Safety Behavior Analysis in the Drilling Rig Site Operations of Pertamina Hulu Mahakam

PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam is Indonesia national oil company that produce and operate gas and oil field in Mahakam, East Kalimantan Area. It spreads from swamp delta to shallow water offshore area. In 2022, the company operates 5 drilling rigs, which are 3 Jack Up Rigs and 2 Swamp Barge Rigs. The drilling rig is used to perform the operations of well construction activities for development and explorations wells, from spud, drilling, until well completion. The operations on the drilling rig have a high-risk profile. It involves handling equipment, tools, tripping hazard, lifting operations, moving object, drop object, power system, rotation system, high pressure lines and simultaneous operations.

A safety system, campaign, initiatives, and measurement are deployed on the rig site to keep the rig crew away from incident. Despite safety initiatives in place on the rig site, however, incident still happens. If incident happened, there will be lost of productivity, man hours, medical cost, administration, and dedicated investigation time. The operations need to be stopped and reevaluated again before continuing the job. Due to the most common factor of incident is human factor, hence, to understand how safety initiatives conducted and implemented by people on the rig, the research uses the theory of planned behavior.

The research took sample of questionnaires and interview from personnel on the rig, which are the actors of safety initiatives. It involves direct and indirect method, and comparison between descriptive (manual method) and PLS analysist. On PLS analysis, author compares independently the result between: Direct Measurement (A), Control Belief (B) and Control belief multiply to the outcome evaluation / motivation / power, depend on the factors of the TPB (B x C).

From the result, it is observed that the determinant factors of the theory of planned behavior such as: attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavioral control is confirmed to have effect on the intention and safety incident avoidance. Based on the descriptive analysis, all variable element of TPB have high to very high category, except Direct Measurement of Perceived Behavioural Control (PBC) that falls into medium category. This give indication that the level of control, ease or difficulties of rig workers in performing safety initiatives is low compare to the other factors. It is shown by the questionnaire result that despite they have control in performing safety initiatives, however, when incident happened, they state that they have less control.

On the hypothesis result, the model B x C has the best output from reliability test, however, it is shown that the attitude has no effect on safety behavior intention. This finding relates to the answer on the level of worries and concern on safety of the rig crew which supposed to be undesirable when incident happened, however the answer was more on desirable. This part can be explored more on how the rig worker view the “worry or concern”, which due to their nature of their workplace, they might use this as a tool to keep vigilant and awareness on the workplace.

The Impact of Brand Awareness, and Product Attributes to Increase Purchase Intention (Study Case: Transvision)

In the dynamic landscape of the Indonesian television industry, the rise of over-the-top (OTT) services poses a major challenge to traditional pay-TV providers such as Transvision. Intense competition from emerging OTT providers in Indonesia requires innovative strategies to secure customer acquisition. Indonesia is one of the fastest growing pay-TV markets, with a predicted CAGR of 5% and revenue projections of $633 million by 2025. The demographic differences between OTT and pay TV users, highlight the need for a customized marketing approach. In detail, Transvision, which offers pay TV services through Android TV box devices, faces hurdles in terms of market penetration and brand recognition. This study aims to propose an effective transvision marketing strategy while considering the complex dynamics of the evolving television landscape in Indonesia. Using a quantitative approach, the research conducted an examination of customers and hypothesis testing, administering surveys to android TV box users in the Jabodetabek area. The data, processed through SEM-PLS, indicated that social media marketing and electronic word of mouth positively impact brand awareness. Furthermore, significant product attributes, including variety of content and additional features, subscription package price, and payment method options, were found to influence purchase intention. The study concludes that both brand awareness and product attributes play pivotal roles in shaping purchase intention.

Proposed Business Strategy Improvement for Project Management Consulting Form (Study Case: PT ABC)

PT ABC is a service company in the field of project management, established in 2005. It operates with three main businesses: project management training, project management applications, and consultancy services. Project management is a crucial element for executing projects effectively within a company. In various industries, there is a growing demand for knowledge and consultation on how to manage projects efficiently, leading to the emergence of companies specializing in project management consultancy, such as PT ABC, to address these challenges. This research aims to uncover the root problems of the company to identify implementable solutions. Several analyses are employed in this study, including General Environment Analysis, Industry Analysis, and Competitor Analysis for external insights. For internal analysis, resources analysis, value chain analysis, marketing mix, and STP analysis are utilized. The study then progresses to map SWOT analysis and TOWS analysis. From these analyses, weaknesses and strengths of the company are identified, guiding the formulation of appropriate strategies to compete in the market. The research reveals that PT ABC possesses several strengths that have enabled the company to endure over time. Noteworthy strengths include its reputation and a skilled human resource pool in project management, garnering attention in the project management industry. Additionally, the company has a competitive advantage through technological innovation in its application, setting it apart from competitors and providing potential added value when maximized. However, there are areas for improvement, such as refining the application products and establishing a dedicated marketing team to focus on promoting all of PT ABC’s products rather than just one.

