The Influence of Augmented Reality on Purchase Intentions through Consumers of Madame Gie Products

Beauty products are needed by every individual, with various types of products offered, including quality, price, brand, and packaging. Therefore, the Purchase intentions of beauty products are very diverse. Madame Gie is one of the beauty product brands that has plunged into the use of Augmented Reality to make it easier for consumers to choose product variances. This study aims to determine and analyze the effect of Augmented Reality experiences on the purchase intention of Madame Gie products in Bandung, with Consumers’ Control as an intervening variable. This study uses a quantitative approach with a questionnaire through Google Form of 385 samples and analyzed by the Smart-PLS statistical program based on this research, the AR experience positively influences consumer Purchase Intention toward Madame Gie products. Consumer’s Control also plays a crucial role in the relationship between AR experience and Purchase Intention. Therefore, companies need to consider the importance of giving control to consumers in AR technology usage to maximize its impact on consumer purchase intention and enhance the performance of their beauty product marketing.

Employer Branding to Improve Employee Loyalty after a Business Merger in PT Pelindo Terminal Petikemas

In today’s world, solid employer branding is important for any company or organization. Ambler & Barrow (1996) defined employer branding as the process of building and promoting a company’s reputation as an employer. Ilyas et al. (2020) stated that employer branding has a strong positive relationship with employee loyalty and the extent to which employees are committed to their organization and its goals. When a business goes through a merger, employee loyalty becomes an important factor in ensuring the company’s productivity, which is something that PT Pelindo Terminal Petikemas and some other Indonesian State-Owned Enterprises have gone through in recent years. The primary research objective of this study is to identify the specific aspects of employer branding that can be prioritized by PT Pelindo Terminal Petikemas to enhance employee loyalty. The methodology used is primarily quantitative research with correlational analysis as the statistical model, however, additional qualitative data was also collected and analyzed. The primary data were acquired through an online questionnaire given to the employees of PT Pelindo Terminal Petikemas. This study concludes that employer branding and employee loyalty have a strong positive significant correlation. Furthermore, it was also found that the employer branding dimensions with the strongest correlation with employee loyalty are organizational culture, ethics and corporate social responsibility, and diversity. PT Pelindo Terminal Petikemas can focus on improving the organizational culture, ethics and corporate social responsibility, and diversity aspects of employer branding to improve employee loyalty. The research also provides actionable solutions for PT Pelindo Terminal Petikemas to further strengthen its employer branding and improve employee loyalty.

The Significance of Stakeholders in the Rooftop Solar Power Plant Ecosystem Industry in Indonesia

Stakeholder analysis in an ecosystem is important for managers to planning the most efficient strategic steps for their organization. On the other hand, there is lack of research that mapping the significance of actors inside the ecosystem of an industry. This study attempts to utilize the network analysis as a method to examine the significance of stakeholders. We demonstrate the usage and effectiveness of this method in the rooftop solar power plant ecosystem industry in Indonesia. This study used a qualitative research methodology. Data were obtained through in-depth interviews with stakeholders who formed the industry. The result of this study are Indonesia’s rooftop solar power plant ecosystem map and power-interest grid of the stakeholders.

The Need for Flipbook Media for Building Space Material in Elementary School Mathematics Learning

This study describes the needs of flipbook media for learning mathematics with the material of building space. The purpose of this research is to describe the needs of flipbook media for learning mathematics with elementary school space building material. The type of research is descriptive qualitative. The data source is math learning with geometry material. data collection through questionnaires and interviews. The results showed that flipbook media is needed for learning mathematics because it has facilities that easily arouse motivation to learn, making flipbook content is easy and does not require large storage space, and can be learned at any time according to circumstances.

