Association between Utilization of Personal Protective Equipment and Prevalence of Road Traffic Injuries amongst Motorcycle Users in Kibera Constituency, Nairobi County Kenya

Throughout the world, road traffic injuries (RTIs) are a vastly silent encroaching public health problem. Motorcyclists and pillion passengers are two of the most vulnerable road users worldwide. In Kenya, the annual incidence reports on RTIs amongst these groups had been on the rise in recent years. In 2017, 1,270 injuries were recorded while 2018 had 1,587 RTIs amongst these two groups. In 2019, 2,911 injuries were reported and 4,575 injuries in 2020. The purpose of the study was to assess the association between the utilization of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and the prevalence of Road Traffic Injuries (minor and major) amongst motorcycle riders in Kibera constituency, Nairobi County, Kenya. Specific objectives were to determine the prevalence of RTIs amongst motorcycle riders, to determine the level of PPE utilization amongst the motorcycle riders, to evaluate the association between the utilization of PPE and the severity of injury sustained by the riders, and to evaluate the effect size of the association between the utilization of PPE and the type of injury sustained by motorcycle riders. A cross-sectional analytical study design was used to gather both qualitative and quantitative data from the motorcycle riders in Kibera constituency. Questionnaires were used to gather information on injuries sustained from the local hospitals and clinics visited by the motorcycle riders in Kibera constituency. A checklist was used to gather data on the utilization of personal protective equipment by motorcycle users in Kibera constituency. The total number of registered motorcycles (2956) was subjected to Slovin’s formula (n)=N/(1+Ne^2) to obtain a representative sample of 353 motorcycle riders who participated in the study. Data was analyzed using SPSS V22 and MS-excel software. Data was subjected to bivariate analysis with crosstabs for case classification, Chi square to evaluate the association, and Cramer’s V to measure the effect size of the association. A 95 percent confidence level was used for the whole analysis of this study. The 0.05 level of significance was used throughout the study to test the significance of the association between PPE utilisation and severity of injury when an accident occurred. Utilisation of PPE was negatively associated with severity of injury. Further, while Helmet, Jacket, Heavy trousers and Gloves reduced severity of injury, Reflective vest and Boots were not significantly associated with severity of injury sustained by the Motorcycle riders.

Inventory Management with EOQ Model for Telecommunication Tower Accessories (Study Case at BMTec)

BMTec is a telecommunication infrastructure manufacturer based in West Java, Indonesia. They produce tower accessories made of steel materials with various fabrication processes. The ineffectiveness of their current inventory management system has driven them to stockpile raw materials, resulting in reduced material quality in the form of corrosion and obsolescence. This brings up the question regarding how to improve the inventory management in the company, then drives the research to compare the effectiveness of BMTec’s current inventory management with the new-preferred inventory model. Before analyzing the mentioned issue, the primary data is gathered, accompanied by semi-structured interviews for the additional empirical data. An ABC classification is used to distinguish the essential items, which results in the telecommunication tower harmonica fence as the most crucial product in BMTec. Demand forecasting is applied based on the pattern of historical demand data. The Holt-Winters method was chosen due to the ability to adjust the seasonality and trend factor, although the forecasting inaccuracy reached 4.7 (MAD) and 78.4% (MAPE). By comparing the inventory costs over the current company’s method and EOQ model, analysis shows that with the EOQ model, BMTec could save their inventory cost 2022 up to 68%. The discussion in this paper begins with the background of the research’s underlying issues, followed by a literature review to update the scientific development for related studies. The third section conveys how the flow of this research is conducted, then discusses the findings or results from the analysis of collected data and chosen methods.

Political Knowledge and Involvement in Public Affairs of College Students at St. Paul University Surigao, Philippines

The study is aimed to assess College Students’ Political Knowledge and their Political Involvement in Public Affairs. It was conducted to the 320 college students across all college departments at St. Paul University Surigao, Surigao City, during the second semester of AY 2021-2022.  The study employed a descriptive quantitative survey method. The findings revealed that there is no significant degree of relationship between the students’ Political Knowledge and their Political Involvement which means that the student’s level of political involvement is not dependent on the level of their political knowledge.  Political knowledge in this study is measured according to public policies, political leaders, political processes, and political issues while political involvement is measured from the perspective of voting, public forums, and political activism. Students were rated highly knowledgeable in all dimensions; however, they were rated seldom and not involved in voting, public forum, and political activism.

