Investigating Forms of Community Participation in Stunting Prevention: The Case of Balubur Limbangan District, Indonesia

This study examines the forms of community participation in preventing stunting in Balubur Limbangan District, Garut Regency, Indonesia, which is one of the areas with high stunting cases. In 2023, stunting cases in this district increased by 34.3%, with the four highest villages being Ciwangi, Pangeureunan, Neglasari, and Surabaya. The research method uses a qualitative approach to describe community participation in preventing stunting. The analysis’s results reveal that Balubur Limbangan’s community only participates through labor, neglecting other forms of participation like thoughts, group discussions, expertise, goods, and money. The causes include lack of awareness and knowledge about stunting, as well as cultural factors. Recommendations include increasing education about stunting through comprehensive socialization and training, as well as intensive awareness campaigns. In addition, it is necessary to increase supervision and evaluation of Integrated Service Post (Posyandu) activities to ensure their effectiveness. We highly recommend collaboration and cooperation between various parties, including Community Health Center (Puskesmas), village governments, and community organizations, to strengthen and increase the effectiveness of stunting prevention and reduction programs.