The Influence of Service Quality and Price on KRL Commuter Line Route Solo – Jogja to Customer Loyalty

Transportation as an important element in human life, plays a role in facilitating daily activities and supporting the economy. But because of the heavy traffic caused by so many motorized vehicles, people are looking for alternate options, including taking the KRL commuter line. This study attempts to determine how customer loyalty is affected by the cost and level of service provided on the KRL Commuter Line Solo-Jogja route. The findings, which emphasize providing excellent service and living up to customer expectations, demonstrate that service quality has a favorable and substantial impact on customer loyalty. However, pricing has little effect on consumer loyalty. This is mostly because workers use the KRL Commuter Line a lot when they are commuting, which may make prices inaccessible to some groups. Customer loyalty is influenced by both price and service quality, according to simultaneous study, which implies that raising prices and enhancing customer service quality can boost customer loyalty. However, this study adds to our understanding of the variables influencing consumer loyalty in the context of public transportation in particular and is significant in relation to the Solo-Jogja route of the KRL Commuter Line.

Improvement of Mobile Computer Laboratories Services in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

The mobile computer laboratory is a standard computer laboratory that can be moved from one place to another to meet the predefined needs of the community. This can be achieved through mobile computer buses, mobile computer flex carts, or mobile computer vans, depending on the required capacity and level of mobility. Improving the services of mobile computer laboratories adds value by simplifying the process of community digital transformation and reducing the negative impact of the digital divide. Current studies on the challenges of mobile computer laboratories have identified areas for improvement, particularly in terms of education services and courses related to information and communication technology (ICT). One major challenge is creating awareness among communities about the existence and benefits of mobile computer laboratories, as government authorities are often hesitant to implement these services. The findings of this study suggest that effectively implementing mobile computer laboratories improves ICT education and enhances general community digital transformation, with a focus on specific community groups. Furthermore, the effectiveness of mobile computer laboratories can be measured in terms of resources, benefits obtained from the services provided, and the language used in communication. When implementing mobile computer laboratory services, it is important to consider the relationship between the expectations of the beneficiaries and the overall objectives of the program.

Retail Business Development Using BSI Smart Agent Electronics: A Strategy for Increasing Sales Volume in Minimarket Businesses

This study aims to determine retail the business development strategy to increase sales volume. In this case, Minimarket Bintang Indah utilizes BSI Smart electronics as a strategy to increase sales volume. This research was conducted based on the qualitative paradigm strategy, and implementation model. This research uses a descriptive approach to be able to explain the phenomena that occur in the research subject, namely Bintang Indah Minimarket. Data collection was done by observation, interview, and documentation. Research results show that Minimarket is in a profitable position where the strengths it has are in line with the opportunities promised so that the strategy is implemented it’s right and can continue to support retail business development.

The Impact of South Korean Work Culture in Improving Working Performance: A Multiple Regression Method Analysis

This study aims to assess the South Korean work culture implemented at WITCON Co., Ltd., its impact on enhancing employee performance, and the extent of its influence. This form of research employs a blend of quantitative and qualitative methodologies, sometimes called mixed methods. WITCON Co., Ltd. is at 35 Seochangnamsunhwan-ro 215beon-gil, Namdong-gu, Incheon, Republic of Korea. The acquired data is primarily classed as independent and dependent variables. Work culture is an independent variable, meaning it can influence other variables.

On the other hand, employee performance is classified as a dependent variable, meaning other variables impact it. Both variables were measured using instruments in a questionnaire comprising multiple questions, which were subsequently employed to collect participant data. The poll was administered to the whole foreigner workers at WITCON, comprising 30 people with E-7 and E-9 visas. Hence, the approach employed to examine this study’s findings involves utilizing multiple regression analysis. Multiple linear regression is a regression model that incorporates multiple independent variables. Multiple linear regression analysis is conducted to ascertain the magnitude and direction of the independent variable’s impact on the dependent variable. Furthermore, a Sobel test is conducted to ascertain the statistical significance of the indirect influence of the independent variable on the dependent variable via the mediator variable in a mediation model. The findings indicate that South Korea’s work culture prioritizes the enforcement of discipline in order to attain objectives while still being adaptable and accepting.

Correlation of Employee Performance System Implementation with Budget Performance at Local Government Work Unit in Banda Aceh City Government

This study aims to examine the correlation between the implementation of the employee e-performance system and budget performance at Local Government Work Unit (SKPD) in Banda Aceh City Government. The population in this study were 43 SKPD in the Banda Aceh City Government that used the employee e-performance system. The sampling technique used was saturated sampling or census, the samples and data sources were obtained from SKPD using the e-performance system so that the total sample was 43 SKPD in the Banda Aceh City Government. The non-parametric statistical data analysis method in this study is the Spearman Rank correlation method which is processed with the SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science) program. The results showed that the implementation of the employee e-performance system had a positive relationship with budget performance.

Does the Index of Child Right Fulfillment Explain the Children’s Wellbeing in Indonesia?

A safe city for children becomes the evidence of the role and the action of the government to improve children’s well-being. This city also prevents any violence against children by collaborating the roles of the government and the parents. This research reviews the determinant factors of children’s well-being in Indonesia based on the factors of parents’ contributions and government role. This research’s contribution is – to the children’s well-being in Indonesia by fulfilling their rights. The implications of the study are – to determine the index of children’s fulfillment and to explain the children’s well-being seen from the factors of parent and government roles. This research applied multiple linear regression on the panel data from 2018 to 2021 in Indonesia. The research findings included the index of child rights fulfillment in Indonesia could explain the factors of children’s well-being in Indonesia with the collaborated roles from the parents and the government. However, specific attention is important for the government expenditure on various sectors to optimize the children’s well-being. Low realizations for government expenditure were observable in the educational and social well-being sectors.