The Forgotten Factors Affecting the Expansion of Medical Laboratory Services to cope up the Rising Health Demands in Sri Lanka

Introduction: The government of Sri Lanka identifies health laboratory service as an essential component in the health care service and is committed to providing quality essential laboratory services to healthcare seekers. Ministry of Health, Sri Lanka is responsible for the establishment and enactment of relevant legislation, and for providing technical and managerial guidelines for the maintenance of laboratories which comply with nationally and internationally accepted standards. Epidemiological and demographic transitions in Sri Lanka have compelled it to focus its attention to combat noncommunicable diseases, which are accounting for an estimated 80% of the annual deaths in the country. Improvement of diagnostics was identified as a priority in Health Master Plan 2016-2025 and by Primary Health Care System Strengthening Project.

Methodology and results: Qualitative methods such as key informant interviews, attending meetings and desk reviews were used to collect the factors affecting the expansion of laboratory services and the most crucial factors were identified by using the 80:20 rule. Issues related to the implementation of the National Laboratory Policy, laboratory financing, human resource issues, accreditation, and lack of making sense of data were found to be the most crucial factors that need to be addressed strategically to successfully expand laboratory services across healthcare institutions.

Conclusions: It is essential to improve the competencies and capabilities of the Policy Analysis and Development Unit of the Ministry of Health to facilitate policy analysis, reviews, and preparation of groundwork for National Policy enactment. Lack of accredited health laboratories and a plan to accredit may reflect adversely on the technical competence. Widespread unavailability and compartmentalization of information management systems have led to underutilization of laboratory-related data and this has resulted in a lack of a viable plan for evidence-based laboratory finance allocation and human resource development.

Stock Valuation and Financial Performance of Nickel Mining Company in Indonesia (Case Study: PT Vale Indonesia Tbk)

Indonesia is home to 22% of the world’s nickel deposits, and its restriction on nickel ore exports since 2020 has resulted in significant changes to the supply chains of vital items such as electric vehicles and the stainless steel sector. Approximately 75% of nickel is used in the manufacturing of stainless steel, the most common use of nickel. However, nickel is also essential for the fabrication of electric vehicle (EV) battery cathodes, which are required for the shift to green energy. Current EV battery demand accounts for around 7% of worldwide output, but anticipated increases in EV demand will result in an exponential increase in nickel demand. The exponential increase in nickel demand led to volatility in global nickel prices. Volatility in global nickel prices is affecting companies that operate nickel mining businesses. PT Vale Indonesia Tbk (INCO) is listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange as one of the nickel mining firms operating in the nickel mining business (IDX). The volatility of the global nickel price is both a breath of fresh air and a problem for the firm. INCO may also participate in and benefit from the rising worldwide demand for nickel in the foreseeable future.

The primary objective of this study is to evaluate the intrinsic value of a nickel mining company in order to assist investors in making decisions in the current market environment. Evaluation of financial performance over the last five years and projections for the next five years using absolute and relative valuation methodologies. The author suggests investors to purchase this stock using a risk-reward assessment suited to each investor’s circumstances and the potential return earned. Referring to the stock valuation evaluation, investors are recommended to purchase if the price of INCO falls below the range of IDR 6,051 to IDR 6,335. When the market price is inside and above the intended range, it is not advisable for an investor to purchase INCO.

Developing Key Account and Distributor Management to Stimulate Sales in Krakatau Steel

Krakatau Steel (KS) is a steel manufacturer in Indonesia. As a steel manufacturer, KS has to operate efficiently by achieving the economies of scale. Plays in commodity, make KS has to deal with price fluctuation. In uptrend price, customers tend to place more order to maximize the profit. Customers tend to place less order in the downtrend price to minimize the risk of high price inventory. KS has domestic competitors like Gunung Raja Paksi, Gunawan Dian Jaya Steel, Java Pacific, and ArcelorMittal Nippon Steel. KS also has competitor from import like China, Japan and Korea. To fulfil production capacity constantly, KS has to collaborate with its custmers, understanding their needs and fulfil it with the product and service that delivered. There are several categories of customers in this industry, large fabricators, small fabricators, large resellers, small resellers, projects and retailers. Large fabricators and large resellers have a big portion in order placement. KS has to select large fabricators and large resellers to join with key account and distributor management. Then categorize it into strategic customers, star customers, status customers or streamline customers. KS has to collaborate with every category differently to be effective and efficient.

