lending.

Indicators to Measure the Influence of Celebrity Personality and Humor Ads on Consumer Purchasing Intentions

Humorous advertising is considered the most effective marketing tool. However, on the other hand, consumers still identify the credibility of celebrities who star in advertisements. Companies need to determine which aspects of these two things are effective in increasing consumer purchasing intentions according to the type of product and target market. Apart from that, this research also measures endorsed brand credibility, transfer of brand image, attitude toward ads and e-word of mouth. This measuring tool was tested on a sample of 30 women who had seen a funny endorsement video from a famous comedian digital in Indonesia. The data was processed using IBM SPSS Statistics 26. The test results showed that the measuring instrument consisting of 7 constructs and 49 items met the validity and reliability criteria. Therefore, this particular measurement instrument was prepared for use in further research purposes.

Capital Budgeting Analysis of Broiler Farm Construction in Central Java

Indonesia, positioned as a prominent emerging market, draws its economic strength from a diverse mix of agriculture, manufacturing, and a thriving services sector. The nation’s strategic location, coupled with abundant resources and a youthful population, forms a resilient economic foundation that has contributed to its sustained growth. One notable sector that plays a pivotal role in meeting the country’s protein needs is the poultry industry. Chicken consumption has risen to 7.41 kilograms per capita yearly, indicating a substantial 9.23% increase from 2020. Against this backdrop of economic vibrancy and shifting consumption patterns, PT.XYZ, a key player in the poultry industry, is strategically positioning itself for expansion. Recognizing the immense potential within Indonesia’s dynamic poultry sector, PT.XYZ is planning to enhance its broiler meat production capabilities through the construction of new broiler chicken farm facilities. This research endeavours to provide PT.XYZ with a comprehensive feasibility analysis for the envisioned broiler chicken farm facilities. The proposed facilities are designed to produce a significant volume, with a capacity of up to 16.8 million chickens annually, equivalent to approximately 29,3 million kilograms of chicken meat per year. The construction timeline is strategically set for two years, spanning from September 2024 to October 2026. The research findings present a compelling case for the feasibility of PT.XYZ’s ambitious broiler farm construction project. Financial indicators reveal a positive Net Present Value, an Internal Rate of Return that exceeds the Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC), and a Payback Period of five years, aligning with the company’s strategic plans. These results underscore the financial viability and attractiveness of the proposed expansion.