Quality Control and Quality Assurance of The BPK’s Audit of Regional Government Financial Statements Fiscal Year 2022 (Case Study at AKN VI)

The Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia (BPK) is a state institution mandated to audit management and accountability of state finances. One of the objects of Audit’s BPK is the Financial Statements of Regional Government (LKPD). Directorate General of Audit VI (AKN VI) BPK conducts an audit of the LKPD. In 2023, AKN VI has conducted an audit of the LKPD for Fiscal Year 2022. The audit is carried out by the BPK Regional Offices (Work Unit under AKN VI) which is located in each province in eastern Indonesia. To guarantee state financial audits’ quality in this case the audit of LKPD, BPK carries out quality control and assurance. The purpose of this study is ascertain how the process of quality control and assurance of the audits produced by BPK Regional Offices in AKN VI. A qualitative method was taken in this research to explain the process of quality assurance and quality control the results of the review in the form of suggestions submitted by the AKN VI reviewer on the LKPD audit results. The result is that quality control and assurance are established and implemented by BPK for the results of the audit, and with quality assurance in the form of a review of LKPD audit opinion by AKN VI, it can provide suggestions for improvement to keep up the quality of LKPD audit results.

An Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) Approach for Analyzing Financial Statements in Pharmaceutical Companies Using Machine Learning

This research investigates the use of Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) and machine learning techniques to analyze financial statements (FSs) of pharmaceutical companies. The study focuses on three major Indonesian pharmaceutical companies: Kimia Farma, Kalbe Farma, and IndoFarma. By leveraging EDA, this study aims to uncover hidden patterns and insights within financial data, such as earnings per share (EPS), return on capital employed (ROCE), net profit margin, and inventory turnover ratio. Additionally, the study employs machine learning models, including Linear Regression, K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN), Support Vector Machine (SVM), and Decision Tree, to predict financial performance metrics and trends. The performance of these models is evaluated using metrics such as Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE), Mean Squared Error (MSE), Mean Absolute Error (MAE), and Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE). Among the models tested, the Decision Tree model demonstrated the highest performance, indicating high accuracy and a strong fit to the data. These results highlight the potential of data-driven approaches in improving the operational efficiency and financial stability of healthcare organizations.

Strengthening BNI’s Position as Transactional Bank by Optimization of Cash Management Solutions

The cash management industry is becoming significantly intense from both banking and non-banking institutions as they keep innovating and offering advanced solutions to meet and cater to the dynamic business of the customers. This study was conducted to explore the strategic initiatives that can be formulated for PT. Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI) to strengthen its position as a transactional bank through the optimization of its cash management solutions, specifically focusing on BNIDirect. The analysis was carried out by understanding the nature of the competition and assessing the position of BNI in terms of cash management solutions relative to its competitors. The study used a qualitative method based on the interview with the key executive management and the literature review related to marketing and business strategy to uncover valuable insight and best practices that can strengthen the positions of BNI as a transactional bank. The research concludes that by addressing and overcoming the challenges that impacted cash management solutions, BNI can solidify its market position and achieve sustainable growth in the competitive cash management industry.

Influence of Leverage, Profitability, and Price Share to Return Share in Manufacturing Companies on the IDX with Company Value as Intervening Variables

There is fluctuation stock return value company manufacturers listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange (BEI) from 2015 to 2019. Research​ This aim For test And analyze impact from various factor like Price Shares, Leverage, Profitability, and Company Value on Stock Returns. Study This use method descriptive quantitative. Sample study This is 18 reports finance company manufacturers listed on the IDX on in 2023. Data collection was carried out through reporting finance companies the. Data analysis was carried out use application SmartPLS. Results study showing that only Profitability and Price Share yuang can increase stock returns something company manufacturing on the Indonesian Stock Exchange. Company Values too proven No can mediate influence between variable study.

Analysis of Turnover Intention in terms of Job Satisfaction, Job Stress, and Social Work Environment PT XYZ

This study aims to examine the contributions of job satisfaction, work stress, and social work environment towards employee turnover intentions at PT XYZ in Justus Area. The research method employed is quantitative, utilizing    questionnaires for data collection. This research is of the descriptive analysis type, depicting the existing characteristic phenomena. The sampling technique used is a saturated sample, meaning the entire population was sampled, totaling 62 employees    of PT XYZ in Justus Area. Multiple linear regression analysis was utilized. The findings indicate that job satisfaction has a positive and significant partial contribution towards turnover intentions, work stress has a positive and significant partial contribution towards turnover intentions, and the social work environment has a negative and significant partial contribution towards turnover intentions. Collectively, job satisfaction, work stress, and the social work environment significantly contribute to the turnover intentions of employees at PT XYZ.

