Company Financial Health Assessment of Pt. Properti Aset Kemakmuran: in Response to the Ongoing Company Financial Projection

This study delves into the company’s financial health of PT. Properti Aset Kemakmuran, a subsidiary of one of the biggest State-owned Enterprise (SOE) in Indonesia, PT. Induk Aset Kemakmuran. The company is engaged in the field of asset & property development of PT. Induk Aset Kemakmuran, and currently executing a five yearly Company Long-Term Plan for the period of 2021-2025 that contains three financial projection schemes: Conservative, Base, and Aggressive scheme. During the strategic planning period, PT. Properti Aset Kemakmuran had only achieved the Conservative scheme that was prone to pessimistic targets, rather than the Base scheme that is projected as the middle standard scheme. Therefore, the author conducted an in-depth company financial health assessment consisting of Company’s Strategic Analysis and Company Financial Health Assessment that utilizes Financial Ratio Benchmarking & Financial Health Scoring with Government Regulation of the Decree of State-owned Enterprises Ministry Number KEP-100 / MBU / 2002 on the Health Assessment of State-owned Enterprises, in order to observe the contributing factors and company’s financial health that caused the low revenue achievement – based on the current financial projection scheme. The analysis concludes that there is a congruence between the financial achievement and Company’s Strategic Analysis & Company Financial Health Assessment. The company’s low revenue achievement was indicated and signified by its low Company’s Financial Health level result and Strategic Analysis’ result, that are lack of Digitalization & Digitization and lack of Sustainable Competitive Advantages.

Religious and Cultural Diversity in Indonesia: Dynamics of Acceptance and Conflict in a Multidimensional Perspective

This study delves into the intricate relationship between religion and cultural diversity and the implementation of religious moderation policies to mitigate conflict potential in Indonesia. Based on a dataset of 1,000 samples distributed across 34 provinces, the findings reveal that newly implemented religious moderation policies can reduce conflict potential by 4.2%. Interestingly, the study also unveils that solidarity and appreciation for local culture have a limited impact on curbing conflict potential while simultaneously giving rise to new forms of collective narcissism. These findings underscore that high acceptance of religious and cultural diversity does not necessarily translate into lower conflict potential. Addressing the underlying issues of national solidarity emerges as a critical challenge that must be confronted to safeguard social harmony in Indonesia.

Enhancing Consumer Purchase Intentions: Key Drivers in ShopeeFood’s Online Food Delivery Service

This study explores the multifaceted nature of consumer purchase intentions within the online food delivery sector, specifically for ShopeeFood. By examining the influences of social influence, effort expectancy, performance expectancy, trust, and food safety risk perception, the research provides valuable insights into the drivers behind customer decisions. The study employed a quantitative research method, utilizing a non-probability sampling technique with 277 respondents who completed an online survey. The findings reveal that social influence significantly enhances both effort and performance expectations, driving higher purchase intentions. Effort expectancy directly impacts performance expectations and purchase intentions, underscoring the importance of ease of use. Trust emerges as a critical factor, boosting purchase intentions and reducing food safety concerns. Interestingly, while food safety is important, it does not significantly deter purchase intentions, highlighting that consumers prioritize convenience and reliability. These insights can guide service providers in improving user experience and building stronger customer relationships.

Enhancing Brand Loyalty through Innovative Branding Initiatives in Home Decor Enterprise

