Home Range and Distance Covered of Chukar Partridge Alectoris Chukar at Mandal Valley, Garhwal Himalaya, India

Present paper reports Home range and distance covered of Chukar partridge at mandal valley, Garhwal Himalaya from November 2018 to October 2019. During the study period, average home range (altitude M) of Chukar was 1756.75±7.75 and average distance covered from water source 69.52±6.76 (M), maximum range observed in month of June (1812±8.0) while minimum range observed in November month (1708±5.0) respectively. Maximum distance covered observed in August month (99.04±11.42) and minimum distance covered recorded in month of May (41.10±4.83). Seasonal variation was also observed, Maximum range in Summer season (1803±10.33)and minimum observed in winter season (1713.33±8.0), seasonal variation also observed in monsoon and post monsoon season (84.85± 8.77) while minimum value was observed in summer season (47.77±6.44) respectively.