The Development of RBL-STEM Learning Materials to Improve Students’ Information Literacy in Solving Rainbow Antimagic Coloring Problem for ETLE Technology

Students often struggle to solve complex mathematical problems in real-world contexts due to low information literacy skills. To improve information literacy skills, an effective learning approach can be RBL-STEM, which provides research-based learning and can be practically applied in the real world. This study aims to investigate RBL-STEM activities, describe the process and results of developing RBL-STEM materials, and analyze data from the results of developing these materials to improve students’ information literacy skills. The method of research used is research and development (R&D). The purpose of this research is to develop RBL-STEM materials and produce learning material products in the form of semester learning plans, student assignment designs, student worksheets, and learning outcomes tests. The results of the materials development showed validity with a validity criterion of 92.75%. The trial was conducted with 40 students, and the implementation using the RBL-STEM materials was found to be practical with a practical criterion of 98.75% and effective with an effectiveness criterion of 94%. In addition, the students were highly engaged and responded very positively to the learning experience. Pretest and posttest analysis showed an increase in students’ information literacy in solving the rainbow antimagic coloring problem. The study also identified three levels of information literacy skills: high, medium, and low. Statistical analysis, phase portrait, NVivo, and word cloud confirmed the research findings and showed an increase in students’ information literacy skills. Thus, RBL-STEM has the potential to improve students’ information literacy in real-world contexts, such as the application of ETLE using graph neural network techniques.

Fabrication and Assessment of Doxazosin Mesylate Nanosponges

Novel drug delivery system is a new approach to deliver the active molecules in a safe and effective manner to produce desired pharmacological actions. Nano technology has played a major role in overcoming some drawbacks of conventional drug delivery system. Nanosponges are tiny bodies filled with drug, they circulate throughout the body until they encounter  specific target site and releases drug in a controlled and predictable manner. The  major goal of the study  was to create doxazosin mesylate nanosponges and to evaluate them. Nanosponges are prepared by emulsion solvent diffusion approach, using Ethyl cellulose, β-CD and HP-β-CD.The FTIR test is used as a preliminary test, and it shows that the active ingredient and polymers have no interaction. The particle size, PDI, zeta potential, SEM, entrapment efficiency of nanosponges were  assessed. The particle size ranged from 443.46 to 683.93 nm, PDI ranged from 0.255 to 0.510, zeta potential from – 19.8 to -22.9 mV and entrapment efficiency was ranged from 51.62 to 92.82%. The cumulative percentage release from all nanosponges varied from 52.76 to 91.84 % after 12 hours depending upon the drug and polymers ratio and F5 formulation showed highest drug release i.e., 91.84%.

Analysing Risk & Return Profiles: A Comparative Study of the Indonesian Stock Market against International Benchmarks

The Indonesian stock market, also known as IDX, has emerged as a prominent player in the financial landscape of Southeast Asia. It has attracted the interest of investors who regard it as a potential source of massive returns. Nevertheless, empirical research has consistently demonstrated that developing nations’ stock markets tend to exhibit a notable degree of volatility. This volatility is well recognised for its propensity to amplify risk levels for domestic investors, potentially leading to a decrease in the demand for stock market investments. The observed phenomenon in Indonesia reveals a very low degree of stock market engagement when compared to benchmark nations. This suggests that the high volatility in the market may be a contributing factor.

Understanding the risk-return characteristics of the IDX in comparison to recognised benchmark indexes is crucial for making educated investment decisions. This study will conduct a comparative analysis of the risk-return attributes of the IDX in comparison to six well recognised benchmark indexes, specifically the S&P 500 Index, the Straits Times Index, the FTSE 100 Index, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Composite, the BSE Sensex, and the BOVESPA Index. The study employs several risk and return measures, such as standard deviation, coefficient of variation, and the Sharpe ratio, to assess the relative performance of the IDX.

The objective of this study is to evaluate the comparative appeal of the Indonesian stock market when compared to international benchmarks, with a specific focus on risk and return. The aim is to determine the optimal level of stock market involvement and the inclination towards risk aversion or risk-seeking behaviour among retail investors in Indonesia.

Improvement of Service Quality for Conformity of Space Utilization Activities (KKPR) in Business and non-Business Licensing

This study aims to analyze whether the implementation of reduction (deduction) of tax incentives has or does not have a reaction (influence) on the financial ratio (ROE) of shares of IDX issuers LQ45 Index during the COVID-19 outbreak in 2022. The study employs a hypothesis testing approach with classical assumption tests and simple regression analysis, focusing on secondary data from the LQ45 index during the 2022 Covid-19 outbreak. It examined a population of 45, using 36 samples that met specific criteria. A simple linear analysis model was used to investigate the impact, if any, of tax incentive reductions on the financial ratio (ROE) of the issuers’ stocks. This study, which uses simple regression analysis, reveals that the implementation of tax incentive reductions made by the Indonesian government does not react (influence) on the financial ratio (ROE) of IDX-listed stocks in the LQ45 Index during the COVID-19 outbreak in 2022. The study suggests that the Indonesian government’s tax incentive reductions may not impact the financial ratios (ROE) of companies listed on the IDX, particularly in the LQ45 Index during the Covid-19 outbreak in 2022. This lack of impact is attributed to companies not utilizing these incentives, possibly due to insufficient awareness of their benefits and challenging criteria set by the government for obtaining these incentives. Despite common beliefs that tax incentives can influence financial performance, this study indicates they might not significantly affect the financial ratios of these companies.