Analysis of The Usage of The Shopee Live Streaming Application, The Effectiveness of Promotion on Customer Repurchase Decisions Mediated by User Satisfaction

This study investigates the impact of live streaming, promotion effectiveness, and user satisfaction on customers’ repurchase decisions, based on data from 105 respondents through an online questionnaire. The analysis focuses on both direct and mediated effects, with quantitative methods applied.

The results reveal that live streaming significantly enhances user satisfaction (p-value = 0.000), but does not have a direct effect on repurchase decisions (p-value = 0.084). Promotion effectiveness, while not significantly impacting user satisfaction (p-value = 0.103), does have a significant influence on repurchase decisions (p-value = 0.032).

User satisfaction plays a crucial role in driving repurchase decisions (p-value = 0.038) and mediates the effect of live streaming on repurchase behavior (p-value = 0.049). In contrast, promotion effectiveness does not significantly influence repurchase decisions through user satisfaction (p-value = 0.184).

This study underscores the importance of user satisfaction as a key mediator in encouraging repurchase behavior. E-commerce platforms should enhance the engagement and familiarity of live streaming, ensuring it aligns with users’ shopping habits. Moreover, promotional strategies must be tailored to customer expectations in order to increase satisfaction and reduce disappointment. By optimizing these aspects, platforms can better cultivate customer loyalty and drive repurchase decisions.