Business Model Innovation to Optimize Revenue Growth in the B2C Sector of Research Service Providing Institution: Case Study at Nano Riset Indonesia

This research explores business model innovation at Nano Riset Indonesia NRI, a leader in nanotechnology research, focusing on enhancing revenue growth in the Business-to-Consumer (B2C) sector. The thesis presents an in-depth narrative of NRI’s business model, critically examining its internal operations and external market environment. Employing a holistic methodology, it blends quantitative and qualitative analyses, utilizing frameworks like VRIO, Porter’s Five Forces, and the Business Model Canvas to evaluate NRI’s position and identify areas for innovation. Key focuses include improving consumer value propositions and strengthening customer relationships, all while maintaining cost efficiency. Central to the thesis is a strategic vision for a reimagined business model, tailored to the unique demands of the B2C market. This proposed model aims to financial improvement but also to cultivate a sustainable business growth and adaptability in the dynamic field of research services.