Knowledge, Attitudes, and Beliefs about Vaccination as Perceived By Rural Residents in Surigao City

This descriptive quantitative research assessed the knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs on vaccination among the residents within the rurality of Barangay Rizal, Surigao City. The study used a validated researcher-made survey questionnaire that was also tested for reliability to ascertain the intended quantitative data. The respondents were selected through the purposive and quota sampling technique considering 100 maximum rural residents as respondents of the study. The frequency count and percentage revealed that most of the respondents were 18-24 years old, mostly female, mostly single, had achieved college level, and earning less than 9,100 pesos. Frequency Count, Mean, and Standard Deviation also revealed that most of the rural residents are less knowledgeable and have moderate levels of attitudes and beliefs about vaccination. The Analysis of Variance (AnOVa) and Pearson r revealed no significant associations between the residents’ profiles and the knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs about vaccination. Likewise, there was also no association and relationships between knowledge and attitudes and between attitudes and beliefs. Notably, there was a relationship between the residents’ knowledge and beliefs about vaccination. The study provided a broad overview of rural residents’ sentiments towards vaccination as well. It’s crucial to educate residents about the vaccine development process to address their concerns. They are cautious by observing the side effects of the vaccines before getting vaccinated. Barangay Health Workers should conduct stronger orientations or symposiums for the rural residents. Proper health education should be disseminated among these people through seminars or symposiums. Lastly, the staff or nurses of the rural health centers must provide accurate information and strengthen any advertisements or IEC materials for the wide dissemination of information. By providing brochures to provide clear and accurate information about vaccines.