This research evaluates the brand image, satisfaction, trust, love, loyalty, and overall experience of Benison Gorden, known for high-quality curtains and blinds, as it shifts its market focus from the middle to the upper class. Using a mixed-methods approach, the study gathered data through structured surveys and consumer feedback. Quantitative results showed strong performance across various indicators: brand image scores averaged 4.034, 4.000, and 4.025; satisfaction ranged from 4.084 to 4.139; trust averaged between 4.105 and 4.168; love brand indicators scored 4.109, 4.122, and 4.025; loyalty ranged from 4.088 to 4.164; and brand experience ranged from 4.059 to 4.118. Qualitative feedback revealed that consumers appreciate the premium quality and design of Benison Gorden products, associating them with exclusivity and prestige. However, consumers suggested improvements in customer service, personalization, and product customization. The study concludes that Benison Gorden can successfully shift its target market by maintaining high product quality, enhancing customer service, offering personalization, and expanding product options. This strategy aligns with upper-class consumer expectations and leverages their higher spending power. Benison Gorden’s strong performance across key brand indicators provides a solid foundation for this transition. The brand’s ability to evoke high emotional attachment and loyalty suggests it can build a devoted upper-class customer base. Positive overall brand experiences indicate the brand’s capacity to deliver consistent value, essential for growth in a competitive market. As Benison Gorden navigates this market shift, continuous monitoring of consumer feedback and adaptive strategies will be crucial. The research highlights the need for a comprehensive understanding of both quantitative metrics and qualitative insights into consumer behavior and sentiments. This dual approach provides a robust framework for strategic planning and decision-making, enabling Benison Gorden to effectively target the upper-class market. By leveraging its strengths and addressing areas for improvement, Benison Gorden can enhance its competitive edge and achieve long-term success. The study’s findings offer valuable guidance for other brands aiming to shift their market focus, demonstrating the effectiveness of integrating quantitative and qualitative data to inform strategic direction and ensure a successful transition.

Strategy for Embracing Digital Technology at XYZ Life Insurance Company

In the last two decades, insurance markets in industrialised countries have undergone significant transformation due to deregulation, increased competition and globalisation. This evolution has also impacted emerging markets such as Indonesia, where the insurance sector, particularly digital insurance, presents both challenges and opportunities. This study aims to explore the factors that influence customer adoption of digital insurance platforms in Indonesia, focusing on perceived ease of use, usability, customer experience, trust in technology, and innovativeness. The research employed both qualitative and quantitative methodologies, including thematic analysis of interviews and multiple linear regression analysis of survey data. The results showed that while perceived usefulness and innovativeness had a positive effect on adoption intention, perceived ease of use had a negative impact, indicating the need for a balance between simplicity and security. Trust in technology, while not directly impactful, is still important for building user confidence. This study highlights the importance of user education, strong data protection, and innovative features in driving digital insurance adoption. However, limitations such as the focus on certain factors and the cross-sectional nature of this study indicate the need for further research to cover a wider range of variables and longitudinal data.

Scenario Planning for Strategic Decision-Making in Captive Power Plant: A Case Study of EBC Company Facing Global Net Zero Emission Challenges Beyond 2031

Greenhouse gas emissions from human activities, especially the combustion of fossil fuels, increased world surface temperatures by 1.1 °C between 2011 and 2020 compared to the 1850–1900 period. In order to limit global temperature rise, and achieve net-zero emissions by mid-century, as outlined in the Paris Agreement—which Indonesia signed in 2016—a substantial decrease in coal usage is imperative. This poses uncertainties for coal-dependent companies like Eastern Borneo Coal (EBC) in Indonesia. This study investigates the business environment uncertainties faced by EBC, particularly regarding its captive coal power plants, and assesses the potential risks associated with various future scenarios using scenario planning method. Findings suggest EBC must prioritize equipment upgrades and compliance measures in stricter regulatory environments, enhance operational efficiency and diversify investments in favourable conditions, implement cost reduction strategies and focus on high-quality coal production in challenging markets, and maintain flexibility and explore export opportunities under looser regulations. Emphasizing the importance of monitoring key indicators, engaging with stakeholders, and investing in sustainable technologies, the study provides strategic insights to help EBC navigate future uncertainties and maintain competitiveness, positioning it as a leader in sustainable energy practices beyond 2031.

The Relationship between COVID-19 Pandemic and Non-Performing Loan Ratio in Indonesian Conventional Banks

This study examines the relationship between COVID-19 variables (COVID-19 cases and COVID-19 deaths) and the nonperforming loan (NPL) ratio in Indonesian conventional banks from Q1 2017 to Q4 2022. Data from 56 conventional banks— comprising 4 government-owned and 52 privately-owned banks, were gathered from the Indonesian Financial Service Authority’s bank publication reports. Utilizing a quantitative approach, panel data regression with a fixed effect model is employed, with the NPL ratio as the dependent variable. COVID-19 cases and COVID-19 deaths are the main independent variables. Control variables include loan-to-deposit ratio, bank size, return on assets, regulatory capital ratio, equity ratio, GDP growth rate, inflation rate, overnight rate, and unemployment rate. The analysis is conducted separately for COVID-19 cases and COVID-19 deaths to independently evaluate their impact on the NPL ratio. Results indicate a significant positive relationship between COVID-19 cases and COVID-19 deaths with the NPL ratio. Additionally, the study identifies negative significant relationships between the NPL ratio and return on assets, loan-to-deposit ratio, bank size, regulatory capital ratio, and GDP growth rate.