Navigating Industrial Relations and Occupational Health and Safety Challenges in the Vuca Era: A Case Study Exploration and Analysis

This paper explores the intersection of Industrial Relations (IR) and Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) in the Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous (VUCA) era. Industrial relations, vital for fostering harmonious workplaces, are challenged by the rapid changes in the VUCA world. Likewise, OHS faces new dynamics in ensuring workplace safety amid uncertainties. The VUCA era’s impact on IR is analyzed, highlighting volatility’s effects on labor markets, uncertainty in planning, complexity in diverse workplaces, and ambiguity in role clarity. Case studies in the healthcare and banking industries exemplify adaptive strategies. Key areas of focus include the evolution of health and safety policies, the role of flexible work arrangements, the dynamics of employment development in Industry 5.0, the impact of job creation laws in Indonesia, and the significance of workforce diversity. Findings emphasize the importance of evidence-based policies, agile practices, and a human-centric approach in navigating the challenges of the VUCA era in the realm of IR and OHS. Suggestions for future research explore diverse industry impacts and effective strategies for managing workforce diversity.

Implementation Importance-Performance Analysis Method to Increase Customer Satisfaction of Honda Motorcycle Dealer using Text Mining

Transportation is an essential aspect of people’s lives that plays an essential role in supporting economic, social, and cultural activities. Private transportation has become a basic need for Indonesian people, increasing yearly, especially for motorcycles. One of the biggest motorcycle brands in Indonesia is Honda, and West Java is one of the most significant contributors to motorcycle usage. However, their market share is decreasing through the years. It is essential to review customer satisfaction in purchasing Honda products both in terms of product and service through their customer journey in purchasing Honda products. Therefore, this research will discover the aspects customers need from online reviews, especially Google reviews. This research conducted case studies on Dealer Daya Adicipta Motora Bandung, Dealer Bintang Niaga Jaya Bogor, and Dealer Murni Motor II Bogor.

Using Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) will recommend aspects that must be prioritized to improve. The first step is to identify the customer’s needs from Google reviews using non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) that produces matrix H and matrix W as the keywords for every aspect. Then, this research also calculates the sentiment for each review using a dependency tree and lexicon SenticNet5. With the output from NMF and sentiment, we will calculate the performance and importance levels. Ultimately, the Performance Level and Importance Level will be plotted into the graph and divided into four quadrants, with Quandrant A as the top priority for improvement. Eight aspects identified in Dealer Daya Adicipta Motora Bandung, the waiting room facility become the priority of improvement. Dealer Bintang Niaga Jaya Bogor has 7 aspects identified, and the services and buying experience become the top priority of improvement; meanwhile, there are 4 aspects identified in Dealer Murni Motor II Bogor, with the waiting time and waiting room facility become the top priority for improvement.

Estimating the Synergy Value of Merger Valuation between Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) and Sharia Business Unit of (SBU) Bank Tabungan Negara (BTN)

The merger and acquisition of banking industry are a very important issue in Indonesia. Similar to other banking mergers, the mergers will benefit Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI), Sharia Business Unit of Bank Tabungan Negara (BTN), and all company stakeholders. This study assessing Bank Syariah Indonesia’s current business environment, determine company’s valuation. This study analyses the environmental aspects of Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI), both external and internal. Research methodology using quantitative and case study design. This study collects secondary data through various sources. This study computes valuation using Free Cash Flow to Firm (FCFF) and the Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) method. The result show that the synergy value of merger valuation between Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) and Sharia Business Unit of Bank Tabungan Negara (BTN) is Rp.98,333,621.89. By calculating the synergy value of Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) and Sharia Business Unit of Bank Tabungan Negara (BTN) merger, management could get additional data from preparation of merger and acquisition process.


