Spatial Ability of Students in Solving Unit Cube Problem

This study aims to expose the ability of high school students in solving field problems three. The intended third field is the cube. This article uses a qualitative approach with in-depth interviews was conducted for 4 weeks. Data collection techniques in this study consisted of observation, interviews, tests and documentation. The interview guidelines and test in the form of planes three which aim to determine visual spatial abilities have been validated by 2 experts in the fields of mathematics and mathematics education. The research subjects were 11th grade students majoring in Science at SMAN 3 Blitar who had taken subject matter in Planes three. Based on the analysis, it can be concluded that in solving the cube problem in accordance with the spatial abilities of the subject there are several stages: the observation of the image, imagining, relating to the term from other concepts and solving the problem.

Sustainability Status of Alabio Duck Farming in Hulu Sungai Utara Regency, Indonesia

Alabio Duck (Anas platyrhynchos Borneo) is a germplasm originating from Hulu Sungai Utara Regency, South Kalimantan. Currently, the availability of pure Alabio Ducks is very limited in Hulu Sungai Utara Regency due to various factors that threaten the sustainability of Alabio duck farming. This paper aims to analyse the sustainability status of Alabio duck farming in Hulu Sungai Utara Regency. Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) is used to determine the sustainability status. The result showed that the sustainability status of Alabio duck farming in Hulu Sungai Utara Regency is classified as moderately sustainable. However, the ecological and technological dimensions are classified as less sustainable, the economic and institutional dimensions are classified as moderately sustainable, while only the social dimension is classified as sustainable. Improvements are needed in the conditions of Alabio duck farming to raise its sustainability status in Hulu Sungai Utara Regency.

Ethical And Moral Dimension of Climate Change; A Path to Climate Justice Case Study: Susan Bay’s Community, Freetown

2023 has been recorded as the hottest year ever. Sierra Leone is ranked among the 10% of countries that are prone and most vulnerable to climate impacts globally and Susan Bay is bearing the brunt of climate change impacts, including rising sea levels and flooding. Biodiversity is being impacted by human unethical behavior, wrong perceptions, and unhealthy activities. This has resulted to global surface temperatures reached 1.1°C. However, to address the situation UNESCO and COMEST proposed guidelines for Governments in their mitigation and adaptation strategies an ethical tool to achieve climate justice.

An integrative review was employed to examine existing literatures. Also, key words were used to search popular databases, including Web of Science, Google Scholar, and PubMed, from the years 2010 to 2023 with a total of 53 articles.  We argued that the most affected population should receive financial compensation from G20 countries responsible for majority of the Green House Gas Emissions. Therefore, the paper proposed for the Government of Sierra Leone to ensure policy regulation and enforcement, community development and empowerment, and community protection and resilience in their actions, missions, and visions from our analytical framework.

The paper recommends for the GoSL to integrate ethical and moral values into climate mitigation and adaptation strategies, in line with UNESCO and COMEST recommendations with emphasis on: Prevention of harm; scientific integrity; and justice and equity. Inadequate financial resources and technical expertise hinders the GoSL in implementing these recommendations. To address these challenges, the study suggests that G20 nations should provide climate finance and scientific support to help the GoSL efficiently develop and execute its climate mitigation and adaptation strategies a path to climate justice.