Do Instructional Strategies Impact Students’ Situational Interests in Learning Mathematics? A Case Study of Secondary School Students in Guyana

This experimental study investigates which instructional strategies are effective in promoting situational interest in learning mathematics among secondary school students. This research study builds on established theories of interest and mathematics education. Situational interest is an important facet of learning engagement, and it can potentially enhance students’ interest and motivation in class.  A total of 165 students were engaged in this study, selected from three diverse secondary schools in Georgetown, Guyana, encompassing different grade levels and varying motivating profiles. This study employed a quantitative research design, providing a comprehensive understanding of the relationship between instructional strategies and situational interest. Participants were given a carefully constructed questionnaire that entails questions about their level of situational interest and their perceptions of various instructional strategies used in their mathematics classroom. Results suggested visual aids, inquiry-based learning, and collaborative learning are most effective in promoting situational interest. These findings highlight the interplay between pedagogical approaches and students’ motivation, and how closely connected they are. This emphasizes the importance of using teaching strategies that align with students’ interests and needs.


Proposed Strategy on Diversity Climate, Organization Development, and Organization Effectiveness in Indonesian Transportation Company

This research aims to comprehensively investigate the impact of diversity climate on organizational development and effectiveness within PT Thomas Gesit, a state-owned enterprise in Indonesia. The study is motivated by the need to address the challenges posed by diversity and its influence on organizational practices, particularly in the context of a specific division within the company. The research is guided by the following objectives: to identify and analyse the organizational practices unique to the company that impact diversity climate and employee collaboration, to implement HR strategies based on the existing conditions for the benefit of similar companies in the industry, and to explore the influence of diversity climate on employee collaboration within the state-owned enterprise. All the source persons’ data is anonymous and presented in pseudonyms to maintains confidentiality regarding the company’s identity, the researcher aims to uphold the principles of responsible scholarship and avoid any unintended repercussions.

Erasmus+ Student’s Motives from the Perspective of Self-Determination Theory: A Review of Literature

Numerous theories have explained students’ motives for participating in the Erasmus+ mobility program. Push-pull theory, consumer decision-making models, and rational choice theories are the most famous. Regardless of their merits, personal motives for Erasmus+ are ignored. Using the perspective of Self-determination theory, this literature review examines different articles and categorizes the main motives based on fundamental psychological needs of autonomy, competence, and relatedness. It was found that personal growth, leisure, and travel desire were autonomous motives, language learning, adaptability and independence were under competence while meeting new people and European identity fell under relatedness. This review illuminates the significance of considering personal motives in Erasmus+ and it could serve as a basis for future research in improving and tailoring the program.

Physiological Response of Male Bali Cattle to supplementation of complete pellet feed based on Fermented Corn Cob Waste as a source of fiber and NuPro Yeast Extract Supplement

This study aims to determine the aim of this research, namely to determine the physiological response of male Bali cattle supplemented with complete pelleted feed based on fermented corn cob waste as a source of fiber and Nupro yeast extract supplement. In this study, 4 male Bali cattle were used in the age range of 1 – 1.5 years, with an initial body weight ranging from 101-124 kg with an average of 116.75 kg and a coefficient of variation of 9.16%. This research used an experimental method with a Latin square design consisting of 4 treatments and 4 periods as replications. The treatments in this study were P0: Pellet complete feed (20% fermented corn cob + 80% concentrate + 1% extra Nupro yeast), P1: Pellet complete feed (30% corncob + 70% concentrate + 1% extra Nupro yeast), P2: Pellet complete feed (40% corncob + 60% concentrate + 1% extra Nupro yeast), P3: Pellet complete feed (50% corncob + 50% concentrate + 1% extra Nupro yeast). Data obtained in Analysis Of Variance. The results of this study obtained the average value of body temperature (0C) P0 38.15 ± 0.55, P1 37.94 ± 0.81, P2 38.42 ± 0.39, P3 38.14 ± 0.88, pulse (times/minute) P0 72.08±9.28, P1 71.83±4.21, P2 67.25±13.10, P3 69.33±8.21, Respiratory frequency (times/minute) P0 21,75±1.49, P1 22.08±1.03, P2 24±1.24, P3 22.83±1.68 and water consumption (Liter/head/day) P0 5.68±0.62. P1 5.93 ± 0.82, P2 5.75 ± 0.61, P3 5.75 ± 0.20. The results of statistical analysis showed that the treatment had no significant effect (P>0.05) on body temperature, respiratory frequency, pulse rate and water consumption of male Bali cattle. The conclusion of the research is that complete feed supplementation with pellets containing fermented corn cobs as a fiber source provides and Nupro extra yeast supplement the same physiological response between treatments, so it can be used as a complete feed constituent at a level of 20-50% combined with concentrate feed.

Single Phase Inverter Design for Solar Panel Output Voltage

Inverter is a devices that functions to convert DC input voltage to AC. One technique for optimizing the inveter output is SPWM. In this final project, a single–phase SPWM inverter with bipolar SPWM switching is designed. This inverter has 1 phase H-Bridge spesifications, with IGBT components, resistors, warehouse and inductors where there are 4 MOSFETs that can be connected. By carrying out 3 test with different sources for a 244.44 volt DC source it produces 0,47 % harmonic, a variable DC source produces 54,81 % harmonics and for a PV sources 9,91 % harmonics. Of the three test, the largest harmonic value is by using a variable DC source. Large harmonic can affect the shape of the wave to be non-sine and the wave has lots of ripples. This simulation aims to facilitate the design of real inverter devices.

