Corporate Strategy in Merger Plans for Construction-Based Business State Owned Enterprises Case Study: (PT. Pembangunan Perumahan Tbk. and PT. Wijaya Karya Tbk)

This research discusses the ministry of SOE’s plan to take strategic steps by combining several companies in the construction sector. One of the companies that will be merged is PT. Pembangunan Perumahan Tbk and PT. Wijaya Karya Tbk. This research uses qualitative methods by using secondary data sources. This research begins by consolidating the financial statements of both companies to find out the total assets and expenses of both companies.It is known that after consolidation was carried out and linked to corporate strategy, the company was in position of retrenchment stage. The next analysis is a restructuring step using hexagonal restructuring framework. The company needs to release several of it’s subsidiaries operating in industrial, property and realty, and energy sectors. Whereas the company will maintain it’s subsidiaries in the construction, EPC, and equipment sectors.The analysis results show that the company needs to streamline it’s assets through the release of several subsidiaries that don’t support the core business.The results of the company’s financial projections show that the company will be able to gain profits in the future after restructuring was carried out.

A Review of AI-powered Diagnosis of Rare Diseases

The diagnosis of rare diseases presents significant challenges due to their low prevalence, complex symptomatology, and the scarcity of specialized knowledge. However, advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) offer promising solutions to these challenges. This review explores the current state of AI-powered diagnostic tools for rare diseases, focusing on the methodologies, algorithms, and platforms utilized in this emerging field. We examine how AI technologies, such as machine learning, deep learning, and natural language processing, are being integrated into clinical practice to enhance diagnostic accuracy and speed. The research also provides the examples that highlight the successes and limitations of AI in this domain, providing insights into how AI can be harnessed to improve patient outcomes in rare disease diagnosis and management.

Design of Business Ecosystem Mapping in the Black Soldier Fly Industry of Bandung City

BSF (Black Soldier Fly) maggot cultivation is an alternative organic waste management that is growing rapidly in the city of Bandung. This research aims to design a business ecosystem map for the BSF maggot cultivation industry in Bandung City. The method used is business ecosystem mapping with a qualitative approach modified by Zheng Ma.

The research results show that the BSF maggot cultivation industry in Bandung City has six main groups of actors, namely maggot producers, maggot consumers, maggot raw material suppliers, maggot cultivation equipment and technology suppliers, government, and research institutions. Interactions between actors are driven by shared values, such as sustainability, circular economy and economic value. External factors that influence the development of the BSF maggot cultivation industry in Bandung City are government policy (politics), market trends (economics), public awareness (social) and technological progress (technology).

Reconfiguration of the BSF maggot cultivation business ecosystem in Bandung City by incorporating elements of changes in external factors. The map of changes in the BSF maggot cultivation business ecosystem in the city of Bandung over the next 5 years includes: (1) increasing BSF maggot production to meet market demand, (2) developing new products and services based on BSF maggots, (3) increasing collaboration between actors, (4) strengthening human resource capacity, and (5) encouraging the development of environmentally friendly BSF maggot cultivation technology.

Investigating Forms of Community Participation in Stunting Prevention: The Case of Balubur Limbangan District, Indonesia

This study examines the forms of community participation in preventing stunting in Balubur Limbangan District, Garut Regency, Indonesia, which is one of the areas with high stunting cases. In 2023, stunting cases in this district increased by 34.3%, with the four highest villages being Ciwangi, Pangeureunan, Neglasari, and Surabaya. The research method uses a qualitative approach to describe community participation in preventing stunting. The analysis’s results reveal that Balubur Limbangan’s community only participates through labor, neglecting other forms of participation like thoughts, group discussions, expertise, goods, and money. The causes include lack of awareness and knowledge about stunting, as well as cultural factors. Recommendations include increasing education about stunting through comprehensive socialization and training, as well as intensive awareness campaigns. In addition, it is necessary to increase supervision and evaluation of Integrated Service Post (Posyandu) activities to ensure their effectiveness. We highly recommend collaboration and cooperation between various parties, including Community Health Center (Puskesmas), village governments, and community organizations, to strengthen and increase the effectiveness of stunting prevention and reduction programs.

Nonlinear Stability of Cable-Connected Satellites: A Review of the Combined Effects of Solar Radiation Pressure and Earth’s Magnetic Field

The nonlinear stability of cable-connected satellites in equatorial orbit is crucial for maintaining their operational efficiency and extending their mission duration. This literature review aims to investigate the combined effects of solar radiation pressure and Earth’s magnetic field on the nonlinear stability of cable-connected satellites. We examine the current state of research on the dynamics of cable-connected satellites under the influence of solar radiation pressure and Earth’s magnetic field, focusing on nonlinear stability analysis. The review highlights the key findings, methodologies, and challenges in this research area. Our analysis reveals that the combined effects of solar radiation pressure and Earth’s magnetic field can significantly impact the nonlinear stability of cable-connected satellites, leading to complex dynamics and potential instability. The review identifies areas for future research, emphasizing the need for advanced modeling and simulation techniques to accurately predict and mitigate the effects of these environmental factors on cable-connected satellite systems. This comprehensive review provides a valuable resource for researchers and engineers working on the design and operation of cable-connected satellites in equatorial orbit.