Factors That Influencing Employee’s Wellbeing during Pandemic

The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between diversity, psychosocial, and employee wellbeing as an impact of implementing flexible working arrangements during the COVID-19 period in 2022. The results revealed that diversity and psychosociality were significantly and positively related to employee wellbeing. It also revealed that age and gender were significantly and positively related to flexible working arrangements and that flexible working arrangements were significantly and positively related to psychosocial. Theoretically, this paper has contributed to the literature on flexible working arrangements, psychosocial, diversity, and well-being. Practically, the practitioners of digital companies should consider implementing flexible working arrangements to cater to the needs of their employees by providing flexible work time, remote working, or different working hours. In conclusion, this paper has revealed the importance of flexible working arrangements and diversity in employee well-being.

Proposed Marketing Strategy to Increase Sales Snack Food Popcorn (Case Study: Karmellow)

Karmellow is one of the popcorn snacks produced by PT Suara Matahari Trading (SUMATRA Group). Karmellow has three flavours of popcorn in 20 grams at an affordable price. Based on the research, there is a demand for snack food, especially popcorn, for consumers in Indonesia due to increasing snack food sales and the increasing global market size of popcorn snacks. However, the trendline of sales of Karmellow popcorn is declining, and the awareness of Karmellow is considered low. Therefore, this research was conducted to help Karmellow increase sales and brand awareness by creating an excellent marketing strategy. In this research, both qualitative and quantitative methods are used. In-depth interviews were conducted with the COO and employees of SUMATRA to know the internal conditions. Secondary data, such as textbooks, was also gathered to determine the external conditions. Besides this, the research also distributed online questionnaires to 252 respondents. This research results in the new segmentation, targeting, and positioning for Karmellow and a new marketing mix (4Ps), such as product, place, price, and promotion, as the proposed marketing strategy for Karmellow. It can be concluded that Karmellow has an opportunity in Indonesia but needs several marketing strategies.

Measurement Tool for The Influence of Sales Promotion, Utilitarian Motive, Self Esteem Motive, and Hedonic Motive on Purchase Decision with Impulse Buying and Behavior Intention as Variable Intervening in E-commerce XYZ

One proof of the ease of technology is the emergence of e-commerce. E-commerce is a medium that allows sellers and buyers to meet face-to-face. This research aims to provide a measurement tool to analyze the influence of sales promotion, utilitarian motive, self-esteem, and hedonic motive on purchasing decisions with impulse buying and behavioral intention as intervening variables. This research surveyed with the participation of 30 respondents who had purchased products through XYZ e-commerce Therefore, this measuring instrument meets the requirements and is acceptable for further research.

Physico-chemical Properties of Biocharcoal Briquettes Blend of Goat Manure Charcoal, Saboak Shell and Lamtoro Twigs

The study aimed to determine the effect of blend of goat manure charcoal, saboak shell and lamtoro twigs on the physical and chemical properties of biocharcoal briquettes. The completely randomised design with 4 treatments and 4 replications was applied in this study. Those treatments were, P1 = 25% goat manure charcoal + 75% saboak shell without lamtoro twigs, P2 = 25% goat manure charcoal + 50% saboak shell + 25% lamtoro twigs, P3 = 25% goat manure charcoal + 25% saboak shell + 50% lamtoro twigs and P4 = 25% goat manure charcoal without saboak shell + 75% lamtoro twigs. The variables studied were: yield, density, moisture content, ash content, calorific value, volatile matter and fixed carbon. Data were analysed according to the analysis of variance procedure. The mean values obtained were: 55.20% yield; 0.56 g/cm3 density; 3.41% moisture content; 14.80% ash content; 5195.05 cal/g calorific value; 25.54% volatile matter; 56.25% fixed carbon. Statistical analysis showed the treatment had a very significant effect (P<0.01) on yield, density, moisture content, ash content and fixed carbon, but not significant (P>0.05) on calorific value and volatile matter. It can be concluded that blend of goat manure charcoal, saboak shell and lamtoro twigs with an increasing proportion of lamtoro twig as substitute on saboak shell produces biocharcoal briquettes with good moisture, density and calorific value that has fulfilled the requirements standardised in SNI 01-6235-2000, while other physicochemical properties such as fixed carbon, volatile matter ash content   not meet these standards.

