Voter Apathy in Nigerian Electoral Democracy: An Insidious Enigma to National Development

This paper examines voter apathy in Nigerian electoral democracy as an insidious enigma to national development, with an emphasis on the 2023 General Elections. Elections in democracies play a vital role in ensuring the representation of popular will and securing the legitimacy of the political system. However, in situations where voter apathy is pronounced in the electoral processes of democratic countries, national development in such countries is nearly defeated. Voter apathy remains an insidious enigma for national development, and Nigeria provides an example of such a country. What is the way out? To answer this question, the paper made use of the decision-making theory by Richard Synder as its theoretical framework, adopted a qualitative research design, relied on secondary sources of data, and analyzed the collected data using the qualitative content data analysis method. The findings of the study revealed the factors causing voters’ apathy in Nigerian electoral democracy and their consequences on the country’s national development. Recommendations were made based on the findings.

A Case Report on Transverse Myelitis

Scrub typhus is known to cause central nervous system involvement, which can show as meningitis or meningoencephalitis. However, relatively few reports of acute transverse myelitis (ATM), a spinal cord lesion, have been linked to scrub typhus. Patients with a spinal lesion and scrub typhus have neurologic symptoms such as dysuria and sensory and motor impairment. Here, we report on an uncommon instance of ATM linked to scrub typhus. The diagnosis of ATM linked with scrub typhus was made based on the patient’s clinical features, cerebral fluid cytology, Orientia tsutsugamushi serum antibody titer, and several magnetic resonance imaging scans.

Nature as a Legal Subject in the Preparation of Environmental Impact Assessments (Amdal): A Green Constitution Perspective for Social-Ecological Justice

The analysis of Environmental Impact Assessments (Amdal) in project plans and/or activities has been considered crucial to anticipate environmental pollution and damage within the environmental legal system regulated by Indonesia’s Environmental Law. Amdal serves as a tool for communities to challenge various development projects that pose threats to their environment. However, the government has recently sought to narrow the space for public participation and the functions of Amdal, as evident in Presidential Regulation No. 2 of 2022 on Job Creation. This normative legal research aims to examine the urgency and concept of Amdal from a green constitution perspective. The study reveals that, from the green constitution perspective, the existence of Amdal with broad participation is essential. Instead of restricting it only to affected communities, as outlined in Presidential Regulation No. 2 of 2022 on Job Creation, participation in the preparation, submission of objections, and assessment of Amdal documents, according to the green constitution perspective, should be expanded not only to the general public but also to non-human entities, such as rivers, mountains, land, flora-fauna, and others. This study is expected to contribute to the revitalization of an ecocentric Amdal concept in line with green constitution principles, supporting efforts toward more ecocentric environmental protection. In a broader vision, this study is anticipated to contribute to the transformation of environmental law and the constitution to be more responsive to social-ecological justice.

Identification Test of Medicinal Chemicals (BKO) in Uric Acid Herbal Preparations Circulating in Bantaeng District Using the Densitometric KLT Method

Medicinal Chemicals (BKO) in herbal medicine will be bad for health. Some of the BKOs commonly added to uric acid herbs such as piroxicam, piroxicam is a drug used for the treatment of gout. But the reality is that in the market there are still many that contain BKO. Added medicinal chemicals can have harmful side effects for consumers. In this study, the identification of piroxicam in uric acid herbal medicine has been carried out. Identification was carried out by preliminary tests in the form of organoleptic / macroscopic and microscopic tests. Qualitative test in the form of thin layer chromatography (KLT), and quantitative test in the form of densitometry. The organoleptic test results showed that the samples had powder and capsule dosage forms with dark ash, white, yellow and pale yellow colors. It has a bitter taste and aromatic odor. Microscopic test results showed plant fragments from each ingredient contained in the composition of slimming herbs. In the KLT test with the mobile phase acetone: chlorophom: n-hexan (7: 2: 1) obtained the Rf value of piroxicam comparator which is 0.8. Analysis of the five samples showed the same Rf value as the piroxicam comparator. Densitometry test on the samples showed that samples 1, 2 and 4 were positive for piroxicam.

Efforts to Enhance Service Quality: The Roles of Innovation Capability and Service Recovery

This research aims to discuss the service quality issue at 4-star hotels in Medan. Next, build a model on how to enhance service quality.  A sample of 560 guests was taken by random proportional from each hotel. Structural equation models with the lisrel software supported. Market orientation influences innovation capability and service quality. Value co-creation influences innovation capability, service recovery, and service quality. Innovation capability influences service recovery. Innovation capability mediation can increase the influence of market orientation on service recovery. Service recovery affects service quality. Integration between functions in hotels, especially information dissemination in formulating policies to increase innovation capabilities, is important to pay attention to. It is important to develop a risk-taking attitude to improve service recovery. Recovery strategies are important to pay attention to in efforts to improve service quality. The role of market orientation needs to be followed by innovation capability to improve service recovery.