Fabrication and Characterization of Fast Dissolving Herbal Buccal Film Containing Mimosa Pudica Leaf Extract

Buccal films has distinct advantages over conventional dosage forms. Drugs can be delivered through  buccal route, by avoiding first pass metabolism to produce local and systemic action. Rapid absorption of the drug is achieved because buccal mucosa is highly permeable with rich blood supply. Only few dosage forms are designed to deliver the drug through this route. Leaf extract of Mimosa pudica has number of pharmacological actions. Buccal film  of leaf extract of mimosa pudica is prepared by solvent casting method and evaluated  for its characteristics. Six formulations were prepared, out of which F3 formulation was found promising formulation, releases 96.13% of drug in 10 minutes.

Decision Analysis to Find Best Solution of Operation and Maintenance Management System in Central Processing Plant (CPP) Gundih Using The SMART Method at PT. Pertamina EP

Central Processing Plant (CPP) Gundih is a gas field owned by PT. Pertamina EP Cepu Field area which is located in Blora Regency, Central Java. The gas produced by the CPP Gundih is channelled to the Tambak Lorok Gas and Steam Power Plant (PLTGU) with a capacity of 1,469MW in the Semarang City area, Central Java. Therefore, the CPP Gundih is a vital national object that supports national energy security, especially for the Central Java area. CPP Gundih first operated in 2013 with the operation and maintenance management system being fully handled by a third party with a contract term of one decade. In the coming year, the contract system will approach the end of the collaboration so that PT. Pertamina EP needs more efficient management schemes and strategies and more agile business processes.

In the past decade, there have been several evaluations that have become a concern for companies in implementing contract systems with third parties. These obstacles mean that several aspects are not managed well and result in problems that reduce the level of customer satisfaction, decrease profits, and increase operational and maintenance costs. So that PT. Pertamina EP is considering several options for better management of the CPP Gundih in the future, namely the option of detailing third party contracts in the future, the option of transferring management by PT. Pertamina EP partially, full management transfer option by PT. Pertamina EP without any third-party involvement.

From several proposed options, the author will use the Simple Multi Attribute Rating Technique (SMART) method to select the best option by considering aspects of Cost, Durability and Plant Availability, Manpower Competency Management, Remuneration, Communication Flow, and Integrated Work Procedure. The research results obtained from this method will become a reference for the PT management team. Pertamina EP for decision making related to the operation and maintenance implementation system at the Central Processing Plant (CPP) Gundih gas field.

Human Resource Needs Planning in the Technical Implementation Unit Health Laboratory Kendari City

Introduction: Human Resource Planning Is A Structured Process Used To Predict Future Workforce Needs And Availability. Analysis Of Workforce Needs Is A Logical And Planned Step In Evaluating The Number And Competency Of Employees Required In An Organizational Unit. To Overcome The Problem Of Health Human Resource Needs, Laboratory Management Capabilities Are Needed To Accurately Plan Health Human Resource Needs In Accordance With Existing Service Requirements In Each Laboratory Unit. .

Method: This Research Aims To Carry Out An Analysis Of Health Human Resource Needs Planning At The Kendari City Health Laboratory Service Technical Implementation Unit. This Type Of Research Is Qualitative Descriptive Research With A Case Study Approach. The Informants In This Study Were 6 People, 2 Informants At The Service Technical Implementation Unit Health Laboratory And 4 Informants At The Kendari City Health Service. Data Collection Was Obtained From Primary Data And Secondary Data Through In-Depth Interviews, Document Review And Literature Review. Data Analysis Techniques Include Data Reduction, Data Presentation And Drawing Conclusions.

Results And Conclusions: The Research Results Show That In Planning Health Human Resources Needs There Is No Standard Operating Procedure, There Is No Policy In The Form Of A Planning Team Decree, There Is No Budget In Human Resources Planning, The Availability Of Data And Information Systems In The Form Of The Human Resources Application And The Renbut Application, And Using The Workload Analysis Method In Calculating Human Resources Needs.

The Importance of Studying Spontaneous Speech in Computational Linguistics

This scientific work provides information on the importance of studying spontaneous speech in computational linguistics. Studying spontaneous speech has numerous practical implications. The ramifications of spontaneous speech analysis are extensive, ranging from improving voice assistants and speech-to-text systems to enhancing human-computer interaction. An examination of spontaneous speech in computational linguistics offers a more authentic depiction of language usage, poses difficulties for current models, and opens up fresh opportunities for enhancing the precision and adaptability of language processing systems. The integration of spontaneous speech analysis will be crucial in developing the discipline of computational linguistics as technology progresses.