Calculation of Some Crude Oil Flow Parameters in A Cylindrical Tube and Their Modelization in Small and Great Variable Radius

In this work, we establish the kinematic of flowing of crude oil inside a cylindrical tube which is rare in the literature. From velocity expression, we find kinematic. Pressure, temperature and heat distribution of crude oil flowing are also find from equations in the literature. Silmilation of these expressions shows that Kinematic of crude oil is similar to a flow of a fluide with a small viscosity what is true in the reality. Velocity of crude oil is not similar in any points during the flowing but increasing and decreasing according to the position point and seams like to be more fast in the border than in the center with a small radius and more fast in the center than in the border with a great radius. Temperature of the crude oil is not similar in any points during the flowing. It is more elevated in the the border than in the center. Pressure in small radius is more important in the center than in the border contrarily in great radius. results are more conformable in the reality in small than in great radius. Results of the heat is more conformable in the reality in small than in great radius.

The Influence of Knowledge Development on Good University Governance in Indonesian Universities

The implementation of Good University Governance (GUG) is anticipated to enhance transparency, accountability, university performance, and elevate the competitiveness of universities to international levels. Despite these expectations, the current implementation of GUG in Indonesia falls short. This research specifically focuses on examining the impact of Knowledge Development (KD) on GUG in public universities in Indonesia, utilizing the Resource-Based View (RBV) theory. The study population comprises public universities in Indonesia under the Directorate General of Higher Education of Indonesia (DIKTI). The sampling method employed is cluster sampling. The collected data are processed using SPSS for descriptive analytics and SmartPLS. The results indicate a positive and significant effect of KD on GUG. In essence, these findings align with the RBV theory, asserting that university capabilities contribute to enhancing overall university performance. Additionally, suggestions have been proposed for future research to expand the study’s scope by investigating other variables that may potentially influence Good University Governance (GUG) and university performance.

Teachers’ Familiarity with the Official Language of Instruction in Selected Urban Government Primary Schools in Solwezi District of Zambia

The study assessed class teachers’ familiarity with the official language of instruction in selected urban government primary schools in Solwezi District of Zambia. The objectives of the study were to determine class teachers’ familiarity with the official language of instruction; establish the effects of teachers’ familiarity with the official language of instruction on literacy achievement among urban Grade 3 learners; and ascertain the language instructional strategies teachers who were non-speakers of the language of instruction used to teach in class. The study was guided by The Mother Tongue Instruction Theory, and employed a mixed methods design. Data were collected through interview, lesson observation and fluency test. The study established that teachers who were non-speakers were unfamiliar with the language of classroom instruction, kiikaonde. The fluency test results showed that the teachers’ oral fluency, reading fluency, vocabulary, comprehension, linguistic performance and articulation was generally poor. Interview and observation results showed that the teachers’ unfamiliarity with the official language of instruction impended teaching, learning and learners’ understanding in those classrooms. For instance, the learners misunderstood the concepts, it was time consuming, teachers could not deliver lessons very well because of language barrier and learners did not get the best from the teachers resulting in under performance among teachers and learners. The study also established that the unfamiliar teachers with the language of instruction used variety coping language strategies in the classrooms such as translation, code-switch, group work, individual work and question and answer. The study recommends teachers should be capacity built in familiar language through training in colleges and CPD in schools. The teachers who were unfamiliar with the official familiar language of classroom instruction should not be allocated to teach lower primary classes before they learn the familiar language of instruction by MOE authorities; and the use of variety coping strategies should be encouraged.

Ontological Metaphor in Taylor Swift’s Selected Songs of Reputation Album

Metaphor is one of figurative languages mostly applied in literary works and becomes the focus of this study. The main purpose of this study is to find and analyze one type of metaphor namely ontological metaphor. The data source of this study comes from the song lyrics of Taylor Swift’s Reputation Album. Her song lyrics are picked out because they provides enough of ontology metaphorical aspect that becomes the main concern of this study. To collect the data, documentation method and note taking technique was employed. George Lakoff and Mark Johnson (1980) theory Metaphor We Live By was exploited in order to analyze the data source. The result of data is presenting by applying qualitative method, meaning that the analysis was descriptively explained in the form of words and sentences. Based on the findings of this study, in can be concluded that the use of ontological metaphor within the song lyrics is important to convey the ideas, emotions, and thoughts, and also to embellish or give a color, so it seems artistic to read and listen to.

Analysis of Characteristics and Service Level of Pedestrian Facilities: Case Study of Ubud Tourist Destination, Gianyar Regency, Bali Province, Indonesia

The purpose of this study was to analyze the characteristics of sidewalks and pedestrians, the level of service and the type of pedestrian crossing facilities that are appropriate on Jalan Raya Ubud. Primary data collection using manual survey methods, including road geometric data, pedestrian volume, pedestrian speed, volume of road crossers and vehicles. Secondary data collection use literature study methods which include the location maps and population. Data analysis based on the guidelines of the Ministry of Public Works (2014). Based on the results of the analysis, the average width of the North and South sidewalks is 1.4 m with an average effective width of the North sidewalk is 0.9 m, while on the South sidewalk the average effective width of the sidewalk is 0.95 m. The largest pedestrian flow on the North and South Sidewalks on weekdays and holidays occurs in the afternoon with a total of 520 p/h with an average speed of 4.32 km/h, a density of 12 p/100 m2 and 8 m2/p pedestrian space for the North sidewalk, and the South sidewalk with a flow of 389 p/ h with an average speed of 3.72 km/h, a density of 10 p/100 m2, and 10 m2/p pedestrian space. On holidays, the flow is 744 p/ h with an average speed of 2.63 km/ h, a density of 28 p/100 m2 , and a pedestrian space of 4 m2 /org for the North sidewalk. While the South sidewalk has a flow of 351 org / hour with an average speed of 4.06 km / hour, a density of 9 org / 100 m2 , and a space of 12 m2 /org. The level of service of the North and South sidewalks on weekdays is included in the “B” category. The level of service of the North sidewalk on holidays is in the “C” category and the South sidewalk is in the “B” category.