Analysis of Debt Structure and Liquidity on Company Performance with Firm Size as a Moderation Variable: Sub-Sector Food and Beverage Listed on the IDX in the Period 2018-2022

This research aims to analyze and know the influence of Short-Term Debt, Long Term Debt, Total Debt to Assets, Total Debt to Equity, and Liquidity on Company Performance with Company Size as a moderating variable on manufacturing companies of the consumer goods industry listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange 2018-2022 period. The population of this research is manufacturing companies in the consumer goods industry sector, which consists of 47 companies. The sampling selection is conducted using the purposive sampling method. Therefore, 38 samples are obtained. The data analysis method in this research was carried out using panel data testing and data processing using the EViews program. The results of this research showed that partially and simultaneously, Short-Term Debt (STD), Long-Term Debt (LTD), and Total Debt to Assets (TDTA) have a significant effect on Company Performance. Firm Size can moderate the impact of Short-Term Debt, Long-Term Debt, Total Debt to Asset, Total Debt to Equity, and Liquidity on Company Performance.

Talent Management Strategies in Indonesia’s Digital Media and Entertainment Industry for Gen Z: The Role of Leadership Style and Organizational Culture

This study found that leadership style has a significant effect on talent management, with transformational leadership being more effective in retaining talent in the digital media and entertainment industry. However, the use of organizational culture as an intervening variable showed no significant effect on talent management. The study also highlights the challenges and opportunities in retaining Generation Z talent in the media and entertainment sector, emphasizing the importance of factors such as diversity, inclusion, technology, sustainability, and legal considerations in attracting and retaining top talent.The survey results show that different industries have different preferences regarding leadership styles, talent management strategies, and organizational culture. The music industry values community, the gaming industry prefers transformational leadership styles, the film industry emphasizes individual recognition, and the digital marketing industry prioritizes financial rewards. The analysis suggests that leadership style has a positive effect on organizational culture and talent management, and organizational culture also affects talent management. Validity and reliability tests confirmed the accuracy of the survey data.


Optimizing AI-Integrated Creative Process in Advertising Industry through KBPMS Approach

Background – The demand for content across various rising digital media platforms pushes the advertising secotr to adopt Artificial Intelligence (AI) automation to improve creativity, speed, and efficiency, especially in areas like art direction, copywriting, and graphic design. While AI offers solutions to improve efficiency and support creative processes, advertising agency stakeholders start to see the urgency in assessing how AI can work alongside human creativity to produce essential quality content for the client’s value creation as the industry moves forward for a sustainable business growth.

Methodology – This research uses mixed-method; Quantitative method to measure AI integration within advertising agencies and assess audience reactions to AI-generated ads, establishing a link between AI usage and audience behavior; Qualitative method through In-Depth Interviews to identify the underlying insights from the advertising professionals’ perspective in integrating AI on daily basis. The findings are processed for the development of a Performance Management System (PMS) using AHP scored by industry experts as the basis to prioritize the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Practical implications – This PMS framework is designed for macro-level advertising agencies to monitor and optimize the use of AI tools effectively through weighted KPIs and strategic AI investments.

Originality/value – This study contributes to the existing industry study by introducing a performance measurement and addresses a theoretical gap between AI-driven creative process and its impact to the industry’s value creation.

Proposed Marketing Strategy to Increase the Sales of Coffee Shop in Banjarmasin (Case Study: Eastland Coffee)

Eastland Coffee is a coffee shop located in Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan. Eastland Coffee serves a variety of drinks and food such as coffee drinks, non-coffee, snacks, and heavy meals. Previous research shows that there is a potential of coffee industry in Indonesia due to the high and ever-increasing coffee consumption, as well as the thriving coffee shop businesses available in the country. However, the preliminary analysis shows that the sales of Eastland Coffee have a negative trendline and never meet its monthly target. On top of that, the brand awareness is low. Thus, it is at the utmost importance to generate a marketing strategy to increase the sales and the brand awareness. The author conducted internal and external environment analysis with several marketing frameworks. The author also conducted survey that generates 185 respondents. The survey was then ultimately used for the customer analysis. All the analyses result in a proposed marketing strategy in the form of new target market and positioning, as well as new marketing mix (7Ps) for Eastland Coffee to implement in the near future.

Proposed Marketing Strategy to Increase Sales for Lip Tint (Case Study: Feyrely)

Feyrely.id is a local makeup brand under PT Orion Care Indonesia. Established during the COVID-19 pandemic era, Feyrely.id utilize digital marketplaces for its sales. The brand mainly offers lip products, including lip tint, at affordable price. While the cosmetic market shows significant growth and lip tint products are trending, data indicates low and declining sales of lip tint products, coupled with low brand awareness among consumers. Therefore, this research is conducted to help increasing Feyrely.id’s sales and brand awareness. This study employs both qualitative and quantitative methods. Quesionnares are spread through various consumers to obtain data, along with interviews with Feyrely.id internal team. Secondary data from books and online sources also compliment this research. This research results in the new segmentation, targeting, and positioning for Feyrely.id and a new marketing mix, including product, place, price, and promotion. It can be concluded that Feyrely.id has a solid standing in cosmetic industry with their lip tint products but needs several adjustment to keep being competitive.