Enhancing Digital Transformation: A Comprehensive Review of PT Hutama Karya’s Information Technology Management in 2023

: This paper provides an in-depth analysis of PT Hutama Karya’s Information Technology (IT) Management Report for the year 2023. The study focuses on the company’s strategic initiatives and achievements in aligning IT functions with its business objectives, particularly in the context of Industry 4.0 readiness. Key areas examined include the evolution of IT architecture, implementation of IT governance frameworks, cybersecurity enhancements, ERP integration, and the development of supporting applications. The findings highlight the significant progress made in digital transformation and the proactive steps taken to ensure the company’s IT infrastructure supports its strategic goals.

Meta-Analysis the Effectiveness of Implementing the Argument Driven Inquiry (ADI) Model in Improving Students’ Critical Thinking

In preparing the order of life in the era of revolution 4.0, it is necessary to prepare competencies in achieving national education goals. The competency needed in the 21st century is the ability to think at a high level. These skills are critical thinking, creative, collaborative and communicative. This meta-analysis study aims to analyze the effect of using the Argument Driven Inquiry (ADI) model towards increasing students’ critical thinking skills in learning. The method used in this research is a meta-analysis method by reviewing 9 journal articles and integrating 1 international journal article and 8 national journal articles. Data analysis was carried out by calculating the average Effect Size (ES) which is then categorized based on interpretation of Cohen’s criteria. Based on the study results, the average ES model in the effect of applying the ADI model on students’ critical thinking skills is 0.36 in the medium category. So, it can be concluded that the ADI model can have a positive effect on students’ critical thinking skills.


Enhancing Nogi Livin’s Brand Awareness: A Customer Decision Journey Perspective through Social Media

This study investigates the effectiveness of digital marketing strategies employed by Nogi Livin, an emerging Indonesian furniture company, in enhancing brand awareness and influencing customer decision journeys. The global furniture market’s expansion is leveraged by digitalization and changing consumer preferences, presenting challenges and opportunities for companies like Nogi Livin. Using the McKinsey Consumer Decision Journey Model, this research delineates the impact of social media strategies on customer engagement and purchasing decisions. A mixed-method approach, including quantitative data from online surveys and qualitative insights, was employed. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was used to measure the relationship between online presence and brand awareness, and subsequently, the influence of brand awareness on customer engagement. Findings indicate a significant positive correlation between strategic online engagements and enhanced brand awareness, which strongly links to increased customer engagement and positively affects the consumer decision journey. This research contributes to theoretical and practical understandings of digital marketing’s impact in the furniture industry.

Star-Up Business Development in an Effort to Increase Competitiveness: A Development Research

This research uses a qualitative approach in the form of descriptive research by applying the 4D development model. The main aim of this research is to increase the competitiveness of the Patas Tactical Makassar fashion business. The research was conducted from December to February, with the research location at the Makassar Fashion Patas Tactical business. The object of research is the business, while research subjects include owners, leaders, employees, consumers and regular customers. The research focus is on developing business models by applying the elements of Discovery, Dreaming, Design, and Destiny. Data collection methods used include observation, interviews and documentation. The research results show that Fashion Patas Tactical has succeeded in developing their business through a structured start-up-based approach, with four main phases: Dreaming, Design, Delivery, and Destiny. The company has set an ambitious vision and implemented targeted strategies to create a strong foundation for sustainable growth. Focusing on product quality, innovation, superior customer service and sustainability are the main pillars in their business journey. Thus, research shows that Fashion Patas Tactical has succeeded in building a strong and strategic foundation to face market challenges and achieve sustainable growth in the fashion industry.


Structure and Substrate Recognition of the Escherichia coli Transport Protein NupG from the Nucleoside: H+ Symporter (NHS) Family

The nucleoside transporter NupG is one of the two principal transport proteins in the inner membrane of Escherichia coli that enable the organism to scavenge nucleosides from its external environment. NupG functions in a symport manner driven by the proton motive force and is a member of the Nucleoside:H+ Symporter (NHS) subfamily of the Major Facilitator Superfamily (MFS) of transporters. NupG has broad substrate specificity, transporting all naturally occurring purine and pyrimidine nucleosides. In studies over many years the nupG gene has been cloned and amplified, and the NupG protein has been purified, subjected to biochemical, biophysical and computational analysis, and its X-ray structure determined in the apo state at 3.0 Å resolution. The NupG structure had a typical MFS fold with twelve transmembrane spanning α-helices and distinct N- and C-terminal domains linked by a flexible loop. Preliminary site-directed mutagenesis and molecular docking studies on NupG identified nine putative nucleoside binding pocket residues (R136, T140, F143, Q225, N228, Q261, E264, Y318, F322) and a mutant (D323A) with 20-fold enhanced uridine binding activity. Further biochemical and structural investigations are necessary to better understand the substrate recognition and molecular mechanism of E. coli NHS family proteins (NupG, XapB, YegT).

Positive Impacts of Chat GPT on English Teachers

The integration of ChatGPT, an AI-driven language model, presents a myriad of benefits for English teachers seeking to enhance their instructional practices. This article explores the advantages afforded by leveraging ChatGPT in educational settings. Firstly, ChatGPT serves as a versatile tool for generating diverse and contextually relevant learning materials, including prompts, quizzes, and writing exercises, tailored to students’ proficiency levels and interests. Secondly, it facilitates personalized feedback by analyzing students’ responses in real-time, identifying areas for improvement, and offering targeted suggestions to foster language acquisition and mastery. Moreover, ChatGPT functions as a virtual assistant, augmenting teachers’ administrative tasks through automated grading, lesson planning support, and curriculum enrichment. Additionally, it fosters interactive and engaging learning experiences through its conversational interface, promoting active student participation and collaboration. Furthermore, ChatGPT can aid in fostering cultural understanding and global awareness by providing access to diverse perspectives and authentic language usage from around the world. Lastly, its continuous learning capabilities enable adaptation to evolving pedagogical needs and linguistic trends, ensuring relevance and effectiveness in English language instruction. In conclusion, the integration of ChatGPT empowers English teachers with innovative tools and resources to create dynamic, personalized, and impactful learning environments, ultimately advancing students’ language proficiency and fluency.

