Psychosocial Factors at Work: A Case Study among Salesmen in an Indonesian Automotive Company

Human resources are the most vital for organizations to achieve their goals. In today’s world where all the business operations are advancing, and competition is increasing, the performance of an employee is the vital source for survival. Performance is also characterized by the visible actions (i.e., behaviors) of individuals that are pertinent to the organization’s objectives. Regarding productivity, a systematic review found that psychosocial plays a role in explaining the quality and quantity aspects of shaping company productivity. The psychosocial condition of an employee is a form of reaction that the employee gives psychologically to his work and work environment, including his social relationships in the workplace such as with leaders, coworkers, or customers.

An Indonesian automotive company’s growth productivity is based on the unit sales by the salesman, market share, and Key Performance Indicator (KPI). Somehow, there is a decrease in their productivity. To address these circumstances, this study intends to explore psychosocial conditions that affect performance. This research intends to apply COPSOQ III to salesmen as a screening to the company, and to gain an understanding of which psychosocial factors that may impact on performance of the salesmen (N = 334). COPSOQ III consists of 147 items, 45 factors and grouped into eight domains.

Data were analysed using Pearson product-moment correlation with significance level (p value <0.05) are conducted to analyse COPSOQ III as measurement. Result shows that, mostly salesmen have issues in their health-well-being, demands at work, work organization and job contents, interpersonal relations and leadership, and work individual interface. The findings also explore significant correlation between burnout and some dimensions in health-well-being. Quality of leadership also strongly correlated with predictability, role clarity, social support from supervisors, organizational justice, and recognition.