Buck-Boost Converter Using Control Proportional Integral Derivative (PID)

Solar Power Plantsare systems A power plant that utilizes energy from light the sun to produce electrical energy. But often a problem was found, where the resulting output voltage not constant. For this reason, the Buck-Boost circuit is used converter, a piece of equipment that has a converting function the varying DC input voltage becomes a voltage constant DC output. In this research, a simulation was carried out to a buck-boost converter using PID control. Design simulated with Proteus 8.9. Input voltage setting is the main objective in analyzing success simulation series created. Selection of PID control constants the right one will produce a buck-boost output voltage the converter matches the setpoint and gets a response stable output voltage. By using the trial method and error obtained that with the PID constant, namely Kp = 1.0, Ki=0.01, Kd = 0.1 and for an input voltage range of 12 volts up to 40 volts, the simulation results show that the voltage The output is relatively constant, namely 24 volts with a load test fixed and variable loads.

Cost Optimization and Risk Management Program for the Fuel Supply Network in an Oil & Gas Swamp Operation

Marine activity is a critical part of an oil & gas company that operates in the swamp area. The company utilizes rigs, barges, and boats to achieve maximum production. Fuel supply for marine fleets is highly essential to ensure smooth operation. Since fuel cost becomes one of the biggest components of operating expenses (OPEX), the stakeholders highly encourage cost optimization programs to ensure business profitability. However, any optimization program shall have a robust risk management program to avoid disturbance in the operation and potential financial losses.

The research aims to select the best fuel supply network in the swamp operation area of an oil & gas company using four criteria (operational expenses, service reliability, value creation, and health safety & environment) based on the literature review and subject matter experts’ analysis. The study will analyze several alternatives using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) as a decision-making tool and Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA) as the risk management method. The result shows that the hybrid network has the highest rating in AHP with a 33.7% rating and the lowest total risk priority number with 212 points.

Improvement of Strategic Negotiation on Collective Labor Negotiation Process at PT. Layar Berkembang Indonesia

Collective Labor Agreement Negotiation process is a mandatory for employers and workers in Indonesia as stipulated under Labor Law No:13 Year 2003 and further regulated under Ministry of Manpower Regulation (PERMENAKER) No:28 Year 2014. Through this Collective Labor Agreement process, unions continue to fight for the intrinsic rights of worker’s welfare such as salary increase, better medical health facility, transport allowance, meal allowance, terms of employment, and safety policies, ways to balance work and family, and more. From the employers’ perfective, Collective Labor Agreement negotiation process is very crucial process as the ‘failed negotiation’ could lead to a strike and cessation of company production.

The author conducted gap and data analysis by assessing the current process by referring to prevailing regulations. The author used SWOT analysis to identify the current weaknesses (internal factors) and un-structured negotiation strategy of PT. LAYAR BERKEMBANG Indonesia. External Analysis also being carried out by using PESTLE analysis to support the strategy improvement from different aspects and factors.

To support the implementation of new Negotiation Framework, management of PT. LAYAR BERKEMBANG must take a series of actions and involve all leadership team in this improvement initiatives. HR Department must take lead in this process and align with other stakeholders for the implementation of this new framework so that the next Collective Labor Negotiation process is accountable and align with prevailing regulations in Indonesia.therefore author recommend this method compared to the current simple moving average method.

Feasibility of MHealth Interventions towards Promoting HIV Self-testing Uptake in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Systematic Review of Literature

Background: HIV self-testing (HIVST) with mobile health technology (mHealth) support is the use of mobile phone-based interventions to complement HIVST in order to improve its efficiency and uptake. Existing reviews leaves a gap in the evidence that summarizes efforts on the feasibility of mHealth to promote HIVST uptake within Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA).

Objective: This study synthesized existing research on the feasibility of mobile health technology (mHealth) aimed at promoting HIV self-testing (HIVST) uptake within SSA using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines.

Result: Eleven studies met the inclusion criteria and were narratively synthesized, 63% of which were observational studies while 37% were randomized control trials. Mobile applications, SMS or a combination of mHealth strategies were mostly used to promote HIVST uptake. Most studies were carried out in South Africa (54%), and in the general population (54%). Feasibility metrics were inconsistently reported across studies because its definitions varied, nonetheless most studies reported one or more feasibility metrics and HIVST uptake was the most common way (81%) of assessing feasibility.

SMS-based interventions significantly increased HIVST uptake among hard-to-reach populations and were effective for reporting testing outcomes. Mobile applications guided participants through testing, result interpretation, and self-reporting HIVST results, and most studies reported high HIVST uptake (89.0%–100%). Compared to HIVST alone, call-based intervention enhanced HIVST uptake and linkage to care or prevention (p = 0.021). Most studies found combined mHealth interventions highly feasible (78.9%–99.2%).

Conclusion: Feasibility was variable between the diverse mHealth supports used to promote HIVST uptake. While findings pave the way for greater use of mHealth supported HIVST, future research should consider using rigorous research designs and focus on populations disproportionately affected by HIV within diverse SSA regions to ensure broad applicability. Feasibility measures should also be standardized for uniform reporting across studies.

The Role of Shadow Teacher in Inclusive School: A Literature Review

The importance of the role of special assistant teachers in inclusive schools is interesting to learn, especially in assisting children with special needs this article aims to examine the role of shadow teachers in inclusive schools. The article used in this literature review is an article obtained through Google Scholar by entering the keywords shadow teacher and inclusion school. Based on the results of a literature review of national and international articles that have been conducted, researchers found that there are several roles of special assistant teachers, including planning individual planning programs (PPI), designing assessments and mentoring strategies, modifying teaching materials, and coordinating with other teachers and parents.