Nickel Price Projection Using Multivariate Regression Method and Investment Feasibility Analysis of Nickel Mining in Indonesia with Sensitivity Analysis and Monte Carlo

Nickel is one of the metals commonly used in various industries. Indonesia is one of the countries that has the largest nickel reserves in the world. Nickel prices will be formed through an equilibrium mechanism between production supply and nickel demand. This study will analyse the relationship between nickel price formation, supply, and demand. Nickel prices will also affect the feasibility of nickel mining investment in Indonesia. The data used in this study consists of market data derived from historical reports of the last 5 – 12 years (2010 – 2022) and mining plan assumptions derived from benchmarks with similar industries. The methods used in this analysis are multivariate regression, discounted cash flow, sensitivity analysis, and Monte Carlo simulation. The results of the analysis that have been carried out show the relationship between nickel supply and demand with prices, with estimated nickel price projection ranging from $16,750 / Ton – to $18,927 / Ton. The factors that most influence the feasibility of mining investment are nickel price, sales realization, water content, contractor costs, and fuel costs. The risk of nickel mining investment in Indonesia based on Monte Carlo simulations is estimated at around 11.36%. This shows that nickel mining investment in Indonesia is still very attractive.

Pathological Study of Rare Case of Duodenal Leiomyosarcoma in a Labrador Dog

The leiomyosarcoma is a tumor of mesenchymal origin of smooth, malignant, slow-growing muscles. The present study reports a case of duodenal leiomyosarcoma in Labrador dog. A 6 year old black female Labrador dog with history off feed, vomition and melena brought for necropsy examination. Gross lesions revealed tennis ball size tumorus mass at the initial portion of duodenum resulting into the obstruction of intestinal lumen. Microscopically, duodenum with tumours mass revealed smooth muscle bundles arranged in all the directions having elongated blunt ended nuclei along with numerous blood vessels and mitotic figure which is indicative of leiomyosarcoma.

Several Teaching Methods Combined with the Support of AI Chatbot to Develop Self-Learning Competency for Students

Developing competency and especially self-study competency for students is one of the requirements in the 2018 General Education Program. Developing self-study competency for students is an inevitable trend of all times. , because the educational process is essentially the process of transforming the object of education (student) from an object of education into a subject of self-education. Based on the identification of three concepts: Teaching method, AI Chatbot and self-learning competency, we summarize the teaching method to develop competency and AI Chatbot. Next, illustrate the development of self-study competency for students using three teaching methods: differentiated teaching, Exploratory learning and using experiments in teaching combined with the support of AI Chatbot and from there affirms that students truly develop self-study competency.

Navigating Change to Integrate Employee Perceptions into the Strategic Landscape of Business Split: A Study of PT Jasa Yuwana’s Potential Business Split

Organizational change is important for business evolution, as it can impact the business direction and employees’ perceptions. Although intimidating, organizational changes can offer opportunities for growth and advancement when effectively managed. PT Jasa Yuwana, known for its assurance services, faces challenges due to low revenue growth over the past five years in assurance services, constraints in revenue optimization, and positive prospects in consulting business. It is crucial for the Company to understand employee perceptions as it plans a split. This study evaluates employee perceptions and suggests strategies for the new entity, NewCo. The main factors affecting perception are Healthy relationships with the employer/leaders and Application of skills and knowledge. To develop a growth strategy that focuses on strengths and opportunities, NewCo can use tools like the IE Matrix and TOWS Matrix. The implementation of the SO strategy is crucial for post-split survival, with employee retention being key to long-term competitiveness.

Efficacy of Some Plant Extracts Against Stored-Product Pest Red Flour Beetle, Tribolium Confusum (Jacquelin Du Val) (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) Adults

The efficacy of five plant extracts, Lantana camara, Ruta chalepensis, Rhazya stricta, Heliotropium bacciferum and Marrubium vulgare against Tribolium confusum ware investigated by admixing plant extract with wheat grains. Mortality (%) increased with increasing concentrations, exposure periods and varying from plant to plant. L.camara and R. chalepensis induced the highest percent of mortalities (95.4 and 93.8%) at 500 ppm after 6 days of exposure respectively, for T. confusum, followed by Rh. Stricta, M. vulgare and H. baccifirum. (91.4, 84.5 and 83,3%) respectively. The lowest LC50s were for L. camara and R. chalepensis (114.61 and 117.78 ppm), after 6 days from exposure respectively, followed by Rh. Stricta, M. vulgare and H. bacciferum (175.48, 251.99 and 309.67 ppm respectively. The rate of repellency increased with increase of dose level.  L. camara had the lead in repellent action where repellent percentage was 100 % at 500 ppm followed by R. chalepensiswith, 91%. The repellency rates of other plant extracts were between 50.22 -66.54 at the same concentration which had a moderate repellent action. Statistical analysis showed that all plant extracts revealed significant deference except between H. bacciferum and M. vulgare. Among all the plant extracts L.camara and R. chalepensi were generally more toxic than other plant extracts against T. confusum.