Advanced TRST01 ESG Scoring Model with Beta Based Financial Metrics and Machine Learning Techniques

In the current corporate world, assessing a company’s sustainability performance is very important for investors, stakeholders, and policymakers. The TRST01’s ESG (Environmental. Social and Governance) Scoring Model introduces an innovative approach integrating beta-based financial metrics with advanced machine learning techniques to comprehensively evaluate ESG credentials. This study demonstrates the development and application of the TRST01’s ESG scoring model, which leverages data from the most reputable sources such as MSCI and S&P Global to ensure its reliability and accuracy. The model’s unique methodology involves calculating country-specific beta values to normalize carbon emission data, thereby providing a standardized metric for meaningful comparisons across countries. Further, ESG scores are adjusted using both country and company beta values to reflect specific risk exposures, enhancing the precision and relevance of the assessments. The model ensures robust input data quality, by taking Market capital, Scope 1, Scope 2, industry wise data and beta values as predictors through extensive data preprocessing and encoding categorical variables for top 1000 listed companies. A comparative analysis of Traditional model such as Simple Linear Regression (SLR) and multiple Machine Learning (ML) models, including Gradient Boosting (GB), Support Vector Regression (SVR), and Random Forest (RF), demonstrates that the Gradient Boosting model achieves superior performance with minimal overfitting and consistent prediction accuracy. The study employs a comprehensive evaluation framework using various metrics such as Mean Absolute Error (MAE), Mean Squared Error (MSE), and R-squared, supplemented by detailed visualizations of actual vs. predicted values, residuals, and error distributions. This research underscores the significance of incorporating advanced financial metrics and machine learning techniques in ESG assessments, providing a reliable, accurate, and holistic framework for understanding corporate sustainability. The TRST01 ESG Scoring Model sets a new standard in sustainability evaluation, offering valuable insights for stakeholders committed to integrating sustainability into core business strategies.

Effect of Stretching Exercise on Reducing Musculoskeletal Disorders for Administration Staff at Hospital

Administrative staff worked with static body posture and repetitive work for more than eight hours a day. They were experiencing musculoskeletal disorders as a risk of using workstation and their posture at work. It is important to reduce the risk of injury caused by their working risks. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of stretching on the reduction of musculoskeletal disorders. This research used quasi-experiment approach with one group pre-test post-test only design. The number of research respondents was 60 employees taken by purposive sampling at Lung Hospital Bandung. Musculoskeletal disorders measured using the Nordic Body Map questionnaire before and after interventions. Stretching was giving to employees every day for 3 weeks simultaneously. The result shows majority of respondents were female, 33 respondents (55%), as many as 54 respondents (66.7%) were 24-30 years old. Most of respondents have BMI in obese level as may as 31 respondents (51.7%). Respondents who have worked for more than 2 years were 43 respondents (71.7%). Before the intervention, as many respondents experienced low complaints (86.7%). After the intervention, all respondents had decreaced in complaints become the low category (p=0,001). Recommendation for hospital was to carry out stretching exercise to prevent MSDs for administrative workers.

Training Development to Eliminate Competency Gap at Component Rebuild Section (PT LC)

Workers are an important factor in and have a very important role in carrying out tasks in a company. Companies understand that skilled workers can provide excellent results. Improved worker performance leads to increased productivity and desired results, thus affecting the quality of the product.  Competence is a key factor that improves employee performance. This level of proficiency has a direct impact on the work of each worker. The current problem is that there is a difference in competence between the company’s needs and the competence of the available workforce. The subjects of this research are employees of PT Lignite Coal, especially those who work in the Component Development Section and the objects in this study are work competency variables and employee performance. The instruments used in data collection are observation, focus group discussions and interviews and data management or documents related to existing training. This research uses an analysis method with an open coding process. Open coding is an approach to theme pieces and incorporates several concepts identified during data collection in an organized and systematic way. By obtaining data related to competency gaps that occur in the Component Rebuild Section, it can be analyzed for training programs developed from existing training programs to be more on target and according to work needs in the Component Rebuild Section so that there are no more competency gaps. The research data shows that there is a competency gap that occurs due to differences in the adaptability, knowledge and expertise of each tradesperson in the component rebuild section (remanufacturing process).