Physico-chemical Characteristics of Biochar Briquettes Blend of Goat Manure Charcoal, Saboak Shells and Rice Husk

The study aimed to determine the effect of goat manure charcoal mixture, saboak shell and rice husk on the physico-chemical characteristics of biocharcoal briquettes. The completely randomized design with 4 treatments and 4 replicates was applied. Those treatments were P1 = 25% goat manure + 75% saboak shell without rice husk, P2 = 25% goat manure + 50% saboak shell + 25% rice husk, P3 = 25% goat manure + 25% saboak shell + 50% rice husk, P4 = 25% goat manure + 75% rice husk without saboak shell. Variables measured: yield, density, moisture content, ash content, volatile matter, fixed carbon and calorific value. The average data obtained were: yield 58.94%; density 0.65 g/cm3; moisture 2.42%; ash 27.41%; volatile matter 26.58%; fixed carbon 43.59%. and calorific value 4086.7 cal/ g; Statistical analysis showed that treatment had a very significant effect (P<0.01) on ash content and fixed carbon; significant effect (P<0.05) on moisture content and calorific value; and not significant (P>0.05) on yield, density and volatile matter. It was concluded that increasing the proportion of rice husk charcoal in the mixture with goat manure and saboak shell produced biochar briquettes with characteristics decreased of moisture content, fixed carbon and calorific value, increased of ash content while yield, density and volatile matter tended to be the same.

Safety Behavior Analysis in the Drilling Rig Site Operations of Pertamina Hulu Mahakam

PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam is Indonesia national oil company that produce and operate gas and oil field in Mahakam, East Kalimantan Area. It spreads from swamp delta to shallow water offshore area. In 2022, the company operates 5 drilling rigs, which are 3 Jack Up Rigs and 2 Swamp Barge Rigs. The drilling rig is used to perform the operations of well construction activities for development and explorations wells, from spud, drilling, until well completion. The operations on the drilling rig have a high-risk profile. It involves handling equipment, tools, tripping hazard, lifting operations, moving object, drop object, power system, rotation system, high pressure lines and simultaneous operations.

A safety system, campaign, initiatives, and measurement are deployed on the rig site to keep the rig crew away from incident. Despite safety initiatives in place on the rig site, however, incident still happens. If incident happened, there will be lost of productivity, man hours, medical cost, administration, and dedicated investigation time. The operations need to be stopped and reevaluated again before continuing the job. Due to the most common factor of incident is human factor, hence, to understand how safety initiatives conducted and implemented by people on the rig, the research uses the theory of planned behavior.

The research took sample of questionnaires and interview from personnel on the rig, which are the actors of safety initiatives. It involves direct and indirect method, and comparison between descriptive (manual method) and PLS analysist. On PLS analysis, author compares independently the result between: Direct Measurement (A), Control Belief (B) and Control belief multiply to the outcome evaluation / motivation / power, depend on the factors of the TPB (B x C).

From the result, it is observed that the determinant factors of the theory of planned behavior such as: attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavioral control is confirmed to have effect on the intention and safety incident avoidance. Based on the descriptive analysis, all variable element of TPB have high to very high category, except Direct Measurement of Perceived Behavioural Control (PBC) that falls into medium category. This give indication that the level of control, ease or difficulties of rig workers in performing safety initiatives is low compare to the other factors. It is shown by the questionnaire result that despite they have control in performing safety initiatives, however, when incident happened, they state that they have less control.

On the hypothesis result, the model B x C has the best output from reliability test, however, it is shown that the attitude has no effect on safety behavior intention. This finding relates to the answer on the level of worries and concern on safety of the rig crew which supposed to be undesirable when incident happened, however the answer was more on desirable. This part can be explored more on how the rig worker view the “worry or concern”, which due to their nature of their workplace, they might use this as a tool to keep vigilant and awareness on the workplace.