Analysis of Debt Structure and Liquidity on Company Performance with Firm Size as a Moderation Variable: Sub-Sector Food and Beverage Listed on the IDX in the Period 2018-2022

This research aims to analyze and know the influence of Short-Term Debt, Long Term Debt, Total Debt to Assets, Total Debt to Equity, and Liquidity on Company Performance with Company Size as a moderating variable on manufacturing companies of the consumer goods industry listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange 2018-2022 period. The population of this research is manufacturing companies in the consumer goods industry sector, which consists of 47 companies. The sampling selection is conducted using the purposive sampling method. Therefore, 38 samples are obtained. The data analysis method in this research was carried out using panel data testing and data processing using the EViews program. The results of this research showed that partially and simultaneously, Short-Term Debt (STD), Long-Term Debt (LTD), and Total Debt to Assets (TDTA) have a significant effect on Company Performance. Firm Size can moderate the impact of Short-Term Debt, Long-Term Debt, Total Debt to Asset, Total Debt to Equity, and Liquidity on Company Performance.