The results of this study indicate that training has a positive and significant effect on increasing employee competence which can improve employee performance which affects the quality of the product. Training programs with the right material and the right delivery method by adapting to the latest technology will greatly help in eliminating competency gaps and developing employee competencies so that employees are able to work well where employees are able to adapt to new technology and are able to increase their knowledge which in turn is able to analyze and provide recommendations for improvements which ultimately affect the performance of components that are able to achieve the specified target life.

Integrating ERM with HACCP for Enhanced Efficiency in SME Beverage Manufacturing: The Case of SME Beverage Manufacture Company in Rembang, Indonesia

This study presents an approach to determining the most impactful risks faced by an SME beverage manufacturing company in Rembang, Indonesia. Indonesia’s food and beverage market is highly competitive, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that aim to sustain and grow their businesses. Focusing more on their business strategy, these SMEs often overlook risk management, which can lead to significant losses. The study employs a methodology that combines Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) with Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) to detect and evaluate potential risks in the production process, ultimately providing recommendations for the best possible corrective actions to manage these risks. The ERM framework highlighted three major risks associated with defective products, water shortage, and blackout, while the HACCP analysis pinpointed five critical control points (CCPs) in the production process of boiling, cooling, mixing, filling/bottling, and packaging. Based on these results, the study suggests corrective actions of installing backup generators, securing additional water supplies, and implementing homogenizers will benefit the company.

Safeguarding Heritage: Preserving Traditional Knowledge in Global Patent Law

The present study investigates the defensive safeguarding of traditional knowledge within the framework of international patent law. The chosen research methodology is evaluative, employing secondary data sources. The primary emphasis of this study is on primary and secondary legal materials. The process of data analysis involves the utilisation of qualitative juridical analysis techniques. The findings suggest that traditional knowledge has distinct attributes intricately linked to traditional communal elements and spans diverse areas of human existence. The safeguarding of traditional knowledge is paramount to uphold principles of fairness, environmental preservation, cultural heritage, prevention of misappropriation, and the advancement of sustainable utilisation. In international patent law, there is a notable incongruity between traditional knowledge and patent systems that prioritise human ingenuity and originality. The efficacy of patent systems in protecting traditional information is limited by the inherent characteristics of traditional knowledge, which is often collective and transmitted orally. The safeguarding of traditional knowledge necessitates a harmonious integration of both legal and practical dimensions. These endeavours encompass the acknowledgement of pre-existing knowledge and inventions, the creation of organisations to oversee safeguarding, and the implementation of pragmatic strategies to guarantee availability and equitable utilisation. The ability to patent novel discoveries derived from traditional knowledge is possible; nevertheless, conflicts often occur due to disparities between patent regimes and the inherent characteristics of traditional knowledge. In the present situation, it is imperative to adopt a comprehensive and equitable strategy to safeguard traditional knowledge’s long-term viability within the intellectual property framework.

Safeguarding Intellectual Property in the Post-Cultural Advancement Law Era in Indonesia: Preserving Traditional Knowledge

Traditional Knowledge, as a product of the interplay between ecological, social, and cultural factors, embodies the insights acquired by communities in understanding the demands of nature. Embedded in intellectual activities shaped by a nation’s thoughts, ideas, and creations, Traditional Knowledge necessitates legal protection and certainty of ownership by the state due to its significant value, categorizing it as a national asset. This protection is often sought through laws like the Cultural Advancement Law, primarily designed to uphold the nation’s interests. This research aims to analyze the role of the Cultural Advancement Law in safeguarding Traditional Knowledge in Indonesia and identify the challenges faced by this legal framework in providing protection. Employing a normative approach through a literature review, the study reveals the pivotal role of the Cultural Advancement Law in developing, utilizing, advancing, preserving, and safeguarding Traditional Knowledge. However, its enforcement faces obstacles due to the ongoing debate surrounding the impact of traditional Knowledge on the economy and society.