The Influence of Hexagon Fraud Elements on Fraud Regional Financial Management Using the Internal Control System as a Moderation Variable in Regional Government in the Region of North Sumatra Province

The findings of WDP opinions in several districts/cities in North Sumatra province indicate that there are one or more financial administrations that do not or have not met the standards of good financial management. Non-compliance with legislation will result in an increased tendency for fraud. With the spread of fraud cases, it is necessary to prevent and detect financial management fraud using the fraud hexagon theory. This research is a quantitative study which aims to analyze the influence of the fraud hexagon elements (pressure, opportunity, rationalization, capability, arrogance and collusion) on regional financial management fraud with the internal control system as a moderating variable. The population of this study was 34 Provincial/Regency/City Governments. Meanwhile, the number of samples was 7 Provincial/Regency/City governments. Then, 3 OPDs (Regional Apparatus Organizations) related to regional financial management were taken from each sample, namely Bappeda as OPD for regional financial planning, Regional Financial and Asset Agency as OPD for budgeting, implementation, administration, reporting and regional financial accountability, and Provincial/Regency/City Inspectorate as OPD for internal supervision of regional finance. In each OPD, 5 Regional Financial Management officials were taken, so that the total number of observations was 105 respondents. The analysis technique used is Partial Least Square (PLS), which is a component or variantbased Structural Equation Model (SEM). The results of data research prove that pressure has a significant effect on fraud. Opportunity has a significant effect on fraud. Rationalization has a significant effect on fraud. Capability has a significant effect on fraud. Arrogance has a significant effect on fraud and collusion has a significant effect on fraud. Meanwhile, the results of the moderation test show that the internal control system is unable to moderate the influence of the fraud hexagon elements (pressure, opportunity, rationalization, capability, arrogance and collusion) on regional financial management fraud.

Analyzing the Influence of Viral Marketing on Increasing Purchase Intention of High-End Cosmetic Products

This study investigates the influence of viral marketing on the purchase intention of high-end cosmetic products, emphasizing the mediating role of attitude on behavior. The rapid development of the internet and social media has significantly changed marketing strategies, with viral marketing currently being executed by many cosmetic brands. Viral marketing utilizes information, entertainment, irritation and source credibility to engage consumers and drive purchase decisions. However, preliminary research suggests a gap between theoretical benefits and practical outcomes, highlighting the skepticism of consumers of high end cosmetic products towards viral marketing. This study aims to bridge this gap by identifying the dimensions of viral marketing that have the most influence on purchase intention and attitude towards behavior. Despite its potential, not all viral marketing efforts are successful in driving purchase intention, so a deeper understanding of the factors at play is needed. This study employs a quantitative approach, using structural equation modeling (SEM) to analyze data collected from 100 women who have purchased high-end cosmetic products in the past six months. Findings reveal that source credibility is the most significant variable in viral marketing that influencing both purchase intention and attitude towards behavior on high end cosmetics product, Source credibility enhances trust and perceived value, leading to a stronger positive attitude towards the product and higher purchase intentions.

Culture of Human Behavior in Architecture

The basic process that involves human interaction with their environment is environmental information obtained by the process of perception. Perception is formed because of the interaction of a person (individual) with their life space, which is finally realised in behavioral attitudes. Thus, the behavior, response, and action are determined by personal perception. It can be argued that human psychiatry determines human behavior in the form of condition, attitude, perception, cognition, and motivation. Cognition is obtained from the culture, experience, and education that an individual owns. The aspect of cognition is an aspect of change movement because the information received determines the feeling and the willingness to do. In terms of cognition, it consists of several components, namely cognitive components that will answer the question of what people think about objects. The components of affection conation will answer what is felt (happy / not happy) to the object, and it will answer the question of the willingness to act toward the object. Each component does not stand alone, but one unity is called the cognition system. The cognition system is the result of a cognitive process. It comprises perception activities, imagination, thinking, reasoning, and decision-making.