The Memory of Asian-African Conference as a Public Diplomacy

This paper aims to explain the process of public diplomacy carried out by the Museum of the Asian-African Conference. This r paper focuses on the role of museums as actors of public diplomacy that can help countries fulfill their national interests. This paper also explains what activities have been carried out by the museum to fulfill its role as an actor in Indonesian public diplomacy. The Museum of the Asian-African Conference itself is a historical museum that holds important memories about the Asian-African Conference. This study used qualitative paper methods. The data sources used in this study consist of two types, namely primary data sources such as data resulting from observations and interviews at the research location, while the secondary data itself is data obtained through literature study from articles related to the Museum of the Asian-African Conference such as books, journals, and electronic news. The data analysis process from this study includes five stages, namely data collection, data sorting, re-collection, data interpretation, and the conclusion. The results of this paper is about the museum’s successes in carrying out Indonesian public diplomacy through events that organized by the museum. These activities also create opportunities for the Indonesian government to use them as a key for foreign policy making process.

Business Model Innovation Strategy for Creative Industry in Indonesia

Indonesia’s creative economy sector has been a promising GDP source based on its steadily increasing performance since 2010. Around 70% of the businesses in this sector are said to be Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). Just like any other business, MSMEs also faces challenges not only from internal but also an external factor, hence it is crucial for an MSME’s survival to have resilience in facing problems and uncertainties. One way to assure a business’ resilience is by developing a competitive advantage that could be achieved with a good business model that can develop according to the internal and external situation through periodical evaluation and innovation. stellar/coronae as one of the MSMEs in the creative industry also faces challenges in the form of the appearance of a lot of new entrants and competitors, causing the current market they are operating in to turn into a red ocean. By using the blue ocean strategy, stellar/coronae looks for opportunities in creating a new market instead of competing in the existing red ocean by outperforming the competitors. This strategy of business model innovation is commenced with an external analysis of the business model environment to see possible opportunities and threats, followed by an internal analysis of the strength, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats evaluation of the current business model. The result of these two explorations is then combined using the four actions-framework to see what could be eliminated, reduced, raised, and created from the existing business model. The end product will be in the form of a business model where stellar/coronae not competing with the red ocean any longer but providing a new value proposition in the blue ocean.

Main Characteristics of the Raw Material Used for Obtaining Materials for the Restoration of Historical Monuments

This article used modern methods of physical and chemical analysis to study the properties of raw materials. In our studies, the chemical, mineralogical composition, physical and mechanical properties of ancient Khiva’s used historical monuments, ceramic bricks, and masonry mortars were studied. After studying these properties, we selected new formulations to develop alternative materials. We have studied the possibilities of using modifying additives, as a result of which an identical brick will be obtained in terms of color characteristics. During the research, the chemical, mineralogical and granulometric compositions of historical bricks, masonry mortars, and clay raw materials were determined, and their ceramic–technological and thermophysical properties were studied. The chemical composition of raw materials was studied by X–ray phase studies using non–traditional modern physical and chemical methods, the mineralogical composition of raw materials was determined by scanning (scanning) microscopy, and the granulometric composition of raw materials was determined by the dry method and sedimentation analysis. The raw materials for the development of materials for the restoration of architectural monuments were the loess–like rocks of the Suzanlinskoye deposit, waste from sugar production – defecation formed at the JV JSC “Khorezm Shakar” and amorphous silica. Loess–like rocks are predominantly light brown or gray in color, consisting of minerals that form a complex structure. According to the data obtained, a comprehensive study of loess–like rocks is of great scientific and practical importance, since more than 70% of the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan is made up of loess–like and loess–like rocks.

Study of the Genetic Formation of New Formations during the Hardening of Pozzolanic Cement with a High Content of Ash and Slag Waste of Dry Selection

The results of physical and chemical studies of the processes of hydration and structure formation during hardening of pozzolanic cements containing dry–selection ash and slag waste from the Angren TPP as an active mineral additive are presented. It has been established that, despite the replacement of up to 50% of the clinker part, the experimental cements acquire high hydraulic activity, which ensures their grade 400–500, which is facilitated by the presence of active silica, alumina and low–basic calcium silicates in the composition of the additive, which in the process of chemical interaction with hydration products clinker minerals are involved in the formation of a dense microstructure of the cement composite.