The Identity Crisis among Peoples from Mixed Parents from Countries under in Inter-States Conflicts: Case of Rwanda, D.R. Congo and Burundi

The study was carried out by 5 mixed- people living in Burundi, Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo, within the framework of guided interview seminars, in order to analyze the construction of mixed-ethics people in the context of identity conflicts due to ethnic or cultural conflicts, otherwise known as “ethnocultural conflicts”. Mestizos are a minority in the states where we live, and are considered problematic in the various societies of Africa’s Great Lakes region country. My fieldwork revealed that mixed-ethnic people in these three countries are victims of several atrocities, including ethnic marginalization, nepotism, socio-political demonization and economic discrimination. In this context, I have attempted to identify the main actors involved in identity conflicts among mixed-ethic people, and to propose a perspective of dialogue as a solution to the situations of the mixed-ethnic people mentioned above. On this basis, a number of recommendations have been put forward to reinforce the hope of positive action at regional level for the promotion of peace and lasting stability, particularly for mixed people who are increasingly victims of appearance status at UN level.

Adaptation Factor Analysis Instrument of Interpersonal Support Evaluation List in Indonesian Version: Confirmatory Approach

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The Effect of Pressure, Opportunity, Rationalization, Religiousness on Fraud Behavior (PT. Mayora Indah Tbk Jatake 1)

This study aims to examine the effect of pressure, opportunity, rationalization, and rationalization on employee fraud at PT Mayora Indah Tbk Jatake 1. This type of research is classified as survey research with a quantitative approach. The population in this study were employees of PT Mayora Indah Tbk Jatake 1. The research sample was determined by purposive sampling method so that a sample of 88 was obtained from the questionnaires. Data was analyzed by using multiple regression, intention to commit employee fraud as the dependent variable and pressure, opportunity, rationalization and religion as independent variables. The results of this study indicate that: (1) pressure has a significant positive effect on the intention to commit fraud, (2) opportunity has a significant positive effect on the intention to commit employee fraud, (3) rationalization has a significant positive effect on employee fraud intentions, (4) religion has a significant negative effect on employee fraud intentions. So it can be concluded that opportunity, opportunity, rationalization, and religion have a significant influence on the fraudulent intentions of employees of PT Mayora Indah Tbk Jatake 1.

The Impact of Green Marketing Mix on Green Loyalty in Oatside Plant Based Milk Product with Green Satisfaction as Intervening Variable

Currently, environmental conservation is a widely discussed topic as public awareness about its importance grows. Businesses need to recognize this trend, particularly by producing environmentally friendly products. Oatside is one such popular eco-friendly brand that has gained significant traction within less than two years, competing effectively with long-established brands. Despite this success, Oatside must continue to boost consumer loyalty through a strategic marketing mix approach to better understand consumer desires and prevent them from switching to other brands. This research aims to evaluate the impact of green marketing mix on consumers’ green loyalty, with green satisfaction serving as an intervening variable. This understanding is essential for Oatside to identify consumer needs and enhance loyalty in the competitive market. This research employs quantitative methods, incorporating multivariate techniques and descriptive analysis. The study sample consists of 300 consumers Oatside in Indonesia. The data were analyzed using the Structural Equation Model (SEM) with the help of SmartPLS 3.0 software. According to the findings of this study, there is a significant and positive correlation between green products, green locations, and green promotions with green satisfaction and green loyalty indirectly. However, the variable of green pricing did not demonstrate a significant positive influence on green satisfaction or green loyalty indirectly. The research utilized a model with an R-square result of 0.254, indicating a moderate level of explanatory power. The study revealed a positive and significant impact of green products, green locations, and green promotions on green satisfaction and green loyalty indirectly. However, the variable of green pricing did not show a positive and significant influence on green satisfaction or green loyalty indirectly. The research employed a model with an R-square value of 0.254 or 25.4%, falling into the moderate category. Based on these findings, it is suggested that Oatside offers more targeted promotions to its consumers, while ensuring profitability. This approach aims to enhance consumer satisfaction with Oatside’s environmentally friendly products, with the ultimate goal of increasing consumer green loyalty.