The Influence of Experience, Competence, Motivation, Professional Skepticism of Auditors on the Quality of BPKP Supervision (Study at BPKP North Sumatra Province)

The supervision quality produced by the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency in Indonesia still needs to be improved, as evidenced by the trend of corruption cases from 2019 to 2020. This research aims to test and analyze the impact of various factors such as Experience, Competence, Motivation, and Auditor Professional Skepticism on Supervision Quality. This research uses quantitative descriptive methods. The population in this study were all BPKP auditors in North Sumatra Province. The research sample consisted of 100 BPKP auditors from North Sumatra Province. Data collection was carried out through distributing questionnaires and data analysis using the SmartPLS application. Research findings show that the Auditor’s Experience, Motivation, and Auditor Professional Skepticism positively affect the Supervision quality. Apart from that, competency does not affect the quality of supervision.

Health Management and Disease Control of Layers in Pullet Phase with a Box Cage System at Tandjaja Farm Kediri

Laying hens have a longer production phase than other poultry, so they require strict health care. The purpose of this study was to determine how far a farm provides comfort to livestock in terms of health in order to maximize their productivity in the form eggs that are safe for consumstion by consumers. Therefore, research was conducted at Tandjaja Farm Kediri to find out how health management and disease control are there. This type of research is qualitative. There are two data collected, namely primary data and secondary data. The primary data was obtained from interviews and observations, while the secondary data came from the SOP/manual book of the company’s maintenance management. Data were analyzed by descriptive method. The results showed that Tandjaja Farm Kediri implemented biosecurity, medication, and vaccination programs for laying hens in the pullet phase. So this research shows that Health Management and Disease Control at Tandjaja Farm Kediri has been going well.

Legal Protection for Both Parties in the Execution of E-Commerce Based Buying and Selling Agreements Grounded in Justice

The internet media used for trading is known as electronic commerce (e-commerce), a business process that provides facilities between buyers and sellers or companies, consumers, and specific communities in electronic transactions related to goods, services, and information. In order for the parties involved in the transaction to feel more comfortable and secure, electronic transactions have been regulated in the ITE Law. The research method used in this study is normative or doctrinal. The nature of this legal research is prescriptive. The technique of collecting legal materials in this research is through document study or literature review. The results of the study indicate that the process of implementing buying and selling transactions through e-commerce is carried out in several stages, namely Offer, Acceptance, Payment, and Delivery. The buying and selling agreement through e-commerce is included in electronic contracts. Based on Article 1 number 17 of Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Electronic Information and Transactions. Article 1320 of the Civil Code which is then reaffirmed in Article 47 paragraph (2) of Government Regulation Number 88 of 2012 concerning the Implementation of Electronic Systems and Transactions. Legal protection for Shopee consumers is based on the Consumer Protection Law Number 8 of 1999 and the Electronic Information and Transactions Law No. 11 of 2008 can be seen in regulations regarding consumer rights protection and compensation.

Factors associated with the Indonesian workforce’ Pneumonia Vaccination Intention: A Convergent Parallel Study

Pneumonia is part of Acute Respiratory Infections (ARI) that has high disease burden not only in the infants but also among Indonesian adult workforce. Following data from Indonesia medical trend by marsh mercer in 2023, Acute Respiratory Infections (ARI) and Pneumonia showed significant burden in the workplace and recognized as one of highest cases, medical claim, productivity loss and hospitalization. Despite the availability of the vaccine to prevent Pneumonia, the vaccination utilization remains very low in Indonesia workforce and adult in general (Utomo, 2023). This study is aiming to understand better what are the factors that associated with the workforce’ Pneumonia vaccination intention especially after COVID-19 pandemic. This study adopts (Ajzen, 1991) Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) in explaining the variables (Attitude, Subjective Norm, Perceived Behavior Control and knowledge) that influencing the vaccination intention among Indonesian workforce. This study applies a convergent parallel study with quantitative data analysis and qualitative data analysis are performed parallelly, followed with data integration as summary. The quantitative data is collected through online survey with non-probability sampling & purposive method. Total 151 adult respondents provided their response. The qualitative data is collected through semi-structured interview with total 5 respondents of key identified stakeholders. This study utilized Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modelling (PLS SEM) as data analysis method for quantitative and Thematic Analysis for qualitative method. The results show that attitude, perceived behavior control and knowledge of Acute Respiratory Infections are positively influenced the Pneumonia vaccination intention while subjective norm is not. This study also found the underlying cause of low preventive measurement like vaccination are due to several reasons like the belief of curative is the basic medical needs in the workplace, providing vaccination coverage is part of talent retain/attract strategy, additional cost burden in providing vaccination coverage. Lower awareness on vaccination benefit in general, diseases burden & Prevention of Pneumonia & ARI are the key blockers of the lower vaccination acceptance as preventive measurement in the workplace setting in Indonesia. Lastly, Influenza Vaccination and mask wearing is the most common preventive measurement that embraced by the employer and the employee. This study contributes the application of Extended Theory Planned Behaviour towards vaccination intention among Indonesia workforce for Pneumonia Vaccine and provide extensive insights and recommendation to the multi stakeholders on the strategy to put prevention through vaccination to tackle the high burden of Acute Respiratory Infection Especially Pneumonia among Indonesia workforce.