Explanation of Womens’ Ideological Linguistic Aesthetics in Poetry by Indonesian and Malaysia Women Poets

Linguistic aesthetics is seen from the linguistic side with a critical view. The text is built from several linguistic tools in which there are ideology and power. This study aims to find and describe (1) vocabulary, (2) the beauty of metaphor, (3) grammar in Indonesian and Malaysian poetry. The literary approach used is a comparative literature approach. This research data is in the form of a poetry text consisting of vocabulary, phrases, and lines with certain ideological values. Data collection activities were carried out using documentation techniques with knowledge and insight into the intrinsic and extrinsic elements of poetry, and critical discourse analysis of poetry, particularly concerning the ideological insights of women in Indonesian and Malaysian poetry, and interviews were conducted with the poets. Data analysis procedure using diagrams of the stages of understanding women’s ideology based on the elaboration of Ricoeur’s hermeneutics: explanation-analysis and interpretation. Triangulation was carried out to test theories, data, and research methods to avoid research bias. The findings of this study are the linguistic aesthetics of the poems by the Indonesian and Malaysian female poets in the form of (1) vocabulary, (2) the beauty of metaphor, and (3) grammatical. This study strengthens the theory of critical discourse analysis because the findings of this study indicate that linguistic aesthetics describes three stages: description, interpretation, and explanation. Practically, these findings are useful for language and literature researchers to enrich the application of critical poetry to poetry.