Implementation of Bailouts on Umrah Financing Products at FIFGROUP Amitra Syariah in the Perspective of Positive Law and Islamic Law

The implementation of Umrah financing through bailouts is a product issued by PT. FIFGROUP (AMITRA) for Umrah financing through Umrah bailout funds using ijarah contracts, referring to Fatwa DSN MUI No. 09/DSN-MUI/VI/2000 concerning Ijarah Financing and Fatwa DSN MUI No. 44/DSN-MUI/VIII/2004 related to multiservice financing. Implementation of Umrah bailout funding at PT. FIFGROUP (AMITRA) benefits Ujrah by considering the customer’s repayment time rather than taking advantage of salaries and administrative services provided by PT. FIFGROUP (AMITRA) to customers. The view of Islamic law and positive law regarding the financial arrangement of Umrah through PT FIFGROUP (AMITRA) Genteng uses the Qardh Wal Ijarah contract because the implementation of the contract is not in accordance with what is regulated in fatwa DSN No. 29/DSN-MUI/VI/2002, where the amount of all-ijărah service compensation cannot be borne based on bailouts. Al-Qardh, or the provisions of Islamic law, tend to contain elements of usury.