Morphological Changes on Gungata River Watershed due to Anthropogenic Interferences, a part of the Upper Rihand Basin, Chhattisgarh

The main aims of this research are to identify the morphological changes and development of the Gungata River watershed due to the rapid growth and effects of anthropogenic activities. The natural origin of rivers is sensitive to anthropogenic interference which causes a change in channel morphological characteristics. Human activities have revamped the river geomorphology and made limitless anthropogenic geomorphic features. These features have remarkable characteristics which have sometimes been misbalanced with landscapes produced by natural processes. Modern techniques like remote sensing and GIS were used to identification of morphological changes and their historical comparison etc. High-resolution satellite imagery (LISS-I 5m.), Digital Elevation Model (CARTO DEM 30m) were used to analyze the anthropogenic geomorphic features which provide different opportunities for a better understanding of landscape processes. This research paper has been shown how anthropogenic activities interference with the morphological changes of the Gungata river watershed.