Behavior of Educational Organizations in Education for Sustainable Development

This article deals with a literature review of internalizing Education of Sustainable Development (ESD) in Indonesia. The approach used in this research is a qualitative approach with a comparative descriptive method. Sustainable development is not only a way to overcome environmental crises, but also social and economic crises experienced in various parts of the world. One form of education that can have a major impact on development is Education for Sustainable. Development (ESD). Education for Sustainable Development enables every human being to acquire the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values needed to shape a sustainable future. The implementation of ESD in each school has various variations according to the school’s perception. The condition of the school background is correlated with efforts to implement ESD practices. The supporting factor for the implementation of ESD in elementary schools is if the school has a good concept and implementation related to aspects of school policy, school strategy, conception of implementing components and commitment to implementing activities. The inhibiting factor for the implementation of ESD in elementary schools is if the school does not have good policies and strategies related to ESD development and a low level of awareness regarding the conception and commitment to implementing ESD-based activities.